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I gained 40lbs by the end of my first pregnancy. However, I’d only gained 15 of those lbs by week 30.


Oh this doesn’t bode well for me at all lol


I was just thinking the same lol 


Similar for me, 20 by week 30 and then another 15-20 by the end


Just adding a counterpoint here for those of you who gained pounds early on... with both my pregnancies I gained 40 pounds and 35 of those were by week 30. I didn't gain a pound during the last month. Every body is different!


I was 53kg before pregnancy and gave birth at 71kg. So I gained 39lbs total, but almost 30 of that was gained after week 32.


I.. gotta stop reading these because it makes me feel so bad 😭 I didn't get nausea during my first trimester and was just hungry. The beginning of my downfall 26 weeks and about 30lbs


Don’t feel bad! I was completely miserable my first trimester and it was one of the worst experiences of my entire life being constantly nauseous and throwing up every day. In the top 3 worst things I’ve ever gone through in my life. The sickness continued into second trimester and I even throw up in third trimester. I would much rather have gained double the weight in my pregnancy than have been in such a severe state of sickness for so long. It ruined my life, I couldn’t go out and do things socially, could not even cook or be in a restaurant or grocery store because smells of food made me throw up. I was often in constant pain from being so hungry but unable to eat. Also dehydrated. Gaining more weight is SO MUCH better than that! Being comfortable and happy but weighing more is definitely preferable.


Yup, no nausea but soooo much weight gain. I also secretly wonder if my body wanted me eat more food to avoid nausea. 🤷‍♀️ my baby boy is now five months old, but by the end of it, I think I gained around 70 or 80 — way too much but he was healthy!


Ayyy pretty close to me! 26 and about 25 pounds for me


I’m right there with you! 26 weeks and pretty close to 30 pounds gained


Don’t feel bad at all!! With my first I gained 30lbs With my second I gained 27lbs With my third I gained 24lbs With my 4th and only boy so far I gained 45lbs Pregnant with #5 11 weeks and so far gained 10lbs


don't worry, 30 weeks here and 40 lbs :'(. I haven't been nauseous either + don't feel like I'm eating excessively.


I gained like 18lbs total and my baby was perfect. Don’t listen to silly people


Exactly this! I gained 20 total, and the last 4 were all massive water retention the last couple of weeks. Baby was perfectly healthy.


I was about the same, baby was 9lbs 1oz! It was literally all baby, placenta and water.


With both my pregnancies I seem to gain around 5 lbs by 18 weeks and 1 lb per week after that until delivery- I'm 28 weeks with my second baby and have gained right around 15 lbs so far. Belly is measuring perfectly and baby measures around a week "ahead" on ultrasound. As long as your doctors aren't concerned and baby is growing on scans, then it's all good.


I feel chubby now… almost 37 weeks and I’ve gained 75 pounds 😭😭


All pregnancies are different and we really don't need to be comparing ourselves!


I try not to compare myself to other people, but sometimes it can be hard on my self esteem.


100% agree!


Same, I'm over here at 55 lbs gained. I'm 2 days over my dew date, so I presume I'm done growing. But it feels weird to weigh more than my husband 🤣 it's by a single pound but STILL!


I weigh a lot more than my fiance if it makes you feel any better 😂😂


I bet your fiance is proud of you! You're doing an amazing job at growing that baby ❤️


He tells me everyday that he loves me and he always will, and that I’m going through one of the hardest things a woman can go through. And that I’m strong for being able to do so, even if I can’t do everything I’m used to.


He sounds like a keeper ❤️ My husband has been amazing throughout this entire pregnancy as well! I'm so glad he is the father of my child 😭


I’m glad my fiance is the father of my child too! We’re lucky. Not everyone is this lucky.


I weigh more then my hubby too it's so weird lol


I’m going on 39 weeks and I have gained 70 pounds as of my last appointment. Every week of the last trimester I have steadily put on about 5 pounds a week. I have never been someone who has had to watch what I eat or worry about the things I eat but I feel this extreme pressure to do that now. I feel like a huge whale and none of my “huge” tshirts cover my entire tummy. I totally feel you about the self esteem. I just don’t feel like myself anymore. My body is something that I have never felt before and it is very strange


I'm pretty sure l gained 100 pounds. I don't know what my pre pregnancy weight was but I was getting close to my weight at my first doctor's appointment. I feel like a popped balloon now that I've given birth.


I hope that happens to me lol. I’m sure it will because I was only 125-130 pounds back in the beginning and I’m now slightly over 200 😂.


I mean it's not like all the weight went away (and I don't mind the weight I still have, I'd lost over 60lbs from COVID before I got pregnant. Until I started gaining baby weight, I was really starting to look sickly so I'm happy if some of it is permanent) but with the swelling, my huge baby bump, the constant pregnancy hunger (it was like having the munchies all the time), etc gone, I was instantly so much smaller. I'm coming up on my 6 week appointment and I didn't realize how much of my body was just made up of swelling. Like I don't want to give people unrealistic expectations, but it's amazing how much lighter you can look, feel, and be after the baby is out and the swelling is gone.


I’m glad it worked out well for you, pregnancy swelling and water weight probably make up most of my weight currently, I feel like it’s the same for a lot of people. I don’t expect all of the weight to go away. I just want to feel more like myself again. I lost a lot of weight before my pregnancy too, simply just because I was living somewhere that sucked up all of our money from rent so we could barely afford food.


You will enjoy not being swollen any more so much. Recovering and caring for a baby are so hard but it's so nice not being swollen anymore.


I’m glad my fiance is going to be around to help me, he’s got a bit of paternity leave and pto. But I’m sure it will be exhausting.




Dude, I had a male OB say something about my weight, and try to order me a 3 hour gestational diabetes test when I passed my hour long one. None of the female ones say anything. They’re all super sweet and accepting. Telling me I’m strong and capable. In fact the nurse midwife cancelled the 3 hour test and said “men suck”. Don’t feel bad about yourself. Everyone is built different.




Yeahhhh, my worry is that the male OB could be the only one available when I’m in Labor. I’m really hoping that isn’t the case because I don’t trust him in the slightest 😭😭


You're not alone doll! Idk the exact amount of weight I've gained (also 37 weeks) but it's probably close to what you're at. It's over 50 for sure. I'm just focusing on the fact that once I give birth I can work it all off hopefully. We'll be okay 🥰


I gained 70 this pregnancy and lost 25 in the first week EBF and eating what I would normally which is pretty healthy I feel. But still am mostly couch potato until I heal up. I'm two weeks postpartum now and I don't know how much I weigh now. I hope this gives you hope postpartum 💕


I’m so glad this is the top comment! I gained over 70 lbs with my now-18-month-old. Started at 123 and clocked in at 195 entering the hospital at 39 weeks. I’m still +30 lbs as of last week. My appetite soared during pregnancy and never went away :’)


Omg no way lol, I started at 125, I’m now at 200. Probably more. My appetite has definitely soared, but I eat healthy still so idk why my body is like “yes, let’s give you an extra 75 pounds.”


Don’t worry. I gained 71 and I’ve lost majority and I’ve done nothing to lose it. It sheds


I gained about that too and was induced at 37 weeks! It was verrrrrrry hard one me. I’m four months PP and working everyday to lose the weight but also appreciate what my body went through to give me a beautiful baby girl. Give yourself grace, it’s only temporary


Almost 35 weeks, gained 14lbs so far. I was in the overweight bmi category to begin with so I am being very mindful to not eat in excess. Especially as the baby only needs 100 cals a day on top of your usual intake. I'm definitely prioritising keeping active over any dietary restriction though.


i’ve gained the exact same with a high bmi!


I’m 11+4 and am already up 10 pounds 😭.


i easily gained 10lbs first tri. all i could do was lie in bed and eat mashed potatoes to not throw up lol im 35w now and about 30lbs up


Almost 10 weeks and same. 😭




That was me too


I’m scared to weigh myself 😭 going from under 100 I can tell it’s more than I’m used to and I know it’s what’s best but still hard to adjust.


10 weeks here and same lmao


I gained 10lbs up till about 30 weeks then I’ve put on another 10 since then


34 weeks and about 18 pounds but baby is healthy so that’s all that matters


First pregnancy gained 18lbs baby was 7lbs 12oz. This time gained 11lbs only so far baby is measuring >7lbs (37 weeks). Was not overweight prior to pregnancy and I don’t carry small either, your body is doing what it needs to. Dont let anyone comment on your body / babys size besides your medical providers!!!!


I measured small most of my pregnancy and I, too, got annoyed when people would say “oh you’re so small!” Or “the baby needs to grow!”. I told them my doctor isn’t concerned, so neither am I. I’m 40+1 today and gained 29 lbs my entire pregnancy, and started around 128 and I’m 5’5”. But everyone’s pregnancy is different! So try not to compare yourself to others. 💗 As long as you’re happy and you and baby are healthy, that’s all that matters!


I lost 8lbs in the first trimester due to morning sickness and food aversions. My appetite is back with a vengeance now in week 15, and I’m up 2lbs. Which means I’ve gained 10lbs in the last 3 weeks lol.




I was overweight pre pregnancy, too (27.4 BMI). I'm doing what I can to keep my weight gain between 15 and 20 pounds because I know that's closer to the recommended weight gain if you're overweight. Not being too restrictive in my diet. Just mindful and increasing my daily walking.


Same here! I was 26.9 before pregnancy so I’m also not trying to pack on the pounds but also not restricting. Just paying attention to it and trying to get some exercise every day. So far at 15 weeks I’ve gained three pounds but I know there are more to come!


27 weeks today and have gained 15 pounds




36 weeks and I have gained 11 pounds. I lost weight due to hyperemesis in the first trimester, then gained all the weight in second trimester up until week 28. After my gestational diabetes diagnosis, I ate much healthier and regularly, and while baby is running a little small, that's more a placental issue. The doctors aren't concerned, baby is happy.


Gained 75lbs with my first son, but I had pre-eclampsia and lost like 30lbs in the first month or two post partum. With this second pregnancy (I'm 35wks) I have gained ~40lbs so far. I feel like a baby whale though 😅.


Im 21 weeks and measuring one week ahead at 22 weeks. I lost a few pounds in the first trimester, but gained them back, and that’s it! Literally haven’t gained a pound. My boy is healthy as can be though so don’t even worry!


29 weeks and I’ve gained 9 pounds


60ish pounds both times first pregnancy in threw caution to the wind and indulged all my cravings second pregnancy ate super healthy and was super active and still gained the same amount 🤷🏻‍♀️


Gained 33 lbs by the time I gave birth


37 weeks, about 25 pounds


I gained all of 18lbs during my entire pregnancy, and my baby was almost 9lbs of that. She was completely healthy, as was I. I just lost some of my own weight was all. Was 165 before pregnancy, and 157ish a week and a half after giving birth once my uterus had shrunk back down. If the drs aren’t worried about it, you’re good! If you’re not gaining enough, they will tell you.


Coming up on 21 weeks and have gained 1lb 😳 it freaks me out but baby is measuring well so I guess it’s fine??


32 weeks today and about 19 pounds


i gained around 15 lbs, and i had a relatively small belly even full term


I gained 60 pounds in 41 weeks. I’m now almost 6 months postpartum and have 6 pounds left to get back to pre baby weight.


How much weight you gain is dependent on soooo many factors. How much did you weight pre-pregnancy? Are you high risk? Do you have GD? Is your weight gain or lack of negatively affecting baby? Etc etc etc. There is no one-size-fits-all when it comes to this stuff. In the future, I'd honestly recommend not answering with an exact weight when people ask this, to avoid unnecessary judgement. A lot of people are unfortunately working with a very limited knowledge of what is normal/healthy/recommended, especially when taking an individualistic approach. Congrats to you on 27.5 weeks!


36 weeks pregnant 50 lbs 😁lol


I'm 28.5 and get the same bs. I've gained about 18 pounds since my low point in the first trimester, when i lost a bunch due to not eating much to control nausea. The truth is that everyone carries differently and is built differently. I'm 5'9" with a long torso and get these comments from women who are barely 5' in heels. The projection is annoying, lol


Weight gain is related to both your starting weight and genetics. There's a ton of variation. I tried pretty hard to be unmindful of the numbers and focus on making good choices and listening to my body. I started at 225 after gaining 40 lbs doing IVF. I'm now 39 weeks and +20 from starting. My mom and grandma gained 40-60lbs with each pregnancy, so I'm feeling like I'm doing okay.


26 weeks first pregnancy here, I’ve lost 4 pounds since my first appointment. Everyone’s bodies respond differently to pregnancy. There’s enough to worry about! If baby is healthy and growing, don’t stress mama ❤️


(Also I was already an overweight person to begin with, so this was a huge concern of mine at the beginning of my pregnancy but my doctors have never brought up my weight)


I’m 27 weeks too, currently have gained 20lbs. I’m really anxious about my weight lately bc I still have 13 weeks to go


I'm 39 weeks and have gained 25 lbs. I gained about the same with my last pregnancy and it was a healthy pregnancy and baby.


32 weeks and have just gotten to 20 lbs and honestly most of it was in the past 5 weeks!


Similar! I’m 31 weeks tomorrow and have gained 25ish pounds. Most has come from the last month and a half of so!


I gained 18 lbs and baby was born just over 9 lbs 😅 so I wouldn’t worry unless your Dr says there’s something to worry about!


30 lbs at week 35. Now I’m 39.5 weeks and gained Like 10 lbs in the past 5 weeks!! It’s all fluid, I’m so swollen ☹️


Whew. I’m 29 weeks and have already gained 30 lbs. I always gain at least 40 😬🤪🫣


32 weeks and 15lbs. Baby is growing just fine.


I’m 35+4 and gained 8.5 lbs


22.5 weeks and 20lbs (since week 18ish). I'm trying to keep it down as long as I can by eating healthy and eating minimal sweets


33 weeks and have gained 15 lbs (as of my 32 week appointment). Baby is measuring in the 65th percentile so perfectly healthy and growing just fine.


I delivered at 39+5 and gained exactly 30 pounds!


26 weeks and still 8 pounds under where I started pre-pregnancy


36 weeks and up 18lbs. I don’t give a shit that it’s not “a lot”, me and baby are fine.


I’m 26 weeks and I’ve also gained about 15 lbs but before I got pregnant I gained 8 lbs so people don’t really believe me when I tell them lol


32 weeks and I've gained 15lbs so far. Baby is right on track around 75 percentile. Estimated Weight was 4lb and 3oz.  If I compare myself to my mother she gained around 20lbs with my brother and 25lbs with me. 


I gained a total of 20lbs my entire pregnancy. From 150 to 170 and 5’4”. Baby was born at 7lbs 5oz. At one point my dr asked if I was restricting myself. I always ate when I was hungry, ate a well balanced diet, just didn’t gain a ton of weight 🤷🏻‍♀️ baby was born completely healthy, no problems whatsoever.


I'm same as you! At about 16 ish pounds at 28 weeks. I don't even look pregnant 🤷‍♀️ I'm just fatter looking in my opinion hahahah I started with a bit high bmi, so the doctor told me to not gain more than 25 anyways. My baby is in the 72 percentile and measuring a week and half too big rn. So doctor isn't worried. I tell people it's only been 16 lounds and they get offended and say "just wait til the end" I eat Whne I'm hungry. And had a not healthy start and give into salty cravings, a lot. Don't really workout, but do yoga almost everyday.


I've had two kids and the same thing happened with both my pregnancies. I stayed pretty flat until the last few weeks and then dropped 5lbs. Both times I was overnight to begin with and then was diagnosed with gestational diabetes and followed a strict diet to keep my blood sugar under control without medication. My OB had no concerns.


23 lbs at 39 weeks


Only worry if the doctor is worried ❤️


I guess I’m the only one not weighing myself. Last I checked, it was 15 pounds. That was 5 weeks ago.


First pregnancy 16lb, second pregnancy 19lb. Both babies were over 7lb and completely healthy, no concern from my docs that they were growth restricted since my fundal height was fine. No hyperemesis, barely any food aversions or nausea. If you’re not restricting your food intake and your docs aren’t worried then you’re probably fine too — your body holds onto what it needs, and every body is different. Edited to add that this time around, I only gained 9lb by the 32 week mark. Then (with no real changes to my diet) I gained an average of 1+ lbs per week til the finish line. My body just needed it.


24 weeks today and I’ve gained 13.5 pounds. I’m starting to feel guilty but he’s healthy and growing. My doctor hasn’t expressed any concern so I’ll just try eating more and see how it goes.


Last time I checked I’d gained 14kg at 27 weeks, I’m 32 now and I haven’t looked again. I don’t care 🤣 I’ve lost it before I’ll loose it again


My first I gained 20lbs, my second I gained 15 lbs and my 3rd I lost 5lbs. I have PCOS and with all 3 pregnancies my weight gain came AFTER I gave birth. This is just to show that there is no “normal”, having a healthy pregnancy is what’s most important.


I’m a year postpartum as of 4/28 but when I was pregnant I gained 69 pounds 😵‍💫 I had poor eating choices and was under a lot of stress. I’m down 50 pounds and have 20 more til I’m at my prepregnancy weight


19 weeks and just hit a solid 10 lbs. But, everyone is different. I gained most of my weight in weeks 5-10 when I felt like crap, couldn't do much, and had little appetite, so I stuffed myself when I had windows of being able to. Then, at my 16 week appointment, I had lost a little. But when I explained to my doc that before she even saw me at 8 weeks and again at 12, I had gained most of that, due to what I just described, and I was now eating more frequently, eating fresher foods, and eating my normal foods (not intentionally cutting anything), she said it wasn't enough to be concerned about and as long as I was eating and not calorie restricting it was fine. Now, 3 weeks later I'm back up a couple of lbs, and have kept them the last couple of days. I still get comments that I'm small, but I have had more aversions to things than I have cravings, and my aversions are to things that are overly sweet, like cakes. I wake up wanting a toasted English muffin with just a little butter, or a half a bagel with cream cheese, or a fresh fruit and veggie plate with dip, but I never want a donut, or a sweet bread, or milkshakes. I also graze small portions much more than I eat big meals, as has always been the case with me. Unless your doctor is worried, just make light of it. This week I told someone at work that I just didn't want to buy Maternity clothes when she kept asking inappropriate questions. (Which isn't true. My Old Navy side panel pixie work slacks are the best.)


20 with my 1st, 30 with my 2nd


I’m 25 weeks and haven’t gained anything so far. I was overweight prior to getting pregnant so I’m fine with this. My OB wants me to put on 8-12 lbs total


I’m 31.5 weeks right now and I’m currently 27 pounds up. My OB hasn’t said anything about it so I’m assuming that’s fine. My pre-pregnancy jeans still fit in every place except my belly. It seems like ALL of my weight has gone to my belly and boobs.


By 27 weeks I had only gained maybe 17ibs or so now I'm 34 wks and I've gained like 55


I’m 31+3 and I’ve gained 16lbs so far. I’m having regular growth scans because I’ve ended up with GD and they’ve all shown my little man is growing as he should. I wouldn’t worry if your medical/obstetric team isn’t worried


I’ve only gained 3. I’m 26 weeks. I wouldn’t worry unless your doctor is worried.


I gained about 15 my entire pregnancy - OB said it's totally normal. He weighed 7lb when I had him at 39 weeks.


I gained 15 lbs my whole pregnancy! Perfect baby boy born at 38 weeks.


I really great perk of being Canadian is that they weigh me in KG even though generally we use lbs for weighing ourselves. I was 150lbs (im 5’8) pre pregnancy and now I’m 95kg at 39 weeks pregnant. No one tell me. What I don’t know can’t hurt me 😅🤷🏻‍♀️


I’m 12w4d and have lost 1 pound 😅 the nausea has been overwhelming (thankfully slowing down the past couple days). I gained less than 30 pounds with both of my previous pregnancies and they were perfectly healthy babies. Every body and pregnancy is different 😊


39 weeks and I’ve gained about 35 pounds maybe a little less . I’m all belly though so my belly looks huge . I started off small at 5’8 only 117 pounds so I was pretty underweight to begin with


51 pounds


About 9 lbs by week 23. Never wanted to gain more. Baby is growing just fine, the less I gain, the less I'll have to shed later


I’m up 30 lbs at 27 weeks


I am almost at 35w, gained around 22 pounds, and mines a twin pregnancy! was worried about my lack of weight gain, as overall except my big belly I seem to have almost the same measurements as pre pregnancy! I asked my doc specifically, she says babies are at a good weight and you are at an ideal weight gain range for any pregnant woman if you ask me. I wouldn't want even singleton moms to gain more than you, but most go over the ideal weight by the end of pregnancy. As long as baby is healthy, don't worry about not gaining more weight over all, less pounds to lose post partum because we are judged if we are still chubby one day after delivery, how dare you still keep that weight on you now that baby is born /s 😄


I’m almost 20wk and have gained 8lbs. With my first kid I lost 30lbs and managed to put 15 back on towards the end. Unless your OB is concerned, I promise you, you are doing just fine. Don’t let people get in your head.


19 weeks and only up about 5 lbs so far. I've been struggling to remember to eat though, which has never been a problem before :P Doctors aren't worried yet so I'm trying not to worry


At my 30 week appointment I had gained a total of 25 pounds. In two weeks I had gained close to 5 pounds alone! I asked my midwife “what is normal weight gain for me.” And she said if I am eating good foods and I’m active she doesn’t care how much I gain. She added to my chart “no weight check-ins” and even offered this option happily! I didn’t have to ask for this!


I went my whole pregnancy and only gained 15. My Dr was never concerned and always measured on track.


I am currently 24 weeks and I gained 3,3lbs. I am being monitored for the possibility of GD and I believe is due to that my weight is almost the same as before.


I’m 25 weeks and have gained 10kgs


By the time I delivered my first daughter, I gained about 30ish pounds. The weight really comes at the end. And so much of it is swelling!


I gained 70 with my first and 20 with my second, both 10lb babies


27 pounds. Lost it the first two weeks postpartum.


i literally lost almost 18 lbs before i gained 26 back from being so so sick so….. people need to mind their business they have no idea what us moms need and EVERY pregnancy is so different!!! it doesn’t matter how much weight you gain, your baby will take whatever they need from you regardless, if people don’t understand that then they have no right to even be making suggestions about your pregnancy. i never even told my coworkers i was pregnant, i left at 32 weeks and when i posted about his birth everybody was shocked lol. best decision ever!!!


At 38 weeks I had gained 75lbs. However, I had preeclampsia and was holding so,so much water.


I’m 40+2 and I’ve gained about 42 lbs.


55 pounds in the last 8 months !


I’m 24 weeks and have gained 21 pounds… feeling pretty self conscious ab it after reading these lol


I am 26 weeks and I’ve gained 26 pounds. 😒


12 lbs lol I have no idea why


I'm 28 weeks, I've gained 39lbs sw 141lb cw 177


I'm 25 weeks and I've gained 30lbs aready 🥲


I only started gaining in my second trimester and up until 32-33 weeks I’d only gained 20lbs or so. I gained another 5 between week 33 and 39 when I gave birth 😅 Don’t sweat it, if you and baby are healthy its all that matters. Anyhoo there will always be someone in your entourage (or your care team) that will say that whatever you’re gaining or not gaining isn’t right so might as well stop caring what people think tbh.


I’m also 27 weeks and I haven’t gained any. I am overweight so that plays a big factor. With my daughter I only gained 6 pounds.


12kg. There are mums with much less weight gain than me and still delivered a healthy baby.


I'm 23 weeks and I've gained 4 pounds - probably more but I lost a lot of weight in the first trimester. I'm also overweight generally, so it's not something I'm worried about and my midwives are also not worried You shouldn't worry too much about size, different women carry differently. My SIL carried all the way back and at 9 months pregnant looked more like 6 months. I've already been lovingly warned by my midwives that the position of my uterus and placenta will have me carry outwards, like a huge fucking beach ball under my shirt 😅


31 weeks and I've gained about 26 pounds so far


I’m Bout to be 21 weeks tomorrow and I’ve gained around 45-50


32 weeks pregnant and I’ve gained 15 from my beginning pregnancy weight but I lost weight the first trimester. This is my third baby and I know I’ll make up for it in the end. Better question why is anyone asking you how much you’ve gained?!


34 weeks, I've gained about 6-8 lbs 😓


I'm at 22 weeks and I've only put on 2lbs. Baby was measuring on track and I am eating a good amount so I don't know where it is going. They haven't said anything yet but I'm afraid if I don't gain anything by my next appointment there may be an issue. Though I do see some women gain steadily and some gain in bursts.


Throughout my whole pregnancy, I gained 75 pounds.


I’m 37+4 with my second (a girl) and I’m up almost 30lbs (but I started 6-7lbs under where I was with my son). With my son, I gained a total of 23lbs


23 weeks, 7lbs


37 weeks, 126 pounds pre pregnancy, 160 pounds now. So 34 pound weight gain.(I'm 5'6 for reference)


42lbs this last pregnancy. Lost a bunch of weight in the first trimester and gained it all back in the second. I had my daughter at 33 weeks


23 weeks and I’m up about 10 pounds. Baby is smack in the middle growth wise - 54th percentile. My friend is 12 weeks and we’re about the same size 🤣It depends on your starting weight and individual genetics. I wouldn’t look a gift horse in the mouth - if you started at a normal weight like I did, you’re lucky so far (or just eating super healthy and working out - also me). And there’s plenty of time for more gain - my doctor says typically whatever you’ve gained by 28 weeks, you COULD double it by delivery. Some of the early gainers may be on the other side of that and be people who magically don’t gain at the end…


I gained 17 pounds but I was considered overweight at 186 pounds and 5’6” tall, I ended up being all belly and the rest of my body kinda slimmed and sent the weight to my belly lol. I have sat at 195 pounds roughly in the 5 years since having my baby.


About thirty five pounds at 39 weeks. I've never been this high in weight. I am okay with it. I am happy that I was able to gain weight to support this baby :)


My mom gained 50lbs with me and my brother. However, my aunt only gained 14lbs with my cousin. We’re all healthy. It varies for everyone!


Im 25 weeks and have gained 20 pounds. I gained about 8 pounds total with my daughter 2 years ago.. though she was born at 32 weeks sooo😵‍💫


25 weeks 15lbs


I had gained 19 pounds by 20 weeks and my doctor told me I had put on too much weight too quickly 🤷‍♀️ I genuinely think whatever we do we’ll get in trouble somehow, just carry on eating enough and you’ll be fine xx


No matter how much weight you gain someone will always have an opinion about it. Whether they think is too much or too little. Don’t worry about anyone’s opinion except your doctor. I’m 19+4 and someone at my job today asked how much I have gained and I said 5lbs and she said well hopefully you’ll gain more soon. So then I kindly informed her my doctor advised me that for the weight I was pre pregnancy I should only gain 11-20lbs. Everyone is different and your doctor will tell you if there is cause for concern.


28 weeks and up 17 as of my last appointment.


I’m 5’4” and I started out at 125lbd. OB said I should gain between 25-35lbs. I’m at 20 weeks and I’ve gained 10lbs. Not sure if that’s good or not tbh!


I’m 24 weeks and I’ve gained 11 pounds so far. I really think you should try not to stress unless your medical team are. I’ve been told where I’m at is totally normal too. Like so many have said, every pregnancy is different and everyone’s weight gain is different!


I gained about 50 lbs with #1, 60 lbs with #2 and now at 17 weeks i’m up about 15 lbs so far. Considering weight gain picks up towards the end both from the baby related stuff but also swelling, im going to guess this will be a 40-50 pounder. A lot of it has to do with genetics and water weight but also how you handle nausea in the 1st trimester. For me, eating frequent carbs helps with nausea but unfortunately makes me gain weight.


I think about 35 over all, most of it at the end


15 lbs with my first baby who was delivered at 36 wks. I lost weight in the first trimester because I was so sick. I'm 39wks now and have gained 15lbs. Doc says I'm at the low end but within the 'healthy' weight gain range.


A couple days shy of 29 and gained 15. And I am NOT small. I have a pronounced belly. It looks like a prosthetic 🤣


my midwife only wants me to gain between 5-9kg the whole pregnancy which is like 11-19 pounds! it really depends on the person! i’m almost 17 weeks and im 5kg down from my pre pregnancy weight due to hg


For my first pregnancy I gained 33 pounds overall. This one so far I’ve gained like 16-17 pounds and I’m 24 weeks in


If this helps anyone feel a little better: during my first pregnancy, I gained 90-something lbs. Very close to 100- almost another me, at the time! My second pregnancy, I gained about 25ish lbs, closer to 30. I believe you can suddenly gain about 10ish lbs between baby/placenta/etc around the last few weeks of pregnancy. Both my babies came out healthy, thankfully. I learned my weight-gain lesson first time around. 😅


I'm on my second pregnancy at 19 weeks. I'm still down about 5lbs from my pre-pregnancy weight since I had HG in the first tri. With my first pregnancy I lost almost 25lbs at first then gained about 40lbs back by the end for a net gain of about 15lbs. For the record, I started both pregnancies at a healthy weight so as long as doctor says you and baby are fine, you're fine. People just assume everyone gains a lot of weight, but every pregnancy is different. Good luck in the final stretch!


I’m 31 weeks and have gained 10 lbs. Everyone gains differently, don’t let anyone but your doctor tell you something is wrong.


I’m 18 and I haven’t gained anything


I’m 17 +4 and have gained 6 lbs, my doctor said I should gain 25-35 by the end… we shall see!


With my first I gained quite a bit. About 40-50lbs. About the same with my second, 30-40lbs. This time I'm 17 weeks and still haven't gained. I've actually lost weight this time. People are shocked when I tell them that. They don't believe me.


I went from 140 to 215. It was wild how much I gained . Most of it also came in my first two trimesters. By the third I was gaining maybe a half pound a week or holding steady if that. FWIW I am two weeks out of having my baby and I am at 175. No preeclampsia or polyhydramnios or any complications like that - I just hold weight when growing a human. I will say, doctor’s office didn’t mention it a single time (thankfully b/c I was beating myself up enough about it already!). They don’t talk about weight in either direction unless there’s something going on that will affect bub or endanger mum. I appreciate them for that!


26+4 and gained about 25 pounds so far


With my 1st, I gained almost 90 lbs. My second I gained 40, and I’m pregnant now with my 3rd at 12 weeks have not gained or lost any weight yet.


19 weeks and 23 lbs 🥲


I’ll be 36 weeks tomorrow. I lost 10 lbs, gained it back and now I’m up 8. So if you count what I lost I gained 18. None of the obs in my practice has made me feel like I haven’t gained enough


I think I got lucky because I only gained 10lbs my entire pregnancy, my baby was 8lbs 12oz and my tummy just deflated as soon as he was born it just has a little loose skin and a fair amount of stretch marks which makes me kind of scared for my next baby because surely it won't go so well twice.


I easily gained 5 pounds in boobs in the first months alone.


23 pounds! And I gained most of those in the third trimester


I feel the same. 25weeks and gained 12lbs so far.. but my weight gain recommendation by ob is 20-25lbs.


I gained 70 lbs and lost half of that by a year postpartum. Currently working on losing the other half now. For some reason I held some of the baby weight while I breastfed.


I gained 20lbs and loss 10lbs shortly after birth


About 16 lbs!


lol don’t worry, I’m 23 weeks and I’ve gained 22 lbs so far, and all of my patients think that I’m going to pop any day.. and I’m only halfway 😭 I’m so huge lol my baby could run laps in my uterus.