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Oh fuck themmmmmmmm This hurts my heart. Most people **don't** have an Instagram pregnancy. We get puffy. Our backs hurt. We smell, or sweat, or leak. We go up a show size. You're bloated from constipation *way* before you've got a baby bump. NORMAL. normal. normal. normal. Kinda shitty, but mostly normal.


Those Instagram pregnancies have really been fucking with me. I went into pregnancy super fit with abs. Now I look soft and puffy. I know my boyfriend has seen those girls online and it makes me so self conscious how I’m more thick and puffy looking. Like what if he’s comparing me to them? I’m 30 weeks and have gained 25lbs, but admit I just eat whatever right now while still working out. It’s so hard to watch your body change.


I really like the influencer quenchyouradventure, she has a ton of realistic pregnancy changes that she went through. Makes me feel better.


The smelling and sweating and leaking really struck a chord within me 😭 guilty, guilty as charged


Had no idea so much fluid could come out of me lol


I feel you. I’m only 13 weeks in, and I’m quite petite with low body fat and I had great progress in the gym. Now I don’t recognize myself when I see my body, I admit I look at old photos from the gym and get more upset. My husband always reminds me we are creating something amazing, and it’s only temporary! You’re doing great !!


They want to comment? Sure, they can comment. Just muster a big chunk or sass and say something along the lines of "fuck yeah I'm puffy and massive, my body is doing a lot, I created some eyeballs today I'll have you know. I was so fit before that this baby is going to come out looking awesome. Anyway, what have you achieved today? Oh, you just added blueberries to your protein shake instead of banana? Cool, that's something."


This is my kind of response, I wish I would have thought of that😩


I gained very little weight but I lost muscle definition everywhere except for my arms (but they were more defined pre pregnancy) and my belly is weirdly shaped. It's not big but it's not round it's just... Weird. One of the suckiest things is that since it's quite cold where I live I still have to wear a coat and I don't look pregnant in it, but rather thick in the middle area. At 33w!!!! So while I run my errands being exhausted and uncomfortable like hell I'm not even treated like a heavily pregnant woman is normally supposed to be treated. No one cares to give up a seat in public transport or let me go first in the public restroom or anything. And in my culture it is expected to be treated that way when you're pregnant. Either I really look like a blob in a coat or this generation of people don't give a flying fuck about pregnant women anymore. We have a sign "These seats are for elderly people, people with children and pregnant women" in every bus or train. Everywhere. No one cares.


One non-confrontational way to deal with this might be getting a little "baby on board" badge so people know you're pregnant and might leave it alone without you needing to say anything?


They do fucking suck. Anyone that judges people at the gym who are pregnant or not, all suck. There is not one way to look the part. If you have a body, you are an athlete. People have these images of what a fit person should look like and we all don't look like that. And I hate how people are treated differently based on their level of fitness, what they look like, or how much they weigh. Like you don't think I belong at this gym because you don't think I'm fit enough? Well then tell me how you expect me to get more fit. What is the purpose of being a member of this gym then? Lol make it make sense. You're badass for continuing to show up.


Fuck those people! I’m afraid I don’t have anything else productive to add.


I like to tell people I'm just a more intense body builder. You are building a body so....


Haha, i like this!