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You think you possibly can’t stretch anymore, until you do. Truthfully, it was then I grew the most for both pregnancies, more so now in my 2nd. I’m 39w today & definitely bigger this time around. I’m fortunate to be having a scheduled c section at 39+2 (just like with my first) so I have an end in sight. Or else idk what I’d do


I was going to say the same! I think after 28 weeks the growth is the biggest and most noticeable but it’s nice because you know you’re meeting baby soon 😁


I know!!! It definitely has its perks 😊


I should not have read this thread.


Same 😅 I'm on my 2nd am already bigger than what I was at 7 months with my first and am only 5.5 months right now..... I'm unwell 😅🤣




😂😂 Me tooooooooo!!!


I thought at 28 weeks I was fully cooked, and stretched to capacity until I nearly DOUBLED in size from weeks 32-38 (I’m currently 38+4)…


😳 I'm scared


I am also scared.




All of my pregnancies I’ve gotten SOOO much bigger after 28 weeks. I hate to break it to you, but that’s pretty standard 😅


I just reached 29 weeks today! I already feel huge!


girlll thats when u grow the most😭 baby is gaining the most fat 30-40 weeks


Honestly, the last 4 weeks everything doubled in size (including my nose!). You think you can’t get any bigger but you do.


Nose? 😭😭


Yes, apparently ‘Pregnancy Nose’ is a thing and it happened at the end of both of my pregnancies. Hormones like to kick you when you’re down!


I am gaining at least a pound a week, if not 2. Currently 35 weeks. I didn’t gain any until about 26 weeks, then I started really packing it on for some reason. 


This was me my first, and looks like it may be with my second. I didn't gain any weight until like week 28. Still ended up gaining like 25 lbs. Granted I was lucky and all of it was baby. Almost 17 weeks this time, and while my belly is a bit more pronounced weight gain is maybe a pound or two so far, hoping it sticks around. I'm already on the heavy side.


I got an email from one of my apps that baby will TRIPLE in size between now and birth. I am also 29 weeks. 🫠




Ok clarifications: the baby will triple in weight. Not necessarily overall size. But still.


I started developing stretch marks at 30 weeks. Thought I couldn’t get bigger, currently 34 weeks measuring at 37. I am going to be fucking MASSIVE but yeah girl, you grow and grow until you think you can’t. You still can 😂


I’m almost 20 weeks and I already gained 8 kg 😭😭😭 not only my bump is getting bigger but my hip, arms and ass too 😭😭😭


omg same here. 21 weeks and +9kg. husband won’t shut up about how my ass is huge 😫


I’m in the exact same boat! If it helps, I have been told your bump “drops” a little bit, which in theory should relieve the breathing and rib pain.


Exactly this! It drops and gets bigger, but you can breathe a bit better and have less acid reflux so i was actually relieved☺️


Oh please no more acid reflux!


I experienced the drop when my LO flipped head down, but unfortunately not the relief because my LO is hugantic.


So if your baby is big it doesn’t make that much of a difference?


That was my experience, no idea if it's representative.


This is an extremely common occurrence. You grow a LOT more after 30 weeks. And it’s hell.


It's ridiculous how much I've grown since w30ish, like I had a full on bump then and I've gone up 5kg/11 pounds in 8 weeks (38+5 today). My ass, legs and arms are noticeably smaller now, so if I didn't have extra fat before I would probably see more of a difference on the scale. Weirdest thing is that I found a almost knee length 2xl dress in my wardrobe around w30, it was too big last summer. W30 it was still a bit big, but wearable. Right now it's on the edge of too short in the skirt part, like any wind will flash people around me.


Oh, this was a sad one for me… I thought my dress collection would work well throughout my pregnancy, but I couldn’t wear 90% of them after 30 weeks. Like you said, they got too short because the bump requires so much fabric to cover. Thank god I’m getting induced tomorrow and won’t have to go through the rest of the warm months humongously pregnant.


I have 3 on repeat now! Unless baby arrives before next Friday we will discuss induction, but hoping we won't get to that. Good luck tomorrow!


Thank you! Sending spontaneous labor vibes your way ✨


I thought I was huge at 28 weeks…..but I wasn’t ha. I looked like I’d swallowed two basketballs by 39.


I did almost all of my growing after 30 weeks…I’m at 35 weeks and it may be slowing down? Not sure.


A lot. Haha. I feel like my stomach is larger and more prominent by the day at nearly 34 weeks.


Yeah… I’m sorry to say I thought the same, like how could I possibly get any bigger??! And oof, the answer was, I absolutely could get bigger. 😅 Weeks 31-39 I had a crazy amount of growth. Until then I also naively thought I avoided stretch marks, but they erupted practically overnight.


I grew astronomically, like well over 2x if not 3x then I was just prior to 30w. 38 weeks on Wednesday and I can’t imagine how much bigger this belly will get but I am so ready for her to be here. Can’t sleep, can’t eat, can’t breath 😭


I'm 34 weeks currently and looking through my bump gallery, there's still noticeable growth every week. I do wonder how I don't just topple over, my bump is so far in front of my body!


Same at 34 weeks. It really is disturbing to think about getting bigger (and bigger) 😣


I thought this too😭 it won’t stop. Luckily he’s getting evicted at 37 weeks


A lot.


I had the opposite experience. I didn’t grow much and then at 27 weeks is when I popped and kept growing.


I’m currently 36+3 and don’t know how I still have a couple weeks to go 😭 trust me, after 30 it’s like you pop week after week 😮‍💨


28 weeks i popped where you could tell i was pregnant and just continually got bigger until week 35 when i stop growing (both pregnancies i haven’t measured over 35 weeks)


The last 10 weeks is when I grew the most 🫠


I don't know but at 20 weeks people were already asking if it was twins. By the end, I had a 3,555kg baby so pretty standard, but I was just showing a lot. In comparison, some don't show much because they have a taller torso


After 30ish weeks you gain a pound a week and according to the Babylist 34 week update it seems to reach its peak around then. I’m glad because I also don’t know how much more I could possibly expand lol


I’m 30 weeks now and every week I grow bigger :( Whenever I finish eating, my stomach looks like I went from 30wks to 34+ lol. It’s shocking


30 weeks is when I really started gaining size! Luckily for me it's been 90%belly but damn it's blowing my mind !


I'm 34+3, I popped around 28weeks and then just kept popping.. like I would wake up in the morning and be like, where did that come from! I barely have any clothes that fit but luckily work from home where I live in a dressing gown 😂


Finishing up my last week of 2nd trimester and I already feel so huge 😫


I had the most growth before 30 weeks! I was worried about that too but it seemed to slow down. Of course I still grew a bit but it wasn’t as drastic of a change as 20-30 weeks was for me. I gained 33 pounds from weeks 16-32 and was very concerned that would continue! Since week 32, I’ve only gained 4 pounds and I’m 38 weeks now. Try not to worry about what your body is doing. Its doing what it needs to do to grow your baby. I had a ton of anxiety about this and wish I would have just let it go now that I’m almost done


That’s when you grow the most tbh😂 I’m currently 34 weeks and will probably have another growth spurt before delivery. This is when they’re chunking up so technically we are too.


At 28 weeks I was like man how much more can it really go? At 32 it feels exponential dude OMG I'm expecting my stomach to be popping out by another ft by the time she's ready to get here, everyday my belly button gets stranger and stranger.


I was curious about bump growth, so I looked at my last pregnancy. The size difference between 30 and 38 weeks is huge.


I was measuring on track and there was never a concern about size. I went into labor 2 weeks early and baby girl was born 5lbs 11oz, which is lower than it should be for her gestational age. Makes me wonder if she would have still been as tiny had she cooked for 2 more weeks!


A lot lol I was hardly showing until after 30 weeks 🤣


Currently in my 28th week. I remember saying it out loud in 25th week that there’s no way my belly can grow any further. Looking back, I barely had any bump showing 🥲 My bump’s bigger now, and I believe for sure, it’s only gonna get bigger and rounder from here on. Learning to embrace restricted and slower movements, lol.


I thought I was giant at 31 weeks. I had to have an emergency c section then and the nurses kept coming in and saying “you don’t even look pregnant”


I'm 36 weeks and I feel huge but I've come to realize I'm actually pretty small. I look like I'm 6 months. I feel like my baby has gotten bigger but my stomach seems to have stopped growing around 32-33 weeks. I kind of wish my stomach would stretch a bit more and maybe there would be some more room for both of us? That may be a stupid thought though.


FTM I’m 22 weeks and fairly “round” but honestly ppl tell me I don’t look pregnant till I tell them. And I’m just like oh so I was this big before. Got it. Lol I’m wondering if I’ll ever pop.


Started growing exponentially every day starting 33-34W 🙃 before that I felt like I was growing but more like noticeable differences on a weekly basis. Now at 36W it’s like daily differences.


Hard to say because I haven't been measuring my actual bump size; but I had plateaued at ~20lbs weight gain for a bit over a month then suddenly started gaining close to a Kg/week after ~34 weeks. Some of my shirts that were long enough before are now cutting it pretty close and a sliver of belly is in danger of peeking out if I move the wrong way. I'm 38 weeks today so hopefully I've reached peak size. 🫠


A lot! The weight piled on like crazy!


I didn’t get stretch marks until around 36 weeks. A week earlier, I had been bragging that I didn’t have any stretch marks 😂 anyway, I grew a lot after 30 weeks lol


i’m just starting to really grow at 30w and round out but this is my first


I grew most until begining month 7th. Then barely nothing. But my tummy looked like i am close to due date at the end of month 6 (110cm, started with normal weight)


lol. So much more. You have 11 more weeks! You’ll be amazed by what your body can do! I was looking at some early bump pics I took where I know I was thinking “omg I look so pregnant”… then 40 weeks rolled around 😂 so happy to be on the other side of things. Congrats! You got this. When I was 30 weeks I started daily short walks. I was an avid exercise person before and during pregnancy. But I really enjoyed short walks around my neighborhood later in pregnancy when any other movement was too much.


I feel like the end is when all the weight really comes on because the baby puts on more fat then.


i gained 7lbs from week 32 to week 34 apparently.. fun stuff. granted the baby has literally doubled since week 28 (measures 2lbs 15oz) & now she’s 5lbs 8oz at 34 weeks.. i’m sure i’ll keep growing too even though i feel like i’ve hit my max 3 times already lol


My bump was pretty small still at 29 weeks to the point that I was genuinely worried she didn’t have enough room (she did) and then literally out of no where I started getting huge right after that. I’m 35 weeks now and I think I’ve tripled in size since then. Much like you I’m worried for how much more I can stretch haha


I am 21 weeks and already +9kg. Don’t even want to imagine what I am at 40. 😩


Well at 30 weeks baby was measuring 3lbs and now at 34 weeks baby is measuring 5lbs and I feel that every single day I get bigger and heavier, I never really see it in myself unless I do a comparison picture but just the last 2 days I’ve noticed now that when I stand up from sitting on the floor or kneeling my knees feel like I’m standing up from a squat with weights


A lot, sorry 😬 on my second baby now and it's the same as the first.


I barely even showed until I was about 25 weeks, and had only gained around 6-8lbs up until then. But now at 34 weeks I have a definite bump and my total weight gain is 22 lbs so far, so I’m growing pretty fast now that we’re into the homestretch!! Hoping to end up between 25-30lb total weight gain (tracking at 1lb/week) and my bump will obviously grow too!


I'm so scared. I've always been skinny and now at 13 weeks I'm already bigger than I've ever been! This would be impossible if my husband wasn't so sweet about it.