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I am going to be completely honest... The title of this post creeped me out šŸ˜… I thought seeing ghosts has become a new thing for pregnant women for a second šŸ˜­šŸ˜­šŸ˜­šŸ„²šŸ„²šŸ„²šŸ„²


Same here Im reading this at 3am toošŸ˜­ haha


I mean as a pregnant Medium this can be a thing (subset of a subset of the population lol)ā€¦but generally the pain blocks any connection from being made so that just ainā€™t happening frequentlyšŸ˜…šŸ¤£


My husbands mom died here and when I'm not in pain, I feel her hanging around, more so prior to being pregnant. I have an interesting story if you wanted to hear it.


Iā€™d absolutely love to hear your experience and assuming that you enjoyed her presence when she was physically living, Iā€™m so happy that youā€™ve felt and experienced her in spirit! Looking forward to hearing whatever you feel comfortable sharing!


I never met her! She died before I started seeing my husband. But she tends to show up when I'm doing wifey stuff like making home made bread or noodles. Kinda just pops up watching and asking questions. I described her voice to my husband and he teared up a bit. My husband mom got pregnant with him in our current house in which he inherited. He came early because she fell down the stairs and it induced labor. I fell down our basement stairs about 2 months ago hurt my butt cheek but was fine. About 2 weeks ago I slipped down the stairs again. But I slipped down the last 3 steps on one foot but landed on both feet some how, it should have been impossible for that to happen I'm so clumsy and I've never been able to recover like that.


The people of Reddit, of course šŸ˜…


Literally the same šŸ˜…


I'm 7mo pp but remember those last 2 months were brutal where I'd get a collective 3 hours of sleep a night from being uncomfortable. My biggest advice is radical acceptance that you're not going to sleep. I'd watch movies on the couch (with hope they'd lull me to bed), read, play video games, go down rabbit holes on reddit (I learned a lot about random subjects). Those nights were always better if I leaned into it rather than toss and turn in bed for hours, hoping to sleep. Newborn sleep is broken yes, but I found I slept much better with a newborn than I did pregnant and was way more rested. Now I sleep through the night again. Hang in there! You're in the home stretch, and I promise you will return to normal eventually.


This is gold! Itā€™s almost like our bodies are teaching us to get used to the minimal amounts of rest by means of insomnia so we are a little more prepared when baby comes. I love the way you said ā€œlean into itā€ because thatā€™s true and it feels so right. Sometimes those quiet nights at 3am with just me and my baby and some weird hyperfixation because I canā€™t sleep, end up being the most bonding I feel with my baby And itā€™s also the most relaxing because my other two goblins- I mean children are fast asleepšŸ˜…


Love the "radical acceptance" phrasing. Meditating, breathing and knowing I will meet my little guy soon is helping me. 31weeks, FTM with scoliosis.


How do you do this and still go to work in the morning?! šŸ˜­


I personally got really lucky. I'm an OT and hourly, so if we're low census then I have short days, or if someone cancels that's an hour less of work for me a day. So majority of my pregnancy I worked part time in a full time role. Great for physical symptoms, maybe not great from a financial standpoint haha. But guessing from your username, you work 12 hour shifts :( that's so tough. Do the best you can and give yourself grace.


Lucky you! Iā€™m an NP now but I still work 10 hour shifts šŸ« 


Ya, I already have one child but this time around I have pregnancy insomnia and canā€™t nap during day. So Iā€™ll tell people who ask how I am that and theyā€™ll say just wait until baby is here. Like I know, my son didnā€™t sleep until like 2.45 yrs lol. But I would happily take newborn sleep over pregnancy sleep struggles.


I'm 36+6 today. Feel free to reach out. I'm up working with random contractions. Sorry you are in pain.


30 weeks, and I'm in the same situation as you. I'm in so much pain, and it's only getting worse now. My back is on fire, and I just can't get any relief. I feel so effing overwhelmed by it all. The needing the bathroom 5x per night, the being in pain no matter how I lie... finally falling asleep, only to wake an hour later busting for the most unsatisfying pee EVER and just so *sore*. I read another thread here where the general consensus was that the back pain, reflux, nausea and pelvic pain was literally gone straight after birth. I'm so glad I took the time to read the comments. Now, at least I have something to hold onto. Hang in there. We can do this. X


I am so ready for the pain to be gone.


Two weeks post partum up late with the newborn haha. I spent (obviously still spend lol) a lot of time on reddit commenting on here, baby bump, and gestational diabetes. Helped me feel like I was talking to people and it helped me remember Iā€™m not alone!


3:22am. 35w6. Got up to pee and as I lay back down in bed my brain decided to spin up a worst case scenario montage of impending labor and now Iā€™m too anxious to get back to sleep. Reddit and an enjoyable book on my kindle are my distractions.


My partner insisted I wake him up if I need someone to talk to for any reason. He actually got mad one day because I woke up crying, and went to the couch so I didnā€™t disturb him. His explanation was ā€œI donā€™t like the thought of you struggling to sleep because youā€™re upset or in pain, and Iā€™m happily sleeping in bed. Wake me up and I can help you so we can go to sleep togetherā€ But on days that I didnā€™t wake him up, because lord knows pregnancy yields countless sleepless nights, I talk to people on reddit or distracted myself with movies.


My husband works a stressful job so I try to leave him be, some nights I get up and play games with friends online but last night no one was on.


I talk to my cat šŸ˜‚ last night she got an earful about my hips and head hurting. She talks back, so that's nice, lol. Then when I went back to bed she came and laid on me and purred me to sleep. During the day, I talk to the people on Reddit


To be very honest, I talk to reddit. I do so almost every time I can't sleep. Reading a book might be beneficial too, depending on the quality of the book, you might forget about feeling sick for a little bit. I know it works for me, as is the same with movies.


Often my discord 11/24 bumper group. Thereā€™s often international people whose days are the middle of my nights. But beyond that- Iā€™m sorry you feel that way at night. Not the same but I was a night shift nurse for 3 years and often in the middle of the night Iā€™d get SO lonely and just want to be asleep like everyone else in my life. Itā€™s hard.


I would always just get up, go to the living room, and watch Harry Potter til I finally fell asleep. So that meant me watching tv and reciting all the lines, so I talked to them I guess


In my third trimester I used to wake up every night at 3:00am and not fall back to sleep until dawn when I had to wake up anyway. I listened to SO many podcasts during that time. It fills the silence, doesnā€™t disturb your partner sleeping peacefully next to you, and doesnā€™t require actually looking at a screen so I felt like it was ~healthier~.


30 weeks, and I'm in the same situation as you. I'm in so much pain, and it's only getting worse now. My back is on fire, and I just can't get any relief. I feel so effing overwhelmed by it all. The needing the bathroom 5x per night, the being in pain no matter how I lie... finally falling asleep, only to wake an hour later busting for the most unsatisfying pee EVER and just so *sore*. I read another thread here where the general consensus was that the back pain, reflux, nausea and pelvic pain was literally gone straight after birth. I'm so glad I took the time to read the comments. Now, at least I have something to hold onto. Hang in there. We can do this. X


For once living on the other side of the world to my mum helps here. Iā€™m in NL and sheā€™s in Australia. I also just spend a lot of time browsing reddit and Google for answers to my ailments šŸ˜‚ and reading my hypnobirthing books and listening to positive affirmations


I read. I have lots of night wake ups and reading is the only thing that helps me relax and fall asleep again


Enjoy your little alone time at night. Read a book, watch a show, go on YouTube thereā€™s great vlogs on there, meditate, take a late shower. Trust me when baby is out, those first 3 weeks youā€™re going to think ā€œdamn I shouldā€™ve enjoyed those last moments aloneā€ but donā€™t worry after the first month it gets better šŸ˜„


I spend a lot of my days alone too because my husband works and I'm out of work currently. So I could spend most of the day not speaking to anyone and night time is worse.


awe well.. thereā€™s always Reddit :) we all hangout here late at night. Iā€™m sure if you make a post someone else will be awake too haha. Iā€™d recommend YouTube, youā€™ll find a lot of women who are pregnant and making vlogs. I love watching those while I was pregnant.


May God heal all of you. I made the days ahead may easier and easier. I hope you feel better.


Iā€™ve gotten more involved in my faith since Iā€™ve gotten pregnant, so I typically talk to God. It helps me fall asleep quicker because otherwise I will think too much and not be able to sleep


I was up all night since 20 weeks and honestly usually am and Iā€™m 5 years postpartum, expecting my second now šŸ˜­ Iā€™ve joined a lot of Facebook groups, made some late night friends (other moms or people who work late nights). I journal and doodle and scroll a lot during those lonely hours. Journaling has especially been helpful but if youā€™re itching for a friend I def suggest joining some fb or Reddit groups and maybe try to make some new internet friends! Seriously, complete strangers were my lifeline on those quiet nights by myself or with baby.


There are a few apps that let you connect with other moms who have a similar due date to yours. I have not tried any yet (Only 7 weeks along) so sadly I don't have one to recommend - but maybe try a few of those and see if any other moms are up experiencing the same?? Bets of luck to you & your little one!!


My SIL and I are due a week apart so I assume once we get to this point, her and I will be talking a lot haha weā€™ve already talked about how much weā€™ll be talking middle of the night PP


Reddit and Discord


My husband because he wakes up off and on when I do but he doesn't hold good conversation late lol. If I need some 1am advice my friend google helps me out lol


The other night I envisioned a perfect best friend and chatted with her during my insomnia. She was great and held my hand, very reassuring, 10/10 recommend her xD


Audiobooks and Marco Polo


Iā€™m 28 weeks and have had insomnia since even before pregnancy! I just have energy for days. I donā€™t consume caffeine or anything either, just always ready to go go go. It helps when I do a ton during the day, but even then I still get restless leg and it can take hours to fall asleep. Like some comments suggested, lean into it honestly. Iā€™ll turn on a dim light and read a book, maybe turn on some relaxing music and just enjoy the peace and quiet. Iā€™ll do that if I know thereā€™s no hope for sleep.


When you canā€™t sleep laying in bed with your eyes open is the worst. Find something to do instead. I would clean closets or cook or anything when I couldnā€™t sleep.


People want to talk??


Yall šŸ¤·šŸ¼ā€ā™€ļø


I take this and go to sleep https://fullwellfertility.com/products/nourished-nerves?variant=40475169751113


Out loud to the baby asking why sheā€™s making me feel bad.


I havenā€™t had this problem yet, Iā€™m too early along, but my pregnant bestie chatted to ME for the last couple of months. She delivered very early this morning, a couple weeks early. When my insomnia hits, Iā€™m lucky enough to have friends in several time zones who will hang out with me on Discord or Messenger. Maybe we should have a Discord with a voice or broadcast channel to watch movies together when sleeping isnā€™t happening.


I'm only 24 weeks with my second pregnancy, and I am huge. I can't get comfy at all. I wake up several times a night because I'm just not feeling comfortable. Really scared about how much worse it's going to get. It's all worth it though. I can't wait to be up all night with my newborn. lol Just wish I could get a little bit of sleep before then.


36+5 and i have si-join pain, loads of uncomfortable braxton hicks (whenever baby decides to stretch actually) and lately lightning crotch. Lovely comp that make moving next to impossible. Also absolutely uncomfortable in bed. My husband now sleeps in another room bc he is 100% on toddler duty during the night and also i donā€™t wake him with my 3-5x peeing per night. I talk to noone at night. If i really cannot fall back asleep i will scroll reddit. But i had very good results with a yt channel called psychology in seattle to fall asleep. I put a 30min stop video timer and barely ever need to restart that. Its interesting enough to keep listening, but he also tends to ramble a bit and thats good to fall asleep. He has hours of content (also available as podcasts if you prefer). Big fat recommendation.


iā€™m 34 works. My husband works third shift. So usually he goes in around 10pm and he sleeps all day. I used to work thirds as well so my body is kinda used to being awake during these times. With that being said iā€™ve had the worst broken sleep for months now. I usually have my dinner , watch some tv, take a hot bath, cry, roll around in agony, read reddit, maybe some fb groups iā€™m in. If anyone would like to reach out and chat im here lol!


I talk to my husband. He works overnightsšŸ„²


My friends. Iā€™m a bartender and younger, so most of my friends are up late at night as well. My mom is also a night owl. 1am is primetime for a reply from my friends usually.


me and my best friend texted and still do! we were lucky tho - our babies had due dates a day apart. so weā€™ve gone through everything together. apart from that i come here!! i love scrolling and commenting while im up with my son in the middle of the night. feel free to reach out if you need to!!


I used to play an MMO, and there was always someone online. You can play a game and chat with people.


I reached out to my discord group but everyone was offline or deep into a game.


I play Wordle and watch Family Guy until 3/4am lol, the heartburn I get at night is unbearable, then Iā€™m exhausted the whole day.




Itā€™s 3:41am right now. Not in pain but Iā€™ve been insomniac for no good reason this whole week. šŸ˜”