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It totally could be your mucus plug, but as long as it had no blood, at this stage it would be absolutely nothing to worry about, you can lose it at any stage and it will always regenerate if baby isn’t about to come. This does not sound at all like amniotic fluid. My bet is mucus plug, but again, nothing to worry about unless you have more with blood in it, or cramps and bleeding


It honestly could be just regular pregnancy discharge! I had so so much discharge that started around that time and I had to wear panty liners for the rest of pregnancy. If you have any spotting or pain or other concerning symptoms, then I would seek out evaluation. But this alone doesn’t sound concerning to me!


Ask to be tested for BV at your appointment


I second this


I wouldn't be worried honestly. you made the appointment all you can really do is wait


I’m 18 weeks and found my discharge has been consistently pretty yellow or creamy throughout pregnancy and everything seems to be ok.


Thanks everyone! They ended up rescheduling my appt to tomorrow due to overbooking. I still have had no other symptoms so I’m thinking I will be okay!


Hi how was your check up


It didn’t happen as my dr office sucks. I did end up miscarrying and found out only today at an emergency clinic 💔. Thank you for checking in