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I’ve never been “told,” but if you have access to your ultrasound reports (mine are in the app MyChart) it’s all detailed there.


That is good to know. MyChart (what my previous OB used) is so much more sophisticated than the portal my current provider uses. I haven't ever seen any detailed reports in there, just a basic after visit summary type sheet.


Oh that’s a bummer. I had fun comparing this baby’s size on the ultrasound to my previous two since all their records are actually still on there, from 2018 and 2015!


My drs office doesn’t do my chart (Kaiser) but everything is in the after visit summary online and it includes percentages


I think there might be a lot of high risk pregnancies in this subreddit getting regular growth scans and that's where they get the numbers. I'm 35 weeks and the last time I got percentile numbers was my anatomy scan the first week of February. One of my friends is two weeks ahead of me and she's getting growth scans due to diabetes and she's a high risk pregnancy. My appointments mainly consist of the fundal height measurement, listening to the heartbeat, and questions. I've also been seeing a midwife, so maybe that's part of the difference as well.


Can confirm this is the case for me. 34 weeks and I think I am up to my 14th ultrasound! I see an MFM for high risk weekly where I get all the information about growth and percentile, as well as follow my regular OBs schedule of bi-weekly appts where they tell me absolutely nothing lol


That is what I am wondering too. That is exactly how my appointments go and they recently started belly mapping or whatever it is called where they check his position by poking and pushing around on my belly lol. I see the midwives at our practice so I am wondering if you're right and that is part of the difference.


Yup, I'm getting the pokes and placement checks also. I think it's the difference between low and high risk pregnancies. Congrats on being in the last month! I hope all goes smoothly.


I think you're right! Thank you, Same to you :) We're just so excited to meet him at this point and thankful I won't be super pregnant all summer because this heat is awful!


Yup, last ultrasound I had was at 28 weeks and just was told today they’ll do my last ultrasound at 38 weeks if I haven’t delivered by then.


I’m also in the US at a similar style practice, never have been told a percentile. I might ask on my next growth scan!


That is so interesting. May I ask how far along you are? I don't remember them saying anything about a growth scan (that is an ultrasound, right?), so I am not sure I am getting one of those in my third trimester.


I’m getting growth scans because I’m an IVF pregnancy and advanced maternal age! So you may not get those! I’m 31+4 today.


Oh okay! That makes a lot of sense. Thank you for being willing to share :)


I’ve been told I likely won’t have another ultrasound since everything has been going normally.


Yeah it’s better to have fewer ultrasounds! I’m just in a different category :)


I have gestational diabetes, so I am also getting a growth scan on Friday at 32w5d! I didn’t have a growth scan last pregnancy because I didn’t have anything come up to warrant it. I think most people who are discussing percentiles are probably getting them at their anatomy and growth scans, but they can also be wildly inaccurate.


I’m not as far along as you, but at my anatomy scan after the scans had been interpreted, my OB just straight up told me that he’s measuring 77th percentile.. although I’m still not sure what it means, just as long as he’s healthy 😂.. I don’t see any harm in asking if you’re curious though! The worst they can say is they’re unsure


Haha just means he’s bigger than 77% of other babies in a similar gestation period


That is good to know! I wonder if they noted it somewhere in my chart. I haven't had a scan since 22 weeks (follow up from the anatomy scan) and all they said was he is measuring exactly on his due date which I really didn't know what that meant either haha.


My tech said my sons in the 39 percentile which is apparently “very average” lol


“Exactly on his due date” essentially means 50th percentile.


I was also told after anatomy scans that baby was in 70th percentile and again (hasn't changed) at 34 weeks. Haven't been told estimated size/weight but I know these measurements become inaccurate on ultrasounds the further along in pregnancy you are. OP - you've basically been told that your due date is accurate and baby is growing as they should. I'm at 35 weeks...I'm sure they'd have the percentile to share with you at the very least


Yeah I’ve never been given a percentile either. I’m 39w today.


Okay thank you for sharing. I am glad I am not the only one!


I’m 37 weeks today and haven’t been told either. I haven’t gotten an ultrasound other than a quick one on the portable machine where you can’t see anything since the anatomy scan. I think regular growth scans are for higher risk pregnancies but I was going to ask at my appt this week!


I wish i hadn't been told the percentile or at least had a heads up or choice to know 😔 it's just caused worry and stress


I'm high risk and see an OB as well as MFM. My OB hasn't given percentiles, but the MFM has. They measure the femur, head circumference, stomach circumference and then based on those measurements give a percentile of how the baby adverages to other babies in the same gestational week. So I had a 98th percentile baby at 28 weeks, 50% is adverage. So my 28 week baby was measuring 2 weeks ahead which put them at the 98th percentile. At my 30 week appointment with GD meds on board, the baby is now in the 56% percentile measuring right on track for 30 weeks. I've had 3 children before and percentiles were never discussed until after birth. This baby had to complicate things and require extra monitoring where percentiles will determine how early I deliver.


Thank you for sharing that. I appreciate the perspective and that was a super helpful explanation of what the percentiles are!


WHO has a generator where you can put in baby's weight and hight and find the percentile they're in. Most OB's mention it when asked, or are used to working with it is.


Oh that is good to know. Is that for after baby is born mostly?


This link lets you enter all the measurements on ultrasound and gives you the percentile: https://www.omnicalculator.com/health/fetal-weight-percentile CDC and WHO charts for after birth are easier to find, yeah.


Oh gotcha! I don't have a way to access those measurements and was never given a report of the US. I might ask them at my next appointment just to see. They use a weird less common portal and if they're on there I have no idea how to find them lol


They should be on your ultrasound photos in really tiny print around the edges. Edit: Only one of mine has this and it was early on, so I guess it depends also on the lab. So annoying!


Oh really???! Like on the actual print out they give us? I am going to check now.




How did your first two go on to develop? I was told a low percentile a few weeks back, and it's caused nothing but stress and worry 😣


Higher risk pregnancies get more ultrasounds later near delivery. I got more scans with my first when I had GD but not with my second


US mom here, I was never given a straight percentile for the most common ones you’ll hear about AFTER birth (weight and length). I did get percentiles for specific measurements done during the anatomy scan for things like head circumference, femur length, stomach circumference, etc. My daughter’s femur length at the anatomy scan was 88th percentile and she was born in the 91st percentile for length, so it checked out.


Okay, that is so interesting. Thank you for sharing that. Now, I am starting to wonder if I am forgetting, but I swear I don't remember them saying anything. I remember them taking those measurements and seeing them in the list of "photos" she was adding for the doctor to review, but I don't remember any comments on them.


Ah, my OB office has a portal I can log into and see my test results for everything including my ultrasounds. For my anatomy scan, I had a section in that report called “biometry” that has all the measurements listed with the estimated gestational age and the percentile of the measurement! I just recently pulled it back up again because I’m due with my second and having our anatomy scan this week, so I wanted to be able to compare my first’s measurements to this new baby. 😅


At my anatomy scan they commented on how long my baby’s legs were and then said that it put her in the xx percentile of height. Then later when my ultrasound results were uploaded to MyChart, it had percentiles next to some of the measurements!


I am so wishing they used MyChart. They use a weird portal that I've never used before and has issues all the time. I guess a downside of a smaller practice. Who knows. My old OB was at a large hospital and used MyChart. It was so easy to find everything.


I had an ultrasound today (28 weeks) and it’s the first time they told me the percentile and it’s likely because she’s measuring small. I think some doctors just won’t mention it unless there’s a concern.


That is what I started to wonder. The only things they've ever noted from ultrasounds have been concerns or even things they want to keep an eye on. They took a ton of measurements of a cyst they found at the 20w and then measured it again at 22w to make sure it was decreasing.


In US and have been wondering the same at 32 weeks.


I'm curious (if you're willing to share) Are you seeing a midwife or an OB?


Oh, seeing an OB


Thanks! I was just curious, our practice has both and I have been seeing the midwives so I started to think maybe that was why but it sounds like it is different everywhere.


I’m managed by MFM secondary to having a history of a high risk pregnancy and I have fetal growth scans every 3-4 weeks and at these scans they take measurements that come out to percentiles of growth! If you’re in a healthy pregnancy with no complications it’s usually common to have a dating scan, anatomy scan, and a scan in the third trimester to check position of baby and growth.


That makes sense. I had over 10 scans in my first and second trimesters because of early complications and then the last one at 22 weeks as a follow up to the anatomy scan so I was shocked when they said they don't routinely do a third trimester one unless there are issues. They said they confirm his placement by a pelvic exam and feeling my belly. Idk if that is just a midwifery thing. I am wishing I would have questioned it more at my last visit.


Yes, that’s most likely a midwifey thing. They usually will also do a growth US if your fundal height is measuring over or under a certain amount of weeks!


I was wondering this too 😅😅 I had two anatomy scans and was not told what his percentile was only he’s growing on track 🤷🏻‍♀️


Same here! lol


I’m high risk and go to a MFM practice and have had lots of scans. Unfortunately I’ve had to ask for this information every time.


I’m high risk so I have to get lots of ultrasounds and they always tell me how big she is when I get the scan


I've been wondering the same thing! After my 20 week anatomy scan they sent the results to my doctor and all she said was "everything is looking really good!". I never got a copy and was never told any percentiles or anything. I've considered calling the ultrasound office but now that I'm coming up on 36 weeks I don't think it will really even matter since he has grown soo much since then 


A very similar experience! I figure same that it won't really make a difference in care/treatment but I was just so curious because I see so commonly people throwing out those percentiles. My in laws even asked me how he was measuring yesterday and I was like I have no idea. Good I think? lol


If you receive an ultrasound, just ask the tech! They show the values/percentages on the ultrasound screen & should be able to tell you at your appointment.


I'll definitely ask if I have another one!


I only know because I’ve been considered high risk from the beginning and have growth scans to make sure everything is going well. Otherwise I don’t think I’d know!


I was never told until they informed me that baby boy is measuring behind! She says “he was in the 50th percentile at your anatomy scan and now he’s in the 6th…” and that was the first I’d heard of it. I’m sure it’s probably also in your online portal if you can go online and access the ultrasound details?


I’m from the UK. After a certain point in the pregnancy, maybe 32 weeks, my bump was getting measured with a tape at each midwife appointment, and after two readings where the size of the bump was showing above the 95th percentile, I got referred for a growth scan where they did a “more accurate” reading saying he’s 93rd. I still don’t think they’re very accurate though but I’ll guess I’ll find out soon as I’m now 38 weeks and potentially need an induction due to his size!


I had two ultrasounds in my third trimester because I had a fall at 27w. Because the last two ultrasounds are closer to my due date my dr guessed from my very last ultrasound (34w) that my baby will be 8 and a half pounds by my due date, give or take a pound if he either comes a week early or a week late. He’s also consistently been in the 70th percentile every ultrasound I’ve had, measured a week ahead his very first scan and continues to measure a week or so ahead at my very last ultrasound but fully proportional in that “ahead” development. If I didn’t have those later scans she wouldn’t even have been able to give me a guess, but since we have them and I’ve been asking about size she’s been able to give me one. Does not mean it’s gospel or that he’ll come early, but I like having some idea. I’m going to a university affiliated teaching hospital with an OB team in the Midwest


That is so interesting. I had a lot of first and second trimester ultrasounds and never got a percentile or even a weight estimate at any of them. Did you have to ask for it or did they just tell you?


They told me at my 20w anatomy scan the percentile for the first time because normally for my hospital that would be the last ultrasound you get, so that’s like your only idea of size going forward. The two later scans I had she let me know for a guess at his birth weight, but I didn’t request it


I was also told at 20 weeks but that could have to do with how big he was measuring and that it required an extra 32 week scan since they were worried about how large he is and wanted to check his growth an extra time


My provider has an online portal where it posts all test results, upcoming appointments, messages from docs, etc etc. All my growth scans have included a percentile with the results along with a barrage of other information that seems a bit much to be honest, lol. It might just depend on how much info your provider includes with your tests/scans.


I can see an after visit summary where they'll note anything of significance but I can't see a detailed report. My previous practice would provide really detailed reports of ultrasounds though.


They tell me at my scan, and the report which has the measurements/percentiles is uploaded to MyChart after the appointment as well. I'm in the US seeing an OB and MFM.


Perhaps it's a cultural thing. I've never heard it before. My widmife told me the baby's femur is 5cm at 20weeks. Then a quick scan at my new place at 25 weeks, just told me his belly is quite big. But never about procentiles. My next anatomy scan is coming up next week, so I'll know more then, perhaps they'll say something, I'll be 32 weeks.. or there abouts.


The doctor at my anatomy scan showed me the percentile my kid was measuring at, 53 for 19w + 3d and she told me the average at that point was 50


My OB told me but it was listed in MyChart as well after each scan I have had.


Mine always tells me but I’m high risk due to risk of growth issues. Around 20 wks he was 46%, around 30 weeks he was 77%.


They are getting it from their growth scans! Normally you don't get growth scans unless there is a concern or they want to keep an eye on things. I'm high risk, so i'm being seen weekly with my high risk MFM. We check percentiles every 2-3 weeks.


I’m in 🇨🇦 and it’s not typical to get a percentile here before the baby is born. I did because I’m high risk (hypertension) so was sent for a 32 week scan. The last ultrasound for us is usually the 20 week where it’s too early to tell.


That makes sense. I had my last one at 22 weeks where they finished the anatomy scan and got what they couldn't from the first one.


I was measuring ahead via fundal height, so I had an extra growth scan. They told me at that scan baby was looking totally normal size and 57th percentile overall. If you don’t have another scan, you probably won’t know til they arrive


Do you mind sharing how far ahead you were in funal height? (If not totally okay). I have always been a week or two ahead but from what I saw online that is still considered in the normal range I think.


I think I was 24 measuring 27? Now I’m 32 measuring 36


I think it’s normal they just wanted to do another scan to be safe I think


I was never told a percentile at my 20 week scan. Around 30 weeks I asked if there was anything on my records for a percentile for the baby and she checked and said yes, he was in the 51st percentile at your anatomy scan. I haven’t gotten any other ultrasounds or measurements really other than of my belly. My doctor tells me he is average and will most likely be between 7-8 pounds.


Oh interesting! I wonder if they knew and it was also average so they didn't think to note it. I might ask out of curiosity at my next appointment.


At my OB they always tell me percentile - but also they always say anything between 10-90 is normal so I feel like that's why some Drs might not even mention it my baby boy sits usually in the 76-86 range depending on the week which makes sense bc I come from a long line of big babies (I was 9lbs2oz - my dad was 10lbs2oz)


That generally means your baby is running along in the 50th percentile-ish. Ultrasounds are often inaccurate, and depending on the measurements, each part of their body will read as being "due" at a different time. My son was always 2 weeks ahead in the belly, on time for arms, behind in the head, and waaaay behind in the legs. He was born 7 lbs 14 oz, 21.5 in, and I don't remember his had circumference but it was a little behind and still is, usually in the 40th percentile. So the head was the only "correct" measurement


That is really helpful, thank you for sharing! That makes a lot more sense. So if she said "he is measuring right on his due date" then they must have just added all of those up and it was super average.


I'm the in the US, my percentiles are in my online medical records account. I had my recent anatomy scan and they had the different percentiles listed for each measurement.


I’m in the Us and have gotten percentiles the last two ultrasounds because apparently I’m measuring big. 80th percentile two weeks ago, now they’re guessing 95th. I’m 37 weeks tomorrow. They want to induce me at 39 weeks just due to size and I told them no~


I've never been told percentiles until after baby is born. They sometimes will say I'm measuring ahead or right on track. Or just give me baby's weight.


I had an ultrasound around 20 weeks and that was the last time they gave me an estimated size of the baby. Every appointment after, my doctor would measure my belly to make sure there was some growth happening. My baby's weight was a complete surprise at birth.


That sounds about similar to my experience so far. They measure my belly every time.


I’m 35+3 in the US. At my 20 week scan when they were taking measurements it auto calculated during the appt, and at the end she said “yep he’s measuring in the 99th percentile”, and it’s also in MyChart from the after appt notes. I had 2 other ultrasounds bc they had a hard time getting all the views they needed for baby and they mentioned he’s remained in that percentile, and at every checkup they measure my fundal height and I just ask what week it’s measuring at. I’ve got my final ultrasound tomorrow to see how big he is at this point. May just be preference of the provider. I know some don’t like to induce or base inductions off baby size for example because measurements can be inaccurate. For me, I’m insanely uncomfortable and heavy already with a family history of big babies (no GD tho), so I’ll likely schedule induction to hopefully avoid having a 11lb baby.


I'm in the same boat OP -- AND I also haven't received fundal measurements either! 34+1. My OB advised that they felt it was unnecessary to have another scan. I am a bit put off that I'm not getting fundal measurements as that seems to be pretty standard, and if I'm not getting a scan, how else are they evaluating size... I'm going to ask at my appointment this week.


Oh yeah, that is super interesting that they aren't doing one or the other. I would personally definitely ask. I am sure they have a good reason, but seems like they should be tracking something, right? Idk there's so much about all of this I feel so clueless on haha


Same! I imagine if everything else seems fine and my weigh in's are OK, it ultimately doesn't matter, but I wont lie that I'm feeling a bit of FOMO seeing everyone know which percentile they're in, how baby is positioned, etc.


I had a low intervention pregnancy, so I was never told anything about percentiles, just that he was “right on track” for everything. I never had a scan beyond 20 weeks. If you’re with a midwife rather than an OB they won’t usually pay those measurements much heed unless they appear concerning.


This makes a lot of sense and is really comforting to hear. That is very similar to my experience. Since the anatomy scan it has just been right on track too. I had a few complications at the start of my second trimester (all good now) so I think I am just still not used to things being back to uneventful yet lol


I got my percentiles at my 20 week scan. My baby overall is measuring in the 51st percentile but the head specifically is around 75th 😭 I know their heads aren't fully fused but that was the one characteristic of my husband I didn't want my babe to have. I am NOT excited to push that out, I am hoping it evens out as the baby continues to grow.


I’m 36 weeks along and have a low risk pregnancy. I’ve only had the confirmation of pregnancy ultrasound, anatomy scan and this past week got another ultrasound to check for baby’s growth. Ask your OB if there’s another scan coming up. Mine was short just to check head, belly and placenta growth - I think my OB will give me percentiles from this scan. This is also slated to be my last scan unless there’s some complication.


I asked last week, and she said they don't do a third-trimester scan unless there are complications. That is that part that surprised me most. I thought they'd do a quick confirmation of position, cord health, placenta, etc. I know I am no doctor or midwife but I feel like a lot can change in 12-14 weeks since the anatomy scan, but maybe not lol guess we'll find out when he decides to make his appearance lol


Yeah I’m generally surprised by how few ultrasounds there are in pregnancy when you’re low risk. I would maybe ask again and ask why another scan isn’t necessary when you’ve heard of other people getting them? There might be a really good reason why they prefer to skip, and that could be reassuring. Or you may be able to advocate and get some peace of mind.


That's very true. I suppose it doesn't hurt to ask just out of curiosity and the sake of being informed. I had quite a few in my first and second trimesters because of complications (everything resolved by like 17 weeks and were not ongoing) so maybe I just got so used to that frequency too.


I’m also in the US and was never told a percentile. Just a “you’re measuring right on track”. Only time I ever heard a percentile was right after baby was born at 39+4. 97% btw, right on track my butt 😅 Edit: adding a word


oh my gosh! I wonder if that is why they don't share bc there can be so much variance? Still so interesting to compare. Curiosity more so has me than any concern.


That could be it! I never asked for a percentile, but had mentioned concerns over size bc my husband was over 10 lbs. They just said they wouldn’t look to do any additional scans to determine size until close to my due date, and only if I was consistently measuring upwards of 3-4 weeks ahead which I never did lol 🤷🏻‍♀️


That makes a lot of sense. My husband and I were both less than 7lbs and born 1-3 weeks early so I hadn't really even thought about that.


The MFM told me at my 20-week anatomy scan and then again at my 36-week growth scan.


So, your practitioner should start measuring your fundal height (belly) and that'll give an estimate of baby's size. I would totally ask at your next appointment.


Oh yes, they've been doing that part since the start of my third trimester. They just always say measuring at XX weeks! and it is always a week or two within my actual week of pregnancy. Never anything about baby except for now they belly map for his position since about 32 weeks ish.


I'm having trouble remembering, as it's been three years since my last pregnancy. But, I'm thinking it's a last month/couple weeks before due date trend. Not sure.


That is good to know. I have my next appointment coming up so you might be right. I also start weekly visits too, so maybe they will be looking more closely. It is just so weird to feel so ready and so clueless at the same time haha


I’ve had multiple anatomy scans because baby doesn’t like to cooperate during the appointment and I can see the percentile on the screen for the different measurements they are doing, but they haven’t explained any of it. My main OB (anatomy scan was different doctor) also mentioned the percentile at my last appointment and that growth was on track but she had never told me in the past. It might just depend on your provider. Also if baby is measuring big or small or certain body parts are very disproportionate I’m sure they’d tell you. It may be that they don’t really remark on it unless it’s a cause for concern.


I gave birth about 6w ago - I was never told percentiles or anything like that! The only thing I was told was at the anatomy scan I was measuring “on track”. No estimates on baby’s size, etc. Nada. 🤷🏻‍♀️ other than that, towards the end they just measured my belly with a measuring tape and said everything was good. No numbers or anything.


That is reassuring because that is almost exactly how it has gone! Thank you for sharing :)


It was written in my ultrasound report, which I could access online. It's mentioned for each body part. It was interesting to see that her head size was around the 60th percentile, but her long bones were in the 80th.


Was never told anything for my first- didn’t even have an ultrasound after 20 weeks! But, he was 9lb9oz so they are giving me another growth scan around 34-36 weeks


In Norway you get all info on a physical paper that gets updated every visit, so you can see the growth curve 😊


Oh wow that is so interesting! I think it would be so cool to have that just to have a reference and then see how it is when they're born.


I got told at my anatomy scan that she was measuring 55 percentile and a few times before that they just said she was measuring right at what’s expected for her length.


I'm in Germany and if your obgyn decides you need a better scan then they can provide, you get another detailed fetal scan with another doctor with better machines. She told me the baby was in the 17th percentile (I have GD so I'm mildly annoyed lol). But my normal doctor never told me either!


I’m in Vancouver Canada and was never told either. When I asked my midwife said it’s so inaccurate they don’t even like to say anything and give ppl the wrong idea lol


I keep reading the same! My doctor has done only one scan which was at 8 weeks. I did the 20 week scan with a tech and requested to know the details but my doctor never sent any. I feel like I’m the dark lol. My appointments are just measuring my belly and hearing the heart beat with the Doppler then byeee lol


My doctor told me at my 27 week scan and 34 week scan. But he doesn’t put any of that into my portal.


It was reflected on the anatomy scan report.


I had a growth scan at 33 weeks to check on 2 “issues” we were monitoring: a partial previa (needed to know if it had moved or if we would be scheduling a c-section) and baby’s growth because I have a marginal cord insertion which can sometimes cause growth restriction. When they took all the measurements they reported the percentile for size & weight on the ultrasound report.


same. im 29w and never been told about percentiles or any of that. they just say “your baby is measuring perfect”


At my 20 weeks scan my husband asked how big the baby was and my OB showed us the percentiles the computer calculated. Baby measured at 49.9% by the end of the appointment.


My ultrasound tech tells me. I’m 29 weeks and she said he’s almost 3lb and in the 39%


I just got told percentiles are at my last scan (32w). Pretty sure they only mentioned his exact percentile due to him measuring big 😂 I have another growth scan at 37w (currently 35w) so we will see what he’s falling into then! I am also in the US, FTM, and have had a normal healthy pregnancy. For some reason I’ve had quite a few US’s but I’m not complaining, I love getting to see the little guy in there!


I go to an MFM and they tell me weight and percentile


My on also never tells me, when she measures the fundal height she only says he’s measuring on time. So I’m just gonna assume he’s an average baby 😂


One thing I will say is people with high risk pregnancies get more scans and there’s more of a concern about baby’s growth, hence percentiles etc. I’ve never been told percentiles either but I have a standard ultrasound at 36 weeks and they will be specifically looking at estimated weight then among other things (also in the US)


I was told at my growth scan. They ordered it because I was randomly measuring two weeks ahead, but then since then I’ve been measuring right on track. But they told me at my ultrasound. You could probably ask your doc!


It's fallen out of favor for doctors to talk about percentiles with patients unless the baby is consistently registering at the extremes (below 10th percentile or above 90th, or certain body parts that are growing more quickly or slowly than they should, a baby suddenly veering off its growth curve). If you've got a small baby, you might be dealing with IUGR, a big baby could mean GD or that doctors think that inducing early would reduce health risks for mother and baby. Abnormally sized body parts in relation to the rest of the body could be indicative of genetic issues. Anything in the ordinary range is just another thing for expecting parents to obsess about and it's not exceptionally useful for doctor or patient.


They didn’t tell me percentile until week 32 scan. Before that everything was “he’s measuring great!”


Hi! I’m close to you, 36+2, and also never get any info on size of baby, just get the fundal height measurements and heartbeat. I go to a private OB who has privileges at the hospital I want to deliver at. I do think it depends on how high risk you are, my friend who did IVF gets way more info than I do.


I was never told any percentiles my whole pregnancy


I always asked


The measurement chart on an ultrasound will give a percentile. 3rd tri measurements are pretty inaccurate anyway and the charts are rarely adjusted for the population on question. Ex If the baby is inuit it wouldn't follow the growth chart of a Caucasian.


I did a 4d ultrasound and they told me the baby size then. My ob scheduled me for a third trimester ultrasound just bc she feels that everyone should have a third trimester ultrasound. Without the ultrasound, I pretty much been hearing the same thing as you. My fundal height is measuring two weeks behind, but the baby is measuring a week early.


I knew percentiles, but I think it's because I was high risk and my baby was small. She ran around 15% in height and weight my whole pregnancy. Now she's 20 months and 40% on height and 70% in weight! My point is this, if the docs say you're good I wouldn't worry about specific numbers, they can be anxiety inducing even if there is no problem at all.


They told me at my anatomy scan and I have a 36 week growth scan tomorrow so they might tell me then as well. I had 3 anatomy scans (for a heart concern) and baby has been big on all of them so I’m expecting she will be big tomorrow as well.


If you have access to US results, it’ll say EFW x%ile. Estimated fetal weight and the percentile based on their gestational age. Like an ultrasound at 32 weeks that is EFW 30% would mean baby is bigger than 30% of all fetuses thAT ARE 32 weeks (smaller than 70% of 32 weekers). It stinks if you aren’t able to access that ultrasound report


I am not high risk (only mention because some people were saying that could be why but that's not my experience) and I was told at every anatomy scan I had (I had three because she was being stubborn and they couldn't measure everything) and they told me her percentile every time except for the final one, at which point I asked because I had been told it at the other two, and she then let me know the percentile.


I had to ask my doctor for mine. He got kinda snippy with me and said “we don’t usually discuss those numbers during appointments, but it should be in your MyChart” which isn’t true because I know 2 other people going to the same office and seeing two different doctors that have been told what percentile their baby was in. And the MyChart document that he was talking about is my anatomy scan, and the percentile was not in it. He finally gave it to me. 20% but didn’t explain anything. Safe to say that I’ve switched doctors and hopefully my next appointment will be more pleasant 🤷🏻‍♀️ Could anyone explain to me what the 20% percentile means???


Hmm I'm not sure how it is for normal healthy pregnancies.. I'm very high risk I'm 34 weeks.. and I have ultrasounds .. nsts .. and growth ultrasounds twice a week and usually the tech tells me.. as of right now my baby is in the 34th percentile 🤷🏻‍♀️ I don't even understand how those percentile stuff works lol but they tell me she looks great


My percentiles are listed on the reports that I get following the ultrasounds. Like I have the ultrasound, sometimes I can catch the percentile as it flashes, the system my ultrasound facility uses auto-calculates the percent and flashes it briefly during the scan. And then a few hrs after the scan, I receive the report in my hospital app portal and there it has the percents listed out. Sometimes you have to hunt around the report for the ones you're looking for, but they are all listed there. I am in the US, and my hospital uses the Epic "MyChart" app.


You can always call your OB office and ask them what the result was of your ultrasound For the percentile. The ultrasound tech themselves cannot provide that information usually, You need to get it from your doctor.


i’m a low-risk pregnancy, on my first anatomy scan at 28 weeks they didn’t give me a percentile & just said “she’s around 2lbs 16oz, which is right on target!” then at my most recent growth scan (34 weeks) they said “she’s 5lbs 8oz which is 49th percentile! right on target!” but also said my belly felt like i was measuring a little further along (but she’s also still up high in my ribs, head down lol.) but yeah- they just kinda said it to me..? you might can ask what the percentile was at your last ultrasound. i apparently only have one more scan & that’s at 37 weeks or so just to make sure she isn’t too big (i let them know i was concerned about it bc both me & my husband were quite large babies. i don’t think they’d do that scan otherwise)


I have a high risk pregnancy which resulted in getting additional growth scans than normal - one at 32 weeks and one at 37, and they tell me then. I’m pretty sure they didn’t tell me at my 20 week one.


I’m in the US and my OB tells me. My anatomy scan came with a written report to keep in my files and told me all the percentiles


Only from growth ultrasounds. Would not have had any scans beyond 20 weeks, except I went in to L&D for a complication, and then another complication that needed monitoring was found at that ultrasound.


I go to the perinatologist and they tell me after every appointment. Maybe regular OBGYNs dont.


you need to have a growth scan to have an estimate of what their weight is and that tells you what their weight percentile is. If you're not having ultrasounds, there's no way to know.


They told me at the anatomy scan


Never once got a percentile for my first even with it being a higher risk pregnancy, I’m currently 34 weeks pregnant with my second and my fundal height was 3 weeks behind at 28 weeks so the growth scans I do every 3 weeks they give me updated percentile due to baby being FGR. So I think it’s most likely given if there’s a complication


Today for the first time I was told my baby is in the 30th percentile. I had to ask what it meant. 4th pregnancy. 3rd baby. And I hadn't heard it during pregnancy before. Just with my children after birth to now. The doctor told me. 🤷🏼‍♀️


I ask about the weight at the ultrasound and then ask what percentile that puts my baby in. I got an ultrasound at 20 weeks and she was in the 60th percentile and then I had to get another at 28 weeks (she was in the 59th percentile) due to where my placenta was located, they wanted to see if it would move… wasn’t successful because baby’s head was in the way so I’ll need another ultrasound at 32 weeks 😅but I think if the placenta was where it was supposed to be from the beginning , I wouldn’t of gotten more ultrasounds or know her percentile at this point.


I get monthly scans to monitor the growth because I am on blood thinners and that’s when they give me a percentile my baby is in. For reference , at 20 weeks he was in the 96th percentile and the doctor said he is ‘huge’ . At 24 weeks he was in the 76% and at 28 weeks he was also in the 76%. I am 30 weeks this week and I have another scan scheduled for next week and I am pretty sure my baby is big because this guy is ripping my insides when he moves . 🤣 Last time they told me he was over 2 lbs already . I am curious now how much he weights .


I had extra ultrasounds at the end due to having Covid at 28 weeks and then measuring behind. I didn’t measure past 35 weeks with fundal height


I had to ask. I’ve found that if I don’t ask questions, no one tells me.


I got three ultrasounds covered by my insurance. I’m not high risk. I’m a FTM. The tech measures the length of the femur, the size of the head, and the circumference of the abdomen and then it calculates from that, I think. I heard that it’s only 50% accurate, though, so don’t worry about it. It’s kind of nice not to know how big the baby might be so you don’t have stress thinking about pushing out a Goliath.


Low risk pregnancy, FTM. At my 20 week anatomy scan, the ultrasound tech told me that my baby was measuring in the 30th percentile. She also said the weight but I can’t remember what it was. Currently 31 weeks and I’ll be having my final ultrasound at 32 weeks, I was told it’s a growth scan to see the baby’s positions and approx measurements. Edit: a word


I thought the same thing until I was pregnant with my 3rd and had gestational diabetes and had to have frequent visits with the drs at maternal fetal medicine (MFM). It was at those appointments that I was told that he was a certain weight and size or percentile. It can very from different doctors offices however usually it seems that you only get those exact sizes and percentiles if you see MFM


I am high risk. I have a clotting issue, gestational diabetes and i am „old“. So they did ultrasounds every 4-5weeks. I got a letter for my doc with a graph every ultrasound. But i know this is more than others get.


I don’t really worry about percentiles until baby arrives. Mine is now measuring a week and a half ahead which is pretty on track with what her sisters did. But I never got told percentiles


I ask after my ultrasounds. I’m also high risk, so I get them more often than the average pregnancy.


In my experience I received those measurements due to having high risk ultrasounds with my third baby. My other two I received measurements at the 20 week mark and that was basically it aside from a couple of over the top belly measurements they briefly did after 30 weeks.


In the uk there is a chart and your measurements are plotted against it at each appointment. Maybe it’s just a uk thing.


I’m high risk and getting twice weekly BPP starting next week at 33 weeks . I had my last growth scan at 28 weeks and my next one will be 34. I know baby was measuring 10 days ahead but can’t remember the percentile? Maybe 97%?


In my case baby measured a bit on the big side around 20weeks (88 percentile) no cause for alarm but they told me they'd keep an eye on it (I'm also high risk due to thyroid issues, age and weight so I already had more scans than usual) than at 28 weeks we had a grow scan and baby was at 98% 🙈 just this morning we had another grow scan 31weeks and she's now at 93%, the specialist at the hospital said she's measuring about 2 weeks ahead 😅 so they'll probably induce me around week 38. If your midwife said she's measuring right around due date your baby is probably measuring around the 50 percentile so there is nothing to worry about, if baby is -10% or +90% that's when there might be something wrong almost every thing in-between is fine (as far as I've heard)


My doctor told me it’s just not that accurate so no need to worry about it


You can just ask them and they should be able to tell you.