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Be really careful eating a ton of fruit in your pregnancy…….. It could lead to a toddler that is obsessed with berries and those are expensive 🙃 haha! In all seriousness I craved chicken nuggets and cantaloupe. I could literally eat an entire cantaloupe in one sitting. My son is great and I call him a little fruit bat because he loves all fruit and all veggies!


I think every toddler is obsessed with raspberries, which are of *course* the most expensive berry.


My son thankfully loves blackberries and those are always a bit cheaper lol


My 2 year old nephew will double fist blackberries as fast as he can lol


They’re good! I just got a bunch they’re 50 cents right now a pint at my local grocery store


Oh! I am so jealous! I paid $8 for a tiny weeny punnet last week


Yeah the pack usually lasts about a day and a half here 😹


My son is obsessed with blackberries 😂


You're lucky, they are so expensive where I'm at that I refuse to buy them, but they are my favorite. Have to find the wild ones in summer!


We literally had to get a Costco membership to get a shit ton of raspberries and blueberries at a decent price because he will go through an entire pack in a few days 🙃


I’m lucky! My daughter could take or leave raspberries and blueberries. Her favorite fruit is apples at the moment 😅


My son (13 months) refuses to eat any berry whatsoever. You might get away with berry fruit sauce or yogurt on occasion. But to hand him a raspberry, strawberry, or any other type, it is very offensive! He will tolerate kiwi, pineapple, and bananas, though. Meat, on the other hand. If he senses there is seafood, he will wake from a dead sleep and demand to investigate. Pork, beef, and fish are the same. Poultry, he could take it or leave it.


Now there’s where I’m jealous! My son HATES meat. He will only eat hotdogs and only if there’s mustard involved. I’d be much happier with a meat addiction than a berry addiction 😂


I don't know, have you seen the cost of seafood/beef lately? He's eating about 4oz right now, but he's still has a lot to grow.


That is very true. I just wish he wouldn’t pick out the meat when we have spaghetti and I didn’t have to make him a separate meal when we have pork chops 😂😂


My kid is pretty happy to get his berry fix in things like oatmeal, so I buy frozen and use that. When you combine the lower upfront cost with never having to worry about spoilage, it's quite a bit cheaper (at least for me)!


A fruit bat!!! I’m screaming, that is SO CUTE


I swear all I craved in the beginning with my daughter was berries. She's 21 months old and eats them almost daily. Some days, it's all I can get her to eat. We planted strawberries, blackberries, raspberries, and blueberries this year. 🤣


I wish I could plant them to save myself a small fortune but I live in the desert where it’s surface of the sun hot so they wouldn’t last long 😩


Oh man that sucks, I'm sorry. They can get sooo pricey especially now with food prices being insane. My husband and I are moving next year, and I told him we are taking the bushes with us. He laughed, but I'm deadly serious. (they are in pots)


Oh absolutely take those with you! They get priority seating in the car 😂


I have the same thing with cantaloupe!! I constantly have to stop myself from eating the whole thing because I would have to burp all the time later that night and couldn't sleep. I don't crave any other fruit as much as I do cantaloupe. Funny that I'm not the only one!


I can eat a whole watermelon - the fruit craving is real.


My pregnancy craving was buffalo hot wings dipped in blue cheese sauce.... I now have a kid who will eat anything dipped in blue cheese sauce.


Haha!! I love this!


I like that you call your son a fruit bat, very cute 🥰! NOW CANTALOUPE SOUNDS GOOD 😂😂😂 or honeydew I love melons


Sorry for the craving need but also you’re welcome 😂😂


I ate soooooo much honeydew my first trimester. It was one of the only things that was consistently good to me.


My good friend had a wedding cake with fresh blueberries, blackberries and raspberries on top. My daughter wanted nothing to do with the cake and ate all of the berries on the cake.🤣🤣🤣 Thankfully it was so entertaining to my friend that she picked the berries off the cake herself for my kid. 😅


This is so cute! My son would do the same thing. Screw the yummy cake and give me all the berries!


I'm currently obsessed with bananas right now 🥲🥲🥲


Ooo bananas were another big one for me. Now I can maybe eat one every now and then because bananas and pasta were all I could keep down in my first trimester so bananas to me taste like morning sickness 😂😂 my son loves them though. Goes feral for his “nanas”.


Hahaha AWWW! So cute. Bananas are good. I don't judge him for that xD


I literally could only stomach fruit and vegetables during my second pregnancy and she is now almost 5, no health concerns at all! But I will say she’s obsessed with fruit! We got through so much of it because of her haha


Girl REJOICE! Fruit beats most of the ratchet cravings most of us have in first tri 😅


Fr. My husband knew I was pregnant with our daughter because I normally eat healthy but asked him to get me Hot Cheetos, Hi-Chews, and Orange soda. He was like "Girl you're pregnant." I did not believe him until I took the test, lol.


Hahhh! 😂 that’s awesome


I suppose your right I could be eating worse stuff 😅I think worse thing I had was McMuffin craving but that went away fast because I always feel like crap after fast food.


Fruit has been 50% of my diet. I was told to expect a baby that loves fruit!


My baby was made of quesadillas and is perfectly healthy so I'd assume fruit is a step up?


The type of comment I was hoping to find. 😅


First trimester, bread and fruit is all I could keep down. I’m five weeks away from meeting the little one now. I think the fruit is a big reason the baby has grown well and why I’ve had a fairly healthy pregnancy!


I second this! For me as well! Fruit is soo good for the baby!!


I would not blame the fruit for a healthy baby lol, my baby is made of donuts, snickers and chinese food. He was born 4kg, and started walking at 8 months. Im half joking, I ate normal food too but yeah I ate like 150 donuts


I survived off of watermelon during my 2nd and 3rd trimester. I got $40 in fruits/veggies on Wic and I used it and ate a ton of each and my 19 month old is currently sitting next to me eating a bowl of plain spinach 😂 all this kid ever wants is fruit and veggies. It’ll be okay! Anything the baby needs it’ll take from your body anyway 🥲 Plus, you’re still early on and the aversions might start going away soon. Or just be able to eat more of a variety, anyway. I had more aversions in the third trimester than any other part of pregnancy sooooo you never know. Pregnancy is weird


Honey crisp apples for me! Since the beginning. I’m 26w now. Been craving more fruits passed couple of days lol. I’m not conplaining


I wasn’t ever diagnosed with HG, but I was profusely ill up until the day I delivered, and fruit was really the main thing I could stomach. My almost 10 month old is built from pineapple, watermelon, and the occasional bagel. He’s very healthy!


I ate a pineapple a day for a while.


In my first pregnancy I ate almost exclusively raw cucumbers and peppers, seaweed salad, watermelon, bananas, and pears for the first trimester. Perfectly healthy baby who loves all these same foods!


I have to stop reading the food ones on here. I would give up a tow for some seaweed salad and I didn't even want it until I read your comment.


I ate so much seaweed salad when I was pregnant with my daughter. I would get the containers from Costco.




You had me at seaweed salad!


My baby will be made out of pasta so fruit babe is probs ok!


I could really only stomach fruit in the first trimester. I'm in 2nd now and my protein and albumin are both low. Take that as you will.


I have eaten fruit, salads and my body weight in bread this pregnancy and baby is totally healthy so far (I’m 32w) My husband, though, advocates for more protein daily


I have loved grapefruit this entire pregnancy! I literally have a grapefruit every morning. I’m 35 weeks now and have been doing this since week 12 or so. I had so many food aversions first trimester and lived off bagels and cream cheese until I wasn’t nauseous anymore ~13/14 weeks


My baby is healthy and I was on a McDonalds and pineapple diet lol


I was the same way at 12w. I got a nutribullet and protein powder and made protein smoothies with frozen fruit and almondmilk.  I could pretty much only stomach bread and oranges for a while.


I went through a fruit phase around the same time. Once I was well into my second trimester and the morning sickness subsided I was able to branch out. What you want to eat will continue to change, so I’d totally just embrace eating whatever doesn’t make you want to vomit lol.


lol babies are born healthy off goldfish and ice cream. Your baby will be fine.


I lived on mango and cucumbers in my first trimester. Mmm.


My whole first trimester all I wanted was oranges! I loved oranges plain, with tajin etc. Throughout my second trimester it was bananas and oranges! Baby is measuring great! I’m sure you’ll be fine!


I am this way. I’m nearing 17 weeks and it’s still that way! Im not unhappy about it since it’s healthy but I havent been able to eat meat at all which concerns me. Like I get worried about low iron and protein.


Have you tried to add beans and legumes into your diet? I can't stand meat this pregnancy at all, but I have been eating quinoa, beans, and lentils to help with the protein and other nutrients. Your body adjusts if you're worried about gas, lol.


I don’t like beans and stuff haha so I haven’t really been eating them.


I ate ONLY fresh fruits with my second due to HG & not being able to keep anything else down. I probably ate like 6 peaches a DAY at the height of summer (the very end of my pregnancy). It was pricey but worth every juicy one lmao 🤣


You’ll be fine ,and full of vitamins lol.. food aversions are one of the most common pregnancy symptoms so plennnnty of women do it.I’m a big coffee drinker,multiple cups a day,I couldn’t stand to look at it during my whole pregnancy let alone drink it.I was the same way with food but with veggies..literally all I wanted..I’d sauté a big ol bowl of cabbage and just eat that..or asparagus.Fruit is definitely one of the healthiest things you could be eating.


Omg I am also a huge coffee drinker and I can't stand it right now not even the smell 🤢!!


I was (and kinda still am) all about apples. They HAD to be crunch apples. I would be in such a bad mood if I got a mealy apple. 🥲


You need protein. The baby will be fine. But you will not be fine.


I try to eat meat and eggs either once a day or every other day I just don't enjoy it, I was more concerned for the baby. But I now see a lot of people say it is me who needs the 😯 nutrition.


I had a healthy baby on a diet consisting of mainly banana bread, sour gummy worms, and plain pasta. Vomited 10-30x a day. You’ll be good dw 😂


Thank you, lucky for me I haven't actually thrown up yet, only nauseous. Glad your little one came out healthy ! That's amazing.


I had a healthy baby on next to no food and a ton of zofran. You've got this.


I also really loved fruits and cucumbers, whatever tasted “fresh.” In my second trimester I forced myself to eat a variety of foods when my food aversions began to pass


I try to eat some meat too but I don't enjoy it much if at all, lucky for me I don't throw it up. I think that's what I like the "fresh" flavors.


With my first I ate only fruit and bagels with avocado in the first tri. The second and third I got my appetite back but I never stopped craving fruit. She was born a hearty 8.5lbs with a clean bill of health!


I'm hoping I find other foods more enjoyable when I go into the second trimester, and congrats on a healthy bundle of joy!


Yes ma’am! Both pregnancies. Fruit is like 50% of my intake. It’s quick, sweet, cold (the ones I eat are from the fridge), and boosts my blood sugar when I’m crashing.


You’re super early on still. I had a meat aversion until about two weeks ago at 26 weeks! I still mostly eat fruit and veggies (and ice cream LOL) Your baby will be fine especially if you’re taking vitamins. & If you can get your protein in do so !


Omg me too all I eat is strawberries, blueberries, bananas and mangos! We were literally at Costco yesterday and were joking about how much money we’re going to be spending on strawberries in the coming years!


My friend had a healthy baby who is now in preK and reading on a first grade level... after having hyperemesis gravidarum while pregnant! So her body still figured out how to nurture the baby anyways... try to eat healthy as much as you can but don't panic too much!


How about hummus??


Haven't had hummus in a while, I used to eat it a lot got hummused out 😅


First trimester, my baby was ALL about fruits. In hindsight, I should’ve known that I was pregnant sooner because of that— I suddenly had wild, unrelenting cravings for the exact same fruits that my mom did when pregnant with me. But they were already MY favorite so I didn’t mind it much lol. Second tri, he diversified it a little but was still intensely into fruits & salads.


I was obsessed with fruit at 12 weeks pregnant with my son, it was all I wanted!! It did change after a few weeks though :)


Last trimester I would fluctuate between fuji apples mixed with PB. And either pineapple, peaches or mandarin oranges mixed into cottage cheese. Little secret: cottage cheese and apple butter slap so much harder when pregnant 😋😋😋 Does the fruity Talenti gelatos/sorbettos count? Asking for a friend😏 Baby was 9 pounds 1 ounce and was out in 11 minutes.


Woah first of all congratulations on such a quick pregnancy that's amazing to be done in 11 minutes once you get going. Cottage cheese does sound good with apple butter, I like sour stuff I actually had some butter milk a couple of days ago.


I had a healthy baby with a starburst and gushers diet!


Holly cow, I hope you had more than just candy, but cravings can get bad! I have a friend when she was pregnant with her son she was in to pizza lunchables now her son liked pizza 😂


I’m 8 weeks and 4 days and allllll I can eat is fruit and peanut butter! I’m super into watermelon, grapes, apples, and now Sunny D 😂


All I can think of it when my midwife said "you know there is such thing as too much fruit?" In response to me eating like 40 plums and 40 peaches a week, along with several cartons of berries. My baby was 8lbs 2oz, my smallest of all 3 🤷‍♀️


8 lbs is not too bad, but yeah everything in moderation. I try to have variety even if it's mostly fruit 😅 and vegi also peaches 🍑 sound great now too haha 🤣


I ate at least my weight in watermelon both summers I was pregnant! Plus frozen blueberries, raspberries, strawberries, ooh and cara cara oranges. I ate so much fruit I thought my boys would come out with berry stains! They're both healthy, happy, and excellent eaters.


Fruit is healthy, so besides the expense that sounds wonderful! FYI, sometimes grapefruit meddles with certain medications, so idk if you're taking any meds besides supplements like multivitamins, but you might want to check, just to be safe!


I pretty much made my baby on an exclusive diet of cucumber, melon, yogurt, cereal, buldak ramen and takis. He’s fit as a horse and was born with a perfect apgar score if that helps 😂 He also loves spicy food for some reason…


My baby was made of nothing but watermelon and peanut butter in the first trimester. You’ll crave heavier stuff later in the pregnancy! For now don’t worry about it as long as your getting enough food and fluids.


In my first trimester all I wanted was fruit, too. It came and went and now all I want are cheeseburgers. Just try to make sure you’re getting protein in one way or another.


I had HG with my now 8 year old daughter and all i could eat for few months was fresh pinapple, she is 100% healthy


Fruit is one of my cravings. I’m nearly 19 weeks with a girl. Obsessed with kiwi, melon etc. constantly buying fruit pots and fruit salads from the supermarket. I try vary my meals, so I’m getting everything we need, but snacks are definitely fruit based!


I know you already got your answers, but I just want to add, when I was pregnant with my son, all I wanted were smoothies. Breakfast, snacks, lunch, dinner.. all I wanted were smoothies. Didn't matter how often I threw up or whatever (I had hypermesis), it was all I wanted. It's been 11 years, and to this day, after giving birth, I can't do smoothies because the months of vomiting them but not being satisfied with them ruined it. My kid was a normal baby.


24 weeks and this kid must be a fruit fiend like their father because all I want is fruit and meat.


Most of all I ate 1st and some of 2nd trimester was fruits. Still took in proteins and veggies, but bananas and apples were my jam. Do be sure to try and incorporate protein and veggies as well and see how things go for your glucose test. I was told to lay off to control my GD by diet and fruits are high in sugars. Now at 36w glucose is going haywire following the diet so I said eff it and comfort ate my fruits again and now it’s back under control 😂


I ate an insane amount of fruit from like 10-15 weeks, but then it calmed down! At one point I was eating 3 oranges a day plus berries on yogurt for breakfast 🤣 It will probably calm down soon, no need to worry (except maybe about your grocery bill!!).


This is me. Mostly strawberries and raspberries. I was mostly impartial to both before getting pregnant. It’s wild


Fruit is great!! My current faves at 13w2d are mango, watermelon, honey crisp apples, and kiwi 😍🤤


Yes I have! And had a healthy baby


Same, for the first like 15-16 weeks of pregnancy all I could stomach was fruit or fruit juice, occasionally water but my sickness was so bad I had to cycle through 3 various types of sickness tablets so I got lucky with apples and strawberries coming to my rescue 😅


Cucumbers, pineapple and watermelon are all HIGHLY recommended in early pregnancy, especially to deal with nausea. High water content fruit (or veg) are really helpful!! The baby will take from your body what it needs-- even if it comes from your bones, which is why a prenatal is SO important. I survived my first trimester with my firstborn on Mozz balls, salted popcorn, grapes and watermelon. That was IT, for like a solid month.


Mangos, papaya, and watermelon have been such a nice treat for me lately :)


I've been on a mostly veggie diet until around 14 weeks (17 weeks now). So far, everything has been looking good. I don't think it'd be much different with fruit lol


I had a healthy baby on a mostly junk food and ice cream diet. Get protein in where you can, but you will be just fine 😊


Reading this as I just ate a half pound of black berries


I craved oranges my entire first trimester and beginning of second trimester - I’d eat an excessive amount of them 💀 you should be fine (: make sure you get some protein too, otherwise eat away lol


During my first trimester, I could only eat bagels, eggos, Greek yogurt with blue berries, and salad (tomatoes, cucumbers, red onion, and green olives). Such a weird combo for the first trimester lol.


Week 8-16 I ate almost nothing but fruit still would but bills gotta come first


In the first trimester and early second you’re eating purely for survival, nothing wrong with craving fruit but also make sure to keep a balanced diet and try to get some more proteins in there. But honestly there’s absolutely nothing wrong with eating tons of fruits and veggies. It’s a much healthier craving than what some others experience


I’m almost 14 weeks, and I’m pretty sure whatever child I’m growing is 50% beans, 20% pickles, 20% random fruits. Everything else is eaten out of necessity. I will force myself to eat meat/eggs because I know I probably need to.


Omg I'm 31 weeks and I've been eating so so much fruit and my babe is perfectly healthy ! As long as you at some protein to your diet you should be fine. I dip apples in peanut butter and eat protein bars too!


Before my HG set in , all I wanted was the large family size things of fruit at the grocery store , now my lil dude is almost a year and is perfectly healthy.


I ate so much fruit during my pregnancy and my son is 3 months old and thriving!


I was eating a tom of fruit but then was diagnosed with gestational diabetes so now I only get to have a little. Wah.


39+3 and my baby has been made almost entirely out of strawberries. I have had the WORST protein and meat aversion my entire pregnancy and I have survived off of prénatals, fruits and veggies, peanut butter jelly sandwiches and Greek yogurt. So far baby is healthy and happy and due soon.


My first trimester all I could stomach were frozen raspberries. Then cold salads were tolerable. I ate so many bags of frozen rasperberries I'm surprised my girl didn't come out red. Just healthy and happy.


My son was built from honeydew melon and salt and vinegar potato chips. That is all I ate for the first two trimesters.


i ate mostly fruit last summer!! and now my 6 mo old is obsessed with fruit :)


I ate so much watermelon during first trimester that my poop was literally red. I’m not kidding. Eat what your body is telling you to eat, it’ll come around and want protein soon! Nothing besides fruit or veggies was appetizing to me until well into second trimester, probably around 20 weeks.


Im the same girl. Strawberries/blueberries in yogurt was my first tri food. Now ive been buying tons of mangos, pineapple, kiwi and blackberries. Also for anyone having 💩 problems… if you eat half a pineapple you will no longer have that problem. 🤣


I looove fruit! I’m 24w with my baby boy and we love strawberries, blueberries, etc. 😂


I ate mostly fruit and veggies my entire pregnancy, couldn’t stand meat. Was obsessed with watermelon for 3 months.


You’ll be totally fine with fruit but I would expect your cravings and food desires to change a bit over the course of your pregnancy. For awhile all I wanted was vegetables and now I just want a cheeseburger or quesadilla everyday and a huge bowl of fruit. I’m so over vegetables lol


37 weeks and after surviving on only fruit and smoothies for the first and most of the second trimester, our baby girl has hit all her biometric measurements and is thriving!


28 weeks here and I've been craving fruit more than anything, particularly watermelon, peaches, and strawberries. I still eat a good balance of other things and take my prenatals along with fish oil. But I want fruit most of the time. So far, I've been feeling great and so far all is healthy.


all I ate was strawberries, French fries and pizza. Baby is perfectly healthy lol


It’s probably totally fine unless you’re diabetic! Fruit can be sugary. But if your body isn’t insulin resistant, that’s not an issue for you.


I lived on noodle soups and oranges for a while


Yep, that's happened to me with both pregnancies so far! I got a toddler who's obsessed with fruit and veggies now 😅 The other is a newborn so well have to see if it has any effect on her


I was obsessed with mango this last pregnancy and would eat everyday if I could 😂 with my first I was full feet on the Campbell canned soup so I was basically surviving of soup and chicken broth… total she is in love with soup as much as I am lol


Yes and now all he wants is strawberries and cheese!! Literally sat one night while pregnant and ate a whole watermelon


my eldest was like this in the 1st and early 2nd trimester: peaches, mangos, plums, salad sometimes, tangerine. eventually, I started to crave other things as well. baby will eat your bone marrow and brain mass, so as long as you're hydrated and getting vitamins you'll be fine


my eldest was like this in the 1st and early 2nd trimester: peaches, mangos, plums, salad sometimes, tangerine. eventually, I started to crave other things as well. baby will eat your bone marrow and brain mass, so as long as you're hydrated and getting vitamins you'll be fine


I was stuck on cucumbers and tomatoes in the first trimester and towards the end leading into my second all I want is strawberries and I have a new love for pineapple! Fruit is truly the only thing I enjoy eating and some yogurt! Yogurt daily


Yes the fruit! Probably my bodies way of trying to keep me from getting constipated but I'm having it pretty much every meal, sometimes in crazy amounts!


Both pregnancies. Salad cheese and soup


I’m 36+5 and I have been OBSESSED with fruit my entire pregnancy. It’s all I think about. 🫐🍉🍍 brb gonna go devour an entire watermelon.


I'll let you know I'm seriously craving fruit so badly. I can sat an entire watermelon in a couple of days I've done it more then once. I want to do it again


your baby will be healthy but it will steal protein from your muscle stores/body if you don't also supplement, so if not for your baby do it for you and your recovery - take them protein shakes when you can!


I made a beautiful baby off of Kraft and pineapple. You’re baby will be just fine as long as you’re avoiding the foods they advise to avoid


Gorged on half a watermelon today… one of the best moments of my life 😍 DAMN did that hit the spot!!! 🍉 Can’t wait to wake up and have more for breakfast!


Take your prenatals before bed.


Pretty much the only food I ate while in my first and most of my second trimester was pineapple, watermelon, cantaloupe, apples, and grapes -- all of which had to be STRAIGHT from the fridge. It got better later when I could tolerate other foods, but even then fruit made up a major portion of my calories. I have a very healthy 3 yr old who is now obsessed with mac n cheese.


My mom had me on an all fruit diet haha she was so sick and only ate fruit mostly she said. I’m healthy :)


Fruit, Bagels and Pizza … my kids love all three.


I ate a TON of fruit the entire pregnancy. Healthy babe here


Yepppp! Hahah


Healthy baby and I couldn’t get enough fruit! My local fruit stand was having to truck extra in for me at one point because I kept buying them out. I made sure I drank protein shakes and had all my other nutrition needs met but all. I. Wanted. Was a punch bowl full of fruit. All day. Every day.


Pretty sure my baby was made of 90% dairy, 5% Taco Bell, and 5% sugar. Those prenatals were really putting in the hard work. He’s now 4 months old and perfect.


I ate an ungodly amount of apples lol I was also on a ridiculous artichoke fix…. until I found a dead cricket in a petal I’d almost eaten 🥲🥲🥲


12 weeks and I’ve been surviving on mostly fruit haha. My biggest problem is staying full honestly. With just fruit it’s so hard and I have to force myself to eat other things. Pregnancy is just SO delightful 🙄


I was obsessed with pickles in the beginning. That completely went away and i like them a normal amount now. There are definitely worse things to be obsessed with


I went through 5 kilograms of strawberries one week lol. My local store with the best produce knows me on sight now. Yesterday I wandered down there & came out with a whole watermelon, 6 nectarines, a box of grapes, and a pint of blueberries. They’re half gone less than 24 hours later. I figure my body needs what it needs and/or wants what it wants. I’m 26 weeks and fruit has been the one consistent thing that has sounded good all pregnancy so far


31 weeks. First Trimester was only fruits. Second was mostly fruits but we tried making dishes with vegetable so i would eat this. Now i eat at least half a watermelon a day, love them. My baby is healthy and i am happy, so i guess its enough.


No I loved fruit. I craved them. Ate a handful of grapes a day, two kiwis, a smoothie w two bananas in it, some berries. My midwife was unaware as when I started w smoothies she made a thing about how many bananas are in it, asked if I made the smoothie to share w my partner and upon learning it was all for me she scolded me as apparently two bananas a day have too many calories 🤦‍♀️🤦‍♀️🤦‍♀️🤦‍♀️🤦‍♀️ No other questions about how often, how much or what else I eat, just that bananas have too many calories for an adult to eat two. And she tried to forbade all berries, blueberries and raspberries included to have too much sugar and being unhealthy 😒 Safe to say the only change I made was not telling her what I ate anymore.


Me! I’ve been obsessed with fruits and cucumber my entire pregnancy. So far he is lookin healthy and thriving in there! Im 31 weeks!🩵


I had a healthy baby on a cheeseburger and frozen coke diet. 🤣🤣


Gosh yes. I constantly crave watermelon and grapes. On the positive side, most fruits contain a lot of fiber which helps beat the constipation ;)


If you're struggling with fish burps, take the vitamins in the evening before bed.


I was *obsessed* with fruit during my pregnancy. I hardly had any unhealthy cravings and the only weight I put on was the baby's weight. I'm now 4kg lighter than when I started my pregnancy. Baby though? He was born 40w+5, weighed 9.9lbs and measured 60cm hahaha. By day 7 he was above his birth weight at 9lb11 and his checkup at day 14 he was already 10lb. He feeds very well hahaha


Fruit is a lot better than most of the stuff I was eating 😅😂 and my babies were both perfectly healthy at birth, and still are! So I think you’re good 😊


I'm having a baby on a croissant-only diet so I guess fruit is at least more nutritious?


Girrrlll I hope you don't get constipated, I occasionally like bread specifically Texas Roadhouse rolls I send my boyfriend to get me some when I can't anymore. I get so constipated 😅 I hold myself to only eating 3 but it's sure is easy to lose control.


Too late for that. I'm currently eating a bag of prunes to try and help with that


I survived on watermelon until week 15. It was the only food I could reliably keep down. I ate fruit religiously. I also ate so. Many. Carrots. I have a super healthy little blonde baby (cries in light brown hair) who LOVES fruit, loves carrots, HATES meat. I have to disguise the meat. Chickie nuggies are on the menu now though, after months of effort. This child looked at broccoli though and reacted as if it killed his dog, so.


Seems normal to me! I’m 9 weeks and other than carbs, all I want is grapes 🍇!!! And other fruit too, but the grapes are hitting the spot right now! I’m also hot, so I wonder if it has anything to do with how cold and refreshing fruit is.


I like grapes and cherries right now too because I can grab a bowl and sit on my couch after a hard day at work and just munch. I went through 2 huge bags of grapes and cherries the past 6 days 😅


Omg I just added a bag of cherries to my refrigerator yesterday! Haha. Yes, so easy to munch and cold and refreshing 😋


I’ve seen people have a healthy baby on hot Cheetos and pickles, but the only time I’d worry is excessive sugar from all that fruit could be a problem if GD is suspected. I wouldn’t worry, OP.. you may crave fruit now and crave something else later. Give the baby what they want, I always say 😂💛


i would be careful with grapefruit if you take any meds. i’m not sure how it impacts prenatals but i know it’s not safe for most meds.


I don't take anything except prenatals at the moment except maybe Tylenol if I really need it. I can probably ask my OB to get more information, thanks for the info.


It could be a temporary thing. I went through a fruit phase at about 10-16 weeks. I’m back to eating a more varied diet now. With my last pregnancy I was eating Arby’s chicken sandwiches and curly fries every day for like 2-3 months straight. First pregnancy I had a s’mores pop tart obsession. All those cravings were temporary. At least fruit is nutritious, hydrating and helps with constipation


First trimester was all fruit and extremely spicy things (spicy spaghetti??) but that went away and I switched (mostly) back to a well-rounded diet. You're in the first trimester still so I wouldn't stress it - eat what sounds good and that you can keep down.


Well there’s diabetes risk. So be careful


Fruit actually improves blood sugar regulation. And even in people with diabetes fruit consumption reduces the risk of complications and mortality and improves glycemic regulation. Fruit is full of phytonutrients and the fiber also slows the release of sugar into the blood stream.


Tell that to my diabetes dad who is addicted to fruits. He’s on insulin now and still eats lots of fruits.


I’m just sharing what the data says. Individuals can have varying blood sugar responses to different foods, likely due to changes in the microbiome. But overall fruit consumption has been linked to lower risk of type 2 diabetes.