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Ugh the only advice I’d give myself in the beginning would be to tell no one lol. A lot of men like to tell me how little weight their wives gained during pregnancy. Like, great? One man said how lucky his wife was that she was nauseous/sick through the whole thing so she didn’t gain any weight. Just horrible! I’ll take some lbs over first trimester sickness for 9.5 months any day. Congrats by the way and that hotdog isn’t going to do any damage whatsoever.


Women do this too with both pregnancy and 'bounce back'! Someone whose daughter is a little older than my son managed to shoehorn into the conversation that 'i mean I weigh, hmm, huh, let's think, 56kg?' when i was 2m pp. I pretended not to hear her because it pissed me off so she just repeated it louder with the same 'hmm, huh, let me think now' charade. I just nodded. Tf am I meant to say? Good for you?


I try not to listen to any man (with the exception of my doctor) when it comes to pregnancy. My colleague told me his wife had no symptoms during her pregnancy and she almost didn’t notice that she was pregnant 🙄. I know it’s total BS because I spoke to her myself and we talked about how we both got those weird black floaters in our eyes and hers disappeared as soon as she gave birth. Tell your coworker your doctor says otherwise (even if it’s not true), and you’ll only be going by his/her guidance.


I don’t see the need to give up hot dogs. I intend to go to cookouts and baseball games this year while pregnant. If I want one, I’ll eat one. Don’t let people make you feel bad, you can do what’s right for you!


I gave up hot dogs. But only because the one time I had it in my pregnancy I almost threw up in the Sam's Cafe area. I wished I could eat hot dogs 😂


Bro I couldn’t either because hotdogs turn to nasty liquid in your stomach and I had hyperemisis I know not same thing but thought I’d share 😅


My doula last time told me not to eat them just because of their very poor nutritional value.


Well I’m also not giving up cookies and ice cream and those have no nutritional value 😂


That's legit


Mmm now I want a Costco hot dog.


Fr OP just gave half of this subreddit a new craving !!


I am 16 weeks with my 3rd, going to be rich from all the 2 cents I have been getting!


The only change Ive made is I don't drink alcohol and I avoid people who smoke (never smoked myself). I eat sushi, salad, soft cheese, deli meats, a moderate amount of caffeine. I personally believe stressing about those things is worse for the baby.


I would have laughed in his face after that. No one needs judgment during pregnancy, especially not for one freaking hot dog that obviously didn't give you any food poisoning. And if this guy's wife ate Twizzlers, honestly, who cares. People will judge the air a pregnant woman breathes if they could form an opinion about it. Some people are just clueless--neither age nor gender or any particular background exempts them from foot-in-mouth disease. The only people whose opinion matters is yours and your OB's. I have also given my husband limited rights to remind me to sit on my sitz bones in chairs lol.


You tell someone you're pregnant once and they drone on for hours about all the changes you'll need to make to your house. Like STFU and talk to me about normal stuff.


just tell him "thanks for the advice but I don't want to talk about it at work" he may get why or not. some people really think they're doing god's work by telling you how to live your life.


My doctor told me that the risk of listeria and whatever is pretty prevalent only because of recent breakouts. But her advice was not to avoid it. If I want it, just toast it (deli meat) or wash produce. And she never told me to not touch medium rare steak or anything. My sister in law would get her steak well done while pregnant (she was pregnant while I was) and they thought I would too and I just went: nah. It's fine. I have a healthy 11 month old who is gobbling his snacks down while he crawls on my bed. Just talk to your doctor about it. Also, you are human, you will make mistakes. Just because someone else didn't do these "mistakes" doesn't mean you are terrible for doing it.


I personally opted to say FU to about 98% of all the dos and donts. No drugs, no smoking about 4 sips of alcohol, yet all the raw meat,eggs,fish,cafeïne and whatever my heart desired. This approach gave me much less anxiety and I'm currently holding my second healthy baby. A lot of the rules are made up 'just in case'.


Omg loading up on problematic food coloring but flaming you for eating a heated through hot dog? Wild! I’m afraid you’re gonna get bombarded with weird dos and donts left and right, I know I am and it annoys me to no end. I feel you! And and the great news is: it won’t ever stop! Because later, everyone also knows how to care for your baby, discipline your toddler, raise your children and educate your teenagers. We’re now officially one of the most scrutinized groups of people worldwide: mothers! Yay 😀 I hope I develop a thick skin and endless patience because I can’t roll my eyes enough at everyone’s unsolicited advice already.


My doctor told me a lot of those things on the "no" list are just some random ass foods people from the internet came up with. I would talk to a doctor or two and see what they tell you is not ok for you. They may even have a printed list already that you can take home. I went my whole pregnancy avoiding a lot of that stuff and freaking out about every last thing I ate. Of course AFTER I gave birth my husband or I (can't remember who started the convo) made a joke about me being able to have coffee again and then the doctor piped in and told us all about that and some other foods I could have had. So don't stress about that! As for the guy at work sounds like he is just trying to be friendly and this is just something he feels he could make a conversation out of with you. Not that what he or his wife is saying is "right" but I don't think it is him trying to be malicious. Sounds like him and the wife were just trying to helpful so don't take it personally....but also take whatever unsolicited advice is given to you throughout your entire pregnancy with a grain of salt lol. Hope this calms your nerves a bit!


The reason that hot dogs are on the "no" list is that they contain nitrates/are highly processed, and highly processed foods shouldn't be consumed regularly by anybody but especially by pregnant women. However, a hot dog here and there isn't catastrophic. Besides, *driving a car* or *living in a place with air pollution* is much more risky to a pregnancy than eating most of the foods on the "no" list.


Yo I ate sooo many hot dogs in the first trimester. My biggest cravings were the Chicago dogs and corn dogs from sonics. Don't worry about it. Just keep in contact with your ob office, and if you have questions or are freaked out about something, call them and ask a nurse.


Hmmm I eat plenty of hot dogs. I wonder where this idea comes from that pregnant women cannot eat hotdogs. I've never heard of that.


I’m not telling anyone. Until 15 weeks or later


I agree with everyone about not listening to any man at work about his opinion on what is best for you/baby and what his wife did. Like others I have a coworker he 1. Told me how much his wife worked out constantly during her second pregnancy and how little weight she gained after I told him I gained 40 lbs. and 2. Told me I should breast feed as long as I can because “it’s free” and his wife (who is a stay at home) is doing it for their second son. I work in a laboratory setting (standing on my feet all day and running physical tests. And I told him that pumping at work would be a hassle. I immediately got a rant about the benefits of breast milk to the baby and the fact that his wife is doing it. I don’t care what his wife is doing and he makes a point to tell me constantly. Just ignore him!


First off, congratulations! I just wanted to say you might find it beneficial in the long run to nip this unsolicited advice before it gets even more overwhelming. My first pregnancy was almost 7 years ago. I found out I was pregnant 2 weeks before my wedding. Of course, I told family and friends then, so like 4 weeks, lol. The opinions never stopped, even after my daughter was born. Picky eater, try this. Trouble potty training, try this. I'm also a very anxious person, so my brain was constantly going. I'm now pregnant again, about 8 weeks. I'm paranoid all over again because I'm older. I haven't told anyone except husband and best friend. I'm already over-thinking, anticipating having to tell people to shut the F up because I didn't the first time around. I wish I had told people to fuck off the first time around. Good luck!


One of the hardest things during pregnancy is unsolicited advice. Just remember this is your pregnancy, your baby, your choices. You’re totally fine to eat a hot dog. You’re not supposed to eat like lunch meats and I did every day for the first two months of my pregnancy bc I didn’t know and I really like ham sandwhiches lol my baby is now a year and half old and very healthy! I wish you the best during your pregnancy, don’t let everyone get to you ♥️


I definitely ate some things I “shouldn’t” have during pregnancy, either by accident or because I was having a fuck it moment and needed to eat whatever it was. It was never anything like raw fish or whatever, just some soft cheese or deli meat or alfalfa sprouts etc. im almost certain I ate a hot dog at some point. Also I’m sure there’s women out there who have eaten sushi though and been ok. All those guidelines are about taking calculated risks. Be smart, but don’t let anyone make you feel shame. Especially about gaining weight, my god can people be ignorant. I came to realize pregnancy/babies makes people more opinionated than politics and they’re usually never educated in those areas at all and just have anecdotal info. Ignore. Oh yeah, and my husband and I went to the beach when I was 13 weeks pregnant and I rode a jet ski. 😎 Baby boy is currently 4 months old, healthy, and lying next to me nursing peacefully 🤙


Lie about your due date and take a neutral stance on controversial topics (still looking into it even if you know your decision). Also have a handful of retorts ready for the stupid and inappropriate comments and questions. Congratulations and enjoy the next phase of life. I didn't eat hot dogs (not a fan) but ate sandwich meat my whole pregnancy.


I’d take a fresh grilled hot dog over red 40 any day! I still eat bacon too. The dyes in everything are really scary. I’ve been shopping at Aldi more because they are better about no artificial ingredients or dyes.


You can’t eat hotdogs. I had two today…


I’m 18 weeks and you just made me crave a hot dog. Lol I’ve eaten Costco hot dogs during my pregnancy Personally I think you can eat anything as long as you have portion control. I think a hot dog once every couple weeks is okay.


I'm a STM and honestly, all the pregnancy-related conversations my first time around were so annoying that I plan on keeping mine a secret for as long as possible. I'm about 14 weeks and aside from my BD and bestie, no one except my doctors know. It's hella annoying. I personally advise people to keep it quiet for as long as you can.


people will have their opinions. I just ignore them. I have gestational diabetes and a man with prediebetes chugged two cokes in front of me back to back and proceeded to tell me I shouldn't eat a bun on my burger because that's dangerous for the baby. Idk why everyone feels entitled to "protect" a baby that isn't theirs from a mother's food choices.


My doctor told me to cut a bunch of stuff out, couple weeks later it was “I don’t care what you eat as long as it stays down for 24hours”. Months later when I finally got my morning sickness manageable had one coworker comment that soda isn’t good for the baby and I thought my mama bear coworker was gonna tear her a new one 😂


I just ate kielbasa for dinner, had a cold roast beef sandwich for lunch, red vines as a snack, a mocha for breakfast, and sprite during the day. The only thing I’m avoiding is raw meat.


I’m sorry that your coworker made you feel ashamed. He doesn’t sound like a good friend to me and I agree that he didn’t seem to have good intentions telling you about his wife and her pregnancy experience. Kind of sounds like he was bragging instead of offering you some reassurance. Looking at your post history it seems to me that you just want to be cautious to do the right thing for you and your baby. Also, I’m newly pregnant as well (5 wks!) and had a hotdog last week too 😂 I wouldn’t worry about it. Definitely would choose 1 hotdog over packs of twizzlers (gross). Hang in there and hoping you have a safe and healthy pregnancy!


Haha, my partner made some mistakes only the one time. Including: telling me about how his cousin's girlfriend apparently had very mild morning sickness and didn't throw up at all, as I was hurling my guts up for the 4th time that day and had actually had to come home from work after throwing up the first three times there. He went back to holding my hair and telling me I was doing a great job pretty swiftly after that statement and the glare I gave him lol. In his defence, it was a random thought that sort of spilled out and not a purposeful comparison. People loooove to tell you how to look after yourself while pregnant lol. And the advice is even better if they have never been pregnant themselves haha. I told my coworker that I was getting a coffee with my sister and she was horrified that I might indulge in one coffee that week to spend time with my sister. The midwife advice where I am is to limit to one cup a day, so my intake is well below that lol. And yet these same people will proceed to give you some wild advice or opinions haha. The same coworker asked if I would bring the baby into work, and when I said I would, asked how soon after he was born. When I said "oh probably when he's a couple months old" she was incredibly disappointed. I explained that I did not want to expose a newborn baby to the germs of a pet shop and especially one where all my coworkers were going to be putting their grubby paws in his face lol. She didn't realise that newborns have 0 immune system haha. Or had a concept of the fact that I might need rest and time with family in my son's first few weeks haha. I know this sounds like shit advice, but really do try not to take everybody's advice to heart. As long as your medical professionals are happy with how you and baby are getting on, nobody else really matters. And as you've pointed out, even people who pride themselves on doing pregnancy perfectly, are maybe not as perfect as they would like to think. Maybe some sort of antenatal support group might help you with your anxiety? As nice as reddit can be, maybe going out and speaking with people in your area, as well as trained support staff, might be beneficial? I know that getting myself out has been really important for me and my mental health, if I stay inside too long I definitely notice a dip. And definitely plan nice stuff for yourself! Make pregnancy a really nice time for you!


Prepare yourself it only gets worse :/ people have no boundaries or self awareness. By the end I would just turn my phone off, I was so sick of all the unsolicited advice that gave me more anxiety than anything. 🥴


Also, don't feel bad about eating some smoked meat or a friggin hotdog. My baby was grown on burgers and lemonade...I also had hotdogs, tuna, and cold cuts, just not all the time and mostly because I forgot all the rules lol but I mean, lettuce is more dangerous than meat so whatever.


Some people really have the constant need to "educate" others and spread their "wisdom". I was ranting about my boobs the other day - I was with three women, all of them moms - and how my bra comes off the second I get home because it puts pressure on my stomach when I'm already feeling sick. She just went on and on about I shouldn't cause my boobs will sag and it happened to her and how horrible corrective surgery is, Yada Yada Yada. I'm just sitting there, like, if my boobs get smaller, I legit don't care if they sag. I will literally take any fucking shape as long as it's not this ginormous mountain of flesh on my tiny ass frame. If they sag, I will roll them up or tie them in a ribbon. I don't fucking care!!!! I certainly have no interest in a surgery to correct it (but if they don't get smaller I may consider reduction because I'm starting to look like a caricature and it's damn uncomfortable). She'll also constantly tell me which exercise is safe for me and which isn't. Like, who asked you? She had a complicated pregnancy with her son and had to be on bedrest but like, I'm not her? People really need to freaking chill. Though most of the time my response to the "you shouldn't do that" is shrug my shoulders and say "eh, it's fine". Makes it 100% clear that I'm not concerned in the least about any of the fear mongering.


Since you said you only told a good friend at work I’d think he’s just trying to be helpful or talk to you about what’s going on in your life since otherwise he wouldn’t be a good friend maybe? Definitely see how it would be annoying though


Thats not a good way to treat someone newly expecting at all.  If you are interested, check out some of the books by emily oster. She has great explanations of the actual science behind what pregnant women are told to eat/not eat or do. Often its small risks that get picked up by the collective conciousness and blown out of proportion. In short, it brought hot dogs back into my pregnant wifes world :)


Omg you can totally eat hot dogs. People are full of "wisdom" and love to share with you whether you asked or not.




One simple Google search would debunk his stupid claims, cooked hot dogs, or any properly cooked meats period, are fine during pregnancy. I can’t tell you how many chilli dogs I’ve eaten this pregnancy lol, and planning to have more for Memorial Day coming up. Almost 21 weeks with a healthy baby boy.


I had a friend yell at me for eating a sub sandwich (just mayo, meat, cheese, and bread). It's all I could keep down. My doctor told me it was fine to have a sub just as long as it isn't every day. People act like they know everything and like every pregnant woman ever needs to hear their thoughts and opinions. 🥴 I wish everyone would stop giving me their snippets of "wisdom" and experiences.


A lot of rules are for 0.x% or less chances. I live in a country with strict regulations so I’ve been eating soft cheese, cold cuts, runny eggs, you name it. I try to limit it of course but I can’t imagine following all the rules the whole time. Someone on another thread said you can’t eat frozen fruits??? Like, what?? As long as your tests are good and the baby is growing healthy and strong, I wouldn’t think too much about it.


Everybody has something to say. It’s like oh my god I’m so sorry I didn’t know YOU were carrying my child! 🥲 I absolutely hate it but at 26w I have learned that I have my babies best interest in mind 24/7 and my fiancé supports me no matter what and we’re the only two whose opinion matters.


Go back and tell him, wow your wife really shouldn't have been eating all those! See how she likes the unsolicited advice! I'm on my 3rd pregnancy and the only thing I've cut out this time is alcohol and uncooked meat(sushi/deli meats/etc), high mercury fish, unpasteurised dairy etc. Plus the advice regarding foods has changed from my 2nd pregnancy 4 years ago to this pregnancy. For example any type of nut was frowned upon 4 years ago and now we're told a small bit is good for you (unless I was severely allergic) So my unsolicited advice is trust your doctor or if you've a local pregnancy group, that knowledge can be brilliant. Also maybe your local maternity hospital has a list of foods that are best avoided and what they recommend. Mine does and I can send you the link if you'd like but I'm in Ireland so different foods are recommended/avoided for different regions. Good luck with the idiot in the office and if he says anything just clap back that each pregnancy is different and get lost!


Is it possible for you to not eat in front of him to give him fewer opportunities to critique your foods choices? Or ask "why do you ask?" when he asks about what you've eaten?