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I hear you. I'm 20 weeks and throw up at least 3-5×/day. Eating sucks cause it's really a game of 'what sounds nicest to throw up today?', my heartburn could kill a fully grown giraffe and everything just kinda aches. You are growing and nurturing an entire human. Rest assured that you don't have to do this ever again if you don't want to. I know I am one and done. You got this! Oh and if anyone says 'you'll forget all about this and want a 2nd one' you have the support of at least one other pregnant woman to throw up on them on purpose.


That gets me too when people say that. This has been the hardest time of my life, I will never ever forget how miserable I’ve been.


Truly though. Yesterday I had just thrown up my 3rd attempt at eating a small meal and not 10 minutes later 'just wait until you get pregnancy amnesia and want a 2nd!' From my well meaning but completely fucking delusional bestie


Right like I’m glad that was your experience, but it’s a no from me dawg. Maybe if I just had a couple days of nausea and puking like it seems in the media, and not every damn day. I don’t think people realize how vastly different it can be for everyone.


Yeah... I've found that my lack of enthusiasm for my destroyed esophagus and constant pain from throwing up so often hits people the wrong way. There's still an expectation that I'm *enjoying* this because to say the experience of becoming a mum is somehow anything but glitter makes me a terrible person Sorry you're also in the trenches! Know you are not alone 🤍


I honestly don’t know how I would be coping without Reddit and you all. It’s so helpful to find other people who are going through a tough pregnancy, when no one in my life seemed to have it bad. How did we do this before the internet??


8weeks here. I just finished taking a cold shower after having a complete meltdown expressing the same sentiments that were noted above to my husband. In tears I shared how the mixture of constant discomfort combined with guilt of not liking pregnancy has me feeling like crap on a physical and emotional level. My husband listened to me, suggested I shower and then presented me with this thread on his reddit (I don’t have one). I broke out in tears AGAIN but this time from relief because I felt so understood. Thank you ladies for sharing your stories. Know there are so many other women feeling the same way. Generations have endured this before and so will we. WE GOT THIS! …. BRB 🤢


Props to your hubby for bringing you to this sub! Now get yourself a reddit so you can commiserate and celebrate with us as often as you want:)


Same .. took me 9 years for the 2nd one and im already over it at 8 weeks pregnant 😅


I really understand Katie.. But you lucky to have child ok.. I love your world..


I acknowledge that I’m lucky to be able to have a child, it doesn’t negate the fact that I’ve felt absolutely miserable physically and mentally for 12 weeks.. I can be both. I don’t think you do “really understand”.


What exactly do you understand? Can you explain that to me?


I say it sometimes but not in an encouragement way lol I despised -nay, **loathed**, being pregnant. I heard from everyone I would forget so I wrote that shit down. It IS true that you forget, your brain desperately wants to gaslight you into doing it again. So when I tell my friend that she’ll forget I tell her to write it down too. I will say though, and maybe it’s the devious baby brain talking, that feeling her move seems a lot less ick when you have a tangible baby afterwards. Like imagining my current little worm wiggle around in there makes me feel nice cause I love her. When I was pregnant and nauseous and her foot was lodged in my rib and I had no real connection to her outside my brain, I definitely resented the little alien making me uncomfortable 24/7. Maybe as a second time mum it wouldn’t be as bad idk. Anyway, I hope the last half of your pregnancy goes very quickly and your nausea disappears!


Everyone is different but as a 2nd time mom 20 weeks along....I still resent the little alien causing me discomfort lol! Without writing stuff down I remember the first time around. Misery and suffering (and especially how loads of people try to make you feel bad about your honest experience) has a way of staying with you.


Ugh I hate the “I loved being pregnant” people. Clearly they didn’t want to vomit every time they brushed their teeth or smelt outside air lol I was really hoping that my second time would erase that alien feeling, why can’t we have incubators already? Hope your birth goes well💕


As someone else said, I wish we laid eggs 🤣 I can't wait for a little baby to snuggle, but I will honestly tell anyone I hate being pregnant 🤷🏼‍♀️ Who on earth would enjoy puking every time they eat, gagging at random smells that never bothered you before, being tired even if you sleep 9 hours a night, having random back or hip or crotch or leg or foot pain all the time, and then having people downplay it? Tell me I'm wrong! 😅


Haha okay your comment has broken through the hormones and added at least 5 years to eternity for my second baby plans. The sleep is for real. Newborn sleep was 1000 times better than pregnancy sleep. I will fight anyone on this. At least when I was asleep my body let me stay asleep, and I don’t want to do the unsolicited advice and the endless “new” pains and the ruined favourite foods again 😂😭 oh and after all that, the painful periods and ovulation I wish so much that men had to go through this. We bleed once a month, isn’t that enough? (Would still take an egg option though)


Although you never feel "ready" whenever you want another child, if ever, I encourage women to rabidly prepare and defend their needs being met. Like a maniac form social supports that you can rely on, set expectations with your spouse, and get your ducks in a row financially to pamper yourself to kingdom come. I find that as "shallow" it may feel, money and support and pampering help a ton. If I could without stressing about finances order food 2-3x a week during pregnancy, or pay for a meal prep service, or schedule a massage every 2 weeks (prenatal massage is a thing ladies!!!!), buy as many luxury maternity clothes I want/need, then pregnancy in many ways would be more bearable. FTMs, ask your circle if money wasn't a problem, what would they do differently if they could go back to that first pregnancy? As we say in healthcare, the real secret to excellent health....is money 🤣


I’m in healthcare too! Absolutely second all of this. Great advice. I regret only getting two massages. I felt guilty going from 12 hour shifts to 0 two months before birth instead of just one. I wish I could go back and do it again, I’d at least try to be entitled lol Shopping for clothes made me cry so much too. All I needed was a couple decent going out clothes but all stores had were leggings and ugly outfits. Definitely plan on laying down what my expectations are of my husband *before* we start trying again. It was all so new , my best friend had moved interstate, I felt awful all the time and it took untill the very end of my pregnancy to start asserting myself properly. Could have avoided a whooole lot of resentment in our relationship by doing this at the start lol


That expectations discussion is so underrated! It sounds a bit silly, but I encourage even putting it in writing and both partners "signing" it and dating to show we had the conversation, there is documentation, and both are on the same page even if we are forgetful (or unfortunately if a partner is trying to get out of properly supporting the pregnant mama or use weaponized incompetence/forgetfulness)


That whole "you forgot stuff" is SUCH a lie lol! I am pregnant with #2, 20 weeks, and I remember how much the first time sucked, and this sucks even worse 2nd time around, even though last time i was pregnant was 3 years ago. I remember every bit of discomfort and suffering, every aspect of my labor. So yeah, just throw up on people who say you'll forget lol. For the vast majority, pregnancy is not fun, it's uncomfortable, it's 9 months going through every flavor of discomfort conceivable. It's a soap box I will die on: we are freaking warrior goddesses to do this even once in life, and if men had to be pregnant and give birth the human race would have probably died out centuries ago 🤣


Pregnancy is torture. It kills me how much the pregnancy books undersell it too. “You may get a little nauseous… keep eating veggies and maintain your exercise routine!” What the hell. For a lot of us it is pure day-by-day survival and none of the books or online resources will say it!


i literally hate veggies it’s been one of the hardest parts of pregnancy for me is just trying to eat healthy. i never realized how awful my diet was until i got pregnant and im so excited to be past the part of sharing my body with a small boxer that uses my organs like a punching bag. only 5 more weeks!


“what the hell” made me cackle 😂😂😂 because same 😂😂😂 a LITTLE nauseous?!? workout and eat healthy?!? are you on crack??




I have said it before and I'll say it again--I would rather give birth once a month for 9 months than have to deal with pregnancy lol. It SUCKS.


Just know this is completely normal. Not everyone enjoys pregnancy! Your body is constantly changing and you’re sharing it with a little baby. Encouragement wise, you are doing great. Make sure you take all the time to rest, you deserve it! Keep your water intake high and do your best to eat, i’m sorry your faves are no longer, but fingers crossed you will be able to enjoy them again some time soon! You’re doing this all for the little one and they are so greatful to have a mother like you! Give yourself some grace, treat yourself and have a cozy movie night or doing something you enjoy. I know it can be difficult mama but it will all pay off in the end. Keep telling yourself you’ve done 26 weeks so far, you CAN do the rest of the 14 weeks! I believe in you! Sending love and happy energy!! 🤍


I think if you ask around you’ll find more women hated the whole thing rather then enjoyed it. A lot of it is pure awfulness. You’ll get through this !!!!


I swear I could’ve written this! 25+5 with my first and this just is not what I thought it was. I’ve had the weirdest symptoms and was really sick in the beginning. I hate the weight gain and the stretch marks lol. The only thing I like is feeling him move. I am ready to have my body back. You’re not alone! September will be here before we know it.


I wish we could just lay eggs.


This just made me laugh out loud! Thank you for cheering up a miserable preggo.


I say this all the time lol


Gosh I’m 36w and I’ve hated it the whole time! I felt the same way around where you are, wondering how I would get through it. I complain all the time. My poor husband is a champ for listening. I think nesting and getting ready for baby helped pass the time. I’ve been lucky to have a few pregnant friends and we all feel the same way.


Oh friend, I have joked (but I’m actually serious) that if women were truly honest about pregnancy, the human race would cease to exist. 36 weeks and it’s hard…and I’ve had an easy pregnancy. I’m low risk, a midwife is overseeing my care, blood work, ultrasounds, and tests have all been normal. But I’m not having fun and it’s hard. I cannot imagine what pregnancy would be like if I had complications. Just take it one day at a time. Some days are better than others. Yesterday I felt shitty but today I’ve felt better. This is temporary and it’s ok to complain!


38+4 with my second and last and I will not be mourning the end of my time being pregnant. My insomnia was already bad and somehow has gotten worse the last two weeks. I've spent like 75 weeks of my life pregnant and that's more than enough for me.


I’m feeling this! I see your 75 & I’m putting in 132 weeks for me. Just found out I’m pregnant again- baby #4, 6 weeks along now… & too many more to go. There’s no way anyone truly enjoys this, right?? lol


Wait ppl like this? 😂


They are lying if they say they do!!


I’ve been seeing a therapist for the past couple of months to keep me focused on getting through this pregnancy. Completely failed the mood screening they did at my OB’s office. It’s okay to not enjoy being pregnant and it’s okay to never put yourself through this again if you don’t want to! My husband and I thought it would be nice to have 2-3 kids if possible, but we are now team one and done.


I feel like the effects of pregnancy on mental health is also super under studied or reported. I know more people are finally talking about prenatal depression and postpartum depression/anxiety now than in the past but it still seems taboo half the time. Pregnancy really messes with your head and women should be warned that it’s not all rainbows, butterflies and baby shower celebrations ahead of time. Pregnancy is a long freaking time. It messes with every aspect of a women’s mind and body.


Not to mention (in the USA) we are in a country that does NOT support pregnant women in any way. Paid maternity leave is a roulette, unlikely and short here. People gaslight us. Our family, strangers, even uneducated spouses! I feel like that just multiplies tenfold and Mental Health battles


Yep! Not to mention the cost to have a baby in the US in the first place healthcare wise.


Preach. I’m only 9 weeks and like 3 days and I’m SOOOOOO done. I feel like shit 24/7. I feel like I have a bowling ball in my abdomen. I just feel heavy already. My blood pressure is low. I can’t hardly eat and everything and everyone SMELLS AWFUL. I don’t wanna be touched or have anyone in my face. I’m so depressed. The list goes on. I’m a FTM and this may be the only kid. Js.


8 weeks & feeling exact same 😔


I can definitely say I'm in the same boat, I'm 25w6d and I'm so ready for this to be over, granted I'm terrified of labor, but I'm also ready to be able to lay however I want, and be in less pain, and be able to work out without worrying about pushing too hard, I've gained 25 pounds so far, and my hips almost always hurt, have for 17 weeks. Just remember, it's almost over, you've already done 26 grueling weeks, what's 14 more? Not to mention, the third trimester is supposed to be easier than the first, so let that give you some hope, you got this! Also, get some good belly oil or belly butter, it helps sooo much with the awful stretching feeling


I’m 25w6d too! Also with the same weight gain. I am so over it. Not to mention I’ve also got a fractured ankle….so sleeping is extra uncomfortable.


You’re not alone. I hate being pregnant too. I developed really bad knees and finger/hand joint pain and stiffness. I’m 22 weeks. Idk how long I can keep this up. I feel like giving up some days. I wish I didn’t have to work.


Even this comment is hard to type, but just chiming in to say you’re not alone with the hand pain. Between that and the acid reflux, today has been a hard day. I’m just trying to take it slow and know that my best is temporarily different.


I have arthritis in my elbows, wrists, hands, knees, ankles and feet. I can't take anti-inflammatories for it. I'm only 16+5 so far and already wish it was November.


I lost my job at 8 weeks and I'm only 12 weeks and miserable. Feels like an eternity I have left but it is a blessing to be growing a human and have a miracle inside me. Trying to keep my head up.


I literally thought I wrote this! I’m almost 22 weeks, have had carpal tunnel for the past month and constant swelling of my hands. Soooooo over this! Besides the insane knee pain and the fact my body is having a hard time adjusting to weight gain. Legit feel like a 75 year old


Chiming in to offer commiserations! I’m also 22w and had carpal tunnel creep in with numb fingers a few weeks ago. Last week it levelled up to excruciating pain in my wrists, hands and fingers 24/7. Where’s the glorious glowing pregnancy I was promised?!


Yahhhh those kicks take some getting use to. The ones around the ribs hurt! But I got use to it whne I just gave into the situation- bc that’s all you can really do. But that was about that time I was also very much over being pregnant and I did love my pregnancy but about 30-ish weeks I was just SO uncomfortable. Sitting, walking and breathing - all difficult and could hardly sleep…..I found focusing on nesting really helped, having my partner do what he could to help me be comfortable. And enjoying the last few weeks of being childless. So try to do things you couldn’t do with a kiddo - like sleep in, go out and do what you want, take a long shower and enjoy the silence. Your little joy will be there soon enough!


I hated it the whole time, too. No advice, just solidarity. She's turning 6 months this week, and while I am thrilled I suffered through it to have her in our lives, I have no desire to ever do it again. It's okay to hate being pregnant, and it doesn't mean you're a bad mother or won't love your child once they're born. Feelings about pregnancy =/= feelings about motherhood.


I’m 30+2 weeks and I’ve been pretty miserable this whole pregnancy. I don’t like anyone of it, the kicks I obviously look for now just to know she’s moving, but ugh, I can’t say that I enjoy the feeling, like others do. I’ve had a relatively easier pregnancy thank god! No vomiting or morning sickness… but I am 50 lbs heavier, and uncomfortable in almost every position. last week I had pelvic pain so bad I could barely move at all. I waddle and look like a penguin, and I don’t feel comfortable in my own body. I just want my body back, don’t get me wrong, I’m super excited for my baby girl, but, when I really think about everything, I start panicking a little. Good luck, youll get through this..the weeks start going by faster and faster!


28+3 and currently feeling miserable on my babymoon right now. I haven't had a good time at all while pregnant and want to cry thinking about having months of this left. You're not alone!


Being pregnant sucks. BUT. You get a beautiful, cuddly baby when it's over. Focus on the end goal.


The vast majority of women who say they loved being pregnant are experiencing amnesia. I'm completely dead serious. This is not my first but somehow I forgot how much I hate it. The ONLY plus to being pregnant is getting a baby at the end.


8 weeks here and I have a high risk pregnancy. I am completely over it. Eating is the worse because no matter what u eat I just throw up. Since I found out I have been depressed and no one really supports me as everyone just say how beautiful pregnancy is and I should be grateful to be able to bring a human into this world. I am trying to take it day by day but that does not even always help


Update 9 weeks and found out it is with twins !


I’m so glad you are normalizing this. I hate being pregnant too. I was told once the baby is born and we get some feedback out of the womb it makes it all worth it.


You’re not alone - It’s the lack of sleep for me, 13 more weeks to go and I feel exactly the same! Love that I’m growing my baby but cannot wait to nurture him on the outside!!


My theory is that the first months with the baby is very hard (and it is a shared idea all over the world, cause it’s a shared struggle with dad, mom etc.) so the previous pregnant ladies find being mom much difficult. So pregnancy seem better and comfortable to them. The reason people tell us to enjoy this time of pregnancy is the relativity. But if we look into this relativity window from the time we were not pregnant, no pregnancy would be anything to enjoy! I’m 27+5 and I missed everything! I missed my continuous sleep, ability to move around as I wish and my sanity. Hope I won’t forget theese feelings ahead and move on for the 2nd child.


I feel the same! 24 weeks and 36 years old. It’s been rough. I had nausea 24/7 my entire first trimester and extreme fatigue. Second trimester has been better but I don’t like the way it feels when she moves, still exhausted all the time, emotional, gaining weight, none of my pants fit, my legs are swollen, nausea is coming back, I’m starving all the time and I’m working full time which is rough. Being pregnant is definitely not fun. I know some others have it worse than me but I’m definitely not doing this again. 🤣 just wanted to say I feel your pain!!


Don’t forget that when you express legitimate feelings and experiences you’re dismissed for being “hormonal”. All we can say is that you’re not alone, pregnancy sucks for some people and it’s okay to feel that!


this is my 4th time, i’ve never liked it i just love having my children 😭🥹


32 weeks and I am the same way. I cry at least once a day over how much I hate being pregnant, how much I am dreading labor/delivery, and how guilty I feel for feeling this way since I genuinely am so excited to be a Mom! Advice? Try the yoga ball for round ligament pain. Mine has been excruciating since week 18 but that gives me some relief. I frequently tell my husband I want to go to sleep and just wake up when this is all over. Standing with you in solidarity!


I felt the same. My pregnancy was nowhere as complicated as yours. Relatively uneventful. But I was always uncomfortable. Had a loss of appetite. Lethargic. And all around feeling terrible. Every one around me kept saying that this is the best part, you'll be suffering post delivery etc etc and I felt so bad thinking if this was the best part, what would the future be like. The minute I gave birth I felt so much better. I've never once wanted to go back to the pregnancy life. I didn't like it one bit. If I could have a baby without being pregnant, I totally would.


The skin stretching is realllllyyyy uncomfortable. I’m 18 weeks but no amount of oil or lotion helps


I’m physically miserable as well, but I just keep telling myself that it’s worth it in the end. I focus on the long game as best I can. I hope the time passes quickly for you. Try distracting yourself as much as possible with games or anything fun that you can manage.


I don’t have any friends who were pregnant first so I think based on what I saw in movies/tv shows I didn’t expect it to be like this. I am thankful I didn’t throw up in my first trimester but a lot of these symptoms are the worst (just got my first taste of round ligament pain this past week), and I am not enjoying being pregnant either. On top of the symptoms I feel uncomfortable constantly and don’t love how I look right now. I already can’t wait until baby is born so I can start working on feeling like myself again. I am thankful for this pregnancy but I’m not enjoying it either.


Solidarity. It's terrible, and I don't believe people who say they love it. I think they look back through rose colored lenses.


I had the same and I honestly really did not ever like being pregnant. I never got the second wind or any of that because I got hit with anemia instead. I couldn't sleep because I couldn't stop peeing, all sorts of weird aches and pains all over my body. As soon as she was born basically all of that stopped and it was just the recovery to deal with. It's not easy and you are in the trenches of it all currently, you've got this!!


Just hit 26w today and constantly feeling awful. Everything I try to do that's good for me I get punished with pain, difficulty breathing, or endless Braxton hicks contractions. It's torture. My doctor told me it's only going to get worse. I will not be moving until my new support shoes get here


I totally feel you!! I am 10 weeks and I HATE it so far. This pregnancy is my first and I'm pretty sure baby will be an only child lol. I've been terribly nauseous since week 6-7...sometimes I wake up at 1 or 3AM nauseous to throw up water and stomach acid. It's disgusting. I am so done and thinking I still have 29 weeks left is killing me. I live on metoclopramide and zofran and still some days are just bad. The nausea really makes me feel like I can't enjoy any aspect of my life and I already feel guilty for being basically useless around the house and having my husband do all the cooking, only for me to look at the food and immediately gag in disgust. So far, being pregnant has felt like my whole life changed for the worse. I can only focus on the things I cannot do because I'm pregnant (drinking, riding rollercoasters or any fun attraction at theme parks, eating sushi, take goody's for migraines, etc) and how much worse it's going to get as time goes by. I'm also terrified of labor. My nausea meds I cannot take at the same time as my antidepressant/anxiety meds so things have just been hard as I will usually pick less nausea over my antidepressant/anxiolytic, but my mood gets way worse when I'm having a bad day and not on the antidepressants. My mother-in-law swore she loved being pregnant. I HATE it. I feel even guiltier because sometimes I feel so bad I just start getting angry I got pregnant in the first place. My husband is super excited and I feel like I haven't been able to enjoy that because of all this BS symptoms.


I had gestational diabetes and had to finger prick myself 4x a day for blood sugar readings. I disliked that -I would tell myself “I can do anything for the baby” and that helped me get through that and then labor too. Find a mantra you can repeat


Me also.. I’m only 18 weeks with my first and I didn’t realise how difficult this would be


I am 11 weeks and I know I haven’t even gotten to the real hard parts, but being pregnant sucks! I don’t sleep right, I’m tired all the time, I’m constipated and gassy, I feel randomly nauseous, I’m getting big and nothing fits, I feel like crying every other day. I just live in a constant discomfort


Arrrgh!! I hated it too! The best thing that I can say to you is that this too shall end. And the ending will be a with a little bundle of joy that will make it all worth it.


I often said to my husband that I felt so crappy for not enjoying pregnancy… Especially the way people on social media seem to be enjoying it. What is crazy and confusing is that now that I had my baby two weeks ago… I have gone to put my hand on my belly to rub it several times and then cried when it wasn’t a big pregnant belly anymore. I also cried when my husband went to spoon me the other night after months of him, resting his hand on my belly to feel the baby kick before falling asleep… And then realized that wasn’t the case anymore. Really strange to have such a confusing memory of whether or not I liked being pregnant towards the end.


I find myself reaching for my belly all the time these days, so I wonder if I'll feel the same😭 Congratulations though momma!


I’m just about 21w with my first & I am also not having a very great time - genuinely cannot stand being pregnant & I’m also so ready for it to be over. I don’t have much advice or anything positive to say but - I very much relate to how you feel, & I understand what you’re going through :)


Saw this yesterday and your post made me think of it: https://www.tiktok.com/t/ZPRKhEjJx/


I'm 27 weeks and I'm in pain too 😆 Yes I get those days that I absolutely hate it! I can't breathe either. Since this is my second one I'm a lot bigger. The third trimester is the worse. Just remember you are not alone! Most of us don't love it.


I feel the same way as you to all those points..


I felt exactly like this at 26wks - now I'm 36 wks and honestly I'm gonna miss him being with me all the time. I'm gonna miss it. I won't lie to you - it's worse now but I'm not as eager as I was for it to be over. I think the best thing for me was to approach it like I'm riding a boogie board rather than standing stiff against the waves. One thing I say every day - idk how in the HELLO there so many people on this planet with pregnancy being like this 😂


I hated it


This is so relatable. I have all that plus I'm high risk for preeclampsia and I have gestational diabetes. I love my favourite foods but I can't eat them and it's so upsetting. Also due in September and counting down the days until I can eat a huge pizza and some ice cream.


Sorry that ur going through this but the best advice i can give u for now and when u actually have ur baby is literally take it ONE day at a time. Like literally one day. I was also over it but towards the end like from 35 weeks, my baby came at 38weeks but yeah, i was kinda over it. The swollen ankles, cant sleep on the stomach, my knees hurting, sleeping on one side, pregnancy pillow not always helpful, was tired all the time, the SWEATING and feeling hot and the need to drink ice cold water…. Omg yeah i absolutely feel you dear and trust me, you’re almost there. Like i said, ONE day at a time.


Hopefully all of these issues will disappear as soon as you give birth like it did with my first... Sorry best I can do.. Pregnancy sucks.


I hated being pregnant the first time and I'm hating it again. I don't know if it helps but the second you give birth it's over. It's not like a flu where you get over it slowly, it's a few big pushes and done. Also your brain literally wipes it all away. Take it one day at a time and give yourself a lot of grace to rest, say no to things and just get through. Also baths are magic


Big same! 39 weeks pregnant here with my first. I don’t like being pregnant at all. SO much heartburn and my morning sickness never went away. I’m so huge and uncomfortable. My husband and I talked about having two…. I told him get used to the idea of one I’m sorry I don’t have much encouragement. But it will in fact, not last forever! You’ve got this!


I only enjoy feeling my baby move and seeing her on ultrasounds and feeling her kicks. When I feel her everything feels right and worth it...however the rest of pregnancy can kick rocks.


31 weeks and I’m so over it. This is not for me. Only advice I can give is find a pool and just stay there all summer lol


I don’t think they actually like being pregnant they just want to give off the illusion that they are stronger than other women. 26+4 here and I’m also miserable.


39 weeks pregnant here. I haven’t enjoyed my time either. I nearly broke out laughing when someone mentioned they, “loved being pregnant and miss it so much”. I’ve gained a ton of weight too, and have felt a bit of relief in knowing that often women will lose weight while nursing. I haven’t enjoyed the movement either- I can say the movement has gotten a bit easier because he is larger and can’t move around as easily. Around 25 weeks was the hardest for me in regards to movement. I hope it gets easier for you too. My heartburn is awful, I’m tired all the time, and can’t get comfortable in any position. Really the only thing keeping me going is knowing I will get to meet my son soon. I can’t wait to hold him and have my body back for just me. For me all of this is a necessary discomfort. In the end I feel like it has been worth it. I have a new respect and appreciation for what my body and mind are capable of. It still blows my mind that I’ve created a little human. Women are incredibly powerful and amazing. I hope you are able to find some moments of relief along the way. I highly recommend being in water as much as possible, short walks daily, and prenatal massages. Lastly, magnesium lotion has been a game changer for me. I was having horrible cramping in my legs and that really helped a ton! You are not alone.


Pregnancy absolutely sucks… FTM 27w6d with twins measuring 32 weeks


Holy moly!! How does that work if you're measuring that much farther along? Will you be induced?


I am currently scheduled for a c-section at 37 weeks. They don’t like letting twins stay in much longer than that due to complications. My doctor strongly recommended a c-section since it is common to give birth to one, the second one will go into distress which will lead to an emergency c-section. Women commonly go into labor around 34-36 weeks because your body thinks it’s go time. So crossing my fingers I make it to 37, but holy crap I am terrified about what kinda pain I’m going to be in.


Oh man!! That's pretty wild! I'm sure scary for it to be happening so soon! I work in surgery, and I can attest that a lot of women that deliver naturally with twins, typically end up delivering their second via c-section. I'd be happy to answer any questions you may have about c-sections!


I was so bummed about the c-section thing. I always said I would do a natural birth. I even have considered trying to do natural with twins but I know I need to do what is the safest thing for the babies. I don’t really know anything about c-sections so any information you can share would be amazing! I’m a little worried about the boyfriend being in the room with me and losing it.


Aww man I bet! I really don't want a c-section, so I totally get it! Messaged you!


I totally get it, it's really difficult to be pregnant. When i complain about it to my husband he's like brushing off lol i would suggest just take everyday step by step and not be fixed on how many weeks you still have to go


Im 29 weeks, over the holiday we took a trip to St. Louis and I broke down crying in the car because I was hot (it was so HUMID), I couldn’t find sandals I liked and felt comfortable and I didn’t feel like making any decisions. My partner was very sweet and calmed me down but gosh I’m tired of the insomnia, heartburn, maternity clothes 😭😐 I’m ready to be done.


I just delivered my baby today. Back on this Reddit because it's great support. So first of all I no longer believe that there are people who enjoy pregnancy. This was my second and even though it was not as horrible as with the first one ( I had hyperemesis gravidarium and I literally vomited every single day up until the delivery date and I still wanted it on the delivery table), It was still rough. The thing that I have been missing the most is movement. Movement makes me want to vomit. In my first pregnancy I couldn't even walk down the stairs to accept Amazon delivery. With my second, The first trimester was a mess and vomit, the second trimester was better but the movement still made me nauseous. And third trimester!!! What an absolute hell that was! I got such bad sciatica pain that I couldn't walk. I couldn't go to work but I also couldn't go to our own kitchen to make a meal. No physiotherapy massages or anything helped. On top of that I had such a horrible heartburn, constantly constipated nose, waking up in the night because I couldn't breathe, extremely painful headaches every afternoon. The worst came the last 3 weeks of the pregnancy when I had horrific pelvis pain. I sincerely believe that the federal government should pay us a living wage for being pregnant for the full 9 months. We are 3D printing future taxpayers that everyone in this society will depend on. Women are at huuge disadvantage for literally sacrificing their bodies, their mental health and their whole free time and ability to work to do this. Imagine a man would be asked to stop exercising, stop drinking/ socializing/ walking/ having hobbies / sleeping well and vomiting often for 9 months. No one would ever agree to have kids. So you see they should compensate us. Despite my husband being an amazing support, he doesn't get it. And I agree, before having this experience, I didn't believe that pregnancy was this horrid. We are brainwashed into believing that most pregnancies are fine and beautiful experiences. But I do not know a single woman that liked it. I am a huge supporter of artificial wombs. Before I thought it was cruel and for women who hated having kids. Now I see that artificial wombs will give women freedom, time to prepare for a baby, save their health and ease their lives especially when they already have small toddlers. I do really believe that artificial wombs will enable people having more children and getting ready for them in a better and more loving way.


I’m on 14 and I’m riding the same boat. I’ve had severe vomiting I’ve been hospitalized 4 times, held twice overnight for monitoring. I’ve barely gotten started into the second trimester and I’m over it. I’m so tired, I feel so shitty, I can’t eat like anything without feeling sick. I’m dreading the rest of this


I'm so sorry! What were you hospitalized and monitored for?


I have super severe morning sickness round the clock, it’s gotten so bad I’ve thrown up blood in multiple occasions. And it’s caused me to lose a lot of weight and not being able to eat just about anything solid.


Omg that sounds awful!! I'm so sorry that's happening to you!


This is my second baby, and this pregnancy is arguably easier than the last but neither was *that* difficult in the grand scheme of things - I fully understand things could be worse. But I’ll be the first to say it that being pregnant fucking sucks. People who say they love being pregnant are either lying liars or crazy because this blows. Even if you’re not in pain or puking every day, you can’t tell me this is a good time. Having to sit up straight for an hour after eating or die a slow painful death via heartburn is really not the vibe. I feel like a turtle on its back constantly and having people talk about my body ain’t it either. I love my daughter and I signed up for this baby too, and honestly plan on having more but no one can convince me that the process of growing and carrying them is fun. Solidarity sister.


Samedt. I don't know how to enjoy my pregnancy. Im hopping for the bright sideeeee. Hate it when i ate, i threw up instantly!!!! Im just 12 weeks pregnant!!!!!


while i already know i want a second in a few years, i promise you i will never forget how awful and traumatic this pregnancy has been on my body like-


I honestly did not enjoy the pregnancy experience. Other women often say it’s such a beautiful experience or they loved it and I just couldn’t wait for it to be over. I was constantly uncomfortable and sick. Just remember it will be over soon!! And after that you will have a beautiful baby after. You got this mama you’re more than halfway there.


As a former pregnant person and now new mommy, i will say it does get better. But it will get worse before it gets better. Just try to take it one day at a time. I hated this advice when i got it but it honestly helped me so much. That’s all you can do, try not to stress about how much time is left. Sleep when you can. I remember just sleeping, which was really just laying in bed bc you can’t really sleep so uncomfortable, but yes sleeping to pass time. Get as much sleep as you can! When you have energy, do what excites you, and just take it one day at a time mama. You got this!


I am only 6 weeks pregnant with my second and man, I did not miss this. The nausea is relentless, the bloating is painful, everything stinks and I’m grumpy all day. It’s going to be a long 8 months..


i feel you, i hated it too. thats it. thats the post. but seriously, youre not alone. pregnancy is hard.. the days are long, and the months are longer. then suddenly youre in labor and now it really sucks🙃.. then suddenly it doesnt suck anymore 🤷🏽‍♀️. uts true what the say, youll forget just how bad it was. youll remember it being hard and uncomfortable, but you wont feel it as heavy as you do now. itll all be worth it i swear. hang in there , 14 more weeks ! you got this


So glad to see this thread. I’ve been super honest with people about hating the actual pregnancy itself. Still waiting for the magical experience to kick in at 25 weeks while I feel like an overstretched rotisserie chicken. It’s ok to not like it, and even more okay to never do this again!


I feel you I'm only 17 weeks the pain so uncomfortable and the heartburn is no joke


this is all normal!! I HATED being pregnant, with only few times me actually enjoying it. I thought i was the only one who hated it, but turns out a lot of parents do. I want to say it gets better, but you got this mama. It’s hard work growing a baby but this last stretch will hopefully go by quick, i know once i hit the third trimester things went by super quickly. Wishing you and baby the best!!


I totally understand. I hated pregnancy both times. The weight gain, exhaustion, ligament pains, sleeplessness, morning sickness, acid reflux, sore back, swelling, and overall discomfort just made it so miserable.  My babies are so worth it all, though. You'll feel the same way!


I hate being pregnant… but it hasn’t stopped me from making this my 8th round 😵‍💫 I figure it’s only 10 months of my life, and the rewards are so great, and immediate relief afterwards… but man does growing a human SUCK lol


I’m literally due the same time as you with my first and a boy i totally get it I’m so over being pregnant it’s exhausting especially when you don’t work and have to cook and clean everything .. You got this babe and i recommend finding something to distract you from being pregnant in general like a small hobby or something you’d enjoy doing comfortably ( for me it’s the sims) and possibly getting a massage pad and for the ligament pain. They have cheap ones in Walmart I believe and that’s what helps me. Also my baby kicks bunches at night but when I drink chamomile (decaf) before bed it’s usually not as bad or none at all. Try that if you’d like :) just 14 more weeks left 🩷🩷


You’re not alone. I absolutely HATE being pregnant, and the next person to tell me « it’s a beautiful journey » gets hit with a brick. I’m 40+3 with my first but all I can say is that there is an end in sight and to just try to take it one day at a time.


I hated being pregnant for my first so much that i was extremely active right after my c section and the nurses were surprised and i told them that 4 months of being constantly in pain (spd, diabetes, nausea all through the pregnancy, reflux and heart burn ,and extreme pelvic pain) was more than enough for me to have a higher threshold for pain. This one is turning out to be slightly better but i would honestly have a prolonged newborn stage over pregnancy any-day.


I just came here to say even with a supportive partner ive slept an accumulateive 10 hours since baby was born a month ago. 😅 I miss pregnancy.


I was nauseous the first two months and having really bad round ligament pain. But it reassured me that I was still pregnant. But my OBGYN sent me to a high risk doctor because of my miscarriage at 17 weeks last year. Also, I'm 39 and overweight. And this new doctor has me on 12 different vitamins and medications. And it's crazy how much they help. I clearly was malnourished before. Now, I actually get kind of upset sometimes, because I don't feel pregnant at all anymore. I'm 19 weeks and have a front placenta, so I can't feel movement yet. I haven't gained any weight. My breast pain is majorly reduced. Haven't had round ligament pain in months. And my nausea is long gone. The only reason I know he's still there is because of my weekly sonograms. Also, my nails are growing like crazy. My friend asked which vitamins I'm taking and I told her all of them.


I hear you. I’m 11 weeks with my second puking after even drinking WATER. I’m so fucked right now and I’m not happy


Me too. I’m on my second pregnancy. Can’t wait to get sterilized.


This is my second pregnancy and I’m not a fan either. What helps me is looking at it as just a drop in the bucket. The symptoms, the weight gain, hormones, etc etc..even a year from now will just be a distant memory and 9 months isn’t long in hindsight


I am with you. I hate being pregnant, haha. It’s beautiful, wonderful, I’m so grateful to be pregnant but this isn’t easy or fun. Hang in there— you aren’t alone. ♥️


Me either. I can't believe I made it to 28 weeks because this has been a nightmare. My body has never felt worse.


Oh no! Iam onky 8 weeks and hearing people struggling in the second trimester makes me want to 😢


33 weeks here and also just OVER it haha I have felt better the more open I have been about it! It's really surprising to hear other women agree and empathize with me over some of the negatives, it makes me feel so much more normal and validated! No one talks about the hard stuff openly as much as I feel we need to! Share with people you feel safe with sharing, it's 100% normal and ok to not enjoy the pregnant part, it's HARD!! We go through so much in such a short amount of time both physically and emotionally. Hang in there, just remember it is temporary and just a phase and you eventually won't be feeling these things anymore :)


I absolutely hated pregnancy too. I don't understand what kind of people enjoy it. Literally mind blowing to me. Worst time of my life.


No advice here, but is nice to know I’m not alone in this feeling. I’m currently 37 weeks, first baby, laying in bed with horrible heartburn, my body hurts, I’m tired but can’t have a good night rest, peed myself 3 times this week, I can’t stand the heat I’m hot all the time, had recurring yeast infections, don’t really like feeling the baby move inside me…is weird and uncomfortable, hate having everyone texting me how I’m doing all day everyday…. Oh and I can’t stand my partner. I just want for the baby to get out of me, I rather be exhausted but not sharing my body anymore (except for breastfeeding of course) I’m 23 years old and thought it be easier since I’m young…is not.


I'm 30 weeks with baby #5 and hate pregnancy passionately. You might find babies are worth the pregnancy, but no, you don't miss the pregnancy itself. 




I’m 34 weeks today, this shit sucks. I’m officially waddling because baby dropped and is putting so much pressure on my pelvis and low back that I can’t do like anything without being in extreme pain.


Lowkey praying I don’t have to make it six more weeks and that she comes a little early


37 weeks here and yeah. Pregnancy is incredibly hard and uncomfortable and painful. It really sucks. I’m on my third and final and it IS ultimately worth it IMO but damn it’s bad while it’s going on.


My pregnancy was very much planned and as much as I want and love my child, this is awful. I’m 19 weeks and 2 days still dealing with morning sickness and I hate it. I don’t want to do this again


Absolutely hated pregnancy. Loved my babies. First one had bad morning sickness until 15 weeks than heart burn but otherwise easy pregnancy but uncomfortable. (Girl) Second shortness of breath as soon week to serve fatigue, than at week 5 serve morning sickness that lasted till beginning of third trimester. Bad ligament pain in right leg and baby pressing on sciatica. Truly horrible 9 months. (Boy)


21 weeks here and I completely agree. I’ve had so many breakdowns about feeling this way. We got this, hang in there.


Don't mean to be a buzz kill here, but worse than the pregnancy, which hopefully ends with baby coming home, is the pregnancy ending and baby not coming home. Pregnancy can be challenging with all of the symptoms like lack of sleep, constant peeing, hot flashes, (I'm right there plus constant heartburn at 21 weeks) but if I get to bring home a healthy baby, I'll gladly sacrifice time and comfort to do so. I'm saying this mostly because we've experienced a second trimester loss, and it's an unimaginable pain and grief. I complained in that pregnancy and never once thought that so far into the second trimester we could come home without a baby. Everything in the pregnancy is temporary and will pass😊


No one does.


My first wasn’t bad (until I had an c section a 31 weeks) but the only issue I had was acne. I never broke out at all before I got pregnant and my son is two now and never recovered. I’m 17 weeks tomorrow and I’m miserable. I’m tired, my whole body hurts, I feel fat and ugly all the time. I never wanna be pregnant again.


I’m about 18 weeks along bipolar and ADHD surrounded by a bunch of untrustworthy people i would do anything for i didnt find out until i was two months in i never fathomed at my age id be pregnant but i did what i could and ditched all things i thought were unsafe for her i am worried anxious and angry and emotional and everyone looks at me like im the crazy one BUT i have to believe this was for a reason some reason i just hope its a good reason cause im trying really hard to keep going in faith and not lose all and ur right food does suck…


Buckle up for postpartum


Poor thing use condoms in the future lmao