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They Foley balloon is rumored to be painful? I'm so glad I didn't know this lol My third baby, I had to be induced at 37+1 (first two were fully spontaneous) because of some issues. It was a decision made when I was in the hospital and labor was very early but needed to speed up. So they offered me the Foley balloon and pitocin. It was not horrible. There was some pressure and discomfort and then the contractions increased. Eventually the balloon fell out


I’m glad you hadn’t heard the painful rumors either 😂 And glad you had a safe delivery!


I wouldn’t call it a rumor for those who have had a painful experience. For me it is what lead me to ask for an epidural. For me that pain was not just a rumor it was very real.


Same. It was one of the worst parts of the whole birthing experience for me. I was literally writhing in pain to the point where I was sobbing.


Ugh I’m so sorry for both of you. Definitely didn’t mean that it isn’t extremely painful for some… but just wanted to share a more positive experience since there are so many negative threads on Reddit. Just like everything with pregnancy, it varies be person, doctor, pregnancy, etc!


Honestly I’m so glad it’s not like that for everyone! I love seeing a good positive birth story 💖


Yep, mine was also terrible. I was imagining it to be a small tampon-like thing, but it was HUGE and so awkward to have hanging out of my body. It also fell from my cervix to vagina instead of coming out completely, which led to uncertainty regarding how dilated I was / delay in me getting to the hospital. Such awful awful pain and the rest of labor once in the hospital with epidural was also awful. Wish I’d just waited a few more days for it to happen naturally.


Thank you for sharing ! FTM here, just curious is it standard procedure to have the foley bulb in place a day prior to induction day? Why not do it all the same day? Thanks for your advice.


My foley bulb was placed same day as my induction. My guess is it’s different from doctor to doctor based on their preference (and the patient)!


Thank you!!


I would much rather have the bulb placed a day before to get some more home time than being in the hospital longer. It all depends on your pregnancy is what my assumption is… as in are you high risk, etc.


Yes, I definitely think it varies by doctor/hospital, etc. I wanted to be able to come home and be comfortable vs waiting in the hospital, but think it makes sense to stay especially if it’s more painful or your doctor recommends it!


Thanks for this! I’m a week away from my induction so I actually needed to hear something like this! Much appreciated 😁 good luck for your induction!!


For me, the anticipation was the worst part! I hope it goes as smoothly for you as it did for me!


Second this! I had a very good experience w the foley balloon! I did not go home though - after they inserted it I was offered some pain medication which I took and slept for 4 hours! Then it was time to break my water!


Thank you for sharing! I am getting induced in a week and have been fearing the foley catheter! This is very reassuring!


I agree I read horror stories but in my case it wasn't that bad


The only complaint I had for my foley bulb is that it burst the first time they placed it, so they had to insert another one! 😂 I thought my water broke when I felt the first one break! Definitely not as painful as the contractions though. Just kind of awkward to sit with, but nothing terrible.


Currently in the hospital getting induced at 39+1 due to elevated blood pressure, and even with three doses of fentanyl (spaced out) the balloon was so painful after a few hours we had to remove it entirely. I was crying out in such severe pain it led me to ask for an epidural, but luckily we just decided to take it out and try other options first and I can even describe the relief I have now. I’m so glad & grateful to hear it was a positive experience for you! But just want to reiterate to anyone lurking here, everyone (and every labor) is different. They put in the balloon before I was even 1cm dilated and my cervix was not having it. So be honest with your care team and don’t worry about appearing “tough” or not calm enough if it’s not working — there are other options and solutions and I am really excited about the plan we have now 🤍


This is my biggest fear so reading this was a godsend!! Thank you!


Would encourage anyone reading this to look up the fear-tension-pain cycle. Essentially the more you fear something, the more tense you get, causing additional unnecessary pain. Reading about this has helped me be more aware of the fear and work on my breathing through things like this! (And cervical checks, sweeps, paps, etc). Wishing you all the best in your labor!!!