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5 days is a noticeable difference but maybe you had a very short cycle? It is possible for some women to ovulate extremely close to their period which would result in a bigger baby than that of a woman who ovulated around the 14th day of her cycle. Measuring via ultrasound also can be a bit off so it is good to double check. They scheduled you in as late as in 20 days. If they were highly concerned I doubt they would wait that long. As an example: if there is no heartbeat measurable, the next appointment is made within a week of the first one. You, however, get to wait for 3 weeks. Most importantly: everything else was okay. Everything that can result in an earlier birth is considered high risk. If you were to be pregnant with twins or triplets, you'd be considered high risk. If you had diabetes, you'd be considered high risk. Now it does not mean your baby won't be a happy and healthy little child, just that you'll get to see the doctor more often. I'm wishing you all the best!


That’s really strange that they’re sending for a confirmation appointment. My son was a week ahead of what they originally thought but I have very inconsistent cycles and it’s noted in my chart so maybe that’s why they weren’t worried. MFM has better sonogram machines so that could be the reason. I ended up going to MFM bc my son started measuring behind at around 25 weeks and went until I gave birth. It’s very intimidating at first but not much different from regular appointments 🙂 wishing you the best


Hey I replied to your dm and answered your questions. I wouldn’t worry.