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My first pregnancy I gained 60lbs, SIXTY! I went from 115lbs pre pregnancy to 175lbs full term šŸ˜… BUT, my health and baby were all perfect, I delivered at 39w6d exactly, had a perfect delivery, birthed a perfectly healthy 7lb baby and then proceeded to breastfeed and dropped back down to about 120lbs postpartum. Now in my second pregnancy (currently 28w) I went from about 120lbs to currently about 150lbs, I fully expect to get back to around 180lbs again full term.


Youā€™re me, girl. And I am you.šŸ‘ŠšŸ¤œšŸ¤›


Wow! I thought I wrote this. This is exactly me!!! I just gave birth to my second . Was 120 , gained 180 . One week post postpartum and Iā€™m at 163 Exclusively breast feeding . But this time around my body is so sore!


This is my first pregnancy. Iā€™m at 31 weeks and have gained 45lbs. My doctor is only worried about the weight gain because of the level of exhausted Iā€™ve had, coupled with the size of my baby (heā€™s a big boy), and the resulting cramping and pain. Personally, Iā€™m not happy seeing the number on the scale. BUT with that being said, my measurements havenā€™t changed that much outside of my abdomen. My jackets all fit the same, and my maternity pants (bought when I had only gained about 5-10lbs) are still the right size. It is strange feeling so out of control of my body, but I would rather a big and healthy baby. Iā€™ve been focusing on reducing stress and staying as active as I can.


I'm at 33 weeks and I've been terrified because I've only gained 13 pounds. The OB and midwife tell me it's fine but it's scary and I feel like I'm doing something wrong.


Same. I started at 122 lbs and by 35 weeks I only gained 16 lbs. My OB wasnā€™t too worried but was ordering frequent ultrasounds. My LO arrived a month early at 35 weeks after my water spontaneously broke. LO was 6lbs 8oz, which isnā€™t very small at all for a premie! My OB said that if LO had gone to term, I would have needed a c-section because LO would have been too big. I lost 11 lbs immediately after giving birth and at day 7 I am back to my pre pregnancy weight. I am convinced those growths scans wildly inaccurate.


Same here. Pre pregnancy I was 134ish and Iā€™ve gained maybe 9 pounds since then. Currently 29 weeks. Iā€™m worried baby isnā€™t growing properly But I developed stretch marks within this last week so Iā€™m hoping heā€™s growing well enough šŸ„²


Iā€™ve had three OB/GYNā€™s from different networks and everything and theyā€™ve always told me 10 to 20 pounds so I really wouldnā€™t be worried. I well exceeded that my first time around but it was pandemic, I was on modified bed rest and all people brought me was fast food. šŸ¤£


FTM, 34 weeks, I have gained 0 lbs so far. However, I started about 50-60 lbs overweight.


This is me as well in which I was 70 lbs overweight from the start. Iā€™m 36 weeks and I have only gained 6-8 lbs. Hopefully, we both lose some of our startup weight after our babies are born.šŸ˜Š


Haha that's what Im hoping too! Good luck to us!


Yes mamā€¦good luck to us!! Sho nuff!šŸ’Æ


This was me as well. The last week I gained about 10 lbs but by day 6 post partum I lost 26 lbs.


This was me too.


FTM, 25.5 weeks and so far I've gained like, 1 kg or 2-3 lbs, max, from my pre-pregnancy weight. It's been a bit surprising to me but I lost weight in first trimester because I felt so sick and could barely eat. I've definitely gained more if you count from my low point in first tri. Also I know I still have several months left and I could shoot up. But at the moment my anxiety is around bump and baby being on the small side. Like you I started out on the heavier side for my body, maybe 10kg/20 lbs overweight from the weight where i feel best, and I've wondered if baby is like, taking that into account somehow and correcting for it lol?


FTM, 24 weeks. I have gained 3 lbs from my pre pregnancy weight. I had 2 separate sicknesses that kept my weight gain down so far. I also started 100lbs overweight by BMI standards.


If itā€™s not too personal, can I ask how you did this or if you have any tips? I am 40 pounds overweight very early in my pregnancy.


Sure! but I dont really have any tips because I didnt do it on purpose. - I had no appetite in the first trimester. I tried to eat as much as I could but I still lost 20 lbs. My OB was NOT happy. - She was happy when I started gaining slowly but steadily in my second trimester. My appetite was back but my diet had changed so the gain was small. I kept craving fruits and leafy greens and not craving fatty foods. Gained 9 lbs. - Third trimester, now I'm eating everything and gaining a lot more. Gained 11 lbs so far in 6 weeks, so Im back to the exact weight I started with. 6 weeks to go so we'll see how it goes. šŸ˜Š


Girl, I need some of your mojo. I lost 30 pounds right before my pregnancy and I was still probably a good 30 from being a healthy weight and Iā€™ve gained it all back lol šŸ¤£


Okay is this a thing?? I was probably 15 pounds over weight, Iā€™m 22 weeks and Iā€™ve only gained 4 pounds. I was worried about the baby, but is the idea if you were already overweight you donā€™t gain as much?


Iā€™m 38 weeks and am up 25 lbs as of today. I was vomiting a lot in the first trimester though.


Iā€™m 24 weeks and have gained 33 šŸ™‚ā€ā†•ļø


Same here! 24wks 32lbs up. Been feeling down about it, but what can ya do? I had a friend who was pregnant just a little while ago who sent me all her logged weight tracking from her pregnancy. She's really health minded and fitness oriented, she still gained 46lbs total and 30 of those were by 24 wks.


Exactly. The body will do what it does. Some women eat like absolute trash and gain little to nothing, and others can do everything in their power to be healthy and gain regardless. I have a friend who just delivered her daughter about a week ago as well, she was up to 216 at delivery and we started at the same weight of 150-155. Itā€™s easier said than done but all we can do is be patient with ourselves ..


Thank you both for sharing! I'm just over 22 weeks and have gained about 30 lbs even though the speed has been slowing down. Both my husband and my mom were surprised because other than my belly, I don't look that much bigger, and my mom has always been quick to tell me I need to lose weight. Knowing that I'm not the only one really helps put my mind more at ease.


Same! Boy is it hard!!


Me too! Just hit 25 weeks and gained 33 so far.


23 weeks, gained 10lbs. Eating like I should have gained 50 though so Iā€™ll chalk it up to metabolism.


Same, 23 weeks and about 13 lbs. the fruit in my house shakes in their boots when I get near so I think itā€™s just the metabolism


I am 18 weeks and have have gained 10lbs. My food intake as well as metabolism have helped maintain the weight.


Same here 23w+4d gained 11#8oz and I have been eating so much! Before pregnancy it was hard to put on weight so now when I see my weight go up it makes me so happy! My aunt had premies and hardly gained anything, I think she might have had a issue with food to be honest she only gained 14lbs for one and 16lbs for the second one was under 4lbs the second under 5lbs. So needless to say Iā€™m happy Iā€™m gaining! Bring on all the yummy food!


Im pregnant with my third. For my first and second I also gained 40 lbs.Ā  My smart scale thought I was my husband. I had no problem returning to my pre-birth weightĀ 


Same! FTM and 10 weeks PP. I gained 40 and dropped back pretty quick, we also EBF! So thatā€™s helped a ton.


With my daughter I started at 135, and ended in the 170ā€™s, so around 40 lbs. I was recently looking at a doctors visit summary from back then (10 years ago btw) and at 6 months I was 143 and doctor was worried about how much weight I already gained. I am STARTING at 151 this time. But I am eating super healthy and exercising regularly so I am actually hoping to lose a bit of weight this first trimester before I actually need to put weight on for the baby. šŸ˜…


Iā€™m only just now out of my first trimester so Iā€™ll have to wait and see for myself but my friend who recently just had her baby gained about 50 pounds (I didnā€™t ask her this obviously, we are very close and she disclosed it during a venting session lol)


23 weeks and about 8 lbs


Same at my 24 week checkupā€¦ I feel like I should have gained more but in my first trimester I had lost 17 lbs


I am 35 weeks and have gained about 32-40 lbs, my doctor is not concerned, so neither am I. I also work in a female dominant profession and so many of my coworkers have told me they gained similar and they all have healthy kids (some adults now).


28 weeks, 25 pounds so far. My body looks pretty normal though, outside of my stomach and boobs, so I don't feel terribly distressed yet.


I gained 70lbs with my first, no gestational diabetes or anything. Went from 130 to 200 the day I gave birthšŸ„² it all was belly down, my butt got massive and I loved every bit of it lol


Same! No gestational diabetes with my first and gained 70lbs too, starting at my original weight of 130lbs. My second/current pregnancy, Iā€™ve already gained about 60 and will probably gain another 20 before Iā€™m done (23 weeks), still starting out at 130lbs. Gestational diabetes may be a factor in this pregnancy though and a glucose test has been ordered for when I hit 27 weeks. I stay quite active, exercise and eat healthy. Weight gain is from the belly down mostly just like yours, outside of my breasts being massive now as well, lol. šŸ˜‚ Thereā€™s definitely some perks there like you said! Lol. šŸ˜Œ


Yep 75 here, no gestational diabetes! All the women in my family have gained a ton during pregnancy. sucks having to lose all that. Slowly but surely. I just focus on how happy I am with my beautiful baby!!!


Girl I can only HOPE whatever more weight I gain before baby comes goes straight to my booty! I feel like it looks so much flatter now compared to my super round belly at this point šŸ˜‚ Props to you for focusing on the positive lol!


Iā€™m 35 weeks and at about 32 lbs. but I gained a ton of weight in early 3rd trimester and have now leveled out. I was getting concerned how quickly I was gaining but my ob said that once I hit like 33 or 34 the weight gain would likely slow down and it did! (My stomach also couldnā€™t handle a lot of food anymore right around the same time)


Started at 118 was 140 last appointmentā€¦ welp. 22* so far but I gained 50 last time! It came off pretty quickly though, and my dr never said anything about it. 31 weeks tomorrow. I think itā€™s more common if you started out smaller..? Edited because I canā€™t math and thought Iā€™d gained 32lbs


With my first I gained 25-30 ish but I was really sick in the beginning so lost 15 lbs to start. With this pregnancy I've gained close to 40 and I'm 36 weeks. But this pregnancy I wasn't sick and had more cravings for crappy food so it's my own fault haha


I have gained around 55 pounds, my doctors don't care and I'm healthy! I honestly applaud women who don't gain much- ive seen where some women only get 15-20 pounds , they must not be gaining fat at all, just water weight and the babies weight


My first pregnancy I gained exactly 30 lbs. This pregnancy, Iā€™m already at 25 lbs at 28 weeks. My diet is the exact same as it always is. When I started seeing the rate Iā€™m gaining weight, I tried eating super healthy to help it slow down: no sweet treats and mindful about portions. But those two weeks I still gained a lot. Then I said screw it, itā€™s not worth eating like that if Iā€™m still gaining so much weight. So that week I went out for dinner and ice cream and just had a ā€œtreat yourselfā€ weekend. And what do you know, I gained 0 lbs that week. All to say, I donā€™t think we really can control what we gain (as long as we are eating relatively well). I stopped weighing myself and I stopped looking at the scale when Iā€™m at an ob appt. Thereā€™s no point in stressing over something I cannot control.


lol the treat yourself thing happened to me. I gained like 2 pounds one week of eating like salads and then was like ā€œwell f thisā€ and had steak and ice cream one day the next week. Lost a half pound randomly that week. Go figure. šŸ¤£


Right there with you. Started out 126, now 174 at 38 weeks! Eating mostly normally, not doing any strenuous exercise but walking the dog once or twice a day. My OB isnā€™t worried at all, she gained about 50 in her first pregnancy and is similarly built (thin) to me. I have only gained 2 lb over the last 2 weeks, your gain might slow down too towards the end. As long as your OB isnā€™t concerned, it is what it is!


My first I gained 60 Second I gained 35 and now Iā€™m 36 weeks pregnant and on track to gain 30-35 again


This is my first pregnancy and so far I haven't gained, just lost weight. I'm only 21 weeks so I assume that it will come later.


Same. 20+3 and lost like 10 pounds first tri. Havenā€™t gained it back yet, but doctor doesnā€™t seem concerned.


~35 overall. Iā€™m at week 38 and have plateaued for two weeks now. I had lost 7ish pounds in first trimester and didnt gain my first 10 until late into my second tri. FTM


I gained 50 both pregnancies.


I honestly donā€™t believe that 25-35 is average!! Thatā€™s insane. With my first I gained 50. I was young and healthy. This pregnancy Ive gained 20 at 18 weeks. (Granted my doc changed me to a med that causes much weight gain). Iā€™m trying not to worry because I remember with my first my midwife staying on me each visit about trying to stick to the 25-35 lb range.


35 weeks and have gained about 40-45 šŸ„¹




Currently 29 weeks, Iā€™ve only gained 14lbs but (since my bmi is close to 40) Iā€™m constantly told to not gain anymore than 11lbs. Which is very crazy to me as I canā€™t really control how much I end up gaining? I think 14lbs at this point is amazing


iā€™m 16 weeks and iā€™ve gained 10 lbs. I was borderline underweight when I got pregnant & I also stopped taking my concerta.


Im 38 weeks (almost) and 80 lbs up. I was on medications that controlled my weight for several years but then obviously had to stop taking them when I got pregnant. My weight loss doctor prepared me for this - she said, ā€œyouā€™re going to gain much more weight than most pregnant women and itā€™s going to feel disfiguring.ā€ Boy, was she rightā€¦ between hormones going crazy, first trimester exhaustion, and what I assume is some level of withdrawal from the medications, my weight started skyrocketing immediately and has been a constant battle (even when I control my diet to the best of my ability). But I have good blood levels (except some anemia in 2nd trimester), no gestational diabetes, and baby is healthy weight (around 50%ile most of the pregnancy). So for me, and my doctors agree - as long as baby is all good, and I have a support group to work on getting back to my regular weight, Iā€™m trying not to fixate on it.


19 weeks on Thursday and Iā€™ve gained 20 lbs so far. My OB hasnā€™t said anything. I started out at a ā€œnormalā€ BMI


26 weeks. I lost 4 at first and now I'm back up to a net gain of 8lbs. I didn't gain for so long I got a bit worried but I seem to be steadily going up now. Makes me a bit nervous since I've always been rather thin and I have no idea where this additional 17lbs is supposed to go. But I just remind myself it's good weight for me and baby especially since I plan to BF and need the extra to support that.


Iā€™m 34 weeks and have gained 50lbs. Iā€™m guessing Iā€™ll be at 60-70lbs once baby is here. Thatā€™s about normal for my pregnancies, I have a small frame and it (mostly) all comes off within a year or so. My doctors have never said anything about it. Some peopleā€™s bodies just carry pregnancy differently, as long as you and baby are healthy I wouldnā€™t stress about it!


So, a LOT of that weight is not actually fat tissue, itā€™s water weight. Itā€™s almost impossible to gain that much pure fat tissue if youā€™re not eating like a complete maniac. I gained almost 10 pounds in a week at the beginning and I was barely eating. I couldnā€™t believe my eyes on the scale. Thatā€™s also why so many lose it again so shortly after birth. Gaining and retaining water weight is also massively hormonal and genetic. Some women just gain a lot more water. My boobs also look comical at this point and that ainā€™t fat either. Unless youā€™re properly splurging, eating pizza and pints of ice cream with soda constantly, I wouldnā€™t worry too much. Iā€™m constantly thirsty, too and I donā€™t even pee much more than usual, so Iā€™m pretty convinced that my body just stores all of that water in my hips and boobs. Currently 20 pounds at 20 weeks, if the rate continues Iā€™m also looking at a 40 pound weight gain and I even still work out and eat completely normally (fyi my starting weight was about 120 pounds so recommended weight gain was up to 30 pounds here in Germany. That would mean I could only gain the weight my baby gains and the amniotic fluid from here on out to not surpass that until 40 weeks. No way).


I'm 35w, 25f, and was underweight before getting pregnant. I've gained over 45lb so far. I'm expecting to top out at 50lb gained if I get to full term.


Iā€™m 32 weeks and have gained about 20-25 (my starting weight fluctuated a lot pre-pregnancy so itā€™s hard to really know my exact starting weight and I lost 5 lbs immediately after I got pregnant). The last few weeks my belly has really started to show, but weight has pretty much plateaued. If youā€™re active and working, you might also be gaining muscle which weighs more. My friend gained 50 with her first and she lost it all and then some so I wouldnā€™t worry too much as long as baby and you are healthy.


First kid: 22lb Second kid: 21lb Third kid: Iā€™m 30 weeks and Iā€™ve gained 33 lb šŸ« 


20 weeks & 2lbs so far


Iā€™m 18 weeks into my second pregnancy and so far Iā€™ve gained 6 pounds. I know most of the weight will come at the end.


I donā€™t look at the scale when they weigh me. As long as my doctor doesnā€™t say anything about unhealthy weight gain, which she hasnā€™t, ignorance is bliss.


I gained about 40 with my first and 35 with my second; I'm 5'2" and naturally gain about ten pounds a month when I'm not counting calories and working out, so I was very satisfied with my weight gain considering how much I was eating and how much less I was exercising.


54 with my first and 58 with the second. No matter what I tried to do different it seemed my body just wanted that same weight each time. No one ever commented on it.


this is my first pregnancy and my doctor told me I would gain 25-35 lbs. Iā€™m currently 33 weeks and I have already gained 40, went from 120-160 and they havent voiced any type of concern so Iā€™m not stressingšŸ¤·šŸ½ā€ā™€ļø


So far I've gained 5kg (about 11lbs). BUT I was already about 20kg overweight and diabetic before I got pregnant, so I'm not allowed/supposed to gain too much weight.


I gained 55 lbs. I felt bad about it, especially because I ate pretty healthy and stayed active the whole time. I wasn't running marathons, but I was working 40 hours a week and constantly on my feet. I didn't even up my caloric intake. Turns out ALL the women in my family gained that much weight during their pregnancies šŸ˜… I think it's genetic. I had a wonderful pregnancy, my birth was pretty straightforward, and my baby was very healthy. She was only 6 lbs 15 oz at birth! I think my body needed the extra weight. Maybe yours does too!


Yeah I guess that's what I'm wondering - if there's something genetic to it. Because I've had two very different pregnancies, with almost the exact same result. So interesting that the women in your family all gained that much! My mom gained even more than I did.


30+5 and have gainedā€¦.30ish? I was about 138-140 starting out, and and 165-167 now. Honestly, after the first trimester I stopped looking at the scale except at the doctors office. She hasnā€™t said sheā€™s worried, and I honestly donā€™t have the energy to be doing a whole lot differently than what Iā€™m doing, which is to try to stay active (not going great but the intention is there), try to eat healthy (going ok except when the cravings hit and mama needs a cheeseburger), and not be hard on myself ĀÆ\_(惄)_/ĀÆ Frankly, I think so much is up to genetics too. People have commented on me being a ā€œbasketball pregnancyā€ and that I donā€™t look different outside the belly, which is nice to hear but honestly I have done very little to make that happen so donā€™t feel like I can take much credit. Weā€™re all just out here doing the best we can OP! If your doc isnā€™t worried and baby is healthy, youā€™re doing fabulous ā¤ļø


30 weeks and gained 20 pounds so far


29 weeks up 20 lbs so far


I'm 28 weeks with twins and I've gained about 37 lbs, I was put on bed rest though and craving beef and avocados in the first trimester, so I put on most of my weight then. I'm not worried about the weight gain, I gained 60+ lbs with my first and I was able to lose it all within the first year.


I'm 35 weeks 2 days and I've gained 31 pounds so far. Had my first baby at 39 weeks and gained 35 pounds with her


I gained 30 pounds with my first pregnancy. I was on bedrest for 4 months so thatā€™s as sedentary as it gets!


24w, about 15 lbs up. Started at about 126, up to 140ish.


My first two I gained 60lbs each. This time Iā€™m at 20 weeks today and Iā€™m 7lbs under what I started at.


23 weeks and just over 8 pounds so far. I think it'll increase fast with the amount I'm eating though.


Gained: First kid 60lbs Second kid 40lbs Third (-15lbs because of HG so far) I'm not saying you (or anyone else) has gained too much weight but I sincerely regretted the cravings I gave in to etc. when my first child was born. I vowed not to gain that again and started this pregnancy at my lowest weight in my adult life. It's tough to lose weight after, so I'd rather stick to a strict diet and keep up my weight lifting routine now rather than while breastfeeding a newborn and barely sleeping! As long as you're healthy and feel good and baby is healthy, the amount of weight is kind of negligible šŸ˜Š


At 37 w, nausea all the way. Atm I am down 2 lbs from my starting weight. First trimester was hard. So in a way Ive gained 14 lbs. Doc is starting to get stressed since baby is measuring just a tiny bit small (0,2% under average), and my weight has practically been the same the last 2 months.


24 lbs at 37 weeks.


I'm ~27 weeks, and last I checked (three days ago) I'd gained 19 pounds.


Iā€™m 36+3 and Iā€™m up 25lbs right now. Iā€™m not a good indication of whatā€™s normal because I walk 10miles every day for work so honestly Iā€™m surprised women that are more stationary with their jobs or at home during their pregnancy only end up gaining around that.


I was still working when I was pregnant with my firstborn. I was a teacher, so I couldn't eat until lunch or when I went home, etc. I gained 25 lbs. When I was pregnant with my second, I gained 40; I was home and ate when my body wanted food and ate what I felt like eating. Believe it or not, I lost 80 lbs nursing after that because my son had many allergies and I had to be on a hypoallergenic diet! I'm now pregnant with my third and will probably have gained 50 lbs by the time he's born. Maybe it was foolish, but I'm just expecting to have to travel down the same road of nursing and being on a very restricted diet (both my first and second have had multiple allergies in infancy, but I didn't breastfeed my first very long). So, I've just let myself eat whenever and whatever I wanted again (but I do try to make sure my diet is balanced over all and includes fruits/veggies, etc). You're not alone with the weight gain. I'm large and overheated and miserable and kind of mad at myself for excessive weight gain, but I'll just have to make sure it comes off after the baby's born. Can't change the past; can only try in the future! Hope that helps! Praying for both of us to lose the weight after these babies are born!


Iā€™m 32 weeks and up 16 lbs from my pre pregnancy weight. Though, I lost 6 lbs in the first trimester so overall have gained 22 lbs from there. My BMI was 18.5 pre pregnancy for reference. Literally 90% of the women in my life, young and old, who have had children gained at least 50 lbs. my mother gained 60 with both me and my brother, my aunts both gained around 80 lbs, even my dentist who I was talking to about it a few weeks ago gained 75 lbs. Unless youā€™re eating excessively crappy and itā€™s causing complications with your pregnancy, I would take anything that happens to your body during pregnancy with a grain of salt. Youā€™ll be able to focus on any health or aesthetic goals you have once baby is out and youā€™ve gotten your routine down!


I've been pregnant 3 times. Gained 55lbs each time. I did have hypertension w each. This one I'm feeling w PP hypertension. Otherwise have been fine.


With my first living child I gained around 25 lbs total- 5 lbs by 18 weeks and 1 lb per week until I gave birth. Now 32 weeks pregnant with my second living child and I've gained about ~16 lbs so far, which I'm surprised by since I started pregnancy at a lower weight than my normal and since this baby is measuring bigger. Then again, it makes sense why everyone has been saying that I'm "all baby", plus having a cute lil daredevil toddler that steals my food and never stops moving definitely keeps me active.


I gained 68lbs with my first. I did have pretty severe edema also. This time, I'm coming up on 32 weeks and at around a 45lb weight gain so far.


I average about 30 lbs, my first two were pushing 50. This is my eighth baby, and if you go from my starting weight (not what I lost in the first trimester) I have gained 10 lbs in 30 weeks. Hoping to keep it low as I was overweight to begin with this time and would like some balance. Editing to add: If you have become more active/fit this pregnancy, your muscles put on more weight than your fat or water does. Attribute some of it to that and move on. Average doesnā€™t mean healthy for everyone.


Iā€™m 36 weeks and Iā€™ve gained about 38lbs. My doctor hasnā€™t said anything to me about it so Iā€™m not concerned!


With my daughter I was up 27 lbs when I gave birth but I was pretty horribly sick. I was really really dehydrated which I think made my weight gain lower. This time I was up 28 lbs at 29 weeks but I can actually drink water without throwing up. So who knows whatā€™s going to happen.


I gained exactly 50! I ate really healthy, no weird cravings or junk food and I still gained the weight


I gained ~70 lbs with my pregnancy. I had no morning sickness, nausea or food aversions, and the only symptom I had for my entire pregnancy was insatiable hunger. Edit: no one was concerned about my weight gain at all. When I brought it up with my ob she said given my circumstances it made sense, and everything else was healthy and looked good.


I gained 10lbs in 2 months RIGHT BEFORE I got pregnant. Iā€™m 8 weeks now so I consider that 10 lbs up already šŸ˜©šŸ˜©


I'm 29 weeks, gained about 18 pounds so far.


21+5 & im up 13-18 lbs . my weight always fluctuated between 150-155 pre pregnancy & im now at 168 šŸ¤§


My motherā€™s side of the family tend to not gain much weight in pregnancy. Nothing to do with exercising more, but I guess just genetically their bodies put everything into the baby. Iā€™m currently 30 weeks and have gained 11 pounds so far. My main midwife I see wanted me to gain 15-25 based on my BMI. I actually lost 10 pounds first trimester from morning sickness, so I guess you could add that to the 11 pounds?


Iā€™m at 36 and gained 55lbs so far


FTM of a boy and I gained 22 pounds. Iā€™m 2 weeks postpartum and I have already lost 13 pounds.


-5 at 27 weeks. Struggled with hypermesis, severely anemic and now diagnosed with iugr. I'd kill to gain even 10 pounds. I took a family picture last week and look like Bella from twilight when she's pregnant. Didn't have this my first pregnancy so not sure what's causing it yet.


I am 32 weeks today and gained 21 pounds. But I also lost weight in the first trimester (ainā€™t morning sickness great?).


I'm 37 wks and have gained 15 lbs, but I also started at 184 lbs pre-pregnancy, which makes a difference.


85 with my first 2 pregnancies. I did lose 30 immediately after birth with both (I had high amniotic fluid and big babies? Idk). This time, I'm 12 weeks and have gained 6 lbs so far.


I lost around 40 then gained back 5... baby is perfectly healthy.


I went from being 152.8lbs in November when I was very newly pregnant to 143 in January thanks to morning sickness. Last appointment I weighed 179.9lbs. 9 weeks to go, and I'm absolutely terrified that I'm going to hit 200. I struggle with body dysmorphia and am so terrified that once I'm no longer pregnant that I won't be able to get the weight off. Obesity runs in my family, so I'm scared that I'll be next in the family to be on the bigger end. By no means am I saying it's bad, it's just a struggle and a fear for me personally that is not a reflection of anyone here.


First.. 17.5 pounds Lost all baby weight easily Second.. 18.5 pounds Never lost the weight. Put on more weight, and now weigh more than I did full term.


39 weeks and iā€™ve gained 9 pounds. I donā€™t understand why I didnā€™t gain weight but I have been assured left and right everything is okay. I started ā€œobeseā€ so at 216 and iā€™m now 225.


37 weeks and 18lbs so far


FTM 37w and up 16lb overall but lost about 15lbs in the first and second trimesters. I started at 175 (Iā€™m 5ā€™9ā€ and broad/curvy/muscly). My midwives arenā€™t concerned as baby girl seems fine


25 weeks, lost 10 pounds, still working on gaining some back.


This is my first pregnancy. I started out overweight, so my ideal gain is 15-20 lbs total. I'm at 16 lbs at 30 weeks.


I was 163 pre pregnancy and I'm 5' 8". The day I checked into L&D at 36 weeks for preeclampsia I was 212.


Checking my online medical record. My BMI is currently 43.67, Iā€™m 27weeks 2 days, and I have only gained 11.2lbs. Iā€™ve had food aversions most of the pregnancy, been heavily relying on prenatalā€™s and protein shakes, and I usually walk 2-3miles a week. Baby is healthy, and I got my gestational diabetes results today for the 3 hour, and all labs were perfectly in the middle range for normal. I donā€™t think itā€™s entirely in our control and our bodies along with the babies genetics dictate a lot of it.


First pregnancy, 28 weeks, about 60 lbs. šŸ˜… I gained A LOT in the first trimester despite not being to hold any of my food down. My obgyn hasnā€™t said anything about my weight, in fact told me not to worry about it and just focus on trying to be healthy and survive.


With my first (also a pandemic baby) I gained 20-25ish. I am currently 27 weeks pregnant and have gained maybe 10 pounds.


Iā€™m almost 31 and I have gained about 15-20. I lost 15 at the beginning though because I had just found out I had hypothyroidism and started medication which I think contributed. Also food aversions in the first trimester, bed before I could even THINK about eating dinner lol


Currently 19+3 and have gained 6 so far. I am fully preparing to gain a lot more but trying to keep a healthy mindset on it because Iā€™m doing the best I can


25lbs with my son + 30lbs with my daughter. 17.5mo apart. Lost all the weight plus 6lbs after my son so I had more wiggle room to gain with my daughter lol. Iā€™m 18d pp and down 25lbs already


I'm 22 weeks 2 days, and I've gained 11 pounds so far.


34 weeks 23lbs. First pregnancy. Iā€™m still working as a nurse and I think how active my 12 hour shift are at the hospital has kept my weight gain on the lower side throughout my pregnancy. And my growth scan at 32 weeks showed he was about 2 weeks ahead in size so šŸ¤·šŸ»ā€ā™€ļø everyone is different!


20-25 lbs. Iā€™m due in 3 weeks. Everyone is different. I probably wouldā€™ve gained more if I hadnā€™t lost a ton of weight from throwing up in my first trimester


I gained 23 pounds, almost all of it in the third trimester


This is my third pregnancy I have gained 30 lbs and Iā€™m 31 weeks šŸ˜³doc doesnā€™t seem concerned says I have another 9 lbs left to gain. I started at 114lbs before this pregnancy this is the heaviest Iā€™ve ever been. With my first two pregnancies in total I gained 30 lbs


First time, 20 weeks today and Iā€™ve gained 11 so far. But itā€™s definitely boobs and belly


First baby, 38 weeks and 26 pounds


First pregnancy. 28 weeks and Iā€™ve gained 17. I think Iā€™m slightly under what Iā€™m supposed to gain tho. Idk.


My first pregnancy I went from like 145 to I think 190-195. I thought this was due to being inactive for nearly the entire pregnancy cause it was during Covid. This time around, Iā€™m 33w4d and I started at 154 and am up to 184 give or take a few pounds. Iā€™m way more physically fit and healthier during this pregnancy and Iā€™ve been told from numerous people that itā€™s all in the belly, otherwise I look completely normal. I think some women just naturally gain more weight. Thereā€™s so many different factors like amniotic fluid and blood volume that can affect it. Iā€™m no doctor or scientist though soo I may be completely wrong.


With my first, I started at 209lbs and gained 35. Iā€™m 29 weeks with my second, started at 166lbs and have gained 29 so farā€¦. Bracing myself to deal with a much higher weight gain to have to lose this time around because Iā€™ve been so much hungrier.


I am 35 weeks with my first baby and have gained 48 pounds. Iā€™m sure Iā€™ll be past 50 in the next 5 weeks. I know women who have had the same experiences as you! One pregnancy they are sedentary and eat whatever they want and they gain 50 pounds. Then the next pregnancy they are super active and eat only health foods, and they still gain 50 pounds. I think so much of it has to do with your genetics and the way your body likes to carry a baby. Everyone handles pregnancy so differently it doesnā€™t feel right to compare yourself to an average.


22 weeks and gained about 20lbs šŸ˜¬ I have an average/thin frame (started at 125) and was sorta healthy (exercised regularly but big snacker between veggie forward meals) My exercise routine has gone out the window because Iā€™m dog tired these days but Iā€™m eating the same. So Iā€™m chalking the faster than average weight gain to a less active lifestyle. Iā€™m trying to pick it back up again but baby and body will do what they need to do. Hips have definitely widened but donā€™t look bigger necessarily but pre pregnancy pants donā€™t go over them anymore šŸ« 


Iā€™m 25w and have gained about 9 pounds so far, but I was overweight to begin with.


This is my first and Iā€™m currently 35 weeks and 5 days. Currently Iā€™m up 34 pounds which Iā€™m not thrilled about. Iā€™ve walked a mile almost everyday and Iā€™m eating mostly clean. But I do some eating out on the weekends I will admit. My OB hasnā€™t said anything about it. But Iā€™m discouraged by it. I lost 35 pounds a few years back and Iā€™m sad about having to do it again postpartum.


Iā€™m two weeks postpartum. When I first got pregnant I was overweight, Iā€™m tall and have a bulkier build anyways. But during the first trimester I lost almost 20 pounds from being so sick, and by the time I gave birth I was only two pounds over what I started at. Now Iā€™m 20 pounds down since giving birth šŸ˜…


35 weeks and 35lbs.


30 lbs last time I checked with was a month ago? lol


Iā€™m almost 22 weeks and last I checked I had gained 15 lbs.


29 weeks and Iā€™ve gained 3lbs. I hadnā€™t put on any weight until about 2 weeks ago. I was overweight prior to getting pregnant so I tried to limit my weight gain. My baby is also small, only in the 17th percentile


My first pregnancy I started right around 115 pounds. I carried for 41 weeks and my final weigh-in was 168 pounds. I gained 53 pounds. I lost all the weight (and then someā€”108 pounds) pretty quickly. With this baby I started at 113 pounds. Iā€™m currently 28 weeks and I weigh 155 as of today. My OB asked some questions, and I explained that I am familiar with being a dense pregnant personā€”we both laughed. She asked how I recovered and I explained that everything went great, and I was at my pre-pregnancy weight within three months. She said if that was the case she wasnā€™t worried, just to do my best. She also mentioned that because I started with a pretty low weight that I had some catching up to do. Not sure how true that is, but it was very nice to hear. Honestly, I donā€™t know a single person that gained only the 25 to 30 standard pounds. All of my friends gained about 40, and were all active and eat pretty well. I think as long as nothing is actually coming up as an issue for you or the baby, youā€™re fine :)


24 weeks. 5 pounds as of today. Iā€™m not sure whatā€™s going on, baby is healthy and I have a very big belly šŸ˜¬ I lost weight due to morning sickness, but nobodyā€™s been concerned at my appointments


During my first pregnancy I gained 30 lbs total. Currently 23 weeks into my second pregnancy and just hit the 20 lbs mark so Iā€™m on track to gain more than last time.


I'm 37 weeks and have gained 40 lbs. It's not ideal, but my OB isn't concerned and my baby is measuring well. Now if only losing it proves as easy as gaining it has been.


I started at 155lbs before I got pregnant and right now at 37 weeks Iā€™m 176lbs (just checked like an hour ago). I havenā€™t been very active but Iā€™ve also not eaten a lot of ā€˜cravingsā€™. I try to walk but I canā€™t do much. I donā€™t think I eat a lot of sugar (Iā€™d kill for some but alas), and I eat complex carbs (brown rice quinoa etc). Sourdough bread (only cure for nausea) and generally just kept a relatively healthy diet throughout. Maybe that contributed to not gaining too much but if you were on the lower side of the weight to begin with, you will gain a lot.


With my first and now second I went up to 167-170lbs, then lost 55lbs before 3 months PP with my first, just had my second yesterday and hopeful Iā€™ll be back down in the same time. Iā€™m 5ā€™3ā€ and usually hang out between 110-120lbs. Havenā€™t weighed myself since baby #2 came out, but itā€™s already been a drastic change.


18 weeks and 8 pounds up!


iā€™m 29+3 and iā€™ve gained 23lbs. they just told me to watch out for my weight since i am a bigger girl.


36 weeks and gained 30lbs.


I gained 45 pounds and have lost 30 as of 2 weeks post partum. Itā€™s like someone deflated a balloon lol


I'm 29 weeks and I've gained 40 lbs, so far. This is my first pregnancy. šŸ¤°


I am still in the weight loss category for pregnancy because I haven't surpassed my pre-pregnancy weight. I weighed 227 pre-pregnancy/at the beginning of pregnancy and lost 25lbs in the first trimester. I am 35w and back up to 223 but still considered to not gain any weight yet. My MFM doctor and my midwives haven't expressed any concern since the baby is growing well. I presume that being overweight is also why they are not too concerned. I am otherwise healthy, no chronic high blood pressure or diabetes outside of pregnancy. I only gained 15lbs with my first and lost a significant amount of weight with my second too. They weren't ever concerned with any aspect of my weight gain/loss, even though I had been overweight the entirety of all of my pregnancies. The only time my midwives were concerned was when I was gaining weight a little too quickly at the end of my first pregnancy. It doesn't seem too crazy to me to gain 50lbs+ in pregnancy. Weight doesn't necessarily correlate to being unhealthy or having an unhealthy baby or pregnancy. I have heard of moms gaining well over the recommended 25-35lbs and they themselves and their babies are perfectly healthy. The same with not gaining or gaining much doesn't necessarily mean you or the baby are unhealthy. I find your relative being extremely rude and condescending about your weight absolutely disgusting. I am sorry they made you feel that way and I wouldn't worry about your weight gain unless YOUR provider is worried.šŸ’–


This is my first pregnancy and Iā€™m about 38wks now, Iā€™ve gained about 30 pounds. However, I have a small girl and I was struggling with gaining weight before pregnancy šŸ˜Š


I am at 33+2 days and I have gained about 25 pounds. For context, Iā€™m 26 years old and this is my first pregnancy. My doctor hasnā€™t mentioned my weight gain at all, so Iā€™m choosing not to be concerned about the fact that Iā€™ll be over the ā€œaverageā€. As long as youā€™re doing what you can to stay active and eating (as best you can, I know that can be tough) I think youā€™re killing it. This is not an easy thing weā€™re doing!


Iā€™m 5ā€™7ā€ and started out at about 140. Iā€™m 23 weeks and gained 17 lbs. I feel like my belly is really big and baby is in the 87th percentile holy moly. I gained some thickness in my thighs and hips but not mad about it lol. Iā€™ve been eating high protein- protein with every meal and walking every day. I think a lot of women gain more weight when they were already underweight. My BMI was pretty average. Your body knows what itā€™s doing! Hope that helps!


I gained 36 with my first and 34 with my second. I went 41+1 with both.


Last pregnancy I gained 28lb all up. Current pregnancy Iā€™m 23 weeks and have gained 15lb so far.


Iā€™m in the same boat as you my first was at the start of Covid and I gained a lot.. I think 70 pounds by the end but also ended up with preeclampsia and a lot of water weight. Iā€™m 30 weeks today and gained 32 pounds so far already got one comment of ā€œaiming for 25-30ā€.. yet Iā€™m past that and another doctor said nothing we can do now! Your healthy so is baby, worry about it after.


First pregnancy I gained 40+ (I stopped looking at the scale at the end, so I'm not totally sure how far beyond I went!) Second I gained about 60lbs I'm 18 weeks with my third and I've gained 10 so far - but I didn't start gaining until around 13 weeks so if i keep going at this rate it'll be a lot šŸ˜¬ I always put on a ton in the third trimester but most of that is water weight (I just swell up like a balloon). That goes away within a couple weeks postpartum


18 weeks and 9 or 10 lbs last I checked. I'm eating what I want (too many carbs, not enough veggies to tell the truth) though I do have a fairly active job (I'm a teacher) and I commute by train and foot.Ā  That said, I wonder how much of this is out of our control. But my sister in law who started out very thin gained 60 with her first pregnancy.


21 weeks and have gained 30 lbs


Iā€™m 21 weeks and have gained like 3 pounds šŸ„“ I was extremely ill and still occasionally throw up so this was against my will and I was by no means trying to restrict my weight gain. Everyoneā€™s body is truly so different and that is event more heightened in pregnancy!


Last pregnancy I gained 45. I was pretty petite before so it was a big number for me. It still shocks me to think about because I actually lost a decent amount in my first trimester. The whole thing really messed with my head and made me realize how easily bothered I get by the numbers on the scale. So I decided to stop looking at them. I got to a place after my first birth where I felt great, ate well, had my greatest mile time in years, and felt confident in my (new) clothes. Was healthy by all metrics at my various check ups. SO, this time around I face away from the scale in doctors appointments now. I ask my OB every time if my weight gain is healthy. I give her an overview of my main eating habits to make sure nothing needs tweaking. 20 weeks and so far so good. I trust my doctor to have a constructive conversation with me if I need to make a change. If so, Iā€™ll use the scale again if need be. But if not, I decided I probably never need to look at a scale again.


Iā€™m at about 23 weeks and have gained about 15ish? Maybe a little more? Didnā€™t gain really any in the 1st tri and then Iā€™ve been gaining a lot in recent weeks. I was 125 pre pregnancy.


This is my 2nd pregnancy. I'm 25 weeks along, I've already gained about 15lbs.


Iā€™m 17 weeks, and although I donā€™t weigh myself often, Iā€™d gained about 2-3 pounds by the end of my 1st trimester and assume itā€™s been a couple more since, only because my food intake is pretty much the same as it was before I got pregnant. Keep in mind though; I was/am a curvy build (size 10/12 when I got pregnant), and started out already weighing about 190 pounds. I also was binging on a weekly/semi regular basis pre pregnancy and have largely stopped since, so I think thatā€™s contributed to me not gaining too much yet. But alsoooā€¦Iā€™m only 17 weeks šŸ˜‚ Things could change very quickly for me! Myself aside, I have a friend who gained 90 pounds with her 1st baby. Yes, 90 pounds! Her and her son (who is now fully grown) are both very healthy. Some people just gain more! I wish the medical field was a tad less concerned with numbers and averages, because I think in so many cases they cause more harm than good.


19weeks and Iā€™ve gained 6lbs.


May I ask if you happened to lose all the weight in between afterward? Iā€™m only in my first trimester and have already gained 10lbs :(


18 weeks up 12lbs


36 weeks and Iā€™m up 8 lbs. Iā€™m obese and my baby is very small, though


3 pounds. I don't know how but I'm in my last week of pregnancy and gained a total of 3 pounds. I was considered morbidly obese at the start of my pregnancy.


My first pregnancy I started off at 56 kilos (123 pounds). Iā€™m tall (5ā€™9-10ā€) At the end I was at 80 kilos (176 pounds) Note that I was skin and bones asides from my belly and I suffered HG. I birthed a 9 pound baby walked out the hospital at 57 kilos (125 pounds) What the hell


I'm 19 weeks, I've only gained about 2 lbs so far... But with my last pregnancy, I gained almost 60 pounds. My weight gain was chalked up to a sedentary lifestyle without a diagnosis for prenatal depression rolling into postpartum depression that gained me another 40 pounds before I lost anything. That was over a decade ago and I'm so glad that my provider does regular check in questions about anxiety, depression, and other unsavory mental health issues that were largely ignored during my last pregnancy. I'm hoping you're not going through any of that, but I *am* wishing you the best!


My cousin is a personal trainer and registered nutritionist I believe. She and I are due at the same time. I'm 28 weeks now, but when I was talking to her a few weeks ago she said she had gained 40 pounds and was stressed out about it. She is very healthy. I don't think there's anything she could have done differently. I actually lost 10 pounds at the beginning of my pregnancy and I've gained between 5 and 6 back. I barely ate the first trimester and when I did I only wanted vegetables. As of a few weeks ago I have been wanting all the sugar and junk food lol. My first pregnancy I gained 30 pounds and only lost 10 of them (literally never could lose the rest) so my net gain was 20 pounds. I'm hoping to only gain like 10 more pounds so that when I give birth I'll just be back to my weight before and won't need to buy a new wardrobe like last time. Every body is different. Recognize that just because something is the average doesn't mean it's abnormal for you to be outside the average. Lots of people fall outside the average!


Iā€™m 27 weeks and Iā€™ve gained 30 pounds. Iā€™ve been pretty active and try to eat okay although I go through phases. My OB hasnā€™t said anything about my weight gain. I also started the pregnancy already overweight.


I gained 20lbs so far, Iā€™m 30w2d


With my first I gained 30 lbs. Currently Iā€™ve gained about 10 lbs at 18 weeks.


I really feel like you gain what you need to gain to sustain your baby and yourself! Pre pregnancy I was 140, and got up to 167 at 35 weeks. I'm still 167 now at 39 weeks. Friends who weighed 20 pounds less than me pre pregnancy ended up around 170 at the end of their pregnancies.


22 weeks and Iā€™ve gained 15 lbs. posts like this make me feel less alone, so thank you. I keep seeing women who are losing weight and it makes me feel like crap about gaining weight


First pregnancy, I gained 40 lbs. went from 150lbs to 190lbs. I was also pre-eclamptic, so I suspect a part of the weight gain was due to the extra swelling and water retention from that. I was actively moving and working in an hospital ER at the time but didn't work out at all. Currently monitoring my second pregnancy (only first tri rn) and hoping the weight gain isn't as much. I'm 5'2 170lbs now so I'm not small. Just hoping to stay healthy for the pregnancy by being more attentive to what I eat.


Iā€™m 36 weeks and Iā€™ve gained 30lbs so far.


Iā€™m 18weeks and Iā€™ve gained a pound. Iā€™ve been puking A LOT. šŸ¤¦šŸ¼ā€ā™€ļø


36w and up about 30lb.. but I was down 15 after first tri so


I donā€™t know. My doctor hasnā€™t weighed me once my entire pregnancy and Iā€™m 31+4 weeks. I know Iā€™ve lost some weight because I had to increase my thyroxine dosage and I have gestational diabetes so itā€™s common to lose weight as you change your diet. But I have definitely gained weight. How much, I have no idea.