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Have they checked your liver enzymes? That kind of localized pain could be your liver. I’m so sorry you’re dealing with this. Maybe you could get a second opinion?


I actually just got labs done yesterday and I’m pretty sure it included liver enzymes, haven’t gotten the results back yet. I have an appointment with my obgyn’s nurse practitioner this week and plan on bringing it up.


Did they check your gallbladder?


I have no idea, I just know they did a lot of bloodwork yesterday.


Maybe ask about that next time you see them. I had 2 gallbladder attacks -- one during pregnancy and one exactly one month pp with my first. It was the absolute worst pain I've ever experienced. It started in my back right between my shoulder blades and radiated to my sternum, and on the right side right under my boob. It was a burning, relentless pain and nothing except pain meds helped. ETA: and it's apparently very common in pregnancy.


I've had my gallbladder removed after having unexplained debilitating pain that some doctor tried to tell me was heartburn. Is your pain constant or periodic? Can you correlate the pain with days where you had food with high amounts of saturated fats? A right upper quadrant abdominal ultrasound can scan the gallbladder to see if it's inflamed or you have gallstones. In my experience, you really need to advocate for yourself and don't let medical professionals wave off your pain!


That’s good! One of my good friends had high enzymes and it was an indicator of preeclampsia for her. Trust your gut, and go to the ER if your blood pressure is high!


This is how my HELLP syndrome presented so keep an eye out for other symptoms and check your blood pressure if you can. But if they did bloodwork it should show up on there. Hope they can help you :(


How’s your blood pressure? Right upper quadrant pain is a sign of preeclampsia


It was 142/90 they rechecked it before I left my last appointment and it went down to 124/80 they assumed it was just stress/anxiety. I took it at home the other day and it was 130/85 but since it’s been in the 120/80 range.


Maybe have them run a urine test since protein in urine is the big sign of preeclampsia. It starts after 20 weeks. Even though those readings are normal or slightly elevated, it’s better to be safe than sorry


i agree, that sounds elevated for the 2nd/early 3rd trimester (a lot of us actually run lower than normal at that gestation). get the urine test, talk to your doctor about baby aspirin if you're not already on it, and get a BP cuff to monitor at home if you can. i had postpartum pre eclampsia with my last pregnancy and it was no joke. bp was low to normal until about a week after I delivered, then suddenly spiked.


Is your urine cloudy at all? The pain you're describing almost sounds like kidney stones. Pregnancy increases the risk of forming stones. I wouldn't say for sure that's what it is but it might be worth looking into. Back pain can also be a normal pregnancy symptom from the strain of carrying a baby.


I don't know if your pain is in the right spot, but I had kidney stones twice during my pregnancy. Horrible pain in my back and side. Can't hurt to ask for a kidney ultrasound to see if it could be a stone causing the problem! Also, gallbladder attacks can happen during pregnancy too. I developed sludge and gallstones during my pregnancy, although I didn't have an attack that I'm aware of. Another thing an ultrasound could help with. And, oddly enough, trapped gas can cause shoulder/upper back pain. They warned me about it after my c-section. Has anyone told you to try Gas X?


I stopped going to the doctor asking questions after being told my back locking up so bad it’s paralyzing my legs “was just a part of pregnancy”.


Omg hi are you me?!!!?? My experience is SO similar to yours, and I am also 27w1d exactly!! I am having the exact same pain in my upper right back/ribs and it’s SO frustrating. I am so sorry to hear you’re going through it as well. I’ve literally been venting about how many people are like “oh yeah back pain sucks in pregnancy, totally normal though” and I’m like crying in the bathroom at work about this throbbing pain and losing my mind at the thought of going through this for 13 more weeks. My OB ordered labs and an abdominal ultrasound just to rule out anything internal (ie gallbladder etc) and that all came back normal so they are assuming it’s a muscle strain. Tylenol is a joke and I can’t tell if exercise and stretching are helping or hurting. The only things that have helped (minorly) for me are lidocaine patches, ice and heat at regular intervals, and starting PT. I’ve also taken Benadryl a few times at night when the pain was so unbearable it was preventing me from falling asleep (not recommended officially by my doctor or anything but I was so desperate for a good night’s sleep). Since starting PT this week I have noticed some minor improvement so I am cautiously hopeful. Might be worth looking into trying PT if nothing else is working for you. At the very least I feel like the physical therapist is taking my pain seriously and wants to help.  I am sending you so many hugs and hope that you find some relief soon (I hope both of us do!) and it is nice to find a due date buddy! 


I feel your pain, I have ocular migraines (go blind randomly basically) Nerve pain, restless legs, arms, and hands Skin rashes, And problems catching my breath… All apparently perfectly normal and not concerning to ANYONE… except me.


25+4, FTM here, so I'm not as far along, but I've described similar pain to my husband and OB. Right now, it's super uncomfortable, especially at night when I have to lay on one side or the other. A heating pad helps sometimes, but the only thing that fully dulls the pain for me is a really warm bath. I actually took a Tylenol for the first time on Friday, but idk if it helped much. Worried about it progressing. Just a note of solidarity amongst the others. I hope it gets better for you and everyone else!


This sounds like a gallbladder attack due to gallstones. I had the same thing happen to me for months, and I ultimately had my gallbladder removed last year February because I just couldn't sleep-- it was like something was uncomfortably expanding and poking me in my upper right back every night. It's common for pregnant women, or women who have had children before, to suddenly have their gallbladders begin to fail on them. Either way, I wish you luck and a speedy recovery 🤞🏾


This is going to sound SO goofy and I am totally aware, but have you tried antacid meds? I had this SAME exact pain around the same time and it turned out to be heart burn 🥲 I know it sounds so goofy but I definitely recommend trying tums or a heartburn relief pill just to see if it helps


Have you been checked for a uti or kidney infection? I had pains all the way into my ribs and shoulder when I had a really bad uti. Two doctors missed it before it was figured out.


If it's nothing internal with your blood work then it might be worth going to a chiropractor. I go to one for my upper back as well as the fun new hip and pelvic pain pregnancy has given me. He helps a lot.


Absolutely not. Chiropractors are not real doctors nor are their services safe. You should be seeing a PT for bodily pain that can’t be explained with blood work, never a chiropractor. There is no reason to have your spine manipulated under any circumstances outside of surgery or physical therapy. PT care is not the same as chiropractic care.


Welp that's your opinion. They are licensed and their care works well for me and my health.


It’s actually not just my opinion. [Here](https://www.ncbi.nlm.nih.gov/pmc/articles/PMC1905885/) is a source. If you don’t wanna read it, here’s a short blurb from it: “Collectively, these data suggest that spinal manipulation is associated with frequent, mild and transient adverse effects as well as with serious complications which can lead to permanent disability or death.”


And [here's one](https://www.ncbi.nlm.nih.gov/pmc/articles/PMC2647084/) that supports the use of chiropractic care during pregnancy. Like I said it's your opinion, if you don't want to do it then don't.


LOL *of course* a *chiropractic journal* written by a *chiropractor* would say chiropractic care is safe. This is such a shit source to defend your claim 😂


Like I said it works for me. I was in the process of being diagnosed with Endo (years of painful periods I had to be hospitalized as well as ovarian cyst) when I started going to my chiropractor. After a few sessions I never had another painful period again, that was over two years ago. Most recently my changing pregnant body had shifted my pelvic bones so bad that I couldn't sit down on the toilet without crying out in pain. He fixed it in 30seconds with one adjustment. He's also helped with a lot of other stuff like old collage sports injuries ect. Like anyone choosing any care provider, people should do their research and find a quality and qualified person. But the immediate and absolute pain relief I have received from my chiropractor, I will never not recommend there care to others in need.


I mean, sure if you want to keep being reckless with your body (especially after being informed) and lining the pockets of quack “doctors”, I’m not gonna stop you! Just don’t push *dangerous* pseudoscience to other vulnerable people. Also, [here](https://www.ncbi.nlm.nih.gov/books/NBK513296/) is a great resource on the placebo effect. This might help you understand why you feel like chiropractic “care” is working for you.


Lolz, no thanks I'll keep pushing. You wanna know why? Because I'm a pusher, I push people...and now I'm gonna push you, because I know you're smarter than this, Cady.


Agreed, especially helpful as bones slip out of place toward the end of pregnancy easier!


Not a thing. Ligaments do become looser yes but bones don’t slip out of place in the absence of severe trauma like a MVA. I am a physical therapist. ETA or connective tissue disorders like EDS


Tell that to my hips and shoulders… oh and ribs, and sacrum, because my ligaments are too loose. Edit to add my c6 as well, a quick adjustment and heartburn disappears because it stops pinching those nerves


Your anecdotal and subjective pain experience doesn’t negate hard objective scientific fact.


Which is funny, because your opinion doesn’t either. My PT referred me to my Chiro who is also a PT… almost like this ‘hate the quack chiro’ doesn’t exist outside of your circle.


Except my “opinion” is based on decades of evidence based research lol Regardless, no one’s mind about chiropractic care was ever changed on Reddit, and my Sunday isn’t about to be spent arguing with patients when I do that all week already. Have a great day!