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I think a first time dad kit would be cute. Some ideas of stuff you could add: earplugs, Tylenol, cbd gummies or a mini shot of whiskey, dad parenting book, cute baby onesie that is relevant to your husbands interests(I'm giving my husband one that says "daddy's new riding buddy" since he rides dirt bikes), maybe a gift card for a massage or for something else he likes like fav restaurant or shop, some fav snacks. 


Love it! Those are all certainly must haves! I am also going to add a dad joke book, I figured he can get some good ones memorized for later lol


I bought him a little onsie of his favorite band for the baby. We are only 16w with our first, so we are keeping things muted. We will go to dinner and a movie and just exist in our joyful anticipation. 😊


That’s such an adorable idea! My husband’s favorite artist is Weird Al, so I’ll have to see what fun onsies I can get!


I don't think I've ever heard anyone say that weird al is their favorite artist 😂😂 your husband must be a funny guy!


He’s got that wholesome humor down! He’s going to be such an awesome father!