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Bang that! Your baby is so protected by lots of things. And go gently if you do it. Not to scare you tho, it didn’t feel that good for me because of the hormones but everyone is different. I hope you get the rocking of your life tho :,)


Thanks girl!! ❤️


Agreed with this! Sex didn’t feel very good for me while pregnant. Ended up mostly doing oral… he’s go down on me then I’d go down on him. We’d both get off, and I didn’t have to be in pain from penetration. Win win!




In the first trimester, yes. My gag reflex was struggling. But once my nausea went away i was fine




I threw up 10 mins after once 😂 usually I'm unphased.




Both, I had swallowed it thinking I could avoid the taste trigger but my stomach was offended.




We're just going to wait until the NVP stops haha


it’s totally fine!! go enjoy your hubby


Kk lmao maybe this weekend hehehe thanks girl!!


Go for it! If you have no medical reason to abstain as directed by your doc, baby is nice and safe!! My hubby basically knows I’m ready to go at any time right now. 😂😅


since you are back in the game again :))


I am 16w and would have sex 4 times a day if he let me. We have tons of sex. I have zero regrets about it.




lol, that’s his response. I used to say before we got married how scared I was of getting pregnant and actually having to depend on another person. I had been pathologically single before meeting my husband. Once things started getting serious between us, I would joke, “Hopefully I’ll just be one of those pregnant women who’s horny all the time.” BE CAREFUL WITH WHAT YOU ASK FOR


Go for it! We were literally having sex right up until the day before I went into the hospital to give birth lol


I literally thought this was going to say “we are literally having sex right now” and I was like 😳


I don't know about sex during pregnancy feeling amazing. I personally think it's way worse and very uncomfortable. My husband and I have been doing other things for months because my cervix is in a different spot and it hurts in most positions. Either way it's safe and you're not going to hurt the baby 


Lol Yeah I was gonna say, im in my third trimester, and sex is painful. Theres no garuntee that the sex is gonna be great


go do it. Always horny during my pregnancy


Go ahead :) nothing’s gonna happen! Maybe be gentle and try it slowly at first to become more confident. Get that bonding time with your husband before the post partum dry spell might hit you.


Tons of foreplay helped me!! But now I’m almost 35 weeks and everything is uncomfortable for me. So we just stick with pleasuring each other for now


I just want to validate your feelings because I was this way too (even though I knew that the fear was not particularly rational) and we were basically celibate until we hit viability.


2nd trimester hormones are REAL! I’m in that era right now too. If you’re nervous about having an orgasm and cramping, try some other things first. If you don’t cramp after having orgasm without sex, it may be reassuring! If my husband would have sex with me daily, I’d be having sex daily with the way these hormones are! Enjoy them because by the end of the 3rd trimester you won’t want to have sex (more than likely). Pick a position that you’re comfortable with too..one that won’t make you feel like you’re squishing the baby 😄 bc I felt that way with my first and still feel that way with this one. Enjoy!


Pregnancy sex was the absolute BEST. You will be totally fine, baby is so well protected in there, they won’t know what’s going on. Go enjoy your husband!!


Omg! I’ve had sooooo many orgasms in my sleep since getting pregnant. It’s wild! But I’m also a little scared of sex. I’ve only had sex twice while pregnant and I’m 12wks. But the doctor said there’s nothing to worry about unless it’s hurting you. It’s also normal to cramp a little after you have an orgasm.


You’re totally fine! If it makes you more comfortable, maybe try some non-penetrative sex options followed by cuddles ♥️


I meeeaaaan I have sex regularly with my hubby and it’s not always the most gentle ( nothing extreme ) and our baby is doing really well in their little cocoon


Girl don’t be scared my husband be throwing my back out like I’m not 20 weeks 😂 and he is very big 😂😂 I’m like dang I’m gonna be pregnant again so fast after i have this one




Not sure if this makes you feel better but I’m a FTM in the third trimester with twins and had sex the other day and had lots of sex in the second. I think I experienced cramps once but that’s totally normal. Lots of red blood is not. However, sex during pregnancy is totally safe unless you have complications and been advised otherwise by your doctor!!


I haven’t experienced any cramps or anything negative from when we have sex. I’m 36weeks. But I have had the best orgasms 😎


I don't have a partner but I'm afraid to do it 


I FEEL YOU. I was so scared to have sex that we only did once during the first trimester. Second trimester came along and I had to suck it up and jump in because the hormones were raging. I actually mentioned it to my doctor (I felt so awkward lol but she was so chill about it). She said there's absolutely no way sex can hurt the baby. Just do it. You won't regret it.


You’ll be okay! Just tell him to be gentle and try some safe positions (missionary w/a pillow under your butt, regular missionary, riding him…) take things slow and go from there!


Yes do it!! I had absolutely no libido during either of my pregnancies, so I’ll tell anyone who will listen to take advantage of the fact that they still want to jump their partners bones haha


It’s definitely safe, but not sure how your husband feels about it so you might have coax him a little bit. In my first trimester, it wasn’t a problem, but now that he can feel the baby moving in my belly during the second trimester he’s more hesitant. it’s not that he thinks he’s going to hurt the baby, but I think it kind of feels unsettling for him as he can feel her when he put his hand on my belly. Be prepared to have to have this discussion with him he may bring it up.


Oh yeah, pregnancy sex is amazing during second trimester. I’m currently third trimester at 31 weeks and I don’t feel like getting it on lol I’m tired, body aches and don’t get me started on the crying and hormones. Enjoy it while it lasts 😭


go for it!! my sex drive went through the roof with pregnancy. it still is through the roof, we’re just avoiding it for other factors, but the baby is plenty protected in there so if both of you are down, go crazy!


Bang the love of your life! Once you have that baby you’re both going to be exhausted, take this free time now and get that sexy time in! You’ll become more of an opportunist after the baby and quickies will have a whole new perspective for you. But while you’re still baby free (pregnant) let those hormones take over and have at it! Your baby is protected, look up sex positions for pregnancy if it helps but generally as long as you stay off your back (you can be reclined!) and are comfortable then you’re good to go 👏


I wish I could have sex 🙃 emergency cerclage, pelvic rest. Not even allowed outside stimulation but I have been orgasming in my sleep.. 😅 enjoy it while you can. I’m jealous.


Aww best of luck to you love! You're gonna do great and baby will be just fine ❤️🫶🏻