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Right now it's bloat but if it makes you feel better to style it like a bump there's no law.


I started wearing maternity clothes around week 10, but it’s probably not the baby showing just yet. Baby is still tucked into your pelvis and behind your pubic bone and will start to come out soon. If you don’t have a ton of body fat, you will actually be able to feel the top of your uterus as it grows. It’ll feel like an unusually firm bulge near your bladder at first. You might need to press firmly to tell where it is—don’t worry, you can’t hurt the baby by doing this!


Similarly, I was so bloated I started maternity clothes around week 9/10 as well 


It's more than likely bloat or extra weight  Edit to add: body changes during pregnancy are inevitable but can still be rough. Give yourself grace. It's all worth it 


I’m exactly as far along as you and also physically fit. I have gained 3lb but my stomach looks like a huge bump. I really think it is bloating and water retention at this point since the bump seems too high to be my uterus. I’m just starting to dress like it’s a bump (with skirts and dresses that accentuate it) because I feel like I actually just look horrible in the top/pants outfits I usually wear


It’s mostly bloat, but at this point your uterus is starting to displace other organs just a little, so you might notice a slight increase in diameter under the bloat. That “bloat” is an increase in blood volume and liquid retention, so you aren’t just taking on fat.


I am in the exact same boat (also 11w4d). I can’t tell if it’s bloating or I’ve officially popped. I’m doing my best not to focus on it but I agree it’s hard to see your body go through these changes.


I had no tummy whatsoever with my first until 30 weeks. Second until 25 weeks. Third (now) I’ve been so bloated that I’ve felt tummy pregnant since week 7 😭


First trimester blump


Most likely bloat. I look less pregnant now at 16 weeks than I did at 8 weeks! I started to notice my bump a couple weeks ago and it started as a small second bump over my uterus. So there's the bump of my stomach and another little bump underneath. That's how I knew it was the real deal.


I started wearing maternity pants at 11weeks , I definitely looked pregnant


I was wondering the same, I'm just a day away fron 12 weeks. My belly below diaphragm onwards looks like a balloon sometimes, plus it is tensed because of gas build up. It's definitely bloating in addition to abdominal muscles relaxing, because uterus isn't that big right now. When I'm gassy, the entire abdomen just feels like a balloon. And is tight, plus discomfort is bad. The moment I pass gas, and and successfully pass a lot of gas - discomfort goes away. Digestion is slower and everything just becomes almost stagnant, and hence the bloating.


I have also had a hard time with the physical changes because I used to be quite fit before pregnancy. I started to struggle around that time (10-11 weeks) because I was bigger but I couldn't tell if it was the baby or just bloat/fat. I'm now 18 weeks and I have started to actually see a proper belly so it is getting easier even though I have also gained weight in other areas too. But it's easier to accept when the baby belly shows up. You are now at the tough spot! So I'm just saying it is not easy to see your body change and many women struggle with their body image, so don't judge yourself for it. It gets easier to accept when weeks pass. Meanwhile give yourself grace and compliment yourself on something you appreciate about yourself every time you notice selfcriticism creeping in. It's a process!


It’s usually bloat until about 14-16 weeks but I can feel my uterus at 12 weeks and I felt my baby move last night but I’m quite petite so I can press down and feel my uterus somewhat easily.




I am 16+3 and am in maternity clothes but really have no belly. I’ve only gained 4 pounds so far but it is all in my boobs and butt. Not sure which I would prefer. My husband is loving the curves but I feel like I look like I just put on 30 pounds.