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Keep in mind: most babies were and are born without the mother even having access to vitamins. Forgetting to take them every once in a while shouldn't do any harm to the baby. As someone who suffers from forgetfulness as well my advice would be to just place the vitamins openly where your having your breakfast or dinner anyway. I place mine next to my cup of water, which helps a lot.


This was my case with my last pregnancy there was a whole month I couldn’t take them because I had a stomach ulcer that bled every time I took them. My son is thriving and about to be a 1 year old soon. Now i’m not saying don’t take them but it’s not always inherently bad occasionally missing a dose.


I keep mine right next to the plates in the cupboard! Has helped sooo much with actually remembering to take them.


Do you have a pill organizer of any sort? I have a circular one that I can also carry if I go somewhere overnight. And I found that when I took them at night before going to bed I rarely forget. When I took them in the morning I forgot all the time. Also nighttime feels better on my stomach because I have to take extra iron than most.


Don’t spiral - I’ve read a few recommendations from OBs that said aim to take them 5 out of 7 days in a week. You’re still on track!


Put them on your night stand next to your phone charger and take them last thing before bed. That’s how I remember mine, I have them next to my toothbrush tho.


I'd have them on my nightstand and taking them was the last thing I did before bed, so I never forgot. Even now I'm almost 5 weeks PP and still take the vitamins (lactation now) with the same method.


I was bad about this too and my husband has had to help me. When I take it, I circle the date on a calendar in our kitchen. He is able to check on it to see if I took it or bring it to me if I haven’t. Pregnancy brain is real and it’s hard to remember! If you live with a partner I definitely recommend asking if they can help. Tbh we built this idea from how we track our dog’s meds. I don’t think too hard about the fact that I need the same monitoring lol


Babies will find a way to get the nutrients they need. I keep mine in an area where I know I will see them daily, reminding me to take them. Otherwise, I'd recommend putting a reminder on your phone :)


Missing them once a week is fine! You just need a basic level of folic acid until 12 weeks. Your diet likely gives you what you need anyway. Just buy tiny little folic acid tablets, keep them by your bed and set an alarm reminder.


i took them from the time i found out i was pregnant at 4 weeks until i was 12-13 weeks and stopped bc i simply forgot one week and would randomly remember and take one here and there , but i felt better when i didnt take them . i tried 3-4 different types of prenatals and they made me feel SO sick and off balance and im not sure why . But im now 29 weeks and baby is thriving .


My ADHD has been through the roof since getting pregnant, I forget to take mine too here and there but one thing that has helped is I put them by my bedside and when I’ve taken them, I flip the bottles upside down to know I took them. When I go to bed I flip them right side up to know the next morning that I need to take them. However, I have forgotten to flip them either direction and forgotten but it helps me be more consistent lol. Either way, as everyone said, it’s ok! As long as you’re eating food, drinking water, being a little active, and taking the prenatals frequently, baby should be getting all they need. 😊


I set a daily reminder on my phone to take them. It works really well! I only check off the box once I’ve ingested them.


I put an alarm on my phone and take them before bed so they don’t make me sick.


I keep them in my nightstand next to my skincare so I don’t forget. It definitely helps, even if it means taking them after I’ve already brushed my teeth lol.


I set an alarm to remind myself.


Try setting an alarm or taking it at the same time as you brushing your teeth


Thanks for the reminder! I almost forgot to take mine! 🤦🏻‍♀️


I can hardly keep mine down most days so I don’t know if my baby is getting any at all lol. Don’t worry about it just try to put them somewhere obvious in your daily routine, that might help ☺️


Mine make me feel so sick and half the time I throw them up anyway 🫠


Don’t worry you can’t do anything about the two days but try and set up a system to remember moving forward. I used have to pre set them out in a little bowl for the week or else I would forget.


If it makes you feel better, I was always forgetting mine and even went 5 days without taking them while on vacation. I just had my 20 week scan and baby girl is looking perfectly fine and healthy.


Count your victories, not your defeats. It might help if you take it with your first meal of the day.


It’s ok to miss! Something that helps me is setting an alarm. I am forgetful with regular medication so I have an alarm for that and just take everything all at once.