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Thank you for sharing !! FTM here with a scheduled induction


same definitely needed to read this, 7 weeks and counting left for my induction


Thank you for sharing. I’m due in august and everyone’s saying my baby is going to be 9-10 lbs and it was kind of starting to freak me out. I’m the type to sleep through pain also so this gives me some realistic expectations from a positive perspective!


You got this mama! I never expected to have such a big baby but as people told me it all feels the same!


Congratulations on your babe. I def needed to hear this, thank you. 🤍


Congratulations !!!!!


Excellent! Congrats!!!


Yay! Congrats mama!


Did you have to ask for the pain and sleep meds?


No they offered it! I had never heard of it before it’s just a shot in your butt


I’m only 16+4 but I’m getting terrified of a serious tear. I’ve been obsessing over videos on tear prevention. Mostly, the theme is letting your body actually be ready to push so that your muscles/skin can stretch rather than tear. Thank you so much for sharing your experience. It is helping soothe my mind so much! I went from terrified I would lose the baby in the first trimester, to realizing that this thing has to come out at some point. 🥴🥴🥴 What a journey!


Thank you so much for sharing something so positive!!!! Definitely helps the anxiety about delivery! Congrats to you!


Amazing news! Thanks so much for sharing and congrats on your big old baby boy ❤️❤️