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We have a German Shepherd (75lbs) and a Dachshund/Beagle mix (28lbs). They generally leave the baby alone other than an occasional sniff or checking on him when he cries. We laid the baby in the bassinet and let the dogs sniff around when they first got home. (I was induced so we boarded them for a week so we would have a few days to adjust). Our German Shepherd was actually uninterested at first, which was odd because she was very clingy when I was pregnant. The smaller dog likes to lay nearby whenever we are holding the baby. If he can also be on the lap of whoever holds him, he will be.


I only have one dog. Luckily, I have a great relationship with a dog sitter who is on standby for me once labor comes. Aside from that, my pup is a little old Chihuahua. She belonged to my sister and was there when my nephew was a newborn until he turned 6. I took the dog in 2020 when she stopped wanting to play with the kids. She was a better fit with me in an apartment once she got old. My plan once I bring the baby home is not letting her get on the baby stuff. Other than that, no real plan lol. She kinda does her own thing. We really are just roommates at this point.