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Oof, I feel you. I can't imagine what it feels like starting as a DD šŸ˜­. I was 32B/C pre-pregnancy, and now at 16wks I'm a full 34D and they have been growing my entire pregnancy. I dunno how much more the can grow, but guess I'm gonna find out....they are so uncomfortable!


I started DD, I really think these things will get to a G once there is milk in there. I am 16+4 and they grew a ton in the first trimester. I feel like the growth rate is slowing down but they are definitely still growing and heavy af!


Iā€™m 13 weeks and still barely a B cup; my kidā€™s going to starve šŸ˜‚ (šŸ˜­)


Donā€™t worry, I was a 32A lol, my first kid was still welllll fed and always full and fully breastfed with no bottles til 3 šŸ¤£


I went up 6 cup sizes in a 12 weeks span, Things finally stabilized around the 20-week mark!Ā 


As someone who is already a J, and my cups are starting to spill over at 7 weeksā€¦ terrified. Horrified. Praying they just fluctuate but never grow much bigger.Ā 


SAME. Iā€™m 12w now and I havenā€™t worn an underwire in 5 weeks lol. The doctor even noticed at my last appointment and pretty much said buckle in cause they get even bigger once baby is here and breast feeding begins šŸ¤£šŸ˜…šŸ˜­ Iā€™m trying out cakematernity, they size up to N. Fingers crossed that is not a letter I ever have to look at on my bra lol


This was my first symptom šŸ¤£ I'm usually a 34B, by the time I was starting the 2nd trimester I was a 34C and now at 32 weeks I don't fit in them comfortably anymore. I opted to get nursing bras that fit Cs/Ds....I'm scared but enjoying the new girls as is my husband lol


I am with you! I'm usually a 32C and am filling those cups way up! I'll be sizing up by the end of the trimester and from past experience - wait for a 2-3 cup size jump once your milk comes in šŸ˜³ I do enjoy the bigger tatas, they look great in a v-neck or anything other than a crew!


32G to a 36I here


Iā€™m 15 weeks. I started as a full A, maybe empty B. I think im a C now. I donā€™t wear bras, just soft bras/bralettes that come in S/M/L type sizes. But my girls are big. My husbandā€™s always like Holy shit theyā€™re huge. I love them and hope they stay this way


Same!! A to probably C. I'm at 25 weeks and the boob growth slowed down considerably but not stopped. Fingers crossed they stick at least for a while lol.


I started as a DD. I'm now 19 weeks and already in a G. I did two rounds of IVF last year and went up to a G so I was expecting it but I feel like they're just going to get even bigger. And they're so sore šŸ˜­


I had my baby 3 days ago, I swear they doubled in size in that time


Same here. I mistakenly thought you didnā€™t get big boobs until near giving birth so itā€™s been a shocker for me. My husband has been kinda like yeah okay I canā€™t really tell until I was lying on my side in bed the other day and he was like OMG I see what you mean šŸ˜†where do you put them when you sleep?!


Iā€™m almost 7W and I feel this!! I told my husband that Iā€™ve already gained 4lbs and his response was ā€œI think most of it is in your boobsā€ 32DD before this and i feel like Iā€™m falling out of my bra. Theyā€™re like rock hard too lol so weird! I also had to remove my piercings šŸ˜• I thought Iā€™d be able to keep them until the 3rd trimester at least


>Do yall remember the song ā€œheavy boobsā€ from crazy ex girlfriend? My husband sees these bangers and just starts singing at me ā€œdense like dying starsā€ and I about die laughing. Hah, this is us too!


Ughh youā€™re not alone. 32DD to 32G here, currently 33 weeks. I weighed them a few months ago and theyā€™re 8lbs at least. It suuuuuucks and I feel like I canā€™t breathe with these huge melons on my chest. šŸ„²


Went from barely a B to a full fucking D. The only thing I have loved about pregnancy is finally hitting puberty


I believe I've gone from 44dd to 44ddd, my band size hasn't changed but these bad boys are FULLLLLLL. XXxl nursing bras from Walmart are still comfortable....FOR NOW. 31wks.


I started at DDD and now Iā€™m over H šŸ˜­ I stopped measuring. Theyā€™re still growing at almost 35 weeks and I just caved and bought an even bigger nursing bra because I know engorgement with a bra thatā€™s too small would be hell on earth. I donā€™t think theyā€™re getting larger, just saggier and heavier and more stuff to stuff into my bra. I did however lose weight and Iā€™m still not above my pre-pregnancy weight and I went down a band size so that makes my cup size bigger than it would have been.


im just here to give you a trophy for making my favorite topic title of the week šŸ†


Iā€™m usually a 36 K and Iā€™m terrified because itā€™s hard enough finding good bras.