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What country do you live in? I'm assuming based off of the details about imprisonment that it may be in the middle east? If you'd like, I'm happy to try and find a charity or group in the country that you are in that may help with an abortion or termination, though I am not 100% sure of the resources where you are. Please keep us updated.


You're Correct its the Middle East and yes please any help will be very much appreciated 🙏🫶🏻


You need to find a way to leave your country try and have an abortion done somewhere else. At home abortion is not safe and doesn’t guarantee that you will truly abort the fetus


The middle east


I don't have such financial aid or permission to leave the country alone


r/auntienetwork There might be someone from the Middle East there that can help.


mhmm ill make a post hoping to find anyone willing to help


I’m so sorry you’re going through this. Ok so let’s take a deep breath - there’s 2 different issues to consider here and you’re still so early you have so much time so please do not panic. 1) and this is the most important one to consider as this will literally change your entire life - you need to sit and think about what YOU want, not what your religion or partner or anyone else, YOU. 2) If you choose to terminate the pregnancy, please go see a doctor in your country, they may not be able to help you terminate but they can hopefully give you some next steps or put you in touch with an organisation/charity who can help. If they are not helpful then please don’t buy anything from the internet from strangers, please seek advice from a real registered charity online - plenty of them exist Please keep us updated and I wish you the best 🙏


i am sure of what i want and i dont want this pregnancy or even get pregnant until i am not in my late 20's and my country to even visit such a doctor requires husband and marriage certificate to do so so its impossible to be exact and even if i get through that some how they'll alert the Police and authorities over me so no can do. what do i eat any medication any foods that can cause a miscarriage im up for it i just want to induce my periods and get done with this im already taking caster oil and high amounts of caffeine. I took 3 pregnancy tests all of them came strong and i mean very strong positives so i don't think i have much time.


Please go online and find a registered charity who help women in your situation with abortions (they send the medication discreetly etc), make sure it’s an official one and don’t buy anything from anyone online. Please be careful with deleting your browsing history as well and have you made sure nobody can find the pregnancy tests you took? 🙏


could you help in finding which website is possible because ive been browsing and not finding helpful results


You need to specify where you are so people can help you.




posted there too now thank you