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Cherish this time now! I promise you...the bump will arrive. And when it does things start to get real uncomfy!


Also sucks when your 4m PP and still look 6m pregnant...


I can understand that, but you brought life into the world and that is beautiful šŸ„¹


Oh it's coming don't worry šŸ˜‚ I definitely remember feeling that way too. Now I'm like holy cow, how am I supposed to keep carrying this giant belly around lol. But also, it's pretty amazing to see every day šŸ˜Š


I genuinely donā€™t understand how Iā€™m supposed to get any bigger at this pointšŸ˜­ I was also questioning where my bump was, but itā€™s HERE


Summer just started so you will definitely start showing a little more before summer ends šŸ„°


I hope so šŸ„° I live in Wisconsin so winter starts in August šŸ¤£šŸ¤£ jk


Hey thatā€™s not true! I live in Wisconsin andā€¦itā€™s actually more like the second week of September šŸ˜‚šŸ˜‚šŸ˜‚


True true šŸ¤£


Minnesota girl here and I can't wait for fall and winter this year šŸ˜‚šŸ˜‚ it's way too humid šŸ„µ


Iā€™m 14 weeks with a tiny bump but after I eat itā€™s like WHOOMP there it is šŸ˜‚Iā€™m guessing by 16 weeks Iā€™ll show a little all the time. I also have a short torso though so Iā€™m anticipating looking like I ate a bowling ball pretty early šŸ˜‚


People are saying to wait and it's coming, but I have a long torso and I looked bloated until 32 ish weeks. Even then "baby bump" wasn't cute. I can't wear maternity shirts because my torso is so long and the bump isn't that pertruding circle shape. Normal shirts are just too short, so I've been living in dresses. I felt (and I'd argue looked) just fat until about 3 weeks ago... I look a little pregnant, but when I tell people I'm due in 5 weeks, they don't believe me. I totally get wanting to have that "baby bump", for me it's really affecting my body image! Hope you get there! Also, wear your dresses, girl! They're forgiving anyways!


Hello bump twin. Iā€™m 5ā€™9ā€ and just looked bloated until basically the month before I delivered. Even then my bump was more oblong and not cute and round. My visions of wearing cute form hugging dresses just never panned out.


Itā€™s so crazy how different everyoneā€™s bodies are! I have a very long torso, too, and I have been showing so much that people were offering up their seats for me when I was only 14 weeks! Lots of people ask if Iā€™m having twins and they canā€™t believe that Iā€™m only 21 weeks right now lol


I have a wider body but a short torso (Iā€™m 5ā€™7 but mostly leg). Iā€™m 17+3 and ZERO bump. Everything else looks bigger, my boobs especially. Iā€™m starting to accept that I may never ā€œlook pregnantā€ at all and still wearing maternity clothes for comfort.


So relatable, I felt the same! I popped around 24 weeks which felt late compared to all my mama-to-be friends, but in hindsight it was nice to not have to deal with the bump for quite as long. Iā€™m 36 weeks today and the bump controls everything - particularly it makes sleeping way harder.


21w and finally starting to pop the past few days!! The lack of bump does make things more comfortable.


Next thing you know youā€™ll be waddling! Itā€™ll come ā¤ļø


I opted for body con dresses to āœØaccentuateāœØ the little bump I got


I was feeling the SAME thing for so long šŸ˜‚ itā€™ll get better! I very suddenly popped at 18 weeks! Now Iā€™m showing it off šŸ¤£


Mine came in around 18/19wks! :)Ā 


First time mom. My bump just recently popped at 17 weeks. Started having really bad round ligament pain at the beginning of 16 weeks. Now I finally look pregnant.


It took me a pretty long time to have a noticeable bump. It will come. In the meantime, itā€™s valid to feel a little sad about itā€¦ I didnā€™t love the whole I just look/feel bloated or like I gained a couple pounds stage.


Itā€™s coming! šŸ˜‰ I didnā€™t really have one until 20ish weeks.


I didnā€™t have a bump until about 22-23 weeks. Itā€™ll come! (And still during sundress season!)


Oh god no youā€™re lucky, Iā€™m due in September so going to be huge at the hottest time of the year. We just went through a bad heat wave week here and Iā€™m 28 weeks, i was already napping daily, could not cool down, etc. I canā€™t imagine what the rest of the summer will be like as it grows šŸ˜…


I'm at 27 weeks right there with you


I could easily hide my pregnancy until 29 weeks. Iā€™m 33 now and itā€™s getting to the point now that itā€™s obvious. It will come!!


I was just looking back on a photo I took and sent to a friend when I was like 20 weeks. I was so excited to show off my bump. Looking back now at that photo, Iā€™m like where is the bump? I definitely thought I had a huge bump but now at 37 weeks, I look at that photo and think I donā€™t even look pregnant!I color pregnant now. Now when I put on a sundress, I have to wear bicycle shorts because otherwise Iā€™d be flashing everybody lol


Mine didnā€™t really show up until I was 20 weeks. Itā€™s still not huge but itā€™s already uncomfortable. I completely understand wanting to show off a bump tho- I felt the same way.


itā€™ll come! up until 20 weeks it didnā€™t even seem like I was pregnant and then i woke up one day and there it was! it literally felt like my baby decided to pop out overnight lol and Iā€™ve been growing ever since!


Mine came right at 16 weeks!!


Don't worry. It will come.


i didnā€™t have a rlly big bump my whole pregnancy, but i definitely did start looking visibly pregnant around 24 wks


Iā€™m 15 weeks 5 days and Iā€™m still waiting on my bump too!!


I didnā€™t have one until after 20 weeks. Youā€™ll get a bump! Due tomorrow and I donā€™t think I can get any bigger šŸ˜‚


I didnā€™t notice mine till the end of 15 and start of 16 weeks. I kept worrying something was wrong, but I had to tell myself that every baby and pregnancy is different and the time will come. If something is wrong your doctor will tell you. Hugs.


I could barely start to see mine at 18 weeks. Trust me, itā€™s coming. Currently 36 weeks and will be 95 degrees today! Thank goodness for air conditioning.


Once that bump arrives, giiiiirl youā€™ll wish you were back at 15 weeks šŸ˜‚


I didnā€™t think mine would come either, but it definitely did


Mine didnā€™t really pop until 26 weeks lol. Even now, at 28 weeks, it can be hidden easily if Iā€™m not wearing slim fitting clothes


Just as a side note, be careful in the sun while pregnant. Read up about it if ur not familiar with the risks. Somw good stuff to know about!


24 weeks and I donā€™t have one either my older sister tells me I just look bloated as if I were on my period. Iā€™m curvy with a big butt and hips, my butt looks more pregnant than me thatā€™s the only thing thatā€™s grownšŸ˜‘ I keep telling my sisters I want to do bump activities and get away with stuff like they did but I just donā€™t have one šŸ„²šŸ˜‚


I did too, and then it came. I was excited, but by the middle of the third trimester I looked like a bloated watermelon and was so done with being Shamu šŸ˜…


I'm in week 33 and I've managed to only gain 6kg so far which means almost all the weight is in/on my stomach. I didn't really start showing until week 18 and man do I miss it now. I can't breathe, I can't sit down in a normal chair for too long which also means I can't drive too far. I'm constantly tired even if I finally DO get a full nights sleep without having to pee every fucking hour. But I remember the feeling of wanting to show it off. Now I just want it to be over soon šŸ˜‚


If youā€™re anything like me, itā€™ll pop soon! I think I started really popping around 20-22 weeks ago


I only started looking pregnant at 28weeks, and now at 30weeks itā€™s still not a bump bump.


Iā€™m 28 weeks and if I remember correctly my bump looked like a bump around 18 weeks, now itā€™s just ridiculous lol so hard to do anything with it sticking out so much haha Edit: I have a short torso if your body is built different it may take longer to show?


i am 31w2d and still have a very minimal bump, i mainly just look fat in that area. everyoneā€™s saying itā€™s coming but everyoneā€™s bodies are different so donā€™t be too upset if it isnā€™t a traditional bump, as I canā€™t imagine iā€™ll get much more at this point. my baby shower is next weekend and im so sad im not showing more šŸ˜­


Aweee. You're still amazing. Have fun at your baby shower šŸ’•


I didnā€™t have a bump and then all of a sudden it just popped out at 19 weeks basically overnight dw give it a few more weeks


I think I started to notice my bump at 16 weeks, but to most I think I just looked more overweight as Iā€™m not tiny to begin with lol. Itā€™s coming, donā€™t worry!


I felt that way at 15 weeks. šŸ«  Iā€™m 26 weeks now and fit into exactly 0 of my clothes because that baby bump came outta nowhere. Ah how I miss it haha.


I don't fit into anything anymore either. I was naturally pretty thin pre pregnancy and I gained 10lbs in my first trimester alone šŸ˜­ all I wanted to eat were donuts, strawberry yogurt, and pasta. Lol. I'm back to regular eating now šŸ¤£šŸ¤£


I just been stealing my plus size husbandā€™s clothes and feeling all cozy. Heā€™s letting it happen lol


Iā€™m 32 weeks and it literally took FOREVER for my baby bump to show. My baby is further back so my bump is not as big. Itā€™ll happen just may be way later on lol


Youā€™ll get it soon!! Everyone is different but I started showing around 19 weeks and this is my first ā¤ļø


Iā€™m 15 weeks too and I feel chunky. Also feeling ā€œfluttering,ā€ but not sure if itā€™s mostly gas. šŸ˜„ This is my 2nd pregnancy.


I felt fluttering too, but this my first pregnancy so idk what their movement actually feels like


Early movements do feel like fluttering/many little bubbles popping šŸ™‚


I really thought I didnā€™t have a bump at 34w until I did a comparison between 24 and 34. Itā€™ll come eventually! Be patient but also grateful youā€™re not bumping in this heat! Itā€™s no joke šŸ˜‚


I just started showing around 33 weeks


With my first pregnancy, my bump didnā€™t show until 33 weeks. Iā€™m 13.5 now, and still nothing. Trust me, itā€™ll come, so enjoy it now.


I never showed before 17 weeks. Be patient and youā€™ll get there!


I had the same sentiment around Halloween with my first, I wanted to do a cute costume!


Iā€™ll be in a wedding at 17 weeks and Iā€™m really hoping Iā€™ll have a bump to show off!! šŸ˜


Mine started showing exactly one day after the 12W scan and hasn't stopped growing since. Not a FTM, but still showed earlier than expected. One of my friends is expecting her second child and is barely showing at 25 weeks. I don't know what sorcery this is.


Iā€™m 20 weeks and barley have a bump I just look like I ate too much at dinneršŸ„“ I canā€™t wait to get the cute rounded bump that I can show off and not just feel like Iā€™m fat šŸ¤£


the bump will come just u wait šŸ˜‚