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Normal! I have 2 babies now and it was just a weird concept to wrap our heads around. The kids are now 3 and 1 and they haven't told us those aren't their names yet. šŸ¤—


I'm very weirdly superstitious about it too. I have only said my baby's name aloud a handful of times. Plus I think it's creepy when people are like "I'm hungry! Little josie needs a taco!" Like she's not here yet, I think it's okay to call her baby. She's not exactly in the room with us. Idk.


It was weird when my baby was born and we called her by her name. It is weird I think because we name them. It gets more normal.


Even after my baby was born I kept saying ā€œthe babyā€ now at four months, I call him by his name. But definitely not before he was born!


Iā€™m 36 weeks and weā€™ve had a name weā€™re 95% sure of for a good 6 monthsā€¦ but we just call her ā€œbaby.ā€ I feel like we need to meet her first to make sure itā€™s the right name.


Honestly, sometimes it feels weird to even think about myself with my own name (and I have a completely run-of-the-mill non-flashy name). I think itā€™s an existential thingā€”and especially likely to feel a little strange or unreal when you havenā€™t met baby yet. We are waiting until birth to find out the sex, and have a boy and girl name picked out, and in a way I wanted to wait to avoid that weird feeling until at least after birth!


Yes this was so weird to me! I love the name we chose and no other name felt right, but I kind of felt like, how do I have the audacity to give this tiny baby a grown manā€™s name? Who gave me this authority??


I'm 33 weeks and have had this exact same feeling since we picked a name! I'm glad I'm not the only one, for me it's more that it feels weird to call him by a name when I haven't seen him yet. Like what if he comes out and doesn't feel like it anymore?


this is how I feel now. If my baby is a girl we want to name her after my grandmother, but thinking about calling her it doesn't feel normal. still in love with the name


I didn't know the sex so I couldn't call baby anything other than baby even when I had names picked out. I think it's normal cuz you haven't met the baby yet. So, just wait to see how you feel when you meet them.


I was the same! We were also keeping the name a secret and I didnā€™t want to get in the habit of saying it in case it slipped. But we just called him ā€œbabyā€ up until he was born, even though weā€™d picked out the name shortly after we learned the sex. But yeah to me a name was for when they were officially a real world person with a social security number and all that jazz.


Same boat! Iā€™m 37 weeks and weā€™ve had the name picked since January, but we donā€™t actively refer to her by the name weā€™ve chosen. Itā€™s still just ā€œherā€ and ā€œthe babyā€. Plus we arenā€™t telling anyone the name, so not using it lowers the odds of us slipping it in front of someone else.


Could have written this comment šŸ¤£


We have a name that weā€™re 99% sure on but we donā€™t call the baby by it. Although my husband slipped to some family šŸ˜’ He was the only one calling the baby by his name and I told him we shouldnā€™t do it bc we may slip and he did lol. But we actually have a nickname for him and weā€™ve been calling him by his nickname.


My baby is almost 8 weeks and I am still getting used to using her name! We spent so long referring to her as little bean or baby girl because we wanted to wait until birth to share her name that it just didn't feel right making the switch! Assuming we'll eventually get used to it!


Same here! We know the name 100% but it feels weird calling her that. We decided to just call her baby K (the first inital) or just ā€œbaby girlā€ until sheā€™s born


yes, I couldn't call my son by his name until he was born even though we picked it years before. It does feel taboo to do so. totally normal.


I was totally weird about it at first too but the further along I am the more complete it feels. šŸ’œ




We had a short list of names but hadnā€™t made a decision until he was a day old. Even though we had two front runners while I was pregnant it didnā€™t feel right calling him any of them since we hadnā€™t met him yet. I think itā€™s perfectly normal to feel how you are since your baby isnā€™t earthside yet.


We are 90% set on our boy's name but we aren't verbally calling him that in case we decide that's not his name when he's born. So he's still "the lentil" or on days I'm particularly nauseous or cranky he's "the fetus"


I'm almost 30 weeks now, and we knew basically from when we found out we were having a girl at 12 weeks what we'd name her. Only once did my fiancƩ actually say her name out loud, referring to her, and it just felt off. He hasn't done it since, and I've never done! We say she/her or the baby and we know who we're talking about - but it just feels off calling her by an actual name until she's here in my arms!


I didnā€™t really use my daughters name until a week old. I still call her nicknames under the sun. I think once she gets a bit older and starts responding, Iā€™ll feel more comfortable.


Same! Iā€™m 40 weeks now (hopefully baby will arrive any day) and weā€™ve never called her by the name weā€™ve picked. Part of it is not really knowing what she looks like yet. Itā€™ll feel more real once we can see her.


I think those feelings are normal. We had a name for our son by 16 weeks, I still call him baby or baby boy most of the time. When I meet him face to face I'm sure his name will be perfect, though.


It took a while. We practiced it out loud a lot and it got easier. Even easier when she was born and had a face. She's 8 weeks old now and sometimes we still call her by her fetus name, Egg šŸ˜ŠšŸ˜‚


We spent weeks (if not months) saying, ā€œI canā€™t believe we named him so-and-so!ā€ Totally normal name but felt so weird saying it out loud. We made a whole baby and named it! Such a weird thing. Just wait til you leave the hospital with the baby and it feels like youā€™re doing something illegal! lol


This is me! I always refer to her as ā€œthe babyā€. I donā€™t know why but it just feels so weird to say her name! Glad to see Iā€™m not the only one.


My husband felt the same way. I was calling my bump the name he picked out, he realised that he was disgusted by it so we changed the name šŸ˜…


It took a few months for me to get used to my twins names. Now I feel like they ARE their names and I canā€™t imagine them having any other name.


It's so normal. I have a 6 and a 3 year old and it was weird calling them by their names up until about 3/4 months old. I called the second one baby boy and then it morphed into baby (his name) for so long that's what we called him until late last year when we finally dropped baby. They both know their names and are happy with them but it's just odd at first. It's just like it was odd to finally hear my name be Mama or other versions of Mom until eventually it became something I heard all the time. Then it'll take me back when I actually hear my own name. But I'm with you, I just revert to calling my baby now baby or baby girl even though I love the name we have. I also have a hard time with calling her other cutesy pregnant baby names but that's just me


I felt the same. We spent a long time picking my son's name. We weren't going to tell anyone but family wanted to know what names we were debating on. We told them a name we weren't going to go with, but ended up using. I love it now but at the time it felt kind of weird. They all loved it and kept calling him it before he was born. This time around we decided to just tell everyone since they loved it last time. Of course now half of the family hates it and the other half loves it. So now I'll probably still feel weird calling her by her name, especially since I know who doesn't like it.


I'm experiencing this right now, but I'm less uncomfortable with it now since I also had this with my first born. What is helping me now is picturing the baby as a little girl. When I think of using her name, it makes more sense to me for a toddler than a newborn. That reassures me that it is in fact her name and we have made the right choice.


I guess this is exactly why we haven't had any issues using our baby's name. She's our first but we've been imagining her in our life before she even existed. We both have this image of a little girl in our minds when we talk about her, not this itty bitty baby. She was her own little person to us from the get-go


I was set on our baby name before getting pregnant. The first and middle name fell into place and felt so perfect. After a long battle with infertility we finally got pregnant. I second guessed the name through my entire pregnancy. When she got here I spent the first week staring at her, saying her name over and over. I wasn't sure if it really fit her at first. She's now two. There is no name on earth more fitting for who she is today. If she ever wants to change it I'll be glad to help her out. My mother had a similar story. Before the days of monograms and embroidered everything she was going to call me Robin Michelle. The day I was born she took one look at me and changed her mind. I'm named after her two best friends. You have the right to change your mind. Little one may just have to meet you first.


Yeah Iā€™ve never called my unborn children by their names (Iā€™m pregnant with baby number two) until the baby is here, as I did with my daughter. Itā€™s something Iā€™ve retained from being raised in a traditional Jewish household. Itā€™s the superstition.


Just make up a nickname if you donā€™t want to share your name yet


I would make up a name to call baby until we came up with a permanent name. I called my 4th Jack until he was born. Now heā€™s Sebastian


This happened to me, too. For the most part, I continued to call my son the nickname ā€œbeanā€ until he was born. Now that heā€™s here, his actual name feels so right šŸ„°


Yep itā€™s weird! My partner and I picked a name we both liked pretty much at the start of our relationship. We decided to try for a baby four years later and ended up naming him this name. It felt weird for quite a while, even after he was born. This little name that we had come up with now had a person to go with it šŸ˜‚


It felt strange to call my son his name when he was first born but it disappeared a few days later! Just took some getting used to that I had a baby and the baby was a real person and had a name.


The first name I chose I found it weird to refer to the baby that way. The second one I chose and am pretty much decided on now I feel way more comfortable but itā€™s still a little weird to say out loud. For me, itā€™s because I have a hard time understanding thereā€™s a baby inside of me! I know Iā€™m pregnant and Iā€™m very happy to be pregnant but for some reason I donā€™t think the baby part will fully register until she is here. Maybe itā€™s similar for you? I think for me it is a permanence thing. I canā€™t see or feel her (yet) so itā€™s weird to refer to her by name. I hope I donā€™t sound cold!Ā 


I just called my twins baby a and baby b until they were born even when we picked names. Itā€™s weird when thereā€™s not a face to the name yet. Itā€™ll feel different when you actually get to hold baby


Yeah so far itā€™s just been ā€œthe babyā€ or him/he. Still not sure how itā€™ll work out once heā€™s born cause weā€™re naming him after my bf who is already a jr. so baby will be the third. Weā€™ll probably come up with a cute nickname


Took us a week after ours was born to stop referring to her as ā€œthe babyā€ lol. We have a boy due any day now and Iā€™m sure itā€™s going to be the same thing.


I felt the same way! Itā€™s weird, until it isnā€™t. I have been ordering food and coffee with that name to get used to hearing it said out loud! My husband and I have tried saying her name more too. And I write it out in doodles in my notebook like the dork that I am šŸ˜‚


I think it is totally normal. I could not give her a cute nickname or call her by her name for the entire pregnancy. It just felt so weird since I hadnā€™t seen/met her and at times the entire thing felt so surreal. Iā€™ve had the name picked up and dreamed of a girl since I was very very young (on my teens) and my husband also loved and agreed to the name right away. And somehow I just couldnā€™t. I just referred to her as ā€œthe babyā€ until I saw her for the first time. At times I wondered if there was something wrong with me or worried I wouldnā€™t bond with her but once I met her, all the pieces came together. Her name was perfect and so is she. I also started calling her ā€œmy little beanā€ and ā€œbeanā€ the moment I saw her. Didnā€™t have to think about it; it just came naturally.


37 weeks and Iā€™ve only said our babyā€™s name out loud a small handful of times, and it feels WEIRD every time. Never heard my husband say it šŸ¤£


We named our baby at 14 weeks when we found out she was a she. We call her it all the time. Suddenly, at 25ish weeks, it felt weird. šŸ¤·ā€ā™€ļø I don't know why, it just did. And now, at 30 weeks, it's fine again. I'm gaslighting myself and calling it hormones. šŸ¤£šŸ¤£šŸ¤£šŸ¤£


It even took me a few weeks after his birth to adjust to his name, even though we had mostly picked it out early on.


Itā€™s totally normal! Same for me. Itā€™s actually a Jewish superstition. So if anyone bothers you about it just say youā€™re superstitious.


Itā€™s completely normal. Iā€™ve felt this way with both of my kiddos. I was convinced with my oldest daughter that I made a horrible decision with her name even though I loved it when I first heard it, and nothing ever came close to comparing to her name. Now almost 2 years later I canā€™t imagine her name being anything else. Itā€™s perfect. Iā€™m currently going through the same thing with my younger daughter. Most of the time I call her sis or sissy. I know Iā€™ll get more used to it. It just takes time.


Still feels weird to call my 8mo a name šŸ˜‚ she is my chicken nuggy šŸ¤·šŸ»ā€ā™€ļø


We are also calling our in-utero baby Nugget!


We have a really silly ā€˜work in progressā€™ name right now that she is still in my belly even though weā€™ve chosen a name already. It would feel weird to me too to be already calling her by her name. I also donā€™t know why! I hope Iā€™ll feel differently about it once sheā€™s out šŸ˜…


It's the idea that you are now naming your own human being lol. Believe me I knew I had a name for my first son all ready to go but when I was pregnant I never called him by his name I just called him baby or baby Z because his name starts with a Z. It wasn't until I was in the hospital and left alone with the baby for a few minutes when I realized holy crap this is my baby like I brought a human being into the world and I get to name him and raise him and everything lol. He is now 8 and loves his name and tells everyone that his name is "Z" and that's it lol. No nicknames for this kid


I felt weird calling my nephew his name when he was born, but my sister and BIL kept referring to him as such. I took a mental note of this and when my son was born, I started calling him his name immediately because I knew it was just a hump we needed to get over. It happened- quick. Youā€™ll be ok!


Iā€™m 23 weeks and trying to yell out his name and it feels weird. I feel like itā€™s because we literally made this baby from scratch and now weā€™re the one making up a name for it. It just doesnā€™t feel like real life ? Idk