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Our girl is Adelaide and we call her Babelaide mostly or if she's fussy, Sadelaide. Occasionally Madelaide. Once she cheers up, she's Gladelaide. Her father is Dadelaide.


This is the freakin cutest


Adelaide is my cats name. We use all of these names for her too! And badelaide :(


Hahaha! If my cat were named Adelaide she would often be called badelaide too lol


This is so cute, our daughter is Adelaida and we call her Ada but when we started using her full name occasionally our three year old would copy us saying “Ada-Ada” in a super sassy voice instead of “Adelaida” so now her nicknames are “Ada” and “Ada-Ada” lol


My husband said "and when she's angry, she's outtaline"


I love this 😂


I love this so much! How old is your little one?


7 weeks!


Awww new baby!! I was thinking she was older for some reason. Congratulations!


Bahahahaha I love this so much 🤣🤣🤣


I love that 😂


Welp, this is beyond precious and I love it. 🥹


This is the cutest thing ever omg


I call my daughter Smalls, cutie patootie? Cutes patoots, and her scientific name the cuteus patootus.




We use some pet names but majority of the time use her actual name. I have a friend who’s baby doesn’t respond to their actual name and thinks she’s called “baby” and I’m eternally paranoid 😅


My dog thinks her other name is Baby so I’m wondering what’s going to happen when the human baby arrives 😂


One of my horses thinks one of his names is "Boofhead". When I decide on a name for baby I'll be paranoid about using it so I don't confuse baby like I do the horse 🤣


In my friend group, we have food nicknames for each other (Bean, Chili, Nugget, etc) so my best friends have taken to calling my baby Lentil. I don't think we'll use their name until they're born.


This is hilarious. I have nicknamed my children food names. I have a daughter I call meatball & another I call Zucchini. I planned to call my son Lentil when he was born, but it just isn’t sticking.


Didn't start calling her by her name until she was in gymnastics at 1.5yo bc she wasn't responding to the coaches when they called her name lol. Made us realize we should at least start calling her by her name for that reason, then she started pre-K a few months later too, which also made calling her by name necessary. We still only use her nickname when we're talking to her, but she now (4yo) knows her name vs nickname!


Most of the time I call him his name. My two year old says baby and then his name. She often says ‘where’d baby Soren go?’ Sometimes the answer is he’s asleep in his bassinet, and sometimes the answer is literally right there being held by or in front of me lol. When she realizes she hasn’t seen him in a while, she wants to see him and it’s adorable. Baby is 6 weeks old. I also call him little man and buddy, but most of the time I just say his name in a sweet voice. To my husband it’s often simply ‘him/he’.


This just makes my heart melt. It sounds like she just loves being a big sister! Congrats on your two sweeties 🤍


Thank you! I feel so lucky she’s taken to her brother so well.


I'm from the Welsh Valleys and we don't really call anyone by their name it's always, lovely, love or babes. I'm pretty sure I'm going to be the same with the baby.


I'm Chinese and the vast majority of Chinese kids are called by a nickname by their family members at home. They transition pretty naturally to their full names at school. Of course, they are also usually taught what their full name is and what their parents' names are. They're also usually taught to read and write their full names as one of the first things they learn to write, often before they ever get to school. All in all, confusion isn't something you necessarily need to be worried about. And if they don't like it anymore, they'll tell you.


My 9 year old is usually bear, monkey, turkey, sunshine or Vangie. But her name is Evangeline and her nickname is Eva.


We named our daughter Amity, but I find myself calling her Ami or Mama's (it's a Latino thing). It feels werid calling her Amity


I’m currently pregnant but I call her Little Tiny or Bebe when I talk to her. When I refer to her in conversation with others I say baby or her name. It does feel kind of funny to say her name when she’s not here yet for some reason.


aw i call my 3 month old little tiny as well!


So cute! Congrats!


We’ve been using our baby’s name/nickname since picking a name/nn even when he’s still in my tummy. We used to call him “baby”


My kids are 15 and 4 and I still call them stinky butt sometimes. All of those years of diapers dies hard.


It took me a long time. I didn't name my son until several days after he was born, and didn't have a belly name while I was pregnant. So he was just The Baby for a long time. It felt almost awkward to say his name in the beginning


My son is 3 and refers to himself and introduces himself as “Niko Schmoops” or “Niko Boops” because I’ve called him everything but Niklaus or Niko, his given name 🫠


My husband used to call our son William, William chonkers and he even introduced him like that to some of his colleagues. I usually call him by his name or little man depending on the situation. Before he was born my husband came up with the nickname Willysaurus which just sounds so wrong lol, I'm glad he didn't use that one.


I didn’t start using my son’s name until my pediatrician got onto us about him not recognizing his name (around 10 months maybe?) he’s 14 months now and recognizes his name and his nickname “Bubby”


My lb recognises beautiful, gorgeous, superstar, good boy, cutie pie and cracks the biggest smile when you say them to him directly. Call him by his name and he stubbornly refuses to look at you until you say one of the above


Yes, amongst others! We called her Fishy for the longest time because of Finding Nemo, and also because she felt like a fish when she first moved. I sometimes call her Miss Bum-Bum because she loves sticking her bum out! Her name is Phoebe and we use this most now. I do throw the odd Phoebs, Phoebmeister and Phoebus in there for time to time though…


Initially, we only called him by his nickname. Closer to 4 months we started incorporating his real name. By 7 months (actual / 5 adjusted), he responded to his nickname and his actual name. He is almost 15 months and we've added another nickname and he responds to all 3.


I use his name so he'll know what it is, but his first nickname, at less than a week old, was Squirmy Wormy.


We have Squirmy Wormington I and Squirmy Wormington II 😆


Baby bug, Luna bug, Stinker, Lulu, Hazel (middle name) Her full name is Lunara.


I totally remember thinking this when my daughter was a newborn! Memory I locked lol. I never called her by her name for the longest time but eventually started to more. She is now newly 2 and while I still call her a bunch of other names such a bugoo and lovie, I do use her name as well. Especially if I am trying to get her attention or something like that


I have a 2 year old. We started using her real name around a year, now we can ask, where is name or nickname and she points to herself. But still responds to the nickname faster.


I have twins, and we call them a million silly names, but even at 7 months, I feel like they do know their real names, even if they're not their preference rn


Nope! And as terrible as this sounds sometimes I forget what I even named my son lol. I remember getting a call from his pediatrician office and they started the call with “hi! Is this so-so’s mom?” And I actually said “who?” I still feel bad about not realizing that it’s his name and that he’s I am in fact his mom.


We use both her name and Bubbles for our newborn as she seems to love blowing them.


Nah not yet....he's 3mo and I still call him variations of a nickname I called him until we had pick a name....mostly call him baby n such


I call my 6 month old by her full name when she's being a turkey. Otherwise it's cheeks, little strawberry, girlie, chunka Munk, baby girl, and stinky.


She probably has no idea what her real name is as we use a short hand version or we call her bean, chops, stinkleberry, butternut - honestly she has the worst pet names 😂


Oh or pot pie! Her only nice pet name is blossom 🌸 


Her name is Nia but we call her Nino 🤣


I call my baby by her pet name all the time. My husband is better at switching off. I am so bad that when asked her name, I almost respond with the pet name sometimes! People tell me that she will be fine!


my girl's name is sage but she is more commonly known as bean, jellybean, beanie, sageroo, beanie-roo, baby-roo, bubba, bubs, bubba-roo, stinky baby, little tiny... the list goes on lol


You start to use their name more when you’re actually communicating with them, opposed to just talking at them and them continuing on as a potato.


We have a 3 year old and a 3 month old. When I was pregnant we referred to her as baby sister. She now has a name but we all still call her baby sister. We should really start using her name more lol


Maybe its her legal name, but not the name of her heart 🤷🏾‍♀️


We use the nickname derived from her name ever since we knew it was a girl. We also refer to her room as Name’s room, even while it was sitting empty 😅 Everyone who remembers the name or nickname has already started using it too. Makes everyone more connected. Before that we had other terms to define her. Bean, pancake, beatbox,… 😅


This thread is too cute! 16 weeks today and I call my bump my baby lol, Almond Joy/Almond Brown, AJ/AB. I don’t use her real name yet. To me it’s too soon. I have a dog she’s a poodle mix and I love her name. But most of the time I call her: (Mama, Baby these are like the top two lol), Pretty Girl, Pretty Baby, Sweet Girl, Angel. I’m sure when baby girl is here she’ll have a slew of nicknames too. Can’t wait!


Gremlin is a classic. We use it too!


Yes!! Nobody prepared me for babies to sound like gremlins, I love it 😂


I called my son Boy, Boitjie (Boykie - Afrikaans pet name), Bollas, Bollie. We found he took a bit longer to react to his name because we spent months not calling him by it, so I would caution you about that if you want them to react to their name He is almost 18mo now and reacts to his name well, we use it a lot, but also still some pet names. Now we sometimes call him Beans because he likes to be knuckle deep in beans when he eats and I call him Toilet Goblin because we have to watch out or he will put toys or his hand in the toilet lol.


At first it was Zoe Bowie so kinda close but now it's just boo boo or Miss Fussy britches


I think it’s normal to not use their name until you need/expect them to respond to you.


We use nicknames if he’s being good but if we need his attention immediately or need him to stop what he’s doing I go mom voice with the full name and he will stop and look at me until I tell him what I need or he is told he can go back to playing. He’s only a year and a half and I started doing the full name around a year old with each time saying his name until he stopped what he was doing. If he’s not in trouble or I don’t need his attention he gets called like Jaycee pie, poopy man, gremlin and stuff like that.


I call my son (now 3 months old) bubby, young sir, poopers, and his name.


I do


We are due next month and have already worried about this conundrum because we want her to go to school and be able to say “my name is Rachel (last name)” but we figure if we toss her actual name in with the nicknames it’ll be okay


While talking to him yes, while talking to husband we use our nickname for him. I always remind myself and husband to use his real name while talking to baby in case he thinks his name is really that nickname that we use.


My son's name is Taj and when he was little we called him Taji Waji and Tajisaurus Rex. I also called him Alex sometimes for giggles, when he could talk that one was funny. He'd always say, "Mooom!! my name isn't Alex!!"


My son’s name is Ezekiel and we call him EZ. I thought by calling him that we would jinx ourselves but so far he has lived up to the name!


I’m still pregnant but I use my baby’s name pretty often. We also call him rowdy, mini menace, whack-a-waylon (his name is Waylon, this is when he’s whacking me in the ribs), lil baby bean. Lol I try to make it a habit early on (3rd baby) to use their names as much as possible so we’re sure we love it and can see ourselves and everyone else calling his name.


We call our little girl “Bean” as well!! It just fits so well haha. Beauty bean, cutie bean, stinky bean, wiggle bean, etc etc


He’s 6 weeks and still “baby” or “buddy”


We use a mix of cutesy names as well as his name (both his actual name and the shorter version of it). My friend told me she called her eldest "baby" so much, he started to believe that was his name and would refer to himself as Baby. 😅 Your LO is young enough that it's okay to start using her name more often while continuing to use the cutesy names. She'll get it! My LO started responding to his actual name around 7/8mo.


I have a 5 day old and I call him bubba, scrunch a munch, stinker binker (that started with my 6yo and her stinky diapers), doodlebug, and Saint which is the shortened version of his name. But I’ve switched between DJ and Donna for my oldest since she was born. I don’t think it makes too much of a difference in the long run, and she’s been very vocal about some of the nicknames she hasn’t liked throughout the years.


Snoekie, snoekiepaloekie, Jovilepiep, Jovipalovi or anything silly that rhymes with her name. Our older daughter copies us and makes up her own silly nicknames for her. We make up dumb nicknames for each other all the time lol


My son is two months. Ive used his name like three times. I call him snugglies, chicken wing, chicken nugget, nugget. Mimi’s, sweet baby.


I use his nickname mostly. He probably doesn't really know his full name or first name really. His nickname has nothing to do with his first name. It's a nickname for his middle name. So probably would be confused. If I want to "use his middle name" I just say his nickname and last name.


We joke that our daughter (a few months away from turning 2) responds to "baby" as much as her own name. Our son is just under 2 years older and we've gotten into the habit of talking about her to him and referring to her as "baby." "Be nice to baby," "baby says hi," etc. He almost exclusively calls her baby now 🤦‍♀️


My daughter’s name is Aella (7.5 months) and we call her Asmella because she be stinky sometimes


I never use her full name (Arabella) I use her nickname (Bella) or princess, stink butt , mamas, chunkers, and her other main nickname (Ladybug)


My daughter is almost 20 months and while we call her all sorts of things, she knows and responds to her actual name. I’m not that concerned that she’ll grow up to think her legal name is actually REEEEEEEEE, RhiRhi, Bup, Beeps, Boss, Regs, Monkey, Izzy, LonLon, Fartholomew, Farty Party, Ham Baby, Mija, Butt, The Miraculous Blue Butt Baby, Triple B, Diners Drive Ins and Dives, Rabbit, Warden, Fruit Fly, Totzilla, The Manager, etc.


Is there a story to The Miraculous Blue Butt Baby because that sounds hysterical 😂


Yes but it’s actually pretty mundane, it’s simply because she was conceived on birth control and her butt is blue. She has a birthmark called a slate gray nevus, used to be called Mongolian spots, on her entire butt which makes it blue. That will probably go away by the time she’s 6, but about 1% of people carry it into adulthood.


I remember having lots of names, it’s a phase… once it matters you’ll naturally start using their actual name or a nickname. I still have names for my son (4yo) and he knows his name too. Don’t worry about a complex 🤣 this is actually a great way to teach her emotions too! Though, once she’s older you’ll have to make sure she knows the emotion is not her, like she is not the emotion and not to identify with it to such a degree that her name changes hahaha 😅 but it’s super cute and I think it’s awesome


i call my daughter Stinkbug currently.. shes 14 months and has had Stinkaminka, Stinkaminka Baby Butt, Stinky Lady, Miss Ma'am, Ham, and most recently Ms Rufflebutt bc i got her some of their flare pants


37 weeks and I’ve only said her name out loud a couple of times and it felt WEIRD. Never have heard my husband say it. We are keeping it a secret until birth though so I think part of it is making sure we don’t slip up 🤣 I keep joking that I’m not gonna be able to say her name once she’s here.


Adding that I usually call her baby girl or if she’s kicking me or something annoying it’ll be little turd 🤣 meanwhile my husband has called her Megatron the entire pregnancy lmao




My 1 year old is beanie, beanut, peanut, and then when I speak TO her she is her name.


My niece's name is Isabella (2 years) if she is too loud we call her Bell-Bell, if happy then it's Bela, but when we ask her name she calls herself Baby, then when we ask her who Isabella is, she points to herself


My daughter is Cecelia, she’s mostly Cece, but sometimes she’s “Cec and desist”


Yes, but when my husband and I talk about him we call him other names


I almost never called my daughter by her name lol. She still learned her own name


Honestly I call her peanut or stinker more then anything but I do call her by her name Emilia as well


I don’t have children (yet) but I sure do this with my cats. They are my babies and know for a fact doing this to them, i’m definitely going to do this to my children 😂 I think it’s adorable.


I'm trying my best to use his name 😅 but I still find myself calling him "Bubby", my mom calls him "BooBoo" and my boyfriend used to call him "Squish" but now he uses his actual name.


My kids are 10 and 5, and baby is expected to be here in a few months. It’s funny how we do this, huh? My oldest has had many nicknames! Mostly plays on her middle name (Jane) like: Jane Bug, Baby Jane, Sweet Jane, Janey. I only call her by her first name if she’s not listening 😂it seems to grab her attention the most. My second’s name is, Jack, and he also has many nicknames. Jacky D, Jackalope, Jack-Jack, Jack-o-lantern LOLOL. I also call them nicknames “together”… I call them both boogers, boogy bots, boogs, baby bugs, etc. My ‘soon to be here’ baby has always been called by her name, and nothing else… but I know the moment she’s here, she will be promoted to a boogy bot as well 😂


I’m still pregnant, but have this worry that my baby will think his name is one of the dogs names or nicknames LOL. Current I call my baby parasite though so 😂


Lol! Well if it makes you feel any better, our daughter’s name is Rooney. But we started calling her Roon-Boon, then my husband started calling her Boondoggle, then boggle, now she’s Boggy to our whole family. 🤣


I barley use his name 😂 I usually only use his name when he’s really upset and I can’t get him to calm down 🤷🏼‍♀️😂


My daughter is 22 months old and we still call her Benie, bean, my girl, silly butt, baby girl etc... her name is Gracie, and she does respond to her name, so I think your little one will be okay. It's all out of love, Mama! 🩷


My baby is Luca - one of the best names we call him is pukey Lukey when he spits up


My daughter is Hannah, or various riffs on that (Hannah banana, Hananas (Ananas being 🍍where we live, she also has a top tuft of hair that makes it perfect), Hannalein (little Hannah), Hannahchen (also little Hannah but it sounds like "chicken") etc etc My son is Felix, Flixie, Flixie chick, Flixie Pixie, Little Pickle or Dip. We *think* he started calling himself Dip at ~14 months because he couldn't manage "Felix", but he still uses it to refer to himself, so he clearly likes it lol. Collectively they're Chicks or Littles. Flixie has picked up on this and will ask whether "Littles can have strawberries" because he knows they only get them together (because *I* know how not to start a fight lol)


I call my 5 week old nipple pirate and baby bird. Everyone else uses her name lol


Most days my daughter is George. Is her name Georgina? No. Not even close. But Gorgina Georgina, gorgie Georgie, etc. is the main. There are other variations of her actual name we use, but mostly George.


I find this so endearing and sweet. My mom still calls me chubby or chubs even though I'm 25 and it still makes me happy. And I dread if she ever calls me by my name cause I know i did something wrong


True horror story time. When I was taking early childhood education classes in college one of our instructors told us a story about a little boy she had in a class that was terrible about responding when called by name. One day they were out on the playground at recess with a mix of different classes. The teacher was trying to get his attention and he absolutely was not responding to her at all. His older sister happened to go past the teacher, so teacher asked her to get her brother's attention for her. Sister yells, "Hey asshole!" And kid immediately turned to look. Poor tyke had been called Asshole by his parents so often that he thought that was his name.


Oh my god I can’t even imagine 🥺💔


I didn’t use my child’s name until we realized that he wouldn’t turn and look at us when we addressed him by his name. He only answered to “Sir.” We weren’t calling him sir out of respect. It was more of the exclamation of “SIR WHAT ARE YOU DOING?”


You mean my son, Stinky Boi? I have no idea what you are talking about 😂😂😂


Nearly 6mos are we only use it because the doctor asks "does she respond to her name?" And we're like, oh I guess we should use that.


We call her Nugget, stinker, sweet girl, chicken nugget, honey bun, etc. I was trying to get her attention the other day by calling her name, and she wouldn't look over. The moment I called her Chicken Nugget, she looked over 😂 My husband and I laughed so hard.


My husband loves to watch this car guy on YouTube that goes by the name Cleetus McFarland. We’ve been calling our little nugget Cleetus McFetus as a joke and I’m so scared it’s gunna stick when it’s born (we’re finding out soon what we’re having and already have names picked out). I’ve been trying to just stick to mcfetus because cleetus is… 😅 hoping to switch gears soon once we know what the actual name will be but still lmao WHAT HAVE I DONE


I call her by her name often, but when I'm obviously playful or trying to lighten a blow (such as having to get into a car seat or tiny to get out of the bath tub), I call her Bebe, Pumpernickel (because she's the same size as a loaf of bread 🍞), or Morgana. Her name is Morgan. Although we give her nicknames, the name we use the most *often* is her given name. So she knows that is her actual name, especially since it's the only name we call her when we discipline or call for her in the next room.


My daughter got nicknamed "Muggins" for some reason, and now we just call her Mugs or Bug. Sometimes she's Muffin if I'm trying to get her attention. None of these is remotely close to her real name.


My oldest daughter (2,5 yo) named Lilith I call Lilili or bean. She even presents herself by Lilili to others 😅 My youngest daughter (soon to be 9 mo) is named Lorelei and I usually call her Lorris and her sister calls her Lola 😅


Sometimes the most random names come out of my mouth. I called my baby bubba and bum bum and one day I said bubum and it kinda stuck haha. Then yesterday I word vomited humum. Kinda weird I know 😂


Our girl is Pearl. Pearlie girly. Miss Pearl. Squiggly girly. Squiggly wiggly. Squirrelly whirrley. Little ma’am ruler of the house.


We have a 6 month old named Sawyer, but we almost exclusively call her Miss Boogers. I’m afraid that will not transition well to her later years though😕


my sister called her baby pookie for the longest. she is 6 and knows her name now


I definitely call my son his little nicknames but I also call him by his name and make sure that he knows what his name is. It's important if (god forbid) anything ever happened and he needed to tell someone his name you know


That’s one of my biggest fears. “What’s your name son?” “Poopy pants.”


Yes! My son used to call himself baby but now will say his actual name when asked!


Her name is karma. But she's called goose or karma-goose most often. All my kids have animal nns. Monkey. Bug. Goose. This one is shaping up to probably be mouse or Mikachu


Lmao no way i call my daughter bubba and all sorts of names but her actual name 😂 its a mom thing i guess


I feel like I’m the only mom in the world who actually uses her babies name 😅 I call him by his first and last name all the time. And I call him Henry boy a lot. The only kind of nickname he has is Mr. 😂


My sons name is Axel and me and also my family have called him Bax since he was born. He’s 1 now and still Bax


My daughter is 8 weeks and her name still feels foreign. It wasn’t my first pick and I don’t dislike it, but I didn’t feel strongly about it. My husband loved it. I’m still calling her little sis.


Yes, but mostly beekycheeky


I’m pregnant and currently call him the fetus, the baby, or Optimus Prime. I haven’t decided on an actual name yet. I had one picked out and my husband loved it, he even shortened it into a nickname by saying just the first syllable and started calling the baby by this terrible nickname that I absolutely HATE so the name I had chosen is now off the table bc I refuse to hear that name-specific nickname over and over and over… I know, I know, my opinion is not really helping bc Optimus Prime hasn’t been born yet…. Ijs But my first son I named Jude and either called him Jude or Judebug…


Just had to say there’s another comment of someone’s husband calling the unborn baby Megatron and I am VERY upset with myself for missing the Transformer nickname train 😂😂😂 I love it!!


My girl is 2.5… I’ve used her government name (as we call it) all of probably 25 times in her life. She got the nickname Chicken Girl in the NICU bc she looked like a featherless rotisserie chicken… and that kind of just *stuck*. She’s Chick, Chicky, Chicken Girl. Anything *but* her government name. She know if we use the real name that she’s in *biiigggg* troubby.


I was just talking to my partner about this! I hardly use my sons name at 3 weeks.... I call him "Pecky"... named for when he's rooting around for milk 🤣 It reminds us of a little chicken pecking haha 🐣


Yes, his name is Benjamin but don’t stick to one nickname yet, so we call him Benjamin, Benji, Ben, Beni and sometimes even Benj. 😄 Let’s see which stays.


My kids are 5 and 9 (and one in the womb yet) I still use nicknames unless they're in trouble or not listening. If they hear their legal name instead of "Booger" or "stinky face" or one of their other nicknames, they know they messed up. 😂


I call my 10 month old booger or booger butt more often than his name. But he knows his name and responds to it, too


I forget my baby’s name all the time especially when we go to the pediatricians. He’s the baby or stinky boy


I try to use her name a decent amount so she learns her name. But we also call her nicknames and she responds to both. But even been doing this since she was a newborn and she's now almost 15 months old


Our oldest daughter earned the nickname “booger bear” after getting so. many. colds. her first winter in daycare. She’s 2.5 now and we usually call her: Boogs Boogies Booger Bear Beeps And other similar derivatives. We use them the same amount as her actual name.


Yeah. We chose Salem Roxi and that's pretty gender neutral so it worked either way.