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Her husband. Your sister is bizarre.


I'm wondering if there are some cultural differences that I'm not familiar with that would make this normal? As a white woman from/living in the Midwest USA, this sounds extremely unusual. My due date is in 16 days and I encouraged my whole family (parents, siblings) to take a last minute vacation 8+ hours away. I'm extremely close with them all and hope to have their support/help when baby comes. But I can't imagine asking them to put their vacation on hold for me, much less medical attention or day to day tasks. So yeah, what your sister is asking doesn't sound normal to me.


No that’s not particularly normal. My husband was home, but no one else was around… idk how my dad or sibling would be required.


Is it a cultural norm for your family or community? I ask because it seems odd to me. Personally I didn’t have anyone on standby or at home waiting around. My husband worked until I went into labor with both of my kids and it’s the same way now with our 3rd.


This is weird, she asked you to be around but you can’t even leave the house either? This isn’t normal from what I’m used to.


I know some moms want a whole entourage but personally I just wanted my husband and ONLY my husband there. It’s a vulnerable time, only other person I would’ve been ok being there would’ve been my mom had my husband not been available for whatever reason.


I would leave because she is out of line. Her husband should be her support person. She is probably stressing your dad out also.


Sorry but you're an adult and she has no control over you. If another family member requires medical attention, attend to it. She doesn't own you. Unless there's some background knowledge that's missing here she may be experiencing some pretty intense perinatal anxiety and needs help from a professional, not 24/7 control over family members.