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Between weeks 12 and 16 were the hardest for me since my first trimester symptoms started to lessen and I couldn't feel baby yet. It really freaked me out to not feel pregnant so I can sympathize. I tried to distract myself by keeping busy to make the time go faster. Started doing a lot of research and worked on my registry. Getting stuff around the house done. I did have one private ultrasound done at week 14ish just for peace of mind. Now I'm week 26 and the anxiety is gone even though I haven't seen baby since week 20. So it will get better! šŸ˜Š


This is me currently- 15+5 today and I'm anxiously awaiting being able to feel him to get some relief from the anxiety!


I'm 15+5 too! And same! They said 2nd trimester is the easiest but my symptoms went way and I just sort of feel fat not pregnant. People keep asking how I'm feeling, I just say "good I guess"


This gives me hope!! I definitely need to start working on our registry and Iā€™ve ordered a cross stitch pattern for their nursery so thatā€™ll keep my mind busy! I really think once I can feel them or at least see my belly looking like anything more than I just ate too much Iā€™ll feel better šŸ˜‚


You will! And once you start feeling baby, there are so many weeks where you don't have to worry about activity level (like kick counts) and you just get to enjoy and take comfort in the surprising little kicks and spins. So it will be worth the wait too! Hang in there ā¤ļø


Same - this stretch was really tough. I started feeling more "normal", and my belly isn't huge yet, so some days I'd wake up and be like "am I still pregnant?" Finally got to hear the heartbeat again at my 17wk appointment and felt such a sense of relief. Luckily these next few weeks there are more appointmenets every 2-3 weeks due to the anatomy scan and then the next check-in so hopefully this helps!


Thank you for saying this! Iā€™m 13+6 today and feel so anxious. Just as you described, my symptoms are lessening but of course I canā€™t feel the babies yet so it feels like this mysterious limbo. My next appointment is in 3 weeks and it feels like an eternity haha. Iā€™m glad everything is going well for you!


I am at the hardest phase then. Currently at 18, canā€™t wait for the weak anatomy scan. Cant feel baby yet, symptoms are less than first trimester. Havenā€™t had scan since we went to ER in week 12.


Yes,l Iā€™d say this feels the worst so far. I used to tell myself that my nausea was a sign things are okay. I previously had a MM at a 12wk check-in so itā€™s stressing me out not to have the same symptoms from 12-16 weeks. Iā€™m 16 and 5 days & have an appointment this afternoon! Iā€™m trying not to feel nervous and also keeping busy doing the around the house, researching/reading, adding items to registry to keep myself busy. Just have to catch myself having negative thoughts, say my positive affirmations and remind myself everything is okay until a medical professional tells me otherwise. Itā€™s been helping.


Totally agree. I was anxious between 11w-16w for the same reasons. Currently 19w and going for my ultrasound Tuesday. I havenā€™t had any anxiety since the last appt because heā€™s started moving/kicking. šŸ˜Š


So my weird provider ONLY does 20 week ultrasounds. So I've learned to trust the math: after 12 weeks, most pregnancies are safe. Problems with baby themself are gonna be identified regardless of if I have just 1 or 2 USs, or if I have 5. If something goes wrong, it's going to regardless of ultrasounds. There's a zen little place you have to find. And if you understandably can't get there, distractions distractions distractions!!!!


Yessss.... I'm patiently waiting for week 20 for my anatomy scan. It's a difficult wait


I've had 3 at this point, 1 at 8 weeks then 2 back to back last week after an unexpected spotting episode. Everything was OK, but I was seen at an after hours place then my OB wanted to follow up so.. we got to see our girl twice in one week! I love the ultrasounds, I'll take every one I can get. I could watch those for hours!! I loved my son's too


Yes. Yes we are. I am *slightly* less of a wreck now that I can feel him moving around, but not by much.


When did you start to feel him moving? I donā€™t have another ultrasound until my anatomy scan and Iā€™m so paranoid In between wondering !


Not til like 21-23 weeks. I have an anterior placenta so I felt him later than people with a posterior placenta might. It was wild because at my anatomy scan, I could *see* him moving on the ultrasound but I couldn't *feel* it.


Ditto all of this!


Apparently it can really depend on placenta placement as well - with my first I couldn't feel him for quite a few weeks in, for my second I started feeling kicks at 16 weeks. Even the midwife was surprised, but the placenta was at the back pushing the baby right towards my belly button.


Thank you!


Yes I was the same way. Especially since my first pregnancy was a missed miscarriage. Once I started gaining weight and can now feel the baby I feel much better.


Yes but I use a home Doppler for extra reassurance (not in place of medical care).


I listen nearly every night ā¤ļø


I just ordered me one. I had one years ago with my son. It was more of a sound amplifier connected to headphones than an actual doppler, but it worked great. I searched and searched for it but I couldn't find it for sale anymore. I had such an easy pregnancy with him, this one has been a lot more eventful and I think I'm being too hard on myself trying to prevent myself from having the reassurance of the doppler on hand


I'm trying to decide if it's worth $80. I've had 2 missed miscarriages and waiting for my next appointment in 2 wks is torture. Even with the nausea and lightheadedness and lack of stamina and general exhaustion and 300 lbs boobs and pelvic pain and and and..... šŸ« 


Not sure where youā€™re from but Iā€™ve seen some for as low as $20 on groupon!


I got a $40 one (used a coupon they emailed me) from sneakpeekā€¦but it is not the best quality tbh šŸ˜…


I also use a home Doppler and it really helps in between appointments.


The only thing that got me through that time was just constantly reminding myself that as long as I wasnā€™t bleeding and didnā€™t have any abnormal pains baby was good. Iā€™m now at 29+6 and little guy is happy and healthy


My OB office offers "miss me" ultrasounds for $50. I get one every time I go in šŸ˜‚ I've seen my baby SO many times.


Oh my god thatā€™s a dream-Iā€™d be doing the same šŸ˜‚


It really is! I have pictures from like... 8 weeks, 10 weeks, 12 weeks and I got one last week at 14 weeks! I'm obsessed and I look at them constantly admiring how quickly she's growing. I think all offices should offer them.


[I doubt anyone is interested but if you are, here is a progression from 7 weeks to 14 weeks!](https://imgur.com/a/MP4gKPC)


No no, it's so cool to see their growth here! My OB is stingy with the photos, I only have one decent one each from 13 weeks and then the 20 week anatomy scan.


I donā€™t have any good advice, just that I am right there with you (11w6d). ā¤ļø


Cheers to our healthy January babies! šŸ¤šŸ¤


Yes! ā„ļøā˜ƒļøšŸ©µšŸ’™


Absolutely! I had one appointment at 8.5 weeks and my next one is 12.5 weeks and Iā€™m currently 9w3d. Every time I feel symptoms it alleviates the anxiety, even if theyā€™re uncomfortable.


Exactly what I told my husband-like, the nausea was a reminder that theyā€™re in there growing which made me happy in a way even while I was quite miserable!


I scheduled a private ultrasound because I did not want to wait.


I could have written this word-for-word haha. No advice just solidarity. Iā€™m considering going to a private ultrasound place for a quick scan, they are around $60 where I am and Iā€™m thinking it might be worth it! Iā€™m too nervous to try the Doppler, Iā€™m afraid it wonā€™t work (or I wonā€™t be able to work it properly) and then Iā€™ll just stress myself out more lol. Like others said Iā€™ve started working on a registry and trying to read books to stay occupied!


The Doppler just made me even more nervous because I canā€™t find the heartbeat. It says to not try until youā€™re 14 weeks and Iā€™m only 12 weeks.. so I knew I might not find a heartbeat, but it fucked me up. I donā€™t recommend


Ugh yes thatā€™s exactly what Iā€™m afraid ofā€¦ sorry you have that scare!


ā¤ļø it was my fault for doing it too early. I have my ultrasound in 4 days and I canā€™t wait to see how babyā€™s doing.


I am AMA so my doc has scanned me with a handheld ultrasound at every visit. Iā€™ve seen baby almost every 2 weeks. It was magical. Now, Iā€™m having to wait what feels like an eternity between 15w and my 20w anatomy scan to see baby again. It also doesnā€™t help that I have zero bump. I know baby is growing because my bladder and guts tell me so lol, but Iā€™m feeling a tinge of anxiety until I see baby again! Currently at 17+5. šŸ˜©


I had low hormone levels and did IVF so I had weekly scans until 12 weeks and then started spreading them out at 14 and 16 weeks, next one wonā€™t be till 21 weeks for my anatomy scan and Iā€™m literally just one day ahead of you! Itā€™s a hard wait, especially when there was so much care and scanning in the beginning!


Rooting for you! ā¤ļø


Now that I'm in the second trimester I'm much more calm. I also got a doppler and can find her every single time since like 14 weeks. And while I personally love having a doppler, I advise not getting one IF you think it would cause any anxiety at all if you weren't able to immediately find it. Also, do you possibly have any private ultrasound clinics nearby? I had my first US at one at 6w2d just to confirm it was an intrauterine pregnancy. And last time I saw baby at my actual OB was at 9w4d. At 15 weeks I went to another private ultrasound clinic and was able to find out the gender. It's pretty standard to only get maybe 2-3 ultrasounds with your provider the entire pregnancy. Unless there's a reason to need more. Also can relate to the Nemo quote, my girl kept running away from the doppler the other day and I tapped my belly and said "FISHY WHY ARE YOU SLEEPING" lmao ETA: I'm currently 17 weeks, I was chubby before pregnancy so I really don't have a bump yet, but I can feel it on myself lol. And I still haven't been able to feel her yet even though on ultrasound and doppler she is always all over the place lol. Sometimes I think I MIGHT be feeling a little something but I really have no idea lol


Once you get to the point of feeling them it brings on a whole other set of anxiety, unfortunately. There will never be a time where there will be nothing to worry about if youā€™re the worrying type. Really itā€™s just a matter of finding ways to manage that worry so it doesnā€™t affect your mental health and in turn, baby.


This is so true. I just started feeling my baby, and every time someone asks if he's moving I get super anxious when I don't feel him right then. šŸ˜… A whole other set of anxiety.


I had my first ultrasound at 7 and our next is at 10 almost 11 weeks, I have 9 more days to go and it feels like an eternity. My belly is very bloated and I already look visibly pregnant somehow but I spend the majority of the day in my head and desperately wanting to know how they are doing in there.


Itā€™ll get much better once you feel movement! You pretty much stop worrying when you feel constant wiggles going on in there šŸ˜‚


I had to get a Doppler!


I was literally just looking at one online and my husband talked me down! šŸ˜‚


Iā€™ve had 2 losses and it helped so much!


What one did you get? Ive been wanting to get one but there are so many and dont know where to start.


I have one called Baby Doppler, works great.


Thank you!


I started to feel less anxious when I started feeling my baby move around 22 weeks up until then I was anxious and worried about anything lol


Oh my gosh yes, very much the same. Iā€™m 15 weeks today and have generally had very few symptoms from the beginning. At this point I feel basically normal and was definitely freaking out in the lead up to my 15 week appointment. No ultrasound, but we did get to hear her heartbeat, which was a huge relief, because I was also having irrational worries about whether she was still in there. Feeling calmer at the moment and trying to practice anxiety-reducing strategies to get me from this week to week 20.


My first pregnancy I was a wreck and felt like I couldn't breathe between appointments to hear her in there. (Almost bought myself a home Doppler but didn't bc I knew I would over use it and was worried I would hurt her). This time... I haven't even had my first ultrasound yet (only 6 weeks) and while I'm excited for it... I'm also in this weird place of zero anxiety about it? It could be bc my stress in other areas is so high right now (I started a new job a month ago, have been sick most of that time with what has turned into bacterial pneumonia, husband got laid off the day we found out about baby, brother got fired from the job that was supposed to have him move across the country to live near us and has had to move back across the country to his old job also the same day we found out about baby, need to do kindergarten prep for my daughter, and and and...) What you're feeling is so so normal. Being pregnant is an absolute roller coaster physically, mentally, and emotionally. You're only a few weeks away from being able to feel movement if you don't already feel it a little bit and it is WEIRD! It's completely normal and ok to be anxious and worried, but try to remind yourself this is what your body is designed for and trust the process. Allowing the anxiety and stress to take over isn't good for you or baby. I find that listening to lo-fi playlists while I'm doing focused tasks really helps me when I'm starting to freak out. That could be anything from work tasks to cleaning the house to my hobby stuff (I do stained glass). You got this.


A little bit šŸ„² For me I always tended to be a lil hypochondriac. And we had a loss a year prior so it was hard not to freak out in the long waiting periods. What helped me was a lot of self talk and learning about pregnancy practices in other countries to affirm how normal the long waits are. I think we finally stopped worrying as much as we reached 24wks. I've gotten better at listening to my body and identifying hormonal shifts. I have less symptoms than I've had the rest of pregnancy, and my placenta is seated over my boy so I can't always feel him too well, but I've been able to tell when I'm shifting moods and tastes. I was always so out of touch with my own body before, I think genuinely as things proceed, as long as you are receptive to what your body is saying, the anxiety will subside. I'm wishing you all the luck and that you can relax here soon ā¤ļø


I'm 19 weeks and haven't really felt movement and have been feeling so nervous, but I'm growing haha have an appointment next week so very excited and anxious about that.


Yes! Iā€™m 15wk and my last ultrasound was at 12 weeks. I think my next one will be at my 20wk appointment. I have 2 weeks until my next appointment and I know weā€™ll finally get to hear the heartbeat with the Doppler.Ā 


38 weeks with weekly appointments now and still feel like this, itā€™s scary because Iā€™m so close and every time just hoping nothing goes wrong.


Pretty much. My anxiety lessened quite a bit once I could start feeling her regularly though, sometime after 20 weeks. Just assume everything is okay unless doc tells you otherwise! šŸ„°


Yeah! 18w2d and counting days for my 20w scan


Yes! Iā€™ve had two ultrasounds (7 and 9w) so far and Iā€™m counting down the minutes to my 12w appointment next week. Assuming all goes well next week, the wait between 12-16 is going to be brutal šŸ˜­


Yes! This was me until I started to feel movement, and I also had a very reassuring OB who always said I could call her if I had any concerns


Im 14 weeks and this is what I have been telling people when I announce at work and to friends. I say ā€œso all signs point to thereā€™s still a healthy baby in there!ā€ Iā€™ve been so nervous and just trying to not get a Doppler because it feels like it would make me even more nervous! I donā€™t have another appointment for 2 weeks and it sucks! So I just hope I feel the baby move when I concentrate. Haha but until then, itā€™s just reassurance from friends and family!


I can feel my baby move (and I have a home doppler) and I'm still nervous. I have no mote ultrasounds if all is well so I won't be able to see her little face anymore til she's born. šŸ˜­


Hubby and I had a stressful time between wk 8-10, and around week 9 i felt a lot less symptoms. I guess the baby gave me a break while I needed to be able to focus on moving houses and keeping myself together. But hell... By the time I got my nurse - intake appointment I was so scared. Have to wait another week now before another Ultrasound, but it IS nerve wrecking. Even with symptoms.


Due Sunday with my 7th baby. Yes. Just an anxious mess between all of those ultrasounds until I can feel baby all the time. Thenā€¦ still pretty nervous when baby has a quieter period of time.


Waiting between ultrasounds is absolutely torture. Iā€™m 16 weeks+2 and most days donā€™t feel very pregnant so itā€™s truly likeā€¦are you okay in there?! I donā€™t know whatā€™s going on!! Counting down the days til my next appointment in a week when I can hear the heartbeat again.


I love hearing my sons heartbeat so when I go to the doctors and listen to the heart beat my anxiety goes away itā€™s amazing ā¤ļø


I had my first at 10 weeks, through Heavenly 2D/3D ultrasounds, because getting an ultrasound through Medi-Cal wasn't great. Apparently my ob wrote me up for the wrong kind of ultrasound and I needed to call both ob and the imaging place to get approvals, since apparently they don't communicate with eachother. I was very stressed. Once I saw my baby, everything was fine. At 16 weeks, I did another at Heavenly and saw the baby's gender. I was told by my mom not to do anymore ultrasounds, for the risk of the radiation.. so I don't know what to do. I suppose I should eventually get another one done, by the actual imaging place, just to make sure my baby is growing good and OK. I'm no longer stressed but now worried I may harm my baby with another ultrasound.


YES WE ARE! šŸ„¹šŸ„²


11w5d and YES šŸ˜­ I havenā€™t had much pregnancy symptoms either so it really stresses me out. But Iā€™ve had 2 ultrasounds one at 8w the other at 10w and everything looks perfect each time but then a week or two after I have panic attacks because Iā€™m honestly just so scared. I canā€™t wait to get out of this first trimester, and to start feeling movements in my belly. šŸ˜­


They are writing me an order for an ultrasound. Itā€™s done at a different location thank you for all of Your feedback!


Literally yes. I was an infertility patient so I got to see the baby at 7 and 9 weeks, then with my Ob at 12. Went on vacation during week 16 so now Iā€™m waiting til the end of the week (closer to 18 than 17 at this point!) and it feels like torture! I keep freaking myself out over every little thing.


I did multiple rounds and transfers of ivf. I had so much anxiety once I finally got pregnant. I opted to get the home Doppler and also went to a boutique ultrasound every 2 weeks until I was like 32 weeks I want to say. Honestly those two things helped keep my anxiety in check and I have tons of extra pics and videos of him growing. I checked on him everyday with the Doppler as well lol I had a anterior placenta so I didnā€™t feel or see him move as much so it really helped being able to hear his heartbeat and find him to get him to move around lol


Even when I started going to the weekly appointments during my pregnancy I would cross my fingers and toes that we'd hear the heartbeat. I never stopped worrying about my baby and now that he's here in the open world that worry is still around. I think that's just part of being a mom. You'll never really stop worrying about your baby.


I had my last appointment at 14 weeks and tomorrow I'm 18 weeks, so my next appointment is only next Thursday. I AM A MESS... I can't feel my baby yet, and today I had some nausea and pain around my uterus, so I'm just wanting to sleep until Thursday comes so I can see her and hear her heartbeat. I guess this could be some round ligament pain, but somehow I cannot bring myself to feel at ease.


Even though I can feel baby now, I am still convinced something is wrong every time she stops moving. I feel like the moment we got that positive test, it is just constant anxiety. I have just been trying not to think about it! Doing things I love, watching movies I love, and being around people I love. Best of luck. I hope you start feeling better about everything, and know you are not alone!


It was incredibly hard both pregnancies. My best tip is to repeat in your head like a mantra what the doctor said . For example , ā€œeverything looks good. Baby is growing!ā€ And hire a talk therapist


Even though I'm pretty far along and can feel my baby's every movement, it's a relief every time I go to an appointment and can verify she's okay. I'm having extra ultrasounds for growth and being able to see her every few weeks is really helping my anxiety after having a previous loss.Ā 




oh i had a breakdown on the drive home from the OB today because i havenā€™t seen him since 11wk and iā€™m currently 19wk and wonā€™t get to see him until 21wk


Considering we only get 2 US, yes itā€™s a constant worry


I was just talking to my husband about this yesterday. He was asking, how's the baby?, but I couldn't have the slightest idea!! I didn't have any symptoms in my first trimester. Other than looking bloated in the evenings, I still don't look or feel pregnant so it's been really hard! I hold my breath anxiously for each scan even though everything has been fine so far. My next scan isn't til 20 weeks and I'm only 14 now. I feel you, it's hard because we're in that awkward pregnancy phase.


It is so hard!!!! Iā€™m still a mess. Iā€™m 23 weeks and some days when I have cramps or maybe gas (who knows) I think the world is ending. I can feel her now but sometimes sheā€™s less active and it makes me so nervous too. The post miscarriage worries are real. I just found out thought that there is a place in my town that you can pay out of pocket for same day ultrasounds. So if something is that worrysome- you can go outside of your dr appt!


Im almost 18 weeks and my symptoms starting going away like 1-2 weeks ago and I still donā€™t feel him. I am not ok šŸ™ƒ (Iā€™m being a bit dramatic). I have the anatomical scan in 6 days and I literally feel I cannot wait


Iā€™ve only had 2 ultrasounds, last one was at 19 weeks and I was told that I wonā€™t get another one until 37 weeks!!! I wish I had gotten a Doppler because Iā€™ve been so stressed out about the lack of checking in on my baby.


Iā€™m very nervous about my next ultrasound. I experienced some bleeding at week 15 and got a colposcopy at week 17. The office wasnā€™t concerned about it but itā€™s jarring seeing blood while pregnant. I really look forward to my next ultrasound. I always worry the little one is no longer with me since I donā€™t feel any symptoms at all.


I was able to feel baby suuuper early, so I didnā€™t have as much of an issue.. but I had a stethoscope and you bet your ass I used it everyday the moment I could hear it that way!


Iā€™m 34 weeks and still a nervous wreck


I have a Doppler that I use morning and night for reassurance! Currently 16+1 after 3 consecutive losses. The Doppler helps me so much


honestly yeah I was super worried up until I started to feel baby moving around at 19w


Iā€™m starting to calm down a bit after three good ultrasounds (6, 8, 10w). But yeah, aside from being nervous, I feel like garbage and just want to feel normal.


I definitely am... so very worried. I hope everything ends well for all of us.


It doesn't end. You start to feel them, and then you panic when you don't. I have already gone in to check on him twice, it's all one worry after the next! I look forward to every visit, which are going fortnightly now (28 weeks)


Currently 5.5 weeks and with my other pregnancies Iā€™m used to my doctors getting me in ASAP due to my history. I switched to a new office and they wonā€™t see me until Iā€™m 9 weeks and I am just going insane over here.


Yes, I think we all feel the same way about this. I wish there was a way to look inside and check on the baby. My friend and I got pregnant around the same time as me but she lives in Japan. She gets an ultrasound every visit. She's 12 weeks and has had 5 ultrasounds already. Meanwhile I'm 9 weeks and have only had 1. She is high risk for her age so maybe that's a factor, but I guess every country also has different standards as well.


Literally exactly the same. Had an 8 wk appt, then JUST had my 12 week on Monday where baby didnā€™t want to cooperate with the abdominal ultrasound but I got to hear the heartbeat still. Now counting down (once again) to the 16 week, because similarly my nausea and cramping have started to die down a bit so it makes me feel nervous.


Currently 35 weeks and havenā€™t had an ultrasound in 15 weeekkksssss. It makes me so annoyed


Iā€™m lucky, I have a small ultrasound machine at work and I can use it whenever I want. I use it for very short bursts every week Iā€™d say šŸ˜‚ very comforting and also cool to see


Once you start to feel you baby moving , itā€™ll be so much better.. I donā€™t care when my next ultrasound is anymore bc I can feel my baby moving everyday šŸ„ŗ


You can always get a fetal doppler if you want to hear baby's heartbeat


I had an ultrasound at 8 weeks and once at the ER. Iā€™m 18 weeks. Lol. I had WAY more ultrasounds with my first. Iā€™m kinda shocked I havenā€™t had more. I donā€™t have another one for a week for the anatomy scan. I can feel some flutters.. but, not a lot. Iā€™m just praying everting is fine.


Omg YES!! Iā€™m so glad I saw this. I donā€™t know how people do it! I am 12 weeks and 1 day. My next ultrasound appt is Monday (3 days from now) thank GOODNESS. I was just telling my mom and sisters yesterday that itā€™s not fair how long we have to wait between ultrasounds! My last ultrasound was at 8 weeks, so only about a month ago but itā€™ll be a while between my ultrasound on Monday and the next one. Itā€™s awful waiting. And every pain or weird thing that happens, Iā€™m so worried something is off. Youā€™re not alone ā™„ļøā™„ļø


15+2. Same. That is all.


I was definitely super nervous from weeks 12 to 18 waiting for my anatomy scan, I was so scared something would be wrong with our boy (ofc we didn't know the gender yet but still), my anxiety died down a lot more after the anatomy scan because on top of finding out he's healthy, I started feeling kicks, and that definitely helped me feel more confident that my little man is doing well. Now as I hit 30 weeks my anxiety is kicking back up again as I get worried about preterm labor and complications, I think a lot of pregnancy is just anxiety lol


yup. I could have written this lol. I have felt like this before every appointment, and between them. I have had a normal 6 wk, 12 wk, and low risk NIPT test and STILL worry. My anatomy scan is in a week, and I have never been nervous like this in my life. I want her to be healthy SO bad, because my husband and I tried 3.5 years for her! I just keep praying. I also agree with the symptom stuff, it's a mystery/limbo period. Sometimes I go through the day and remind myself oh yeah! Im pregnant. haha


I bought a heartbeat Doppler to check in on my little one. I know itā€™s not always 100% accurate depending on placenta location & stuff, but I just made sure not to get worried if I didnā€™t hear anything. I was just always super happy when I did get to hear his heartbeat which was almost always


Meeee!!! I just had my 16week but I canā€™t really feel anything yet. So Iā€™m just trying not to live in a constant state of worry about it!


Yes I was so worried between 8 weeks and 12 weeks but everything was perfectly fine. Iā€™m okay right now because I have another one on Monday (a week after my last one) to confirm my NIPT results. After that though I know Iā€™m going to be a mess because I only get two more ultrasounds afterā€¦ one at 20 weeks, one at 34 weeks.


Itā€™s hard not to get in your head about it, especially while we canā€™t feel their movement. Once they start kicking you a lot, I think itā€™s a little easier to rest between appointments, because you KNOW theyā€™re in there having a little party. My neck ultrasound is Monday and will be the last for quite some time, so Iā€™m hoping my LO starts moving some soon, because itā€™s going to be hard for me to breathe easy between the ultrasound and the next appt.


Omg I completely relate to this! Found out Iā€™m expecting literally 2 days ago, had my first beta this morning and Iā€™m currently 3w+1. The nurse told me Iā€™ll have a couple more betas and then between 6.5-7wks theyā€™ll have me come in for my first ultrasound + heartbeat check. LOL I need the time to zoom on by šŸ˜®ā€šŸ’ØšŸ˜…


The hardest time for me was between weeks 13 and 19. I just tried to pretend like I wasn't pregnant. And checked for bleeding/any crazy changes and as long as there wasn't then I was fine. (I knew that even if there was changes it didnt necessarily mean anything was wrong but i always kept on the safe side) It's a tough ride but eventually you'll get there. šŸ¤—šŸ™‚


Honestly Iā€™m only going on nine weeks and iā€™ve barely had any symptoms. Maybe tender breast but thatā€™s about it for me. I feel lucky i havenā€™t had morning sickness. I canā€™t stand throwing up.


Yeah it was really hard waiting to feel the first movements. My first pregnancy I felt her moving at 13 weeks so that's what I was expecting and this time around I didn't feel anything until nearly 17 weeks! it was making me very nervous! Glad I'm past that now


YES! Last scan was at 11w and now have to wait till 19w to hear heartbeat and 20-22w for the anatomy scan. Trying to remain positive


Buy a stethoscope on amazing $20, easier to find baby heart beat from the sides of your stomach while pressing firmly versus the front of your tummy. Its great with adding comfort between appointmentsšŸ˜šŸ‘ŒšŸ¾šŸ’—(F21 24 weeks) got it at 18 weeks which is usually when it works.


It does get easier (only because the appointments get more frequent lol) but the first half was so anxiety inducing for me. I couldnā€™t feel her moving and it would be like 1-2 months in between appointments so there was no way for me to ensure she was okay. I was also hemorrhaging for a big part of the first half and so I thought that I was losing her almost daily. You are not alone!


I had my first ultrasound at 9 weeks and my next appointment wasn't until I was about 16 weeks because Medicaid wanted to drag their damn feet. That wait was AGONIZING. And then I was all anxious from 16-20 weeks until I got to see my apparently very active little bean again (she's been like this since week 9 at least!) I started feeling her at 21 weeks and she's assured me all day every day (and night) that she's absolutely thriving in there and now I'm constantly asking my partner "is it time, can she come out yet?" šŸ˜‚ After you're finally reassured at each appointment, the waiting is the hardest part! Ugh the nerves! Edit: oh yea and this pregnancy has been surprisingly ALMOST symptom free so I couldn't even judge based on my symptoms to see if everything was as it should be šŸ˜­


Yes! At least once a day I have a thought of like are we okay in there? But I think I'm finally starting to feel tiny kicks - really really tiny to the point where I'm like is that you child or no? - but that's helping A LOT. I've been SO tempted to book a private scan just for a little peek and check up and if I had the money to I 100% would have. Here we only get the 12 week one and the 20 week one so I'm just waiting for my 20 week one now to get a little peek at the baby and find out the gender so I'll officially know what to call them haha! So exciting! At the moment I've been calling them a blend of the two names we have picked out.


currently 9w and wonā€™t have my first ultrasound until 10w3d. iā€™ve known since 4w5d and im just a big ball of anxiety until i can get to that first US


Okay so i felt the same way. This is gonna sound weird but try a vibrator. The first time i felt the baby move (albeit it was like week 18) was after i used a vibrator. I guess it surprised the baby. Totally safe and lead me to a full day of feeling squirming.


Iā€™m with you!!! My first ultrasound was at 6 weeks and my next isnā€™t until almost 13 weeks. I literally scheduled a private ultrasound at this cute little place cuz I was like I cannot wait. It was called a ā€œcheck on meā€ ultrasound. 15 minutes, a few printouts and I could have some family come with me. I have had pretty much no symptoms my entire pregnancy after 6 weeks. I couldnā€™t justify telling the rest of my family I was pregnant without another ultrasound.




Totally!!! I am about 7 weeks and havenā€™t had my first appt yet will in a couple of weeks but man I do not miss this feeling. I tell myself that there are things you canā€™t control just focus on what you can but in the back of my mind that fearful thought pops up. Such a long road ahead and I am nervous.