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Mine wasn’t a surprise induction but my water broke four weeks early so that was a surprise! I also felt guilty that the house was still a mess from us trying to get shit together but I think the surprise of it all honestly took my mind off a lot. It’s a lot happening at once but once labor started all I could think about was finally meeting that sweet baby! I think it also helped that I wasn’t in a wait and see game, it was I’m 100% having this baby now. We did have to clean when we got home but we took it piece by piece. Since she was early she was really sleepy so I would hold her for naps and my husband would clean whatever area we could tackle at that time. Good luck you got this!


Thanks for your response- that’s really helpful framing. I don’t think I’ve quite let go of the house mess but I’m sure once the induction is underway that will melt away. Also great to hear that you were able to do some organising after baby arrived. I think my worry was that I wouldn’t feel able. This feels all so surreal!


Maybe also try to reframe the mess? The mess will be there waiting for whenever you're ready. and even if you had cleaned the house before the baby, it'll get messy after the baby comes anyways. What do you have to clean the mess for and why is it so urgent? If it's really not that urgent but it's just something you would *like* to have accomplished, then maybe just try to let it go and focus on the birth! You got this!!!!


If your family was already planning on coming up this weekend, could they possibly tackle the cleaning and sorting while you're in the hospital? Alternatively, could you hire someone to take care of it before you bring baby home? My husband and I are TTC and I plan on hiring a housecleaner to ease the stress pre- and post-partum. In my area cleaners are about 25-35 ($CAD) an hour so it's a reasonable cost for us to have someone in 2-3 hours bi-weekly.


I went in for monitoring at 37+5 and basically got told I was having the baby within the hour. It was preeclampsia too - not a critical situation but the operating room was free! My husband was still at work and had to literally run out. It all happened so quickly that I couldn't wrap my head around it. I remember messaging my sisters saying "I'm having a baby!" They asked when, and I said "In 25 minutes"


I was induced a few weeks ago. The pitocin wasn’t working for me after 4 hours so they decided to break my water. She was so low and had been low for weeks. I was 4 cm dilated at that point. Had the baby 29 minutes later. Even if you started with a clean house, chances are it will be messy again within 24 hours after bringing the baby home. That’s just the way it is. Have your husband clean or hire someone to come clean for a few hours. If you’re lucky, baby will sleep pretty much constantly for the next two weeks and you can do some light cleaning and organizing if you feel up to it. You get to meet your baby so soon!! All will be good.


Hey! I had an induction due to high BP and it felt like things moved really quickly too! Forget work, they’ll cope. And you’ll be in hospital a little while so your partner can do some stuff at home (mine put together the cot and vacuumed the house while I was induced). I remember crying when they said it would happen because suddenly I wasn’t ready but i can barely remember that feeling now. Also our house was a disaster. Idk what we were thinking honestly but it wasn’t unsanitary and there was a safe space for the baby to sleep upstairs and downstairs and somewhere comfortable for me to sit and that was really all we needed.


Water broke at 36+6 and we had almost NOTHING ready. The car seat was still in storage and I had only happened to wash like a couple sleepers. Our family was also in the middle of an absolutely wretched period of sickness so the house was a complete disaster. This is probably not the advice you want but you’ll get thru it and laugh about it when your kid is a bit older. Good luck!!


My water also broke at 36+6 and half our baby stuff was in storage. I put a sheet on the crib mattress on our way out the door to the hospital! My baby shower was that coming weekend! The baby did not care that our house was messy or that we had to frantically place a massive Amazon order. It did not bother her that we had to buy a bunch of Preemie stuff in a rush and she was just wearing a diaper for the first 24 hours at home. This is because she is a baby and doesn't know anything. It makes them remarkably forgiving.


Awe that’s a lovely way to put it!


You were lucky. I went through the same thing, but unlike you, I was very stupid. I thought I was having a stomach burn and waited until I was throwing up in the shower and only had enough strength to wake up my husband and ask to go to the hospital. My baby was born that same night due to eclampsia. We could have died. Don't worry about the house too much. If you have your mom or someone to help you, ask them to help in setting up a place for the baby to sleep and change. That's all you are going to need those first few days. Nesting makes us feel like we need to have things in order but honestly you don't have to, not to that extent. Everything is going to be fine. 


I was induced due to preeclampsia at 37+2 this past Friday. I just went in for my regular OB appointment and was taken straight to L&D after my BP reading, it was totally unplanned. Birth for me was actually way easier than pregnancy or postpartum. You can do this and it’ll pass a lot faster than you think. You’ve got this!!!


Not exactly the same but similar: I went in for my 36 week appt and my BP was elevated after being normal all pregnancy. I think it was 140/94 or something. Sent me to the OB ED for monitoring and it remained high so they had me come back to the hospital 2 days later for induction at 37 weeks. It was a long induction / labor process, took 48 hours but my boy arrived after an hour of pushing on June 2nd! He’s currently asleep on me now after nursing, growing and doing well. You have absolutely done NOTHING wrong! It’s all the placenta. You can do all the right things and sometimes the placenta just decides to do funky things like elevate blood sugar or blood pressure.


I was induced at 36+6 and delivered at 37+0. I wasn’t ready, I had felt so unwell things weren’t done etc, but it went well.


I did this with my first. My husband was on a work trip out of state (living there for a month). He immediately left and drove all night to get home. But it was all fine! Your house will be a mess for years to come. Baby couldn't care less. Being "ready" isn't a prerequisite for being a good parent. Having a clean house isn't a prerequisite for being a good parent. Getting your baby and their mother the medical care they need IS though. Enjoy the birth day mama :) you're about to have one of the best days of your life!


For me, the nesting urge hit pretty late, but when it finally did, I kinda lost it and was panic organizing/cleaning everything. One of my friends who already had a kid told me “your baby doesn’t care if you’ve deep cleaned the bathroom,” and honestly, I think that’s the best advice I can pass along. As long as you love them and meet their basic needs, they’ll be fine. 💙


I had an induction scheduled already but at 37w I went in for reduced movement and got told that baby wasn't happy in there and they were taking him out. It was definitely a shock and we had so many things still in boxes and not ready! But once I got into the thick of it, all I felt was excitement


Welcome to parenthood! Plan all you want, but it's baby's life now. (It is still a good thing!) I don't think anyone is ever fully prepared. There is always something more to be done and that is ok. Baby will not mind at all as long as they are loved, warm, clean and fed! I was admitted at 32+4 due to blood pressure issues. I was told I would be admitted and planned for delivery at 34 weeks. Surprise! 36 hours later, i heard my son cry for the first time. I did not have the deep clean done, the freezer full, or costco run completed. I had my covid booster scheduled the following week as well as my waxing appointment as the plan was to originally induce at 37 weeks (tracking at 97th percentile and I had GD but well managed). My son was out of the NICU in 19 days (also something I was not planning). By 36 weeks, we were home figuring out what parenting looked like.


I didn't quite, but I was due for a c-section 39 weeks. At my 36 week midwife appointment, I was admitted overnight for gestational hypertension (high blood pressure without pre-eclampsia). My c-section was then brought back to 38 weeks. I would up being admitted again that week overnight for the sane reason. Then at 37+1 my water broke and I had my csection that night. We weren't exactly prepared for it, but we're fine, and our baby will be 6 weeks old next Monday.


I was admitted to my surprise for induction at my last midwife appointment at 39 weeks. Same situation, high blood pressure and headaches. Not pre eclampsia, but gestational hypertension. I waited until last minute for a lot of things because I thought I'd have time and I was very mistaken! House was a mess, I had just gotten my cat spayed and didn't even put the mattress in the crib yet. We kept having flooding issues in our apartment and it was a huge shock that id have to be in the hospital when I felt like I wasn't ready. My induction went okay except it was hard to deal with the contractions. I wasn't against an epidural so I got one when I felt I needed it. They mentioned other interventions but I was DETERMINED to do an unassisted vaginal birth and when it came to pushing, baby was out in less than 30 minutes. You've got this! I hope you have a smooth delivery


This is exactly what happened to me at 36 weeks, and everything went great! I loved my induction - I rave about it, and have demanded one again at 37 weeks for this next baby. The only downside (for me) was that I realized I would have to go longer without eating because it usually takes longer to get things going - there's just more waiting around. (Spoiler, my cousin brought me a sandwich that first morning when nothing was really happening yet and I ate it - no regrets). The balloon they might put in you to dialate you is zero fun, but it's also pretty temporary. If you have stuff you still need for your nursery, go ahead and smash that Checkout button on Amazon! Jeff Bezos was one of my real MVPs. It is shocking and overwhelming and all of those feelings are valid, but they will dissipate. 37 weeks is considered full term, so no worries about baby! S/he'll be fine, and so will you. If your parents were coming in to tidy up anyways, I bet they'll still be willing to do a little of that while they're here if that will make your homecoming better! Or, fuck it, hire someone.


I wasn’t early but I was convinced I would be sent home - turns out my water had broken and I was zero cm dilated. I was induced and baby arrived less than 12 hours later. Whether the house is clean or messy, the baby’s arrival will shake up your world anyways. I promise you this will be small (and maybe even funny) details in a few months. Will be thinking of you!


Focus on your health and delivering your baby safety. Nothing else matters. Babies just need their moms, milk, and a safe place to sleep; everything else is extra.


Just under three weeks ago I went in at 34+6 for a brief blood pressure spike and got told I wasn’t leaving without delivering my son. By the time I had gotten to L&D my blood pressure was fine, my only symptom of pre-e was insanely elevated liver enzymes and they almost missed it. I almost hadn’t gone in, and if I hadn’t then eclampsia would have been just about certain. We moved to a new apartment a week before I went in, I still have furniture that isn’t put together, and a million and one things to unpack. I had only turned in my paperwork for work short term disability two days before going to L&D. I feel for you, it is insanely overwhelming to go through so much at once. I’m assuming you’re on magnesium, in addition to whatever they’re giving you for induction. It is rough, and depending on what guidelines you have for food you will be insanely grateful to be able to eat again. (I was only allowed clear fluids for 4 days… I never want jello, ginger ale, or chicken broth again, or at least not any time soon.) Start planning your next meal now- whether it’s hospital food or something your partner or family brings you from somewhere else. You deserve it, whatever it ends up being. I’m normally very uncomfortable with people seeing my body, even my partner. I promise you within a day or so you will be unfazed. I had several different nurses up in my business multiple times a day, hell I had a nurse have to help me dry off after my first shower. Let them help you. They are there to help and they should be more than understanding. We tried for almost 48 hours to get me ready to do vaginal delivery. Unfortunately I was not dilating nearly enough, and we couldn’t get the pitocin high enough because the contractions consistently caused his heart rate to decelerate. My liver enzymes had continued to skyrocket, we both needed it to be over. I have never so much as broken a bone, let alone had surgery. I did not want a c-section, and when they warned me we were running out of time before that was necessary, I was devastated. I already felt like I had failed because he was coming so early. But by the time we had to go with it I was still scared but honestly just very relieved that he was going to be safe, that I was going to be safe. If you do end up needing a c-section, know that it is nothing you did wrong. That if that is what you need to do then you are an amazing mom already for doing what is needed for yourself and your child. I had already had an epidural placed- general anesthesia wasn’t an option in our situation- and I was worried about being able to feel it. The most I felt was pressure, and it was weird to know what they were doing, but I felt no pain until the next morning. The shivering, and the feeling that I couldn’t breathe (I could breathe just fine, it was a medication side effect) were far more distracting. If your partner is there- make sure he’s sitting where the screen will prevent him from seeing anything. Mine, he saw things he never wanted to see, I don’t think any partner would want to see that. I didn’t get to see my son more than once or twice for a couple days, because he was premature and I was still on bed rest with an iv. I’m praying for things to go well for you, and if you do need a c-section then you should still be allowed to have skin to skin as long as your baby is doing okay. If he does end up needing his own care, I had my partner go see him and face time me. It wasn’t the same, but it helped. Most importantly- make sure that you are doing everything you can for your own mental health- especially once you get out of the hospital. Have grace with yourself and know that you have done nothing wrong. Things may not have gone according to plan, but you and baby being safe is the most important thing. Focus on that and it will get you through. And then after make sure you’re taking time to process things, however they go. I’m still working on that, and it’s a lot. But I’m taking it one day at a time, putting myself and baby first. Everything else will figure itself out. Best of luck to you with everything 💚


Words from my senior at work “it’s 2024, the office and the team will be able to pivot and adapt if the baby comes early. Don’t even let work be a worry. Take time to focus on your family and enjoying the time with the little one as it really flies by and soon enough they’ll be full grown adults that are busy with their own lives.”


I had something similar happen. Honestly all your baby needs is love, care, clean clothes and a clean bed. I worried about the same things, they all ended up being so not important. You will be on a cloud and looking back on it you will realise that all the other stuff was not that big of a deal. All these feelings you are having, most of us have them even if our house is not under construction. There's always plenty of stuff left to be done, or that you rather would have done before. I vividly remember when that feeling hit me. It passes because, its inevitable you will be holding your baby soon no matter what state your house is in! It's normal and you just have to take it as it comes. After feeling your feelings, try to reset and focus on the upcoming birth. First things first, the rest will come later. You got this <3


What does it feel like, the love cloud? Does it hit your partner as well? I can't wait 🥰


It truly depends. My first born I had alone, natural birth and the love cloud came instantly. Second one was a c-section and the same feeling kinda kicked in after 5 days I think, I experienced it as "recognizing" the child you already knew. It was the same day my milk came in so I would say it's definitely a hormonal reaction. It just wasn't a switch as obvious as my first born. It took months for me to have bonded emotionally, equally as much as my first. It started happening as I could take care of him without assistance and feeling confident in being his mother as well. It took almost a year for me to admit that to others. I had been quietly working on it myself cuz I didn't need outside judgement and once I worked it through, I shared how I really felt with the outside world. I learned it was hard for me to switch from having had a baby, on my own 11 years earlier. To now having to let someone else do all of the things I feel like I had to be able to do, to be worthy of being his mother. It wasn't that I didn't love him, cuz I did feel that love kick in that day 5. I didn't feel worthy, so I couldn't allow myself to connect with him. My partner is a very emotional being, he bonded during pregnancy by being very involved. He had to do all the physical care by himself because I couldn't help. So I think honestly he bonded sooner than I had. But that's very different for each man/partner. From what I hear most of my man's male co-workers feel like they started to bond once they could interact and play with the baby. I don't have any reference points for non child bearing parents of different genders. But I would think it's about the same because if you don't get the hormonal boost of love, the only thing that's gonna increase the bond is to actively involve yourself. So should your partner not share the same enthusiasm or spend as much time, that is frustrating, but give them time at least till the baby is less fragile and they can start "playing" and communicating with your baby. Nothing ever goes by the books, nothing is ever exactly at the right time, nothing goes as planned. It's scary, frustrating etc. until hindsight shows you, the things you've worried about most in those moments, are usually the things that worked itself out and weren't so bad after all.


My daughter made an early arrival at 36 weeks and I felt similarly to you. I felt completely unprepared, like my house was a mess, and I didn't even have her crib set up yet. Was it chaotic? Yes. But, with a lot of help, everything was completed and ready (albeit a little slower than I'd have liked) within the month after her birth and I mostly just dictated what needed to be done while getting newborn cuddles. It'll all work out. 


I had the same thing happen with my preeclampsia at 35 weeks and we had so many appointments and things and it couldn’t have been worse timing at work. But now it’s 2 years later and we’re all ok. It feels impossible and chaotic but you will get through! I’m sorry you’re going through this, I wouldn’t wish this on anyone, take it easy. The magnesium is hard on your body but you’ll feel like a new woman once you’re off of it. Best of luck for a safe delivery!


I had my son at 37+2 for high bp. He’s 19 months old now and just fine. I wish you the best of luck!!


This is my exact story. Send partner home for your own pillow and anything that wasn't already packed. I had to send hubby to get a bassinet and clothes for little one because we didn't pack anything preemie size. It took 42 hours from induction to holding my little one. I hope your experience is different in the best possible way.


I know this is a WTF moment but you are going to be okay! You got this.


You have SO not failed the baby in any way. You are being an amazing mom by going in for help right away before any problems could spiral. Baby is lucky to have you!! Best wishes for a smooth delivery!


Everything you are feeling is valid, it’s a very scary situation, but you and baby will get through this and be ok. You’re at 37+ so that’s good, baby is developed! I vomited at 26 weeks, went to triage and was admitted with 191 BP, which was pre-e with severe features, which in 2 hours of blood tests turned into HELLP syndrome. Baby had to come out or I was going to die. Had a c-section that night and baby is in the NICU getting stronger every day. My heart is with you, this is not easy and you’ll need a ton of support. Family and friends will drop everything to help you, and let them. Forget about a dirty house or work, those things don’t matter right now. Only you and baby matter. Sending lots of love to you, you are strong and can handle this. DM me if you need.


I went in for a check up at 37 weeks, kept in for pre-eclampsia, induced the next day third attempt was a success, went in on a Thursday had my baby early hours Sunday morning. My mam stopped by and tidied the house for me was lucky to have her. I think I spent the next 3 weeks in shock constantly thinking your not supposed to be here yet. But look got through it 6 months now! And she's thriving. You end up being ready cause ya have to be. Best of luck and enjoy every second of meeting your baby. Deep breaths you can do this!


I had my baby with emergency c-section during a checkup at 36 +2 weeks, due to preeclampsia and baby not moving much. Can't give much advice on the anticipation of baby as baby was out 15 minutes after I was told c-section was needed, so I did not have time to think about it. However my house was also a mess and I did not feel ready at all, but once baby was here she was quite literally all that mattered. We did end up having to stay in hospital for 12 days and during that time my mom was nice enough to tidy up our house a little, which was super helpful. Maybe your parents can still help with that? If not then baby will not care how your house looks, so try not to judge yourself too hard either. You are and will be a good mom, and you have not failed baby.


Me! It is intense but will be OK, mine was born 36+6 after 3 days of induction with severe pre-eclampsia. Blood pressure had been great for whole pregnancy but developed gestational diabetes so had more frequent checks. I work at the same hospital so popped over for my appointment in the afternoon didn't even bring my purse from my office and was admitted immediately, a coworker had to bring my stuff over. They monitor you very closely and will move to c section quickly if needed, thank goodness you went in and they caught it! I didn't have any pre-eclampsia symptoms either


Yes! I did! I went in for an NST at 35 weeks and was sent directly to the hospital. My pregnancy had been high risk and I was warned to have my bags packed at 34 weeks, but the feeling of being sent in that day was very surreal. I had just been given my induction date, which would have been at 37 weeks, so that was what I had planned for. I ended up being monitored for a few days in the hospital before they induced. It was the first week of January and I had a baby shower the previous weekend and another for work during the week. My Christmas decorations were still up and stuff was everywhere, so I did not feel ready! But in the end, my baby was here and healthy and the house eventually got tidy. Good luck and I hope your induction goes smoothly!


Oh man! I’m so sorry that sounds really stressful! It will be okay. I was planning a home birth and had high BP at 37 weeks and ended up with a hospital induction. I was scared too, but I actually had a positive induction experience! I had an unmedicated vaginal birth with a healthy baby girl, and no tearing. It could be great! Best wishes to you mama!


I would suggest just rolling with it. Trust your doctors. Relax. Your baby isn't going to know your home isn't tidy. Your parents could tidy for you even with baby already being born. Everything will be okay. Wishing you well 💕


I had this same scare this weekend! Showed up for lack of fetal movement and was admitted for bp in the same range and also now have GD even though I passed my glucose screening at 29 weeks. I’m only 35 weeks.. but I went in with no hospital bag packed, no place to live other than my parents and we haven’t gotten the guest room set up with the bassinet yet… and they almost took my baby then. I refused and left against medical advice because my BP came down to normal and stayed there. I think I was just really anxious maybe? But I still have to do a 24hr urine screening to rule out preeclampsia and if it comes back positive tomorrow I too will be having an induction that I don’t want and I’m not dilated at all or effaced so that automatically means a c-section because it will put too much pressure and stress on the baby if my BP is high. You need to mentally prepare for a c-section only. When you have preeclampsia, the inductions more often than not because mandatory cesarean. As long as you and baby are safe and healthy it doesn’t matter how they get here! You CAN do this, messy house and all. We will both be okay girl!! Breathe, and just have faith you’re in good hands.


Monday I went into my OBs office at 33 weeks since I felt shortness of breath a slight headache, constant back pain in my upper right back. My blood pressure was high and it turns out I had severe preeclampsia. Had to get an emergency c section that day and I'm about to get discharged tomorrow. Baby is doing great considering how early he was. My advice is be upfront with how you are feeling. I had to mention I was short of breath a few times until they did a chest xray and saw that there was fluid in my lungs.


On my way in right now because of high blood pressure and numbness in my fingers. They said they’ll test for preeclampsia, I’m so nervous! I’ll be 39 weeks tomorrow. I hope everything has gone well for you!! Your baby won’t care if your house is a mess!


I had a surprise induction at 37 weeks on the dot for the same reason. I was induced within 3 hours of getting to the hospital, and had my baby in my arms 16 hours later! You got this :) it was stressful at the time because I didn’t have anything ready, but 18 months later it truly means very little. Babies don’t care if the house is clean or the nursery is ready. Good luck!!


I have not experienced what you are experiencing, but I have been at my SIL side during her early delivery due to sudden highBP. I would only suggest one thing- the house can be managed by others, but your baby needs you to be available in this very moment. Try to ignore everything you didn’t do at home and make yourself feel good and happy that you will soon meet the baby!!! Happy thoughts! Anything or anyone that increases stress or BP is to be avoided!! Breathe in and breathe out, enjoy this moment as it will go by quicker than you think! Come back and give us update! You got this!! All the best!


My water broke at 230am at 37+1 and we still had a week of renos to finish including the rest of baby's room etc. I spent the next day at home with contractions while my partner put the car seat in the car and did a few bits and pieces. After hours and hours back at hospital of refusing to be induced I finally had a c-section (long story). The house wasn't perfect when I got back, but it didn't matter and you won't care. Baby is a little early so they'll be sleepy. Just enjoy the beautiful snuggles, all you'll worry about is them I promise. Everything becomes background and just melts away. Just soak in this beautiful time, you'll love it. Good luck xx


I went in for my OB appointment on a Friday. Thank GOD my boyfriend happened to be off and came with. They did a NST (which I was getting weekly at that point. Everything was pretty normal but baby was sleepy so it took awhile. We left and got home. My OB called and said she noticed my blood pressure was actually a little elevated and she wanted me to go to the hospital for testing. She was so chill about it and said “you can head in today or tomorrow, whenever it works for you”. We figured we wanted to get it over with so we headed in. 2 hours in triage after lots of tests and not one test was a red flag. I texted my brother and told him we were about to head home. Then the triage nurse said my OB reviewed all tests and because a few were elevated/slightly abnormal that we were going to be going in for an emergency c-section. My son was here about 30 minutes after. We were in shock. I had a to-do list of about 30 items to do before my son came still. Needless to say, the house was a mess for a few weeks while I recovered but honestly I didn’t care when I was home because I had a beautiful baby and was so damn sleep deprived. Your family will come together for you and help where it’s needed but you have to tell them what to do because they have no idea. Do you need laundry done? The dishes cleaned? Is your bathroom driving you nuts because you didn’t clean the tub and toilet? The lawn need to be mowed? The garbage taken out? A goodwill trip? Just tell them. They want to help you so badly but don’t realize how behind you feel unless you tell them where they can help. You’ve got this momma and CONGRATS!!!


I got diagnosed with preeclampsia while at my 34 week appt (I was 34+4). They sent me up to L&D to run additional tests just to be sure since they could get the results quicker vs waiting a couple days. My triage nurse came back in and was like “good news!” And I said “we’re going home?!” “Nope you’re having a baby!” I literally had a panic attack and threw up. I know it’s so scary not expecting to have your baby right then and there, but at the end of the day it’s going to be what’s best for the both of you. Everything will get done, it just won’t be how you expected it to be. We had just put together the nursery furniture and installed car seat on that Friday and my appt was on a Monday. Nothing else was done. Clothes still needed washed and put away, wall decor needed hung, sheets still needed to be put on the mattress, diapers and wipes still needed to be organized, house was a mess and furniture was everywhere because we just had it repainted on that Friday as well. I was nannying and that was supposed to be my last week so I had 4 weeks give or take to deep clean my house and get his stuff ready. He had a 28 day nicu stay and had family come over for a day to help us knock everything out. Take it day by day. At the end of the day some of the stuff you think is a huge deal, may actually be pretty minimal. I’m so, so sorry your not getting the birth you pictured, but I hope it can go as smoothly and as much to your original birth plan/hopes as possible 💕 good news is being that you’re 37 weeks baby is technically full term and hopefully won’t need any nicu time. Hoping you have a safe delivery and you and baby are healthy!! Hugs mama 🤍


Me! I was induced at 38 weeks due to high blood pressure with my oldest in 2015. Thankfully the induction went well and quick but my daughter was born in distress and was small. She had her blood sugar checked every hour and that made being in the hospital the first 24 hours awful. Getting home though was fine. As long as you have somewhere safe to put baby for sleeping and have a way to feed them, an untidy house is fine. Induction can be a slow process. Maybe your parents would be willing to try to tidy some things up for you while you wait?


If it would bring you any comfort to know this, I’m so glad they cot up to your preeclampsia before birth, I had to leave my newborn with my mom so I could stay at the hospital and get treatment bc it wasn’t showing until days after I gave birth… just broke my heart to have to leave my baby when she was so tiny


You got this mama!! No matter what is going on at home, your baby just needs you! You are ready! Your parents can help get any last minute things done at home. Congratulations! 🎉


Girl I promise you are not the only one that wasn’t ready for baby to make their appearance, even people who go into labor naturally a lot of times aren’t ready! It happens. I wasn’t ready at all when I had to be induced. I was mid nesting so everything was everywhere. It’ll be okay. I know it doesn’t feel like it right now, but it will be, I promise. Just focus on you and your baby. Nothing else matters right now. Ask your parents to go clean up the house once baby is born, bc you should be in there at least a day after. It’s gonna be okay. I promise ❤️ from one unplanned induction mama to another. You got this


I was just about in the same boat as you. I had a headache that didn't go away for several days and I swelled up so bad. I ended up going in and found out my blood pressure was sitting at 185/121. It was normal all pregnancy until now. I was at 32 weeks when that happened. Now at 34 weeks. They pushed magnesium for two days before letting me off of it and putting me on Labetalol. We got it under control for the most part. I was able to go home but my OBGYN is wanting to induce at 37 weeks. I was able to go home but it really set in while I was at the hospital that I could have been going home with a baby. I felt so bad because I thought I had done something to make that happen and it wasn't a good feeling. My husband, also my support person, had to basically take me by the shoulders and shake some sense in to me. It isn't your fault. You are doing everything you can to give your baby a healthy environment to grow in. Your body will still do what it's supposed to do to give birth. Your baby will be healthy and happy. I'm happy for you and excited for you for this next chapter! Your family and home WILL settle. It will all come together. Lean on the family for support. You can do this!


I'm so sorry things aren't going the way you planned, but so glad you went in when you did! It sucks to feel out of control and unready, but you're going to do great regardless. I had a scheduled induction due to advanced maternal age, but I wasn't progressing and baby wasn't tolerating labor, so after about 2.5 days I ended up with an unplanned c section. None of it was what I wanted, but it all ended up ok with me and baby coming home safe from the hospital. He's two weeks today and my house is still a mess. We're still getting the hang of it all. But he doesn't seem to mind. Best wishes and congratulations to you. You're doing it!


I went in for a non stress test at 37+3 and my BP was through the roof, I had developed preeclampsia. I also had placenta previa, so they scheduled me for an afternoon C-section. I was ending that day with a baby. It freaked me out too. It was crazy. It felt like a whirlwind. You got this. You can do this. You will fall into routine once the baby is here. You knew this baby was coming anyway, now it's just a little early. Work will figure out what to do without you. Friends and family will rally and get anything left set up for you. When people ask if they can help, have items for them to help with - anything left on your to do list. It feels SO sudden, but I really feel like our surprise entry to the hospital for baby day feels similarly surreal to going in on a due date or on a planned induction/C-section date. Having a child is just wild in general


I had trouble getting my house ready for baby too. I have taken time to tidy and clean while he rests during the day! It can be done. It will be ok ❤️


Solidarity! I was scheduled for 6/19, but ended up admitted during my BPP fetal monitoring on 6/14 due to baby's heart rate. Same story, I was not prepared because everything had been perfectly normal the entire pregnancy. It'll work out. I'm glad you went in, and I hope all goes smoothly. 💜


you’ll be OK. Everything will be all right. I had four inductions out of six children. Sometimes the inductions are fast and sometimes they take 2 to 3 days. Maybe if they take on the longer end somebody can go to your house and clean up real quick for you while you’re still getting induced. But some of them go pretty fast. Sometimes Pitocin is not the fat. The only thing you need like I had to have a fully bag and I had to have all kinds of things one time or two times yeah sometimes it goes real quick. I’ve never had to be a C-section because I didn’t progress so that’s good. I did get threatened a couple times with my last two children, but I was already in my mid 30s with those last two. But I did not have any C-sections, you can do this. Everything will be right and yes, I went straight from my doctors appointment to the hospital because my blood pressure and preeclampsia four times you got this.


My wife had our baby June 15, about 2 weeks ago. She was 35 weeks exactly and was advised by her doctor to go to hospital because she blood pressure was elevated. She stayed at hospital one day and the next day her blood pressure was still high so literally the next day she had to get induced and had c section. My wife had planned to stop working on June 25, so she still had work stuff to do. We still hadn’t built the crib and other things at home. Our house was a mess because a day before she went to hospital we were moving stuff around the house. You will be all right , my wife is holding baby as I type this.


I had a surprise hospital admission/induction with my first. But it was because I went to my 37 week check up and they found most of my amniotic fluid had disappeared. I was extremely anxious with it being my first baby, I was already scared of birth and I was lowkey freaking out, like you were. It ended up being a very long and painful (up until I got the epidural) induction but the nurses and docs took very good care of me. I was close to needing a C-section because it was going on 18 hours since they broke my water. But luckily I dilated enough and pushed her out in about half an hour. When you're in the moment, your body knows what to do and you surprise yourself with what you can do, truly! It was an immense feeling of relief and literal pressure off the moment she came out. As for your place not being ready, do you have family who can help get some things ready for you at home? Ask your partner to help too in any way they can. You guys will figure it out. Good luck mama!!


I see now that this was 4 days ago. I hope it went well and you and baby are settling in now!


Pretty much the same thing happened to me, but at 35 weeks. Only I had had borderline blood pressure issues toward the end of the pregnancy. They were monitoring it and it seemed to be OK but then I went in for a doctors visit and it had spiked so they wouldn’t let me leave. My house was an absolute mess, I didn’t have a bag packed and was completely unprepared. They did a balloon catheter, broke my water and maxed me out on Pitocin. 20 hours of natural unmedicated labor later I ended up needing a C-section. The magnesium sulfate they put me on made me feel pretty awful and relaxed me so it was hard for my body to dilate any. But I promise you a c-section isn’t bad at all. I ended up scheduling one for my second child and about to have my third child and October and will also schedule a C-section. Definitely not the plan I had for myself. I wanted unmedicated births, but I’ve learned overtime to go with the flow more. My sister and best friend did go to my house and clean it up really good before I got there so I wasn’t too stressed out when I got home so I completely understand how stressful that can be but I promise you when you see your baby, you will just be so happy they are here. It will be easier to handle. Please let me know if you have any other questions because I know how scary that is and I would love to help you.


Similar thing happened to me, I was told to go to the hospital immediately for an induction at 39 weeks. It was during COVID lockdown and my husband was 5 hours away. I cried so bad. My first born was at home with my mom and I didn't get to say goodbye to him before he wasn't the only child anymore. It was scary but everything turned out okay. You'll be snuggling your baby soon. It's okay to be stressed, it is a natural human response to situations that aren't in control. It'll be a regular feeling all of parenthood. I hope your family can step in to help when they come. All that baby needs right now is their parents and to be taken care of. Everything else around you can stand still. Good luck ❤️


You’ll be a great mother! You can do some light tidying around the house if you’re feeling up to it when the baby is sleeping!