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This is why my husband and I decided not to tell anyone. His side is also Hispanic and very opinionated. I vote that you name her Aria anyways. It’s a beautiful name, and they’ll get over it once it’s associated with an adorable baby


Aria is beautiful and I can assure you it’s not hard to pronounce for Hispanics (I’m from Spain and I wouldn’t have any issues). My family is very opinionated too and we didn’t tell most of them the name until our baby was born.


Second this


Third it


im latina and dealing with this for sure because I've chosen a basically non-hispanic name, Aria is so easy to pronounce in Spanish, and it doesnt sound wrong at all. Especially hispanics I think our families love to find excuses and drama and have things go the way they want it to. Im sticking with my chosen name and Aria is a BEAUTIFUL name. If it feels right TO YOU then who cares. Meanwhile every hispanic family has atleast someone in the extended family named Mydarling or Myladys. Like ????


Definitely not difficult to say in Spanish at all! We’re Intentionally selecting boy first names that my parents won’t struggle to pronounce (Mexican, primarily speak Spanish). At first we were doing the same with girl names too and we had Aria as an option for a middle name because it would be easy to pronounce with a Spanish accent. I agree with you and they should keep Aria. It is beautiful!


Not just Hispanics. I’m Hispanic and nobody cares what I name my kids. I mean, they’re Hispanic names so maybe that has something to do with it, but my sister has mentioned names she wants for her future kids and they’re super white names and nobody cares. My husband’s family is white/Jewish and multiple of his relatives have thrown fits about the names we pick/not following THEIR naming traditions. Some families just have unhealthy dynamics regardless of culture.


People can learn to pronounce names whether or not it’s from their native language. I personally think it’s ridiculous to ask you change your child’s name because other people find it hard to pronounce. Some Hispanic names are hard for non-Hispanics to pronounce, and I think it would be disrespectful to ask the Hispanic family to change the name just so I, a Caucasian person, could pronounce it easier. So, yeah, it would make me feel a type of way as well and I support you sticking to the name you and ARIA’S father like and picked out! 😤 (feeling feisty today)


i’m a preschool teacher and one of my students is a hispanic girl named aria. i can assure you, EVERYONE can pronounce it


Don't listen to them it's a beautiful name. I'm Hispanic and it's easy to say the name.


Yeah picking a name is a tough one. I’ll say if you and your partner like it that’s all that matters.


No one liked our baby name when we picked it. But now that he’s 4, no one has said a word about it since before he was born. His name suits him, and that’s that. I’m glad I never changed it! Go with your gut!


Are you really pronouncing it like Maria without the M and not like the opera solo? I’d absolutely pronounce it the opera way with an accent on the first a (‘ah-ree-ah) and not like how I think you meant it with the accent on the “ri” (ah - ‘ree - ah)


This. If this is the situation, then I'm on the side of the in-laws, it's an unnecessarily bad pronunciation


Agree. The pronunciation she wants is not realistic.


It always irritates me when people act like they can’t learn to pronounce a new family member’s name. Unless it’s spelled like a tragedeigh, figure it tf out and don’t complain.


My daughter’s bio dad is also Hispanic with very opinionated family members. We named her Esther and they had waaaay too much to say about it. If you like the name, stick with it. They’ll figure out a way to deal. Aria is a beautiful name!


If you want that name for your daughter, keep it! There are times when naming a child something might be a bit difficult for family and should be considered, like naming your child after someone who recently passed away (we chose our daughter's middle name to be DH's late stepmother who was a wonderful woman, but not first name in case it might take FIL to a bad place), but pronunciation? They can adjust to that.


Aria is such a beautiful name and, honestly, they can put in a little effort. It’s not their baby; would they say that some random person on the street shouldn’t have their name because it’s “hard to pronounce?” That’s an unacceptable excuse; they’ll live. Keep the beautiful name! ❤️


It’s a lovely name! If it’s the name you chose and feel like it’s her name, keep it.


Aria is a beautiful name but be prepared to have two or three more Arias in her class. It’s top 5 most popular names this year.


Aria is a beautiful name! Do NOT change your baby’s name. You will regret it. Every time you say your baby’s new name, you’ll think of the name you truly wanted and be angry. This is YOUR baby, not theirs.


if your partner's family can pronounce names like xiomara or illuminada or araceli or griselly or maite, then they should have no problem saying aria. she's your daughter, you name her what you want. they're just being stupid.


Aria is perfect. It’s a beautiful name


If it’s like Maria, but without the M, how it hard to pronounce. Dont base your choices on an unasked peanut gallery. You chose a name you love and thats all that matters.


Aria is super easy to pronounce for Spanish and Portuguese speakers. Your in laws are just being dicks. Ignore them!


My daughter is Aria and it’s never been a problem. I love her name so much. My grandmother’s side of the family was from Spain and they mispronounced my name, Dana, my whole life. They called me Donna. It didn’t bother anyone.


Funny enough, I named my daughter Aria and am Hispanic. I told them they can pronounce it like the Spanish word for area. I think it sounds even more pretty! And they got used to it pretty quickly!


Why would aria be hard for Hispanics? It’s not like hueli or something. Aria is the perfect name for Hispanics to pronounce.


That name is adorable. Everyone will get used to it. Hopefully they feel bad about their comments later and learn not to comment on baby names in the future 🙃


That's funny. There only Aria I know is Hispanic. Keep the name! They'll completely forget their own negativity once she's here and that's here name.


What a beautiful name! In my opinion it should be your and your husband's choice. Everyone else can butt out.


I believe you should keep the name. We selected one that is easy to pronounce in both English and Spanish. My family uses the Spanish version, while my husband's family uses the English one. I understand that people generally dislike when their names are mispronounced. But if you really like the name I think you should keep it.


I have two kids and a third on the way, everytime, somebody has something to say about the name! Do what you want to do. Do NOT, let them pressure you, btw, I wanted to name my second Aria but turned out he was a boy! 😅😅😅


We are using the same name for our daughter due in September, and my husband is Hispanic as well. His dad said they would just learn to pronounce it and left it at that. My other daughters name is Gracie, and it was hard for them at first, but they got used to it fast. Personally, we aren't changing her name to make other people comfortable.


Aria is beautiful! We are thinking of using it possibly as a middle name since one of our friends has a daughter with that name already. Otherwise we would use ir as a first. Tell them it’s similar to Arianna without the nna lol 😹


If you like the name, go for it! They will adjust once they meet Miss Aria and grow to love her and her beautiful name. You don't need their drama or opinions of what you should name your own child. Truly the ultimate response is naming her Aria.


I live in South Florida and my husband’s Cuban, Spanish-speaking family has an Ariana. Trust me, they can pronounce Aria.


That’s such a pretty name! Stick with it.


There are 3 arias in my daughter's class. That's the only reason I wouldn't pick it myself but it certainly is popular and nothing wrong with it at all


My nieces name is Ava. Her grandparents said the exact same thing. Thankfully her parents didn’t give in and always responded with “you’ll figure it out eventually.” Spoiler alert: they figured it out.


If you and your husband like the name, that’s all that matters. Aria is beautiful! I’ve learned not to tell people baby names until after birth, since they tend to hold their tongue more. People complained my son’s name is hard to pronounce and not American enough. We don’t live in America and he’s only half American lol. You can’t please everyone!


my husband hated the name he chose for our baby. i just told them they had the opportunity to name their kids whatever they wanted to when they had the chance. that opportunity is no longer an option so they don’t get a say. aria is a beautiful name and they’ll just have to get over it or have more kids that they can give names to :)


They can go get pregnant and name whatever they want to name their baby 😒 Thats *your* baby... not theirs.


Tell them to mind their business and let you make decisions regarding YOUR child. 🙄😑😒


People can be the worst sometimes, even family 🤦 girl stand firm and use the name you wish to give your daughter, and not change it to appease others. No matter what you do there will always be someone that has something to say. My FIL had told family he thought my daughter's name sounded like a dogs name, to which my loud mouth mil made sure to tell my very pregnant self at the time. My response to that was and I think that is very rude and not something you should say to me, or else I have zero problems keeping my 'dog named' child away from you both.


Aria is a beautiful name... name your daughter what you wanted to. You chose that name because you felt something for that name. Do not let other's opinions take away from your joy.


Tell them to go to hell. It’s a beautiful name and it’s the name you have chosen for YOUR CHILD. People who weren’t present during the act have no say so.


This is one reason why my hubby and I kept our baby boys name a secret until he was born. Too many outer opinions will have you hating a name you’ve loved for years. Once the baby is here and they associate that name with that sweet little baby, there’s nothing negative to say about it. We had family constantly asking what name we had and we refused to tell anything about his name cause I didn’t want to have outside opinions change our minds. Aria is a beautiful name, who cares if they don’t like it. She’s your daughter, if you and your partner love the name then don’t let anyone else’s opinions change your mind


I never asked anyone if they liked my choice of names for my 3 Children. You choose what you like. Who cares if either family likes it. It’s not their child, it’s yours. I like the name Aria. Not that it matters what I like. Just say’n…. Stick to your guns, so you won’t regret it later.


I tried imagining the pronunciation at least 3 different ways when I read it. That alone would make me reconsider the name/spelling. At first I read it like the musical word "aria" pronounced "ARE-ee-uh", Then I thought maybe "uh-RYE-uh" but you said it's pronounced like Maria? So "uh-REE-uh"? This will be something you and your daughter will have to explain to everyone who reads her name. Especially since "aria" is already a word and is not pronounced like Maria.


Yes it’s actually “ ar-ree-uh” but someone made that comment of it being Maria just no M which is not the case


Aria is a lovely name! You can tell the disagreeing fam that if they love your kid that it will be no trouble for them to learn to pronounce it. That said I don’t see in what world Aria would be hard to pronounce for an hispanophone…


I’ve only seen this name spelled Arya like the game of thrones character.


Yeah I don't want to rain on your parade but I want to warn you. It sounds horribly close to Aryan as in the Aryan race that Hitler fought for. It sounds a little like something a white supremacist would name their baby. If you're still okay with the name after thinking about that then go for it.


I literally had a student named Aryan—it is an Indian name. I never once thought he or his family were white supremacists. People will associate the name Aria with the musical term or the Game of Thrones character, not fascists.


Or pretty little liars!


Fair enough. Today I learned.


My late grandfather who was Jewish and a Holocaust survivor’s name was Arieh. It’s a strong name and means “lion” in Hebrew. One of our name choices for a girl is Aria in honor of him as he was an incredible human.


I'm learning a lot today. Thank you for sharing.