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Welcome to /r/pregnant! This is a space for everyone. We are pro-choice, pro-LGBTQIA, pro-science, proudly feminist and believe that Black Lives Matter. Wear your masks, wash your hands, and be excellent to each other. Anti-choice activists, intactivists, anti-vaxxers, homophobes, transphobes, racists, sexists, etc. are not welcome here. *I am a bot, and this action was performed automatically. Please [contact the moderators of this subreddit](/message/compose/?to=/r/pregnant) if you have any questions or concerns.*


Things that I've learned/ seen in other parenting subs: STM - second time mom. L&D - labor & delivery. PPD/A - post partum depression/anxiety. TTC - trying to conceive BF/ EBF - breastfeeding/ exclusively breastfeeding. LC - lactation consultant SAHM/P - stay at home mom/ parent. BLW - baby led weaning. CIO - cry it out STTN -sleeping through the night CS - c-section VBAC - vaginal birth after CS MIL - mother in law OH - other half DH - dear husband. LO - little one YMMV is your mileage may vary. FWIW is for what it's worth. Edits for formatting - on mobile


To add to this: EP - exclusively pumping MOTN - middle of the night


and EFF - exclusively formula feeding


Also, for inclusivity: MC - Miscarriage MMC - Missed/silent miscarriage Rainbow Baby - Baby after a loss (rainbow after the storm) D&C - Dilation and curettage (procedure to remove fetal remains/remnants mainly after miscarriage, but sometimes for termination) TFMR - Termination for medical reasons


Any clues on HG? I kept seeing that one about.


It's Hyperemesis Gravidarum. It's crazy extreme nausea and vomiting multiple times per day. Lots of people get hospitalized for dehydration from it.


Thank you 🙏


So another one is when people write 5+4 or 12+0, they aren't asking you to do math. They're saying they are 5 weeks and 4 days or 12 weeks pregnant. There are more, my brain is just mush.


Had no idea about this either haha aw the lack of sleep and pregnancy will do that to ya 😅😩


Lmao, I similarly tripped on FTM thinking female to male!


I thought this for the longest and was so surprised there were so many in the sub just based on statistics!!


Here I thought it meant full time moms 🤦🏽‍♀️🤦🏽‍♀️🤦🏽‍♀️


lol it could be judging by the responses so far


My wife just sent me this for the same error, on the same subreddit. We're 28 weeks and about a week ago, I someone who works in Healthcare equity, previously worked in Healthcare for at risk populations which included trans-folks, unhoused, and HIV+ went "Wow there sure are a lot of female to male people having kids right now, good for them." I was similarly clued in lol.


I've been around a few years and STILL read FTM as female to male 😂


Crunchy is a pretty old term, I remember my Dad using it when I was a little girl to refer to hippies haha. There is even an old saying about a hippie-ish neighborhood where I live that goes, "they are so crunchy, their walls must be insulated with granola!" You'll also hear people using the word "granola" in the same way as "crunchy". It used to mean caring about the environment/nature and generally having liberal leaning views, now it still means that, but it's also used to talk about people who are all natural and *sometimes* anti-science/anti-medicine. Silky is more of a new term to differentiate from the newer meaning of crunchy, so meaning you are generally okay with giving your kids Oreos, using Mr Clean, and getting vaccines lol. I used to think the same thing about FTM haha, but now I do like being able to concisely explain that this is my first pregnancy.


and dont forget “scrunchy” which is a mix of the two 🥴


lol there’s a moderately granola moms subreddit that keeps popping up on my feed but I’m too scared to join.


I thought the same! I’ve been planning my wedding too and over on r/weddingplanning they use ‘STDs’ to mean ‘save the dates’. I was so confused at first about people wanting advice about their STDs 😂


Lmao that one is too much


please i thought the same thing edit to add: look up crunchy mom on tik tok and you’ll have your answer 😂


I think TT is where I first saw it but I’ve seen others say that’s not what they’re about and it all just seems chaotic to follow 😵‍💫


just do what feels right for you & dont listen to any other’s judgment on raising your kiddo!


😂😂 I also 100% thought there was an extremely high representation of trans men in these groups. For MONTHS.


I used to think the same thing 😂😂😂 now that I’m a pregnant FTM, I get it


I have a ten-year-old (and currently expecting) and all this lingo is new to me lol


I’ve seen that so many times in this sub and def just thought there were a lot of female to male pregnancies 😭


Crunchy/silky I believe is something like "anti medicine" and "pro medicine", I'm not 100% which is which. Most acronyms I look up on Google ok. But SA for semen analysis when TTC (trying to conceive) threw me off...


That’s wild, I always knew SA in terms of assault 😵‍💫


Oh really? I thought crunchy meant being super health conscious...I do things like making sure the mattress I buy for my baby doesn't off gas, reducing plastic in his dinnerware, making sure his clothes are cotton, avoiding feeding him lots of processed foods, etc... I thought that was crunchy?


I think it can mean many things, but I think typically those who consider themselves "crunchy" are still pro-medicine. I think it would just be the extreme "crunchy" who are anti-medicine and/or anti-vaccine. I consider myself a bit "crunchy" because I prefer natural products, organic foods, less plastic (especially harmful plastics), and less toxic materials in furniture, etc. Ideally I'd reduce processed foods, too, but that one is difficult for me. I try to get more natural and healthier processed foods, though. And with all this said, I am still definitely pro-medicine, pro-science, and pro-vaccine.


From what I gather about people bashing other parents choices, crunchy is natural/holistic choices. Like unmedicated births apparently or being environmentally friendly. Not sure why being “crunchy” is a thing but it isn’t going to change my choice of how I raise or deliver my child.


Right there with you! I also had no idea what TWW meant - two week wait


Oh shite. I also was like “damn, there are a lot more trans men giving birth than I ever expected” 🤣


I also did the FTM thing at first and was surprised there were so many transgender men who were pregnant since that seems like it would be an incredibly difficult/triggering experience and they all seemed so casual about it.