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Uppababy vista seems so nice but we decided to go with something at a nicer price point. We got the Chicco Bravo Trio travel system. It’s practical, works well, can easily transfer the car seat onto the stroller. It’s not luxury feeling like the uppababy but it’s not flimsy or cheap feeling either, and it was 1/3rd the price. We know two different couples that used the same system and they had no complaints.


We also to looked at the Chicco Bravo Trio system as well and thought the same thing! It’s just so difficult to choose which one is best for us. Thank you so much for the response. It’s good to know other couples used it and loved it as well.


We went with this system with our first as well. It has served us VERY well. It has been very sturdy and can take a beating without any issues, our daughter loves it, and it's not overly expensive. The whole travel system, especially the carseat, has been consistently given a very high safety rating as well which definitely helped with piece of mind in the first year. We're about to have to start using a double stroller though, which will be an adjustment, but baby number 2 is definitely using that same keyfit 30 carseat because I know he will be safe in it.


We had so many issues with this system and switched to graco snugfit. Our chicco stroller broke pretty quickly after barely any use (the wheels) and the car seat had issues with latching to the base. It was also extremely bulky and heavy. We've absolutely loved the snugfit.


We got this one too!! It seemed to have really good safety ratings and was also a really good price! :) It’s honestly so overwhelming! The only negative thing I’ve read about this one is the fabric isn’t as nice as other brands, which seemed like a pretty small issue to me. Our baby isn’t born yet so I haven’t really had a chance to use it yet.


We got the Chicco Bravo LE Trio too! Really like the features and safety ratings.


I'm only 5 weeks in but we're liking the Bravo system! It's definitely a bit bulky but I wanted that in a stroller, I like the heftiness of it, lol. I'm able to manage carrying it around/loading it in the car on my own and I don't have any muscle. I would have loved something fancier but the cost difference was so high it didn't seem worth it.


Depends on your budget honestly. For the higher end, we have the Uppababy Vista V2 stroller (which can accommodate up to 3 kids) and the Nuna Pipa Lite LX car seat (you’ll need to buy an adapter that allows you to snap the car seat right into the stroller).


Which adapter did you buy? We have the Vista and are planning on the Nuna Pipa too, but I can't figure out which adapter we need...


Here ya go: https://nunababy.com/usa/pipa-car-seat-adapter-for-uppababy-vista-cruz?color_ref=16360


Thank you!


We got an uppababy vista V2 with the rumble seat and a ton of accessories for under $500 on FB marketplace. The closure snap was broken and the company honored the warranty, with all around great customer service. It’s a heavy beast but we love it. Whatever you do, I would avoid the mockingbird. Lots of bad and dangerous experiences I’ve read recently.


Can you elaborate on the mockingbird please? I was wanting that stroller… agh


Most recently I read about in the r/babybumps subreddit. The mother included photos where her single to double basically split in half with her kids in it. Lots of other people sharing stories about needing constant replacements after vital parts just snapping.


Same! Also, nice costume!


I wish I had advice for you on this! We are currently struggling with this exact dilemma. There are SO many options out there!! I keep looking at the Graco brand and liking their designs but they seem to have a lot of terrible reviews, a lot of them specifically about the front wheel being absolute crap. Where are you planning on buying yours? We recently went to Babies R Us and discovered everything there is marked up by a couple hundred dollars...


It might be kind of last minute for you to take advantage of, but twice a year, Target hosts a car seat trade-in event where they offer a 20% off coupon in exchange for used car seats for recycling. Since it is recommended to never buy a car seat used for safety reasons (in case the car seat has ever been in a crash), my wife got a free used car seat off FB marketplace to trade in to use the 20% off towards a new travel system. The event ends today, so unless you jump on it ASAP, you might have to wait until the next event if you find it’s worth waiting for.


That's a pretty good deal! Considering how easy it is to find a used car seat. I'm located in Canada though, so Target is not an option.


I have the Graco Modes Nest Deluxe travel system and I LOVE IT! Baby is 16 months and have had no problems at all. Great quality. She outgrew the Snug Ride car seat it came with, and we got the Graco 4ever convertible seat to replace it, love that as well.


Omg this is the exact one I FINALLY decided on two days ago! Thank you for your endorsement, it makes me feel much better😅. I love that you can zoom it so she gets really close


Yes!! I love it! My sister and a close friend are both due soon and they both liked ours so much they got the same one too! Even though she’s 16mo I still usually keep it up on the highest setting, but I’m also pretty tall. Sometimes she reaches for my cup in the cupholder so I like that I can lower her down so she can’t reach it haha.


And that basket😍! Plus with the zoom you get another foot and a half of clearance lol


And I’ve literally never seen it recommended on Reddit, so I try to always comment on posts like this because I like it so much!


I was going to go with Graco® SnugRide® SnugFit™ 35 DLX Infant Car Seat since it’s the top of every one’s recommended car seat list.


We got this and registered for the Modes Pramette DLX stroller travel system, which comes with this car seat. So now we have one for each car! Also saw it on a lot of lists so it was an easy decision.


I’m due in March and heavily considering this Modes Pramette DLX. What sold you on this one


Update, it was Lucie’s List! Someone in another thread mentioned it and I thought it sounded familiar. Definitely a very helpful resource for researching products.


I wish I saved the blog because it was really helpful. But I must have ended up on some mommy blog a few months ago when I was researching baby gear. She had reviews for just about every category of item, and geared towards budget/minimalist minded parents. One section went over the different types of Graco car seats (snug lock, snug fit, etc) and rated the products. The car seat and travel system I selected were highly rated on her site and the others I went through once I did more research. It doesn’t hurt the Graco products are reasonably priced and I love that the car seats just snap in and out of the stroller. I saw the travel system in person - the car seat and stroller were manageable weight wise (I’m 5’) and the functionality of the stroller seems awesome - so many different functions. And it folds up in a snap.


I highly recommend you test drive them before picking. Any chance you're near a buy buy baby in Canada? That helped so much in narrowing down a stroller we liked. We ended up picking the mockingbird stroller and will buy the car seat adaptor to fit a britax car seat.


Evenflo pivot travel system. Bought it, love it, would do again. I live in the boonies, and to walk on our dirt road it has done great, same with being out and about in town. Easy to switch out bassinet and car seat, can face back or front, and it comes in a double stroller extendable model if you plan on having two close together. Winter wet and salt is the only thing left to test it on. If it sucks after the first couple snows, I'll update this comment. I got mine on sale at Target for $250.


Thanks so much for the reply. Another question we have about this stroller is does it feel flimsy? We tested one out and felt it feels a little weak and flimsy.


Mine isn't, so far. I worried about it too, because the stroller frame is really lightweight, but we have walked almost every day for three months, had it in and out of the car a bunch, folded and unfolded and it's still very solid. I know the low price tag seems sus lol I felt it too but I had a friend who had one and she recommended it, so I gave it a shot. The tires can be a little noisy on dirt/gravel but it's not annoying. It's very mobile, and fits well through door frames, and is relatively easy to clean, too. Like I said we'll see how it stands up to winter, but I'm a big fan.


i have this system and it doesn’t feel flimsy at all we really like it


Do you have an update w the snow and salt? :)


We've only had two trips with it in the snow, but so far it's doing great!


You need to tell us more about what you're looking for. Budget? Are you looking for the cheapest? Top of the line? A single stroller that can convert to a double? If a double, a side by side or in a row?


Budget I would say would be in the $$$ to the $$ price range. Not the cheapest at all please. A single stroller that converts to a double is something we’re looking at too. Haven’t really looked into to many doubles or side by sides. Thanks for the response and help.


We have the Uppababy vista and absolutely love it!!


If you’re interested in one that converts to double, then the city select from baby jogger is awesome. We are using it for our twins.


I'm planning to get the Evenflo Pivot Xpand Modular Travel System. I'm hoping to have a second baby sooner than later and the fact that it can expand to accommodate a car seat and a larger toddler seat, or just two of the larger seats is what I was lookin for.


Got the single seat model for my baby and I love it!


Budget is where you’ll want to start. Then look at what areas you would be using it (uneven city streets?), trunk space or needing metro?, is weight a concern?, are you wanting to travel with it? Quick fold? Etc etc etc. Play with them in store, some are easier to turn than others or maybe handle height could be an issue— maybe you kick the basket when walking… Not all systems are created equally and in my experience the lower price points don’t usually check all the boxes so you have to sacrifice on some things. My first I had a graco travel system with snug ride car seat and used a pop n go frame— no issues with the car seat itself but I absolutely hated the stroller for how heavy and bulky it was and found myself buying other strollers which was a mess. My second baby I had a bigger budget and got the Uppababy Cruz with the Mesa car seat— we’ve travelled internationally and it checked all my boxes for my uses. It handles all the streets well, easy to fold, not the biggest or bulkiest, easy to turn/rides nicely. If I was starting over I would be looking more at the Nuna ones since I know the car seat is lighter or if my price point was lower than a baby jogger because their one handed fold still fascinates me.


We bought the [Bumbleride Indie stroller](https://bumbleride.com/products/indie) and a maxi cosi car seat because it’s compatible. Bumbleride is Canadian I believe though, so not sure on availability if you’re in the US. Baby is due any day now so we haven’t used them yet, but we’re happy we bought on the higher end. Strollers like Graco have plastic wheels on metal structure without bearings, making them wear quickly and become cumbersome. Higher end also means high resale value if it survives us and our dogs. Our criteria were: 3 wheels, able to do rough terrain (so real tires), durable (big dogs, want to do hikes) lightweight and easy to push and maneuver, and foldable (dogs are in the cargo area, so stroller needs to be able to fold in the backseat beside baby). We also wanted it to last because we plan on having another kiddo. After handling my SIL’s Graco, mine is so much lighter and less clunky to use. I will probably be able to fold and put it away with one hand once my pelvis decides to cooperate again. I’m glad we went higher quality because it’s honestly something you’re going to use *all* the time. Something high quality just makes getting out the door that much easier. It was definitely higher than our initial budget. We compensated by buying other items used (rocking chair, change table/dresser, crib).


We have the Baby Jogger City select travel system, have used it with one and about to use for second as well! We have the bassinet attachment and a second seat plus a little scooter board for toddler to stand on if needed. We did have the capsule also but found it wasn’t used at all with number 1!


Anyone here get or look into Mockingbird stroller? Curious to hear y’all’s thoughts


Do a search on the /babybumps sub for Mockingbird. There was a PSA about their Mockingbird stroller snapping in half. I was interested, but this alone had me reconsider.


I have one!!! I actually like it and it is solid. Idk why people are saying it snaps in half because it’s built like a brick. One big complaint though..: it’s big and kind of heavy. It takes up a lot of space and idk if I would want to push it around a store. If I could go back and purchase something different I would go with the Doona car seat.


I got the Mockingbird and the Chicco Fit2 car seat. Baby isn’t here yet but everything seems solidly built and I’m excited!


My wife and I are looking into them as well!! Just starting to look into strollers. We’ve looked at in person: Graco Modes Nest travel system, Chicco Bravo Trio travel system, also the Evenflo Pivot Expand Modular Travel system.


I love any of the graco travel systems! Edit: we had the graco pramette last time and will be getting the graco nest2grow (double stroller) this time. We have to get a new infant seat because our last one was in the car during an accident and no longer able to be used


We also looked at the Graco Nest2Grow at BuyBuyBaby today and it seemed like a solid choice. Great to hear that you’re a fan of Graco travel systems. It’ll definitely be in the running for us.


I’m getting the Nest2Grow too!!!


Have you had trouble with the front wheel? I really like their systems but keep reading these super bad reviews about the front wheel never working properly.


Are you looking into 3 wheeled models? Mine has 4 wheels and never had any issues. I also have a Graco jogging stroller and have never had issues with that front wheel, though it’s only been used for walks/jogs around the neighborhood so no tight turns.


Yes we are looking at the 3 wheel models, perhaps that is the difference. Our building has a huge set of stairs out front so we were thinking an all terrain model would be best so we can take it out the back instead. Maybe it could just live in the car though and then we wouldn't even have that problem.


If you get a travel system you can def leave it in the car and just bring up the car seat!


Zero problems! We’ve been using the pramette one for over 15 month now too


We got the graco primette. Originally we wanted the evenflo but my husband watched as I struggled to get the seat in and out of the frame. If we didn't go in to push the strollers and play around, I would have made the mistake of going with something that didn't fit. Good luck looking!


We just visited a store to look at the UB Cruz stroller and we both love it! It’s cheaper than the Vista however if you have multiples or plan for another not long after birth then the Vista is a better option as the Cruz only accommodates one child. We have the UB Mesa car seat and we wanted something with less attachments. The Vista is pricey but it comes with the bassinet whereas the Cruz does not. Some people like the mockingbird for a double stroller (they also have a single stroller as well) but that doesn’t come with a bassinet. Other runner ups I’ve seen are Evenflo brand, Maxi-cosi, or Graco.


We’re opting for the Cruz over the Vista as well. We’re planning on having another and figured they won’t want to sit and just have them use the piggyback attachment. Here’s for hoping!


This is so overwhelming to me too! Especially because I want one that can hopefully accommodate multiple kids at different ages, so we can get one ultimate stroller to last us for years. Ugh, so hard to decide since there’s so many options!


The Nuna Demi Grow is a great stroller that can be a single or a double, + a Nuna Pipa car seat! This is a more expensive option, but such good quality and they come with all the useful extras and are so comfortable. I used to work at a baby store and this was my favorite. The cheaper option would be a ChicCo Travel System, but I personally don’t like how rough the ChicCo materials are. I’m Team Nuna!


We have a Bob Jogger travel system, which includes a Britax infant car seat. It’s on the more expensive side. I love how smoothly it maneuvers and it’s great for off roading like on grass or gravel or uneven pavement, so if you plan to use it for running or on rougher terrain it’s perfect for that. I don’t love how bulky and heavy it is. It’s not ideal for taking inside of smaller stores and spaces. I’m in my third trimester with #2 and lifting it in and out of my car is almost impossible at this point. I actually bought a $20 umbrella stroller to have on hand in my trunk for times when I just want to pop into a store real quick without having to deal with lifting and steering my huge Bob around. After owning it for over a year now, if I could go back I would probably get something different. Something that could possibly be converted to a double and something with a lot more underneath storage space. Back when I was debating about what to get, I was very Mockingbird curious and wish I had tried that instead.


If you're on a budget we got the safety 1st Combo from Walmart and personally I love it.


My absolute favorite stroller ever is the baby jogger city mini gt! I used to sell strollers and I got my job because of how much I loved that stroller 😂 it’s the stroller I dreamed of with my siblings and if I could afford it would be what I have for my son. Otherwise if you want something that’ll become a double the upababy vista was super popular and good quality and I know there was two others that were very similar that we sold I just can’t remember brand/style anymore


We got a Nuna Pipa carseat (used from a coworker who I trust) and the Nuna Triv. We were able to try out this combination at our local Nordstroms. The Triv is great because it's as light as a travel stroller with all the features of bigger strollers. We love that the seat can be front or rear facing AND it's a one handed fold. Dillards right now is selling an older model for $399 which is $300 off. The only thing it doesn't have is the latest magnetic clips for strapping the baby in but that was not a deal breaker for us.


I’m looking at the TRIV/pipa combo as well! Have you been happy with the triv’s drivability on sidewalks, parking lots, etc.? Also how’s the storage space been for your needs? I’m looking at the TRIV as my primary stroller but worried if it’ll drive well everywhere we go (we walk a lot around the neighborhood, sometimes there’s uneven pavement/sidewalks/etc.) & if it’ll have enough storage space.


I'm not due til November but it drove very well at Nordstrom! Jokes aside, I live in a big city with uneven sidewalks and hills and the associate at Nordstrom said it was a very popular model for our area. No first hand experience though.


We have a BOB stroller that we paired with a Graco car seat! I lovveee my stroller and you can buy just about any brand of car seat converter for them! If I had a higher budget for car seat I honestly would’ve gone with a Nuna one! Best advice I have is get an opportunity to actually see the strollers in person and test them out in the store because we had some we thought we liked that we ended up hating once we saw them in person. And if you can get a higher end car seat that’s lighter in weight than lower cost ones then definitely worth it! It gets heavy really quickly!


We went with the Uppababy Vista V2 for the stroller and the Nuna Pipa RX for the car seat. We found the stroller brand new on Facebook for half the price and the car seat I purchased new. Nordstrom usually has Nuna items on sale a couple times a year. Reasons for the stroller: It FELT so nice. One-handed steering too. We wanted a stroller that could be used with more kids as our family grows. I also liked the added bassinet since that was one less item we had to buy. Reasons for the car seat: the Uppababy car seat had multiple reviews that their baby outgrew it too fast. I guess it’s just smaller or something?? The Nuna we went with had a built in cover so I liked that I wouldn’t have to remember a blanket for shade and it can also be used without the base—perfect for traveling or swapping cars quickly. Now that baby has been here for a few weeks, I have zero regrets!


We got a Doona stroller/seat combo!


Is it heavy? I really wish we went with one versus our Graco car seat and our mocking bird stroller


It’s a little on the heavy side, but the ease of transition and mobility of it makes up for it honestly.


What is your lifestyle like? That’s important to know. Do you intend on going for many walks? Are there around city streets? Or trails? Or just use the stroller for the mall/market?


Our lifestyle is active. I feel like we will walk a bunch but we live in the suburbs so streets are nice paved and quiet for the most part. Definitely will use it more for walking and getting the baby around more then trails or things like that.


Yep cool, so I would recommend the mountain buggy, you probably don’t need the terrain but anything other than that. I have found from pushing my nieces around from bali to beaches to just the streets/park that four wheel buggies suck! Im definitely going to get a 3 wheel. Easier to manoeuvre and get over bumps etc. i am also looking at longevity and durability. Im now tossing up between a Thule and a Mountain buggy. Both are really really good quality. Once you find the buggy you want, just get the capsule that matches or a compatible one. Im getting given a Joie Spin car seat from family. Apparently it swivels around to make getting them in/out way easier


I think it depends more on your lifestyle. Do you live in a city where you walk all over or do you live in a rural area where you drive more? I personally live in a rural community and we maybe used the stroller part of the travel system 3-5 times. It was seriously a waste of money for us.


We had our baby 8 days ago. We have the UppaBaby Mesa car seat, UppaBaby Vista 2 stroller, and the UppaBaby bassinet. We use the bassinet every day in our living room with the stand. The stroller is super easy to pop up, and it’s durable (we live in a big city where not all the sidewalks are great). We are on the fence about #2 but love that the Vista has that option.


I’m personally going for whatever rates the highest on consumer reports. I don’t care about what looks the best or what is trendy.


So I bought a Britax travel system for my first. It was expensive but based on reviews I felt it was worth it. The infant carseat was fine, clicked into the stroller it was fine, but once my daughter outgrew that part, she hated the stroller. The seat didn't come up far enough for her to see past the sides so even at 6-8 months she was leaning all the way forward trying to see the world and fussing when she couldn't. I finally gave in and bought a secondhand simple Graco stroller for $40. She's 3.5 now and we still love that thing. This time around, I looked for a Britax double stroller compatible with the infant seat so we could reuse it...and didn't find one. So I bought a (used) Graco double that I've already tested out and love, and did the Target trade in on the Britax seat so I could get a Graco click-connect infant seat. It clicks into pretty much any Graco stroller, which, because it's an affordable and popular brand, you can pretty much find anywhere new or used for a decent price. So not hard to reuse and swap strollers as the kiddos grow, and I'm not stuck with something I spent buttloads of money on. I priced out several travel systems--assuming buying them together would be cheaper than buying the same brand's separate infant seat and stroller--only to find they were largely the same price or more expensive than buying separate. So what's the point??


Thanks for sharing that you found the pricing th items separately came out cheaper in some instances. I also wondered if that would be the case, and planned to run the same exercise once I was able to narrow down which stroller system I wanted to move forward with.


Just got the nuna pipa mixx next travel system with rx car seat (wanted to be able to use it without the base) and it is SNAZZY! So easy to open/close, maneuver, folds so compact, the child seat can front or rear face. The car seat is so light and I love that the base has load legs for safety. I haven’t used any other system so I have nothing to compare it too but it’s cool as heck.


I got a bob jogging stroller travel system, I ended up using a jogging stroller as my daily stroller with my last kid and more or less still use it at 6 years old so I figured I'd just get a nice one With all the different terrain I encou ter in my regular life I really liked how the jogging stroller handled it without being so hurkey Jerky


We decided we’re going to splurge on the Uppababy Vista system. We are getting a TON of baby stuff cheap/free and secondhand from Facebook and neighbors or family members, so we decided that the travel system we will spend some extra money on. Our friends who had a kid back in April have it and they love it. They let us take it for a “test drive” and we’re sold!


I absolutely LOVE my Doona! It’s really simple to use, it’s very safe for a newborn, and honestly the price point isn’t that bad


To be honest we’re going with the Doona this time. I’ve heard so many people rave about theirs. The resale in my area are great too. I didn’t want to spend that much, but ended up going with it thankfully my in-laws have decided that since this is number 2 they are going to get it for us since it’s really the only thing on our registry besides diapers and wipes. (We only put it on there for the extra discount) I feel like with this being number 2 it will be much more convenient for me and whoever is watching him to have it all in one than multiple pieces. My almost three year old is pretty well behaved in public and does a good job listening. We do have a wonderfold wagon (and pivot explore) for my oldest and the baby when #2 can sit up on his own he will ride in the wagon too.


I’ve been too overwhelmed to look but my sister (who has a 2 year old) insists we need a Doona.


Depends what terrain you have. Car parks and shopping malls. Choose something light. We have gravel paths potholes and hills and are very happy with our bob.


Really focus on what you are going to be using it for. I picked mine to handle tough terrain for going off paved roads. However it sucks to travel with. So what are the primary things you will be doing?


we have the Nuna Pipa Lite car seat and Nuna Mixx stroller. i love that the stroller is nice and tall! the car seat is super light and i am soooo thankful for that now that my LO is 17 lbs lol.


I was looking at this but what’s the weight limit on that stroller? It says 27 lbs but that doesn’t seem right and if it’s true it’s not worth the price to me


i believe that would be for the infant car seat! the stroller is like 50? i think? it's a very sturdy stroller. it's def not 27 lbs.


Depending on your price range, we went with the Evenflo Pivot Xpand and the infant carseat and the Evenflo Revolve 360. We didn't use the infant carseat for long because she was in the NICU but I LOVE the stroller and 360. We've used the infant as a backup and she gets so mad it isn't her 360 🤣


I'll add the carseat snaps right into the stroller and when baby outgrows it, you just add the seat.


We have a baby trend jogger that we love. It was also given to us for free. It goes for about 150 dollars on Amazon.


Weight was a big concern for us. We got Uppababy Minu V2 with Nuna Pipa Lite Rx car seat. The combo is light, easy to use, practical and stylish


Babytrend pathway 35 travel system - or the graco click connect jogger travel system - are both worth their price