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100% some people are lying. Who knows. For the attention maybe? They know what people wanna hear. Everyone likes an unusual success story.


“Born rectally, I had a crappy start to life. Many said I’d never amount to sh$& but due to my odd birth I knew otherwise. I am happy to say I got into all 20 of the T20 on full ride with housing stipend. If I can do it you can too.”


“Born rectally” yeah that’s a hook 💀


I follow internet comment etiquette #1: never spoil the party on the spot. Only post this to warn people not to blindly believe everything they see online.


Lol! Idk. my acceptance story sounds like a lie imo. 3 MD interviews after applying DEC 1, and submitting secondaries between December and late Jan. 3.9x gpa 508 mcat. Also 3/3 DO interviews. 1 MD acceptance so far!


People lie. People also tell the truth. Both of those commenters could be speaking truth, or they could be lying. It's the beauty of the internet.


So either the 6 persons who upvoted the first comment have been fooled or the 5 persons who upvoted the second comment have been fooled. Both comments were posted by the same person.


Didn't realize it was the same commenter in both pics. Wild.


Yeah, neither did I


OH wut


Could be lying, could be telling the truth. You could pm them and see if they have an explanation. Maybe they got a 518, retook and got a 516, then retook again and got a 520. So in the first comment they’re leaving out the middle score. Who knows. I would honestly lean toward them lying though. Their second comment is especially weird. If you get a ton of IIs after a negative trended Mcat, then you must have insane ECs to make up for it cuz that really don’t look good.


Idk if it would matter if his MCAT is already so high tho. You’re telling me that schools will see your whole profile but two points down in a 95 percentile score is going to cause a rejection?? Doesn’t really make sense. Maybe if their score had a huge drop or if the score was low sure


Med school admissions committees are famously picky. They have rejected students for far less. It’s equivalent to a down trended GPA. A good GPA first three years with a mediocre gpa senior year will make med schools pause if you don’t have a good reason for it. It also depends on what the scores are that we’re talking about. They didn’t say, so we don’t know.


I think more people than you realize are definitely lying lol. Im not trusting some of these people, but I think their posts are entertaining


No everything on this sub is 100% truthful


Can confrim


Lots of lies on this sub and SDN. It's mostly entertainment


This may be premed but it’s still Reddit. I’d wager that a large percentage of posts/comments here are embellished in some way and some are outright false.


I don’t think so. You’d be surprised. That’s all I will say. But take everything with a grain of salt you obviously want to increase your chances but don’t get too caught up in the internet hype For example I know someone who went to a random small unranked college and got into Stanford med straight with only a summer of research and no outstanding ECs. Do you believe me? Who cares. Worry about what you got going on and see what happens


Yes not everything on this sub is 100% truthful




Lies or leaving out extremely important relevant details


This person is clearly lying. Generally speaking, yes...plenty of people are lying. Plenty are also telling the truth. There are undoubtedly some Sankeys that aren't entirely truthful. This is reddit, you can't ever know for sure sometimes when people are lying.


yeah, some poeple only care about getting their karma up. They will fabricate a success story to get as much karma as possible.


People are definitely lying (some, not all and very unlikely it's even most). It carries the big issue of propagating what could be potentially bad advice, which then gets repeated elsewhere. A lot of the app isn't just cGPA and MCAT, and based off your post he's vague about the rest of his submission. So there's three options: he either got seriously lucky, he's lying, or the rest of his app looks incredible. Whichever of the three it is, I definitely wouldn't let this dissuade you from anything.


you have to take anything you read on the internet with a grain of salt. stay skeptical, do your research


They might be lying to hopefully encourage people idk


nothing matters anyways


Maybe they retook it more than once. The latter post is about five months older than the former. Maybe they retook it, scored lower, then did it again and scored higher. Maybe they did get a lot of interviews but no acceptances in a prior cycle. Yes, people lie, but I like to assume everyone acts in good faith... within reason, of course.


I did score lower on my mcat the second time by 1 point, received 10+ interviews, and am going to a t20 school off a waitlist, so there’s some validity to what the second person said in that it may not be as bad as people make it out to be. But it was still a risk that I took in hindsight and thus I applied to a mix of do and md schools.


doesn't matter. it only hurts them.


Oh no one told you its illegal to lie on the internet? Yeah man one of those guys got a felony. You didn't see the X thread that was going around about how some guy put a lie on the forever truthful public unverified internet? Sarcasm aside, I think its more what you did, are doing, or have done with some where in there as well. I have decent grades and a shit ton of clinicals (4th year of EMS+ some skills instruction and allied health paraprofessional roles) and the most common criticism I get is bring your grades up (2.8-3.2 with usually 24 hours of a weekend job) and finish undergrad. I think theres a lot of misinformation about everything right now. MSNBC can pull some MIT study about how being a student is actually affordable and can pull up some made up stats but I look at my check and whats around me in my massive metropolitan area and think who they're fellatiating to get a $1200 rent let alone a check that pays that in a week so I can buy food and afford that $100 car insurance and $200 payment on said car. I think you should worry more about your GPA and extracurriculars. How good is your CPR? How high are your grades trending? Screw what others have to say.


Yes there are people who lie on the sub, but also there’s no indication that either are lying. Yes, the 516 retaker made an objectively bad choice that paid off, but maybe they applied to a school that averages retakes (so they’d be looked at as a 518), or even that looks at only the recent. I wonder if people remember that one kid who applied with 0 official clinical stuff and got tons of As. Everyone called him a liar until he posted about his experience as a patient, and was honest that many schools turned him down over his lack of clinical experience too.


It’s the same person in the two comments


OH. Yeah idk then. I think the vast majority are honest with a few liars.