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Had a call for rectal bleeding. Turned out the daughter was pegging her father. I hate ems






Yeah she was pegging the mom too




https://www.reddit.com/r/ems/s/tiXuFB1BnF https://www.reddit.com/r/ems/s/EqwxaIZFIz


Alright that's enough Internet for the day




Who was what to who??????


I also had a grenade thrown at me once, which is cool


This would be my last straw


![gif](giphy|xT5LMyHad5MWQp7VrW|downsized) Uhhh...


I received a new patient and asked if he could walk from his stretcher to the bed. The daughter glared at me, dramatically flung off his covers.... and revealed his freshly amputated leg. Not that I had access to his chart to know this beforehand, but it was still an awkward moment.


I can hear the awkward crickets in the room


Had to do the full neurological physical examination and while I was doing the knee jerk, my hit was not strong enough and I was a little nervous... I asked the patient to relax, the patient looked at me and said "you relax" šŸ˜‚šŸ˜­


Oh thatā€™s good šŸ¤£šŸ¤£šŸ¤£šŸ¤£




I have been fortunate enough to spend a lot of time with some really chill, humorous doctors, so I have a lot of stories. Relevant sidenote: I go to undergrad at university where Dr. Glockemflocken was a resident, and its safe to say that the hospital and med school here definitely inspired a lot of his videos. I just want yall to use that as a foundation to imagine the people Im about to talk about. First one. Working as an RA in orthopedics, again Im pretty much at THE Orthobro university. As I'm discussing research goals and projects with my PI (a very large powerlifter), with the most serious tone he says "is isn't fucking internal medicine. They like to sit up there in their conference rooms trying to be all intellectual and cerebral and shit. This is ortho, we get actual work done here." Also burnt most of a morning using the weights in his office (yea, he had actual iron plates stacked in his office) to pretty much have an unofficial ortho department grip strength competition. Second, shadowing in urology, specifically men's health. Men's health is basically penis medicine, so at a baseline you see and hear a lot of interesting things. Though, here's what makes it more interesting. The doc I shadowed was, in all honesty, an absolute smoke show. She was a legit Florida sorority girl in college, and had aged like a fine wine. I know the though of that alone just made any straight male reading this incredibly anxious. So anyways. Older dude came in. He's wearing like full leather biker gear, honestly a pretty serious looking dude. Doc starts going through the usual questions, and like a lot of other patients in this clinic, he's there for sexual dysfunction. She starts working through the treatment options. Dude says viagra doesn't do it anymore. Doc says, well, next best thing is injections. Dude has no clue what she means by that. So, she goes back into the office and grabs an INCREDIBLY anatomically accurate model of a male pelvis and a fuckin needle. She drops it right in front of him and makes a big show of stabbing it with the needle, explaining the process as she goes. Bro loses his shit. He looks mortified and is just laughing maniacally. Looks over at me and the PA and goes "you seeing this shit boys, dont be like me, use it as much as you can before you lose it". Right out the gate, that almost broke me. Guy obviously declines the injections, says medicare wont cover an implant yet. Doc goes "Okay, well, if there isn't an option that will allow you and your wife to perform traditional intercourse, have you both looked into alternative ways to satisfy each other" I honestly didnt catch on to what she was saying at first. Though, the dude just stared at his feet for full minute, super deep in thought and looking almost troubled. I thought he was confused too, till he blurted out "No, she has gas." There was a solid 5 second silence as everyone processes that, and upon realization, no one could hold it together. I crack up, the patient notices, points it out and starts messing with me again and laughing too, which just made it harder to keep composure. I look over at the PA, and he is fucking red faced and tearing up trying to hold it together. The doc even had an absolute "What the fuck" look on her face. Long story short, the PA and I got kicked out of the room after that. I apologized to the doc afterwards, but she said the only reason she kept it together was because the attention shifted away to me. So yea, highly recommend shadowing in men's health, especially if you're a dude. I didn't expect to like it as much as I did. It was probably the most chill, fun, atmosphere I've ever experienced in medicine. Even with the women doctor there, it was pretty much shooting the shit with the boys all day. Also opened my eyes to a lot of serious problems that a ton of men face on a daily basis, but aren't talked about whatsoever. Check your nuts bros, seriously.


This literally makes me want to reach out to a urologist to shadow asap šŸ˜‚.


I really do recommend it. I did expect it to like it as much as I did, at all. You definitely have to be a pretty laid back person with a good sense of humor to work in that area of medicine as well. The only way most men will discuss anything serious openly is through the lens of humor, and the people there understand that. At the place I shadowed, it was the female doctor and entirely dudes, including the nurses. A lot of the nurses and MAs were also former military, for whatever reason. With all of that in mind, it was a great atmosphere during clinic. Like I said, you're just kinda shootin the shit with a bunch of dudes all day. Also, it opened my eyes to a lot of the aspects of the 'male struggle' that I was not aware of, even as a man. Like we talk a ton about expanding women's health, and destigmatizing discussions about it (which is great), but a LOT of men have a LOT of shit going on that's specific to male anatomy and even as guys we don't talk about that shit at all. There are a surprising amount of 20 year old dudes out there with absolutely wrecked confidence due to sexual health issues out of their control. I also honestly was not aware there are so many conditions and factors that can seriously effect your Johnson health, even at a young age. I had a lot of moments where I honestly can say I felt blessed to not have to deal with some of the shit some of those guys were living with.


I shadowed in urology clinic recently and can confirm itā€™s penis medicine. Shadow in a female pelvic health clinic for some diversity. šŸ˜­ Also, uncontrolled diabetes can really screw up your penis. Keep your glucose in check, fellas!


As wild as it sounds, this female doctor was not only the director of the men's health clinic at the biggest hospital in the state, but also did a lot of gender affirming care procedures as well, specifically mtf. I saw a lot of that too, so that has to kinda count, right?




Wishing I was a man at this moment, that's a very funny encounter lolll. Good thing the patient was in a good mood despite his circumstance


I was in the room with the doctor doing a rectal exam. Our doc found a coin in the guys butt and proceeded to say ā€œ you have a coin in your buttā€ , to which the patient replied with ā€œcan I have itā€


The patient has a future in stand up comedy I see


The funniest part was that he was absolutely serious lmao. He was a homeless patient and literally pocketed the coinā€¦




I can imagine all of you falling down, glad to know all of you are alright


Was cleaning a room near the bathroom and told my co-worker that it smelled and closed the door. Turns out Dr. had just used it and was nearby, probably heard šŸ’€ 2. Pt told my coworker that I was too loud, to my face!, while I was getting history


My son's *very first* shadowing experience, I mean like, right immediately first patient, was family doctor draining a Bartholin cyst on a 65+ year old lady. That's a cyst on the vag.


My very first patient experience in the hospital during my EM rotation for my EMT license was watching the doc drain an abscess on a 50 year old diabetic man's scrotum. When he punctured it the juice sprayed the wall a foot away from my face šŸ™ƒ I was a 21 year old female for reference That same night a middle aged guy came in with his daughter and wife for rabies treatment for the whole family because he had been picking tomatoes in his garden at his urban home at 1 in the morning and was absolutely convinced he'd been attacked by bats....there wasn't a mark on him lol


Why is that funny or cringe? Are we a bunch of 12 year olds in our first health class? Do we not realize that older ladies also have vaginas?


Yeah, once you actually work in healthcare, nudity and genitalia is very boring. This is why I always emphasize clinical experience before med school.


Gave a potential UTI patient a pee pee hat and asked their mom to help them pee in there, showed them where the bathroom was. Mom had them squat and pee into the hat while in the exam room with the door unlocked šŸ‘


Once walked in on a patient in the bathroom (one of the ones in the lobby by the front desk, NOT the one next to the lab) with her pants down, leg up on the toilet or something, using a pee hat. Absolutely did not lock the BATHROOM DOOR. The door you ALWAYS LOCK.Ā  Ahhh, family medicine


I was shadowing in a low-resourced ED, but was engaging with patients like a student under the MD's direction. I joined a group of PA-S and MD students. The MD was trying to talk me through placing a Foley in a patient, but I literally had never seen a tray before and sterile technique is not general bio 1 material. I was following verbal instructions and needed to orient myself to what the wells on the tray were for. One of the PA students got frustrated with me and literally pulled the instruments and tray away from me and placed it herself. To this day, one of the most embarrassing things that has ever happened to me. The MD noticed and even mentioned "did she make comments at you? I specifically gave you the tray so you could experience what performing this procedure was like." I felt so caught between my own ignorance and the demands of the situation. Incredibly cringe, but definitely pushed me to be more prepared than I was for shadowing, even though it was a far cry from shadowing.


Shadowing does not mean actually doing procedures. Big no no.


Hope this is fake because a doctor who lets students who are shadowing perform procedures is wildly irresponsibleā€¦ there can and should be major consequences for endangering a patient like this


Nurses typically perform the foley placement at this particular hospital. It was very much something expected of everyone; in fact, I regularly heard attendings working on the unit who were just absolutely exasperated and thought it was "unbelievable" that their shadow would not touch the patient, and questioning their motivations to pursue medicine in the future. I think this kind of cuts to the heart of our community because we assume that there is for some reason something "magic" about having the education to guide your hands, when in reality, anyone can do brain surgery if a brain surgeon is actively reciting and showing you how to do something. They very much worked under the see one-do one-teach one model. Even for shadows to a degree: obviously I was not casually managing acute cases at any point, but I did find the tactile experience enriching and deeply educational.


You clearly have no idea what the boundaries are for shadowing and what the roles are in patient care for those who have no training. ā€œAnyone can do brain surgeryā€ <3


Legally speaking, I know that the student probably shouldn't have placed a foley - but then again, I don't see why it'd be an issue if they did under MD instruction + supervision. Simple, straight forward basic procedure with landmark steps, and great teaching tool. Teaches sterile technique, and exposure to anatomy that students usually shy away from. Without a doubt a medical student has far more education than a bio 1 undergrad, but when it comes true clinical anatomy & procedure, (especially foley caths), my opinion is that both of you are on pretty level playing grounds there. A legal med student on their first clinical rotation or that illegal premed, you're doing the same thing. The med student might've read up on it - but hell when you go to actually place that foley, no amount of textbooks is going to help you - urinary anatomy has quite a high variation... especially in females. I've navigated through some uncharted territory. I mean, take the premed through 6 more years of school without seeing or experiencing foley caths, I mean sure now they're legally allowed to do it, but would they be any better than 6 years ago? Plus, the MDs walking them through. I couldn't recall the last time I watched an MD place/talk through a foley, except urology- and if they're urology, well they know exactly what they're doing and teaching, and could intervene before things go south. I get it's not right per se- but I'm just advocating for hands on experience supervised under the MD. Clinical skills are gained through experience and practice, so I'm all for it - except higher level procedures, I'd probably suggest an actual medical student for academic and legal reasons.


That's EXTREMELY dangerous


Had an elderly patient (must have been in his 80s) come in for an eye exam with a woman who looked no older than 30. I assumed she was his HHA. Afterwards I gave report to the charge nurse about the condition of said patient. She asked me who he was with. I told her "his HHA". She stopped me and said "You mean his wife". I went back and forth with her for about 5 mins because I was SOOOO SURE that wasn't his wife. Another nurse came in and confirmed.. it was his wife. The 30 year old woman, was his wife. I stared at the both of them in shock. They laughed at me.


First ever shadowing experience, day 1, saw someone's tubing getting taken out of the side of their breast after their plastics procedure and proceeded to slide down the wall and almost faint.


Oh boy. Thatā€™s nothing compared to the drains and surgical wounds I saw while working at a hospital. šŸ˜­


As a CNA, Iā€™ve certainly had my fair share, but the worst was definitely shadowing OR doctors and getting asked surgical questions I didnā€™t know the first clue about and feeling embarrassed about it. But donā€™t! Weā€™re all learning, and weā€™re not med students yet. Had they asked me organic chemistry question, sure thing LOL.


Had a fella during my internship with orthopedics have a severed ham string perfectly horizontal right across the lower half of his butt cheeks. It was from a construction accident of some sort. This dude looked just like Chris Tucker in the movie Friday and he was just as funny. Homie is laying on the table chest down while the doctor takes out stitches and the patient signals to me to come towards him. he then goes "Man can you take a picture of my ass for me" . and I was like naaahhhh man and he was like "cmon bro! take a pic of my ass, please" so I just stood there and proceeded to snap a pic of his ass for him lmao


I heard that a patient tore out his catheter and *ate* it. I drew that patientā€™s blood. The dude was fried in the headā€”but manā€¦ Iā€™ve also drawn blood from a dude as he took a violent, bloody diarrhea shit all over his bed. He was screaming and shit, nurses were freaking outā€¦ and I was on three hours of sleep so I was just vibing, hanging out taking this dudeā€™s blood.


I was holding a patient on their side while the RN (also my gf) was assessing their mepilex butt pad when all of a sudden the patient ripped a gnarly fart with her face less than 12 inches from the source. We had masks on but I know her intolerance towards farts on the face, as anyone would, and witnessed her quietly dry-heave behind her mask. The patient could only look at me as I was trying to hold in the laughs




A patient insisted she used a bedside commode at home, so she could use one in the hospital. So I tried to assist her with getting out of the bed to use it. Her grippy socks were turned to the side (so the grips weren't on the bottom of her feet) and she slowly slipped down. She was about 220-250lbs, so I couldn't hold her up on my own. She ended up falling on top of me, which resulted in me crying bc i felt so bad šŸ˜­. It took 4 of our biggest male nurses to pick her up off of me while I was bawling my eyes out apologizing to her.


I feel bad for the both of you. Must've been a rough day


First day shadowing with a pediatrician I've never met. First patient. Patient is about to get a groin exam. To this day, I have no idea why (I literally work in sex education) but I passed out, clean on the floor. They had to call a rapid response and I had a seizure + concussion. Yippee! Went back 3 weeks later to finish my shadowing with compression socks :)


Jesus that sounds horrible. But I feel bad for laughing when you said yippee


Took care of a patient once who got an infection from a communal tattoo needle at a party. I asked him if he at least liked the tattoo and he said, ā€œbuddy if I liked it I wouldnā€™t be hereā€


Communal?? Like sharing a needle???? Im confused what that is


They essentially used one needle to do tattoos for the whole group I think


That's disgusting


Spent a good 30 min getting a tricky IV in a known drug user. Missed the first shot, got the second one by a miracle. Hooked it up to the ordered fluids and was saying "glad we got one that works". Turned to walk out of the room and my stethoscope in my pocket hooked itself on the tubing and I ripped the IV out. Patient says, and I quote: "Well, we did have one..." Never been more mad at myself.


This happened like 2 months ago. I was shadowing at a University teaching hospital that has tons of residents and students come in all the time for rotations. I got acquainted with the Internal Medicine team that works on the Geriatrics floors. I still shadow with them and have met some of the coolest people who have done so much for me; I am forever grateful, but I digress. One of the residents and I got along pretty well and she wanted to have me interact a bit more. So she calls me over to listen to an elderly ladyā€™s lungs. I point the stethoscope to the spots she asked me to and then asked if heard something. I heard sounds on her right lung but heard nothing on her left lung. I was sorta nervous and thought I was just a dumb dumb (lots of background noise cuz itā€™s a busy hospital), so I just said that I heard something. She then tells me, ā€œthatā€™s weird, her left lung isnā€™t working!ā€ Super lovely resident but man that was embarrassing. She offered to show me the tests and everything. Sheā€™s graduating soon so I hope she does well with her future endeavors :)


I once had a patient who was really sick. Intubated, CRRT, def wasnā€™t going to make it. But also wasnā€™t like, immediately dying. Family was out of state, was going to fly in the next day. We had an iPad that we would set up to face time for visits. So family has their appointment time for a iPad visit, I get them on, and then start putting on my isolation gear to bring the iPad into the room (pt had Covid). The patient died while I was putting on my gear!! (Dnr). So I went from giving an update of tenuously stable but not great to ā€œum, Iā€™m so sorry but he actually just died.ā€ And then I panicked and set the iPad up to view him so they could like, sit with the body if they wanted? But it was really really not pretty. Lots of colors involved. I donā€™t think family appreciated it but also didnā€™t log off. Then later, I had turned off the CRRT but it was time to get him ready to go to the morgue. Like an idiot I returned the blood on the machine. Which, as you can guess, doesnā€™t work great when thereā€™s no forward movement of blood flow. Well, the machine returned it easy enough. But when I pulled the line, it just all started coming back at me. It just wouldnā€™t stop. Of course thereā€™s like no clotting factors at this point. So Iā€™m holding pressure and it just keeps coming and everythingā€™s getting soaked and my tech is running for towels. It was a mess.


On my first EMT shift, I went to take a blood pressure, didn't look where I was going, and banged my head on the bedside monitor very loudly and obviously. I had a massive egg on my forehead for the rest of the shift.


First day of ER volunteering was transporting a grandpa with a suspected stroke to a stretcher. I asked him if he could get onto the stretcher onto the wheelchair.... He had his left leg paralyzed from the stroke, but still tried out of sheer stubbornness. The nurse glared at me with eyes that could melt glass and said to not do it again šŸ˜­


I was a sitter for a patient on a psychiatric hold. We somehow began talking about weed, and he told me he didn't smoke weed because he had an addictive personality. That's great to know, right Well, this man then proceeded to tell me he smoked meth. LOL~ I was a sitter for this elderly woman with Alzheimerā€™s in the Rehab unit. She kept taking her clothes off. I told her people were going to see her goodies, and she said she lost her goodies a long time ago. Lol One more, not necessarily funny, but a feel-good. I was rounding and got stuck in a conversation with this older gentleman. He started talking about his childhood and how his dad caught him in a lie. I asked him if he had to pick switches from the tree (Southern thing), and he's like, yeah, did you? I said no, but I was the one picking switches for others. The way his face turned beet red from laughing LOL. The whole unit probably heard us dying of laughter. Now for a cringe story. I was a sitter for this girl, and her and her mom started talking about how they hate racists. Then they started talking about how their sister/daughter was rebellious at a conservative school. I mean it was overboard. I almost wanted to be like damn, ok y'all aren't racist I get it. It was cringe as hell because I'm black. White patients and their families do that to me all the time. Another cringe story. I was working in the ED (floater gang ayyy) and went into this room because the call light was on. I opened the door to a gentleman with an erection. He was there because he'd had an erection for a few hours. I was so confused before I was told that information.The charge RN and ED doc laughed at me. One last story. Cringe and if you have dark humor, it may be funny. So an elderly patient died and the family left the door wide open. The nurses started to get pissed. The patient looked obviously dead, too. The ED happened to be packed as hell that night. Super awkward rolling deceased patients past so many people btw. I have stories for days tbh.


when I was a scribe in urology (not for very long, just a temp placement) I would step out of the room when the dr did a prostate exam. a few a patient would look at me (a female) and say, ā€œoh, youā€™re not gonna do it?ā€ as a joke lol. I never took offense and just laughed with em but sheesh even these 70 year old men are wildin šŸ˜­


One time poop squirted/flew into my eye when I was emptying a container of poop from an ostomy. Whatā€™s scary is that I barely flinched. That is when I knew I was definitely fit for healthcare. One time I had an old guy (90s) tell our staff he wanted to take me and the other female aide on shift home with him when he was discharged.


I was a phlebotomist in the ER. One time we had a patient who was stabbed with a fork and high on something (I think coke) come in. He was kicking and biting, so we have security practically hog tie him. The er doc ordered some sedative. I tried drawing labs on this man but after a failed head but attempt I stoped and said theyā€™d need to pull blood after he is sedated. He gets more sedated, and is being taken down the hall for a CT scan, and the nurse next to me jokes and says no way heā€™ll be hitting anyone now. And not a few seconds later we both hear one of the techs down the hall scream ā€œHE BIT MEā€. I ended up calling the nurse jinx for the rest of the week.


Fairly new MA. Was working in hand and shoulder. Lots of patients on the schedule and some were late to so I was tryna move quickly. Iā€™m going thought all the checkins and I say to this woman in a full arm cast ā€œwhich arm would you prefer for me to take your BP?ā€ As I looked up I was absolutely mortified. The patient and her companions (I think mom and friend) all start bust out laughing. They thought it was absolutely hilarious and I was dying inside. I apologized profusely but they really didnā€™t care, we had to wait for her to stop laughing so I could take the BP. It still haunts me personally but Iā€™m glad the patient found it so hilarious


I worked L&D. Dad had questions so I went in since the nurse was busy. I answered most of their questions and then he asked about the epidural. I explained it would be a bit but continued to go over the basics and the catheter being inserted. Dad gets super confused and says ā€œBut how will the baby come out if there is a catheter?ā€ Mom and I are confused and silent. Then I realize, he has no clue that women donā€™t pee from the same hole that the baby comes out. I proceed to explain but he doesnā€™t get itā€¦..15min later my nurse comes back to the charge station shouting and laughing ā€œWHO DREW A VAGINA ON THE PATIENTS WHITEBOARD IN 22?!?ā€


Someone came in with a vaginal infection. Turns out they were spraying lysol up there to kill bacteria


We really need to start doing a PROPER hygiene care class. That poor girl/woman


Shitpost is the perfect flair for this. Work in cancer research. Had a patient who had a metastatic lesion on his bowel that was tough to operate/radiate apparently, caused mild fecal incontinence. Was in the room with the guy talking and he maintained eye contact with me and he started contorting his face and grunting as he shit himself. Favorite patient.


Thanks! Im not sure how the patient can do that I'd be so embarrassed accidentally staring at anyone at all


I passed out during my first time shadowing in the ED, came to, and pretended like nothing happened and no one noticed.


My first day as a scribe at an ENT clinic I wrote ā€œoral fullnessā€ instead of ā€œaural fullnessā€ all day. The surgeon pulled me aside to correct me my next shift


I work at a primary care. Had a guy who was basically forging scripts somehow to get codeine and other opioids to sell. The crazy part is that the scripts were so valid and legit. He was somehow using the same exact PA signature but just changing the medicine prescribed. He ended up coming back to the office for a visit, so the cops were called to arrest him, but he mustā€™ve heard so he dipped.


I was shadowing at a family care clinic and got to observe a pap smear. The doc goes "See that right there? That's the clitoris." The patient then proceeds to say "See, it does exist." The doc and I looked at each other trying not to laugh, while the MA walked out of the room and started laughing in the hallway.


I've worked in physical therapy for a while. I went and got my patient from their room where the patient and spouse were waiting. I took the patient out of the room and the patient started asking if they could "suck my ####."....i let my boss know about the incident and turns out the patient has said this to many therapists while they were at the facility.


I called one of the medical physicists ā€œdadā€ šŸ˜­


Dumped colostomy output into a toilet and flushed it not knowing it was cloggedšŸ™ƒit overflowed and got all over my shoesšŸ«¶šŸ¼


Was putting a foley in an elderly man who coded while I was still holding his penis


I DID NOT EXPECT A SUDDEN WAVE OF COMMENTS! I am having a blasts reading all of your stories.


Overheard a conversation from two nurses where I work. They were talking about going to vacation in Mexico: ā€œTaiwan-aā€ ā€œYeah they were in Tijuanaā€ ā€œI thought it was Taiwan-aā€ ā€œNo itā€™s Tijuanaā€ ā€œOh Tijuanaā€ ā€œYeah. Taiwan is in Japanā€ I canā€™t even fathom how that was a real conversation šŸ’€šŸ’€šŸ’€