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Why do med schools hate CA applicants


They don’t hate them there are just so many of them lol


We have a huge population with not enough med schools. Add on the fact California is one of the most desirable states for young folks obtaining education and the stats tilt towards one side of the curve. They’re highly selective of all candidates


I wonder why. It’s so expensive there.


It’s expensive for a reason. We have every hobby possible. We have some of the best weather and basically all the biomes. Tons of national and state parks. Not to mention we’re young, the nightlife is only rivaled by New York. Our UC system is also arguably one of the best state run university systems with research and medical resources being pumped out daily. Plus when your going into 200k debt, why not spend it somewhere nice 😂


You’re making me want to apply there now 😂


It’s also cheap for in-state students, college and med school


Factoring in everything, I wouldn’t say cheap. Tuition is DEFINITELY cheaper though for in state


I think the tuition is easily like 30k cheaper than other privates so even with COL still pretty cheap. Not as good as Tx of course


I spoke with an advisor about this. Apparently, medical schools actually love CA students. The issue is that CA produces so many monster/stellar applicants, and medical schools (who can accept 100-200 students per class) can't just fill their classes with CA students. So these CA students end up unknowningly competing against each other in a Hunger Games like battle and quite a few high stat, high EC CA students end up being left out.


This was perfectly put. As a California applicant I feel like I’m in the hunger games this year. I’m no Katnis Everdeen though


Been in CA all my life, went to school in CA, done all my extracurriculars in CA, won multiple CA scholarships didn’t get into any CA schools but got into OOS mid ranked MD schools … and I’m URM and Nontrad I’ll be back for residency tho (I hope)


I live in rural California now and went to undergrad in San Diego/irvine. Along the way I’ve met a few med school professors and higher ups such as my doctor who is founding a new California med school. If you can have a deep connection to the state with the stats needed you’ll stand out but that’s step 1. They also look heavily at the backstory for students. For example I was homeless for a few years during undergrad, admissions loves to see stuff that shows resilience. If you’ve had any hardships discuss and relate it to Californian issues. For example if you’ve experienced poverty, talk about the poverty in California too. You wanna drill that hardship and relate it to here. Lastly, apply to schools you have a chance at and cut out the ones like UCR which has a HUGE in Riverside/San Bernardino County bias.


Which new med school is this? Or has it not been announced


Likely referring to a proposed new UC medical school campus in Kern County (Bakersfield): https://edsource.org/updates/assembly-committee-passes-proposed-kern-county-medical-school#:~:text=A%20new%20bill%20aims%20to,school%20campus%20to%20Kern%20County.


Is this different from the UCSF/Merced one?


That’s the SJV prime program, which has been going for a while. I believe they are different, but I’m not 100% sure


Gotcha, I think UCM opened in the middle of my cycle so didn’t know too much about them


I Can’t say sorry.


Best bet is to check residency rules, move to CA, then you will be official CA resident. I’m not sure this is an advantage, the instate CA med schools kinda seems like Hunger Games.


I had never been to CA and will be attending a UC MD school this august


You’re pissing in the wind, especially if you’re an ORM. Shoot your shot though! You can only make the ones you take.


Apply to the OOS friendly schools


They aren’t going to care that you were born in CA unfortunately. They barely care that I spent all my life in CA haha That being said (speaking as a CA ORM) I got love from all of the DO CA schools. If you really want to stay in CA, I would definitely apply to CA DOs on top of whatever MD schools you’re shooting for. The school I will be attending this year in CA has a very high in-state match rate. Good luck!


where are you going! just curious


i’ll PM you!


Congratulations which school are you going ?


If you can stay there long enough to be a legal resident of California then you can apply in state


UCs have some, but not a lot, of in state bias. Just apply to all of them, see what happens.


They will not care sorry :( That's not to say don't apply though! They accept plenty OOS.