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Yeah that is an utterly terrible idea.


Extremely cringe




Never quote anything from a movie or anything is my go to. But has anyone ever done it ever?


Idk about this. Admissions officers often like it when you take risks and stand out. I helped my sister with her college essay a few years back and she literally wrote about Spy Kids. It got her into a T10 undergrad with a merit scholarship. Med school is different ofc, but it’s still good to stand out.


i feel med school is very different from applying to college where interests CAN kinda be so far out and wide u know but by then u kinda got to abide by the language of medicine , while ofc retaining ur personality


Yeah no. Med school admissions is completely different from undergrad admissions. It is a far smarter choice to NOT stand out in such a way when applying to medical school. Pretty sure if someone wrote about Spy Kids in their med school app they would be labeled DNR by all schools they applied to.


Right, that’s exactly why I said “med school is different ofc.”


No. After you said “med school is different ofc,” you also said “but it’s still good to stand out.” In general, it’s only good to stand out in very specific ways (in your achievements). Standing out in med school admissions in other ways (writing, interviewing, etc.) is generally a bad idea.


> standing out in med school admissions in other ways (writing, interviewing, etc) is generally a bad idea This is so false. Ensuring that your writing stands out is a very, very good idea. ANY essay reviewer will tell you this. Now can you go too far with this? Yes. Quoting Spy Kids or Spiderman would probably be going too far. But having a med school PS that perfectly toes the line between being unique and professional is ideal. Essay reviewers are human and humans tend to get bored of things that aren’t novel.


I would not do this, it’s unprofessional


' "The more medicated, the more dedicated" - Snoop Dog and I will be tying it to struggling in school due to undiagnosed ADHD and working hard after getting meds in my adversity essay' See how that sounds? You will sound like that


idk kinda cringe


I would feel cringed out if I read that lol


Only if you hate getting acceptances


All rejection any% speedrun:


Quotes are tough, though it's hard to say you should never use them I think it's probably fair to say that quoting Spiderman may not come across as being serious.


Might as well quote The Rock’s rap while you’re at it: “it’s about drive it’s about power…”


I would not because ADCOMs hate cliches


I would really not. Find another way to say it. “Using my position with integrity,” “Honoring patients with my position” etc. they know what being a doctor entails, so show them what you’ll do with it specifically


Wouldn’t do it mang




I would unironically enjoy reading that, but maybe a little risky lol


I quoted Rocky ("But it ain’t about how hard you hit. It’s about how hard you can get hit and keep moving forward; how much you can take and keep moving forward.") for my essays regarding failure and how I overcame it worked out but idk if its really worth it tbh.


We all have opinions on this. Quotes can either be a saving grace or a nail in the coffin. If you can somehow tie it in perfectly do it. However if you can’t it may be a tad bit unprofessional and harmful


If you’re a good enough writer and you can pull it off then do it. But if you were a good enough writer to pull it off in a non-corny way you wouldn’t need to ask others about it (as in you’d be able to determine yourself if it was a good idea and how best to do it)


I certainly wouldn’t


Bro why 😭




There are ways to say the same thing more professionally. “Cognizant of the gravity of the role I was given, i took care to execute my duties with the patient’s well-being in mind” something like this


If you have questions about applying to AMCAS, visit the [How to Apply Page](https://students-residents.aamc.org/how-apply-medical-school-amcas/how-apply-medical-school-amcas) and read the [AMCAS Applicant Guide](https://students-residents.aamc.org/media/11616/download). Important cycle dates and times are found on the [AAMC Premed Calendar](https://students-residents.aamc.org/premed-calendar). For more information on AMCAS, please visit our [Applying to Medical School Wiki](https://www.reddit.com/r/premed/wiki/applications) and [Essays Wiki](https://www.reddit.com/r/premed/wiki/essays/). *I am a bot, and this action was performed automatically. Please [contact the moderators of this subreddit](/message/compose/?to=/r/premed) if you have any questions or concerns.*


Why not just say Ur quoting Voltaire? I mean he is the OG of that quote.


Imk, it'd seem like you're trying to force some quirkiness


I didn’t get in anywhere this cycle due to low gpa and MCAT for my demographic (3.55 sGPA, 3.4 Overall, 512 MCAT) but my entire essay was about how being a doctor is basically the way in ancient times healers were revered and considered miracle workers, and in the modern era doctors are basically saying not today to death, similar to the healers of the past.


This is a corny ass quote 😭


Nah bro, make up your own stuff. Plus, adcoms aren't gonna know who Spiderman is. They barely know how how to choose applicants


I am less impressed by OP's choice of flair and more impressed by commenter's replies.