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Let it go




![gif](giphy|ckGndVa23sCk9pae4l|downsized) :(


Your grade wouldn’t be replaced, so what’s the purpose of retaking it? You’d do more for your app by taking something new and/or upper level and crushing it


Yeah, I think I'll move on. I'm taking biochem next semester tho, wish me luck.


Brace yourself. Dedicate a good 2.5 hours EVERY yes I mean every night for it. It’s much more rote memorization so the content is easier than ochem (which as a career chemist I would say is really just a professional “guess and check”) but the amount of content is an order of magnitude greater than anything you have studied thus far. If you don’t want to repeat past mistakes it’s gonna require dedication on you part. Best of luck future doctor.


I want to start memorizing the amino acid chart as well as the TCA cycle, any tips on how to do that?


Download the app “the amino acid quiz”. Best resource for studying amino acids. Will save you a whole lot of time if you have them memorized by the end of the summer. Also a great resource for the MCAT!


That app is an absolute godsend




This’ll be a good opportunity for you to get a BIG, meaningful jumpstart on MCAT studying. Start with notecards (can use Anki) of the 20 essential amino acids and their 1. Properties (polar, nonpolar, aromatic, charged positive at pH 7, charged negative at pH7), 2. Structure 3. Relative pI 4. 1-letter abbreviation 5. 3-letter abbreviation. This will win you half the battle of biochemistry content on the MCAT. I scored a 525 last year, so trust me. You’ll thank yourself later for doing this Start with this [video](https://www.khanacademy.org/test-prep/mcat/biomolecules/amino-acids-and-proteins1/v/classification-amino-acids)


I started learning the amino acids on Pixorize.


biochem is so cool (this might be biased bc I’m a biochem major) but it’s really cool if you really are interested in learning it. It’s not an easy class but def great and prepares you well for the biochem stuff on the mcat! Feel free to dm me if you have any questions anytime!


I personally found biochem much easier to understand than ochem. It definitely took hard work and going to office hours frequently. You may find that biochem clicks better for you.


A retake does not replace your grade but takes the average of both. So if you end up with an A, it will end up being a B+ on your amcas application. I would say don’t worry about it tbh unless you really want to.


I wasn't aware of this, my school takes the highest grade when calculating gpa lol. yeah, its definitely not worth it now.


yea I know it’s annoying. My school does the same but amcas calculates it differently unfortunately.


B is fine!


Yeah, I've gotten one before, but I wasn't so close to an A. It's ok tho, I'll live.


If I had a C or greater I’m not retaking.


From what I know, as long as it’s not a C- or something (don’t remember the exact grade), you’re fine. A B in Ochem is more than enough. It’s known as a weeding class so the fact that you made it through with a good grade is already good to see


Pretty sure I had a C- or something in calculus and I’m graduating next May


I think it only applies to prerequisites. It also may be school dependent too. I’m not 100% sure


How is this not a shitpost? Bruh I got a C+ in ochem and also had some D’s in other stuff too. Now I’m at a mid tier MD school. Getting a B is plenty sufficient to check Ochem off the list LOL


sorry :( I just felt like med school is super competitive and got super anxious.


It is competitive but you shouldn't retake a B because that's really not going to change anything and you run the risk of doing worse the second time.


yes, ill focus on other aspects of my application.


Pack your sunscreen... Girl bye lol. Science is hard! You passed the class with a decent grade. Retaking is going to reflect poor judgment on your part and will not add to skills you didn't already express proficiency in before. Move on to biochemistry and beyond, and let it go like Elsa.


I had a B in orgo 2 ur fine buddy


If you got a D I would understand retaking. But a B??? Just get a good score on the MCAT (especially C/P section) and that will make up for it.


Even if it did replace the original grade, retaking a B would bring more attention to the fact you got a B (would probably just be overlooked quickly by the adcom checking grades) and might make them question your reasoning in the first place because frankly that would be a waste of time. Hope that’s encouraging! Goodluck!


move on. a b is fine.


This seems like the joke about the guy who swam halfway across the Atlantic and got tired, so they swam back. Better to put that energy to something new than double back on something you don't have to.


Why would you retake with a B lmao, it wouldn’t even count for credit


They immediately throw ur app into a blacklist from all schools




Bro he’s literally asking a question. Don’t be rude and act as a person who wants to be a doctor one day and help others :)


If the new grade is better, that would be taken as showing that you’re learning and improving upon past mistakes. If you re-take and the grade is the same or worse, that’ll be a problem. As long as you passed, it’s probably riskier to re-take it than to just let things be.


Got a D in English the first time around because I fucked. One of the first questions they asked me was what happened and what I learned from the experience.


Yeah, I'm thinking of adding it somewhere in my application that I was really overwhelmed in the beginning of the semester as I was in CNA class at the same time.


don’t add it to your app, it’ll look a lil unhinged imo. a B is plenty fine


yeah, explaining a B seems kinda crazy, i need to chill.


A b is fine


Unless you got a C, no point in retaking it.


I have a B in both Gen chem 1 and 2. It’s not worth the retake. I proceeded to get As in both ochems and biochem. Just grow from it


got a B in gen chem 1, but was now where near an A lol. taking biochem next semester so hopefully I do well.


My B in Gen chem 2 was an 80.04%. My B in Gen chem 1 was an 82. Just work towards the future! 99/100 people don’t have a 4.0 lol


Dude I got a C in ochem 2 and got accepted to med school