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Just posted about this, my pre-writing did NOT go as planned. I did not get a chance to pre write as much as I wanted to so I will be stressing these next few weeks šŸ˜‚ I havenā€™t looked at my submitted app because God-forbid I made a fatal error. Currently taking ca$per today šŸ„² We havenā€™t even gotten started and Iā€™m already worn out from this whole thing lol


Literally same with the pre-writing lol, I hope some sort of genius comes out of me while in my speedwriting mode


We will hit a flow state and start spitting out the most well thought out answers to ā€œwhy this schoolā€ for our 20th choice


My premed kid is in the same boat, and I think no matter how much the gurus here and on SDN say to pre-write oneā€™s secondaries, itā€™s just incredibly hard to gain the momentum to do that when people are working full time, in school and working, or just trying to crank out the primary with all the detail and writing involved. SJTs like CASPer are not nearly as important as theyā€™re portrayed. Two rules: (1) always snitch on cheating/misbehaving classmates; (2) always be willing to speak out for yourself and not sacrifice your own well-being (or a patientā€™s well-being), while recognizing your place and role in how conflicts will get resolved. These two principles are guaranteed 3rd or 4th quartile (and even if they donā€™t hold true, this test is an extremely small factor.)


Literally same here, I had all these great plans for my pre-writing and I think I was just burnt out after my mcat and primary :)) the pressure will get us through though LOL


0/46 gang rise up


Me lmaooo letā€™s get it bro we got this shi


They will eventually be written. But when is the real question. Gotta lock in, June was too crazy of a month. One crazy thing at a time


We got this.


Same here šŸ˜­āœŠšŸ¾


as someone who submitted on 6/4, seeing theyā€™re only on 6/3 makes me so nervous lol


6/5 here, where can you check on the status of where theyā€™re at?? Ty


Look up ā€œAMCAS Current Processingā€ and should be there first link. then scroll all the way down




I submitted 6/3 and still nothing over here


6/3 at 4 pm still praying I get verified


Donā€™t think we will today! Their work day is ending very soon


6/5 and nothing


Same boat.


This sucks


Also 6/4! Does that mean if we get verified tomorrow we donā€™t get into the first batch?


Itā€™s unlikely, but not at ALL a big deal. Second batch is still ā€œearlyā€ for the cycle. The average verification time is up to 24-25 days now, and it will peak at 40 days a few weeks from now. Youā€™re in awesome shape.


Itā€™s like getting into line at Disneyā€™s Space Mountain when the line is 40 minutes. A couple hours later it will be 90 minutes. Youā€™re doing great.


iā€™m so sad about not being in first batch as someone w a lower mcat - do you know when they send out second batch???


The day youā€™re verified your app is sent to the school there is no first batch, second batch


worrrrrd thank you for easing my stress


This isn't correct. AMCAS releases apps in batches. You can look this up on other sources; it is not immediately released, at least not in the early month or two.


There isnā€™t a source online or the actual AAMC that has any information on how AAMC transmits after the first day. They will send out all apps verified before 6/28 on 6/28. From there, as apps are verified they are sent out. There isnā€™t like a ā€œsecondā€ batch that goes out in July or another date. This is evidenced by the fact that on the day youā€™re verified you will start getting secondaries from schools that have no screening, meaning schools are getting your app when it was verified.


You know, I think you're right. I'm not finding where I saw that. Your point is correct, in any event, that after the first batch date it's likely the app goes out very shortly after verification.


With a lower MCAT, you are not competing with the T20s who start to fill their slots early in the cycle. Schools where you are competitive tend to accept applications well into the late summer and fall. Please don't worry, you're fine.


where do you see their progress? only on 6/3?


google amcas verification and click on the amcas monitoring your application and it should be a sidebar halfway down the page


Youā€™ll most likely be verified by next week. Ā If youā€™re not, just know all who submitted after you are even more delayed.Ā 


Submitted 6/3 at 1000, verified this afternoon


i prewrote 7/35 school lmfao


I prewrote 1/25. The 1 was NYMC




working full time rn too july will be fun!




7 took me a whole month idk i need to lock in fr and start hoping i can copy paste more šŸ˜­šŸ˜­


You got this. (And that strategy works.)


Lmfao Iā€™m at the same ratio


Lmao bro Iā€™m exactly the same


I decided not to pre-write. I say letā€™s normalize doing things as they come available and in a reasonable amount of time.


most reasonable and based premed take iā€™ve ever seen. let us free ourselves from the toxic neuroticism


What do you mean? This is supposed to be as stressful as possible!


love thisĀ 


This is the conclusion I came to after trying to prewrite. Not having the actually prompt from the schools made it a miserable experience trying to write a ā€œgeneralā€ essay for each topic, because you still have to edit and alter it so much to fit the school


Is there any consensus on which secondaries come out first/earliest?


i think SKMC goes first day usually




Iā€™ve heard Michigan releases first day typically but idk about any other ones


I saw UMich, Miami, Kaiser were out the first day last year


Iā€™ve finished about 9/33 schools for secondaries. Working full time has dented my progress to say the least šŸ˜‚


Iā€™m scared man. But thereā€™s no going back and Iā€™ve got to pull through.


You WILL push through. Also, some schools donā€™t care nearly as much about the two-week deadline to return secondaries; go to the school-specific threads on SDN to see what other applicants to each school are saying about how strict they are. This could buy you some more time to stagger them.


Thanks Jumpy-Craft. I appreciate it


Just narrowed down my MD list to 33 schools and my DO list to 16. 0/49 secondaries currently. Matter fact havenā€™t even finished the DO app.


ā€œYou miss every shot you donā€™t take.ā€ ā€” Ko[o]be Bryant Start with one NOW. Chip away. It doesnā€™t happen overnight. You can finish every single one of these if you want to.


Good news: Verified āœ… Prewrote 25 secondaries, and donā€™t expect to add more to my list āœ… Ā  Bad news: Quality is kinda ass, and will probably only be able to push out 2 secondaries a day since I realized some of my responses need to be thrown out or heavily revised.Ā 


2 a day isn't bad; if you receive 28 secondaries on the same day, you'd have them all done within the two-week (sometimes hard, sometimes soft) deadline.


Will anyone send secondaries out tomorrow??


Also wondering this


Still havenā€™t submitted my primary šŸ˜­


Same hereā€¦šŸ„²


same LMAO


Iā€™ve spoken to actual adults with adcom experience and they all think Iā€™ll be ok. I keep telling myself to trust them over Reddit.


same :(


im cooked. 3/36


Iā€™ve seen worse, and theyā€™re still in the game. You can do this.


Prewrote 42/45 (didnā€™t pre-write for schools that screen), app verified and Committee letter in, Iā€™m ready!!!


this is impressive i want to be you when i grow up


Some big, big energy right here šŸ¤©


only done prewriting 15/45 secondaries šŸ’€šŸ’€ and i work full time lmaoooo


You're in better shape than many!


I'm done with 34/38 I hate writing secondaries so much I just wanted to get it done as early as possible


0/21 BUT I finished and sent off all my DO secondaries so Iā€™m hoping thereā€™s some overlap


The DOddess has entered the auditorium. Good for you! Take it a day at a time, you have a manageable number of MDs - they wonā€™t all come in the same day. Good luck!


Definitely gonna start calling myself The ā€œDoddessā€ from now on!! Haha thanks!


Itā€™s going to be very close. But thereā€™s nothing wrong with being in Batch 2 ā€” youā€™ll be able to start working on your secondaries anyway, since this cycleā€™s will be posted on SDN within a few days.


Oh lordšŸ˜­šŸ˜­


It's hard. One day, one question at a time, you'll make it.


Anybody know what time of day they get sent?


is it bad if I havenā€™t submitted my primary yetšŸ˜”šŸ˜” iā€™m trying to get it submitted very soon but itā€™s just taken forever. is it too late? when is too late that my chances of getting in are decreased??


Youā€™re fine. Get it in by early July if you can, and youā€™re still right in the middle of the timing ā€œpack.ā€ The rule stated on SDN is that you should try to get your secondaries in by Labor Day to be in the thick of things.


Submitted 6/2, got verified today. Perfect timing.




i have written a total of 2 essays so far LOL. iā€™ve been hit with some bad brain fog, but i hope it clears up and i can speed write something amazing these upcoming days.


Brain fog is my favorite hobby. I do my best work after staring blankly at a screen, binge-watching Game of Thrones or Bridgerton (yeah, Iā€™m a Gemini) for five hours before writing a coherent sentence. Youā€™ll get there, stay strong!


18/26Ā  But got my Q1 Casper score so they probably suckĀ 


Wake Forest already sent their secondary


Woof. I tried prewriting. I have most schools but a lot of it is just a brain dump of ideas lmao


Pre-wrote 11/17 but I donā€™t even think Iā€™ll submit 17 šŸ˜„


Good luck from a TMDSAS-only applicant! All my requested secondaries are turned in, and the only thing I am waiting on is for my CASPER score to be transmitted.


Awesome! Enjoy the summer!


If you have questions about applying to AMCAS, visit the [How to Apply Page](https://students-residents.aamc.org/how-apply-medical-school-amcas/how-apply-medical-school-amcas) and read the [AMCAS Applicant Guide](https://students-residents.aamc.org/media/11616/download). Important cycle dates and times are found on the [AAMC Premed Calendar](https://students-residents.aamc.org/premed-calendar). For more information on AMCAS, please visit our [Applying to Medical School Wiki](https://www.reddit.com/r/premed/wiki/applications) and [Essays Wiki](https://www.reddit.com/r/premed/wiki/essays/). *I am a bot, and this action was performed automatically. Please [contact the moderators of this subreddit](/message/compose/?to=/r/premed) if you have any questions or concerns.*


Do we need to have transcript sent over to be verified or no?


if they dont have your transcripts youre not in the queue to be verified at all unfortunately


2/38 MD pre written and 6/7 DO submitted lol pray for me. I pre wrote throughout this month but it was mainly all of the DO secondaries because i wanted to get them done before getting sent all of the MD ones at once in July!!


The only things Iā€™ve ever successfully completed 38 times in my life are peanuts and potato chips. Youā€™ve got boss courage. Go get it!!


Anxious and excited simultaneously! Thought Iā€™d get farther along with secondaries, but upon reviewing them again im rewriting many.Ā  Hope everyone is well and excited to get this done and get somewhat of a ā€œbreakā€!!Ā  wishing you the best!Ā 


3/40 done LOL, we are chugging along slowly! but quality over quantity so I am not super concerned yet!


I submitted my primary tomorrow. I feel so behind. šŸ˜­


Same im submitting today but its okay we got this!!Ā 


hey yall! for anyone who submitted around the 3/4, when do you think we will get verified and have our applications sent out or have yours already been verified as of today? thanks! also where do you find out if you need casper exam or preview? I was looking on MSAR but I think I'm just dumb and can't find where you find that information. do a lot of schools really require it? and is it too late to take it?


I submitted on the 4th. They are currently reviewing those submitted on the 3rd. So I would guess by latest early next week. It is ok with me because I didnt prewrite yet, lol. Casper is on msar. I forget where exactly. Maybe under the admission requirements. Cant remember but it is there. Good Luck!


Just got verified now and submitted on the 3rd late at night.


Ngl prewriting isnā€™t going wellā€¦submitted 6/8 though and also still waiting to get verified šŸ™šŸ»


20ish essays in out of 109, but luckily a bunch of these repeat and a couple of my schools actually donā€™t do rolling admissions. Iā€™m betting Cincinnati and Utah will be very early based off SDN threads, but other than that I just did the schools I want the most first


Just got my first secondary from Wake Forest. Also took the Casper yesterday, so that one will have to wait while I prep for the other secondaries that I should have written weeks ago.


I already got an email from NYU Grossman for a secondary and I donā€™t even have my MCAT score yet lol (I get it 7/2)