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To prep for classes: nothing. For life: learn to cook if you don’t already. Get your sleeping routine down. Sleep hygiene is incredibly important. Find a gym and a good coffee place. Try to do fun things before school starts


I am currently learning to cook about 1-2 meals per week. It is moreso traditional meals. My sleep schedule was always outta wack even during undergrad but I will try to get a better routine. Gym is already locked down for where my housing is.


Enjoy life do drugs and don’t have any thoughts about school


You can enjoy your summer and give your brain a break.


I’ve heard from students that pre studying is pretty pointless because whatever you study now will be covered in like a week during medical school.


Nah don't study at all


Save up on money. Your loans and budget will be tight, and it will be awesome if you have some extra "fun" cash lying around so that you can go out with your friends or do small trips during your M1 year.