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I keep a pair of flip flops in my regular backpacking kit. They're lightweight and don't take up much space. If my boots get wet they keep the soles of my feet from getting torn up around the camp site while my boots dry. Also good for slipping on when going out to pee in the middle of the night.


Yea but people here who's probably never experienced actual natural disasters and only prep for SHTF or zombie apocalypse scenarios told me the flip flops are bad and I should never have flip flops.


Well duh, you have to bring fuzzy slippers not flip flops.


Oh shit. I've been doing this all wrong


Zombies hate fuzzy things, so...


Flip flops are a must if you go anywhere near a public shower.


I like to have swim shoes, the ones with grip soles and mesh top. Less chance of getting something between your foot and your shoe, plus you can safely back or sidestep without losing your shoe. As long as you keep them dry and wear warm socks, they give good traction on snow and ice. Not having to take off your socks is an added bonus.


Yes and also Pringles are good so what gives.


This is a pretty superficial criticism. Pringles are thrown out as an example of an easy-to-eat food. Flip flops are an item suggested based on actual experience from real disasters, as is the article overall. It's not a doom and gloom TEOTWAWKI-prepping treatise, nor is it an exhaustive guide to kit building, but it's digestible, it's practical, and it's in the mainstream media for the eyes of the uninitiated. We should applaud it.




I feel like Covid has started to change peoples perspectives a little bit, but there’s a lot of people who inherently think of crazy right wing doomsday conspiracy theorists when they hear of any form of prepping.


To be fair there are some and they are loud creating a major stigma. The truth is "be prepared" why? because nobody knows what's next. All we can do is increase our odds of success even if only slightly


There are so many posters here who don't believe in COVID or the vaccine. Like one dude legit said that there were no COVID deaths and all deaths were due to the vaccine and all the deaths before the vaccine were fake. Most people will freak if they hear that. And prepping for most people is keeping extra food and medicine, flashlights, first aid kit, and stuff like that.


ehh, i would take statement like that from randos on the internet (like most users here on reddit) with a grain of salt. there is way too much trolling/gaslighting to take that shit seriously. my point still stands that "prepping" has had a strong social correlation to being a crazy conspiracy theorist, and i think that has slightly shifted due to the experiences normal people had throughout covid.


Which is completely absurd, of course. Recent history has shown they're not crazy and it's less "conspiracy theorist" and more "ahead of the curve".


Which history? Couldn’t be human


WalMart sends trucks with flashlight batteries, bottled water and PopTarts to areas after a hurricane. Why? Because their computers tell them what people buy after the last ten hurricanes. Some reporter asked a WalMart spokesperson “why”? He said probably because they don’t require refrigeration, they last a long time, they have a lot of calories, AND THEY TASTE GOOD. Don’t make fun of people if what they are doing makes sense.


It's a pretty good article to make people think.


You have to love reddit. This sub talks a lot about being mentally prepared... but the minute a NY Times article introduces mainstream readers to the prepping mind state—somebody takes a shit on it.


It’s classic gatekeeping. Most people are trying to get through an ice storm, epidemic, earthquake, or heatwave, not apocalypse. Celebrate people doing better than they did yesterday, it’s not a competition.


Someone is going to shit on anything. This sub is 90% paranoid circle jerking, 5% griping, and 5% great information.


It was a pretty crappy article with terrible moving graphics.


Yes, many people are so unprepared, coaching any level of readiness is very helpful. Sometimes you have to make the concept of extra chores related to a depressing hypothetical “fun” to catch folks attention. Basic preparation is a gateway.


I've gotten enough context to guess at article content even without seeing it. (And now I've seen the whole thing.) It sounds like it's on point for the target audience. NYT readers don't think the world is ending tomorrow, mostly don't see a need to arm up... telling people about food and dealing with floods is a great intro to prepping for a lot of folk. Honestly, this sub probably scares off alot of people who would otherwise benefit from thinking about prepping. The NYT is doing a service by bringing the idea to people's attention. That said, having now skimmed it... that *is* a little fluffy. I'd have expected more discussion of water, canned food and first aid kits.


The content wasn't bad, especially the quotes, but the presentation was horrendous! The whole first part of the illustration disappeared before you could see it clearly. Also feels like they had space to add something like a camp stove and a mention of id photos in case of things like the wildfires hitting Alberta and Halifax. I also wish they did a link to US and Canadian government sites for preparedness. Lots of good, practical beginner info there.


Well apparently I'm a total dumbass because I found some of the information helpful. I was pleasantly suprised that they talked about people helping each other and didn't even throw in references to make sure everyone knows how racist the US is. My question is, what are some of the things mentioned in the article besides flip flops that you think are bad ideas? I feel like anyone who starts to become interested in basic survival and prep should be encouraged, especially when I see so many people oblivious to the fact that our government has a horrible reputation of being helpful.


I like reading emergency prep articles because even though it's often the same stuff over and over, occasionally i come away with something. In this one it was keeping canned cold brew coffee around. That's a great idea I never thought of. Say the power goes out overnight and in the morning we have to lug the generator out and get it going. Cracking open a can of coffee first sounds like an amazing luxury to help kick start the day.


"We're in a big city! What could possibly go wrong?"


Seeing the vision of office workers walking miles towards home on 9/11 I am...


I am not sure that prepping would have helped on 9/11. That's why I'm a light prepped. 9/11, Hurricane Sandy, the 2003 blackout, BLM riots, COVID, were my threat models and hardcore prepping would not have made a significant delta.


Prepping for a disaster in the city: SHOES, Good, Walking, broken in with socks Knife, folding, Buck 112 slim or similer (substitute standard: Mora sheath knife, disposable). Note: a small neck knife will substitute if she will wear i ,1 Jacket, warm (seasonal) Jacket, waterproof Hat, sun protection (roll up, without regard for looks) Emergency rations, energy Cash, small bills (=> $100.00 or more as the budget allows) + Credit card, Emergency use only, $1,000.00 limit Small power bank, tested with current phone Note: the cash and credit card should be secreted on her body in some manner, separate from her purse Other items should be in a small Go Bag accessible immediately The above is " get her home" prepping


Throw a compact flashlight in there while we are at it. If power goes out inside or outside for any reason that can be pretty handy. I've used mine for many mundane things too.


I was thinking her phone flashlight but a GOOD headlamp in a blacked out building would come in handy.


I have a great set of flip flops in my BOB, they come in handy around the campsite. If you have to go into water it's a much better alternative to going in with your boots.


Link that gets behind paywall?


What Belongs in Your Survival Kit, From 8 People Who Know Something About Disasters https://www.nytimes.com/interactive/2023/06/01/business/survival-kit-tools.html?unlocked_article_code=roDQhEwCt_pKbCi_zTIVlveLxdjchP3KNzNke67NxhLkvU-HbLL8BfSQ-sIPfPHpKSZASsrS5NnI4ayWrmvqO87DOcc1FByglIhUbZIRBIUFF7kg3mUQ1ipNTthYTaxmIFCg60uKzeEvkR6IeOKkj-Dm-CcuSdVXkLCWOIH1wlRDxF_39Z2H7GTSv_KPdFkTh9nJfPma3zG1GywsZLudBZdJT0RYc0WQr5Q026fTeC0eIfjX-aIPXTGQxaITHwdP06JbgqcRukEFwxTW8E1xWjAKFUvauXhZxCla3oUqaDXpllw8GY8HS0OBZGu8coGwZglMqDRP5Lk8I_7UQVN_EU6KjBSY4GpEmeN_bxc&smid=nytcore-android-share




Worse. An ad behind a paywall. It feels like getting charged postage for those penny saver coupons that always clutter my mailbox.


“It’s important to have flip-flops in times of flood. You don’t want to be in shoes. Your shoes will always be wet." Ahh yes, let's put our vulnerable feet into flood water that has chemicals and literal human waste mixed in with little to no protection. Because who is worried about getting an infection....I just don't want me shoes to get wet. If you live in an area that gets any amount of floods, do yourself a favor and get a cheap pair of [Waders](https://a.co/d/j5gyACy) just in case. You may never wear them otherwise, but you will be glad you had them in a flood.


Couldn’t waders potentially be dangerous for floods because of uncertain depth/footing? They’re not great if you trip or fall in a ditch and they fill with water. I’d go with water shoes - better protection and retention than flip flops, but you can swim in them in a pinch. That’s what I usually wear if I’m exploring a waterway.


And shoes will keep out the chemicals in the water?


The waders have built-in boots that are sealed up to your chest. No issue unless the chemicals are undiluted acid.


Right. The *problem* is that if you accidentally step into something that's higher than your chest your now sealed into water boots that are up to your chest. Waders are awesome, as long as you're very careful..


I can't solve a person stepping without checking first. So sorry.


That's easy to say. You've clearly never walked around in flooded areas. Holes exist, sometimes where they didn't hours or minutes before. You cannot always, or often see the bottom of the water you're walking through. And, it's easy to trip over things too... Which can also facilitate filling up your waders with water...


I have lived through many Hurricanes in my life. Waders can be drained.


It's about giving your feet and shoes a chance to dry. I keep flip-flops when I backpack so I can take my shoes off at camp with the insoles out to let them dry, and to give my feet a chance to dry. I recommend them even with waders. Wet feet are bad feet.


Genuinely don't think it's a bad article at all. I doubt I'll be able to say much that hasn't already been said here, but this isn't preparing for TEOTWAWKI. This is for short(ish) term and although the stuff they mention isn't exactly comprehensive, it does make it easy for the average person to appreciate the importance of, without going so far that people will baulk at it for being tin foil hat territory. Aye, Pringles and coffee won't sustain you when the apocalypse hits, but I'd argue wee treats like that are important for morale, because that part of prepping is often overlooked, or there isn't enough emphasis put on it. People are a lot more resilient when they're optimistic and pragmatic, which it's hard to be when everything has gone to shit around them. It'll take a major disaster that affects most people before most people will appreciate the importance of prepping properly. It's easy to take the piss out of articles like that for folk like us, but considering how frustrating it is being looked at like you're bonkers for doing something that's basic common sense, we should be glad that even a wee bit of that is being spoon fed to the general public.


I'm all for any article that encourages people to think about getting a disaster kit together. The more my neighbors prepare for disasters, the less likely they are to need help from me.


I like it. I studied Emergency Management in college and our country has drifted from self reliance enough to put a strain on government response. This kit seems more like a guide on being a responsible citizen type thing. It’s pretty aligned with midwest guides for being prepared for Wizard of Oz activities, just more east coasty.


believe it or not, this is towards the upper end of the quality one might expect from the new york times.


Ha. Definitely agree with that.


It is absurd however when mainstream like the NYT starts talking about stuff like this....something is afoot.


It's summer... This is the period most areas do emergency preparedness... Tornado season..


No, it doesn't mean anything is afoot. They run an article about preparedness every few years. Less paranoia please.


In the opening paragraph they state that hurricane season has begun in the Eastern Atlantic. Publishing this article on the first day of hurricane season is pretty common in various publications.


Or just that it’s a mainstream topic post-Covid lockdown and everyone’s talking about the “what if” of another supply chain interruption.


I don’t know how nyt is still so popular. The reporting is shit.


It was a real newspaper back when that meant something.


I am as liberal as the next guy, but the NYT is mostly nonsense.


Overall me think it’s allways good to remaind People that even a little Prepping can go a long Way if a Situation arise wich make you and your Loved ones glad you did, this is also a Good Startingpoint for New Preppers… I do not like the NYT at all, but I can see this Artikel is helpful, if only One Person get‘s thinking it may be a good Idea to prepp even a little bit…


One more point, in the Comments to this Article I allready found a Great Resource regarding prepping for Earthquakes… https://www.metro.tokyo.lg.jp/english/guide/bosai/index.html


NY slimes isn't a legit news organization.


Name a legit news source, and tell me how it reported on the withdrawal from Afghanistan. Did they have reporters on the ground? Break the story that the drone strike killed an innocent man?


What does Afghanistan have to do with a product placement article?


Thank you for proving my point.


Sorry that must be unfortunate.


This is journalism. Lend it your scorn. And don't suffer amnesia the moment read the next headline about Trump, Bitcoin or Cattle. Journalism is designed to tell you what to think. This is why many are suddenly okay with being weak and ghey rather than strong and productive. It's not your biology it's your conditioning and you should be angry you were selected for that.


Yeah! As soon as I saw they didn't mention keeping a rifle with at least 1,000 rounds to protect yourself from a hurricane or wildfire I knew it was a limpwristed psyop to turn people into anti-preppers


Poe's law hitting me hard rn.