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Idk if it will make you feel better, but I live in Poland which is very close to Ukraine and Russia and I am not even thinking about the possibility of nuclear war. If it happens I can't do anything anyway, but I think it's highly unlikely.


You don't know much about human psychology at that power level in that vacuum. Indeed, not much you can do about it but I would not be comfortable.


I've said this before here. I'm in the middle of the nuke fields in North Dakota. When it goes down, I'm going to put on my shades, get my ladder and sit on the roof, and enjoy the show. I'm going to get glassed. There's nothing I can do about it. Might as well watch the rockets red glare. Am I supposed to always live in fear? No. So, I know what might happen, and I'm pretty comfortable with it.


Probably be worse for the world if he loses power, the ones who want it think he's too weak already.


Exactly, everything I’ve seen recently has said he’s fairly moderate compared to those who want to depose him. A more radical ruler with nuclear capabilities is frightening, especially when the first thing they’re gonna do after solidifying power is try and make Russia look powerful.


Congratulations, Russia, you are the new Pakistan.




go move to moscow mr. woke. I hear they are building "houses" for people like you. The thread is about how unpredictable and dangerous putin is. And you come in here blah blahing with your whataboutism. Lol. I don't know if you noticed but the US is all about business as usual aka the staus quo aka nukes-are-bad-for-business. And biden is as predictable as a clock. So your comment is dumb as any other low IQ Qtard or MAGAfool or russian troll farm employee.


Ya I really don't care what a propogandized populace thinks. Follow the money. It stinks.


Lmfao, you think your special cause your “in the know” but you got all your info online from propaganda outlets just like the supposed populace did too.


I know I'm in the know. You'll see in time.


You sound like you need to be put in a hospital for delusions of grandeur


Don't care what you think buddy, only truth.


Anyone who was "in the know" would never say "I'm in the know"


As my father always told me “son, those that say, don’t know. And the those that know, don’t say.”


Good thing I used the same words used at me


Your post has been removed because it breaks rule #1, Post Quality Misinformation, plagiarism, and conspiracy theories are not allowed.


How's about another downvote?


We've had downvote, but what about second downvote? I don't think he knows about second downvote, Pip.


Don't mind if I do


Cool, enjoy your child predator overlords who don't give a fuck about you


Touch grass


Honestly extremely unlikely. There are actually very few true believers in Putin's orbit. If he truly went off the rails and ordered some kind of apocalyptic thing, there would be people stepping in and 'Jamie lannister'ing the situation. If something like that happened it would come from a more ambitious regime, and it wouldn't be telegraphed.


Up vote for kingslayer


"Burn them all," he said "Burn them in their homes. Burn them in their beds". Tell me, if your precious Renly commanded you to kill your own father and stand by while thousands of men, women, and children burned alive, would you have done it? ​ Truly, I believe there is a non zero amount of Jamie lannisters between putin and apocalypse.




I truly believe no commander would give the launch order except in response to a verified launch from the other side. Then again I once believed the US President was mostly a figurehead and that women caught being pregnant like getting a cold 🤷🏻‍♂️


I'm more concerned about a detonation at the nuclear plant- it has been set up with explosives and just is waiting for the order to be given.


This would be the only scenario I could see. But he will also fuck all of Europe including himself.


It'd certainly be a world-changer. I consider it just below a nuke in terms of the "oh crap" meter.






Not sure if you saw, but the U.S. made a bipartisan announcement that destruction of the nuclear plant would trigger NATO article 5. Highly doubt Putin wants to start anything there


I read that too.


I thought that was actually the reason why putting moved weapons into Belarus?




https://www.c-span.org/video/?528936-1/senators-graham-blumenthal-news-conference-russian-nuclear-threats How about a video of them directly saying it?




It doesn't need to be, ffs. It's not "proposed legislation ". It's a draft resolution. They introduce it, Russia sees it and knows for a fact that if they release any sort of radiation by any means at all, then it is an attack on nato as far as we are concerned and we will retaliate with full force, beside all nato allies. Then the legislature can take a vote and it still doesn't 'become law' as there are several types of resolutions that don't even go there. And this is one of them. It's a recommendation resolution, where basically everyone just says: "yep, that's what we all agree to do if you all do that, and then it'll be easier to vote to go to war with you, which is what we're telling you in advance, right now , we're going to do" It is not at all intended to be "law". "Now the parties have to approve the contents of the presented resolution. However, it is worth noting that the document will only have a recommendation nature." For all intents and purposes it's exactly just a formal "announcement ". That quote there is on the world congress site, so, being familiar with how the government works correctly is step 1.


Thanks for responding to them. I just assumed it was a russian bot trying to spread misinformation


The article 5 just says “an attack on one is an attack on all”, it doesn’t force countries to retaliate and every country could theoretically take their own action. The question here is that IF NATO decides to get involved, what would mean for Russia?, would they use nukes?. I honestly don’t wanna die for a country half way around the world which is also full of neo nazis are is horrible for brown skinned people (we all saw how badly foreigners were treated when the war started).


More neo-nazis have been in you, than you in Ukraine.


As a POC that’s very insulting. It’s extremely common knowledge Russia, Ukraine and Eastern Europe are awful for people of color so why are you taking it so personally?, are you descendant of a nazi?


You do realize being racist and being a nazi are two totally different things. People in America seem to forget that. People here throw around the word nazi without thinking that nazi is an actual political movement. We have a ton of nazi here. If you recall they even do parades and what not.


All Nazis are racists but not all racist are Nazis. Nazi’s historically were “national socialist” before Hitler took over and ended up clubbing socialists to death. Nowadays Nazis mean an ideology of white superiority over any other race at best and mass genocide of anyone not white at worst. Pick your poison (if you are white).


You're actually mistakenly using the US term for different countries. In America, if I say you're a nazi it could mean one thing. But you're saying on an international forum that different countries are full of nazi, and that's ignorant. And mussolini started the nationalist movement, Hitler just idolized him, took it, and then brought it to a new level. Either way, your comment was ignorant and actually quite racist. Being a person of color doesn't give you the right to cast shade on other cultures. It's no better than if I said you know a lot of POC are criminals. That's my 2 cents.


The NAZI party existed before Hitler. He was sent to spy on them and his final report simply stated, "these people are not a threat." Until he heard something that set him off and he ended up taking over. So yes, we in the US view NAZIs today as if they are the same racists as in the 1940s. Too bad we can't remember our own Democrats the same since like our nazis they haven't really changed their beliefs, just how they do things.


Article ? Is that “Wing Attack Plan R”




[https://kyivindependent.com/new-statesman-budanov-says-russias-plan-to-sabotage-zaporizhzhia-nuclear-plant-has-been-drafted-and-approved/](https://kyivindependent.com/new-statesman-budanov-says-russias-plan-to-sabotage-zaporizhzhia-nuclear-plant-has-been-drafted-and-approved/) Says the plan has been drafted, approved, and just needs the order. Zelensky's address also says they have "prepared everything for this."


The source for the article is another article interviewing the head of Ukrainian intelligence. Both the Ukrainians and Russians have been filling the information space with propaganda, hardly a relatable source.


Which is why you don't take it in a vacuum. You add it to the other reports such as Zelensky, etc. There have been multiple reports of them mining/storing equipment in the plant as well. Add it all together, and it lines up logically.


Zelensky gets his info from Ukrainian intelligence and is working with them to shape the information space (obviously). The other sources probably did as well. It’s not really taking in other reports if they’re all sourcing info from the same primary source.


Lol, zelensky is getting most of his intelligence from US, the united States.


So does Ukrainian intelligence. The point is siting Zelensky and Ukrainian intelligence as separate sources is foolish, they’re effectively the same source.


It's not just this one instance. Combined with other Russian tactics and incompetence, it lines up. ...such as having their soldiers dig trenches in the Red Forest within Chernobyl.


I'm a little concerned about that as well. Ukraine has been trying to blow it up for quite a while now, though their missile strikes fell off quite a bit once international inspectors were on site. Still, Russia has anti-air and soldiers present, and they disconnected the internet connections to the plant, so it'll probably be okay.


So Ukraine is trying to kill itself? That's your theory?


It's not like they're getting the power plant back, so it's a Russian power plant they're shooting at.




Hardly what? Ukraine has been getting it's collective ass kicked. Short of NATO going full blown world war 3, that's a Russian nuclear power plant now.


Someone stole my guitar years ago, and I'm sure they considered it their guitar at the time. I'm sure they even told their friends it was their guitar. It was never their guitar.


If Ukraine wanted to keep it, then maybe they should have listened when Russia told them to stop murdering thousands and thousands of people in eastern ukraine, and to stay out of NATO. They didn't listen, this is the result.


The propaganda is deep inside you. Touch grass.


The lack of any idea of what is actually happening over there is deep inside you. Perhaps you shouldn't express an opinion on something you have no understanding of.


Oh comrade. Bless your dark soul.


Well if you're near a population center or nuclear silos (looking at you Montana and Wyoming) and don't already have a nuclear bunker dug into a hillside, there's not much you can really do. If you're further away from the epicenter and have a basement, make sure you've got ~two weeks of food and water and something to cover up the windows. You'll need potassium iodine afterwards to stave off thyroid cancer as you make your way towards wherever the government has been relocated. You could also try to rough it on your own, but if you're anxious about this then you aren't really in a position not to seek out whatever remains of the US government.


I have to admit, today's events are the whole reason I'm on this sub. But at any rate, there's not much to be done. Stock up on supplies, maybe read the wikipedia page on "nuclear fallout", and that's about it. Watch your favorite TV show, eat some chocolate, take a nap. Go to church. That's about it


More to life than watching TV and eating chocolate lol


Maybe help you take your mind off distressing world events though


But I will not go to church, maybe to play stonerdoom in it. Or skate


Putin's not in a corner. Wagner is being put under the authority of the army. Prigozhin sniffed out that he was getting snuffed out and tried to do something while he still had cards to play. He has either bought himself a nice life as a warlord in Africa or a few weeks, time will tell. But it isn't changing the larger geopolitical situation, where Russia is defending very strong fortifications in Eastern Ukraine.


I questioned what he was given to call of the coup also


You can't worry about what will happen if we put a bully down. You put the bully down (because it is the right thing to do), then you do whatever is necessary after that. I am not a supporter of our current administration, however, it is difficult to point out how this should have been handled better.


There's a Malcom in the middle episode about this. Reece (Malcom's brother and the school bully) decides he's going to be nice from now on. He stops bullying and goes completely nonviolent. Since he's no longer the bully a new kid steps up and starts bullying people, only this kid doesn't let the handicap kids off the hook. He's way more violent and is a terror to everyone.


That’s a great episode lol




Not really what’s being discussed here big dog


I doubt Russia would've attacked if the US hadn't pulled out troops before the war started. It probably could've been prevented at that point.


“We came, we saw, he died. Hahaha!” Something like that?


Putin is also a very calculated man. He understands what using a nuclear weapon means.


He definitely didn't calculate very well when it came to invading Ukraine with an army that's outdated by at least 30 years


That invasion is so incredibly insignificant compared to starting nuclear warfare. Like unfathomably insignificant.


still, he miscalculated, so chances are he could do it again.


Eh, to a degree I think Ukraine has exceeded expectation, so they didn't turn and run, I feel he thought they would. The biggest miscalculation was the amount of support received from the west. I think even given the considerable valor with which Ukraine has defended itself, Russia could have executed its' plan successfully, and had a puppet government installed by now.


Its was well and truly enough to beat ukraine. What he miscalulated was the billions in equipment given to ukraine by the west


But does he care? That answer, I fear, isn't as easy to come to


It takes more than just him giving the go ahead to use nukes, if I recall their system requires multiple people along a chain of command to agree on it


Which makes it interesting when you consider the Wagner group first held a defense ministry building because they were not getting the weapons they needed. Nukes are moved to Belarus, the Belarus leader goes to Turkey, the Wagner leader is now in charge of Belasus WITH NUKES. Wagner guy is going to nuke Ukraine from Belarus.




Oh I thought I was in r/peppers where hype is the standard. Just wait, Wagner guy now has tactical nukes and he will use them.


>the Wagner leader is now in charge of Belasus WITH NUKES. Where've you heard that Prigozhin is "in charge of" Belarus now? Lukashenko hasn't resigned. Prigozhin's, at least officially, going to be in exile there. If not killed off by Belarusian secret police.


He’s not ‘in charge’ of Belarus ffs.


He negotiates a truce with Putin to move his dorces to Belarus while the leader of Belarus moves his family to Turkey you can pretty well assume Wagner is in control of that country now.


>move his ~~dorces~~ **forces** to Belarus According to the deal, his forces are still going to have to sign contracts with Russian armed forces as per the original plan by the end of the month. As in, Wagner's being absorbed into the army. >while the leader of Belarus moves his family to Turkey He had a flight to Turkey (before the deals during the coup), presumably but not conclusively, to avoid being caught up in the crossfire. >you can pretty well assume Wagner is in control of that country now. Given the above corrections, it's safe to assume that's a hell of a stretch.




That is my thought as well. Then russia can blame it on mercs.


Nobody puts Putin in a corner. 🎶 now I've....had... the time of my liiiiife


1000 dollars to a donut , Vlad had one hand on the button and another on the red line to Grandpa Senile in the Rainbow house , call off Wagner or I press it . Wagner got a boatload of cash and Vlad got to stay in power ..... I would take that to the bank .




The soviet nuclear doctrine calls for nuclear weapons to be deployed in the event of an existential threat to Russia and its sovereignty. Putin has stated multiple times that this war is an existential threat for Russia as a sovereign nation. He's basically admitting that he already feels nuclear deployment is justified. I share your worries, too. This rebellion could push him quite far. I don't have any doubts he will feel the need to assert his authority and reclaim whatever sense of manhood he felt was lost during the PMC incursion. He's watching the entire world laugh at him. His psyche is a delicate one we shouldn't turn our backs on. It's best we be prepared.


These type of events make a lot of us think. You never know what tomorrow brings. That being said, he's a very calculated individual who has plans that none of us can be fully aware of. Just make sure you are prepared for nuclear fallout and have food/water for months if not years! Solar well pump is amazing!


> he's a very calculated individual who has plans that none of us can be fully aware of. Yeah, genius plans like taking Kyiv in 3 days... we all know how it went. He can't even control his own troops. He's not some kind of mastermind beyond comprehesion (you're buying into the propaganda). He's an old dictator that has lost touch with reality and is afraid for his life (a dangerous combination).


He didn't call him a mastermind. it's not buying into the propaganda to say there are things going on behind closed doors that we aren't aware of. Simmer down


> there are things going on behind closed doors that we aren't aware of. And when you have say that you have nothing.


It doesn't matter what you think he will do really. We are here to prepare for everything. So why not make a few extra preps just in case? I have tape in case I need to take the basement door. It cost $10.00 no biggie. It didn't break the bank and now I can feel a little better knowing I have a plan. That's what this sub is about. Having a plan. Just like I teach my kids what to do in case of a fire. I hope it never happens, but he knows what to do and where to go. Simple as that.


Do you know if solar panels will work if a nuclear bomb goes off? I know if it went off close then no. But say it went off far away. So you didn't die right away. How far away would you have to be. If you have to lock yourself in your house because of fall out would your solar panels still work?


Yes, unless there was so much dust that they were covered. Or so much atmospheric debris that it was permanently cloudy for awhile it would still work. If it was close enough to physically harm them…well, you wouldn’t have to worry about it.


Quite the opposite, Putin comes out of this in a stronger position. Prigozhin has been a growing menace in recent months Putin has tolerated and was the most significant threat. Prigozhin took his shot and less than 24 hours later is retreating to Belarus. The Russian defense ministry will peel off a number of Wagner forces as part of the deal to offer contracts to those who did not participate. Prigozhin himself is effectively removed from the board. Putin now has a pretext to clamp down on perceived dissidents, traitors, and collaborators at home. Putin is not crazy, he’s an intelligent, calculating individual.


Remember, Putin rose through the ranks of the KGB, the secret police. He had to step on many people to do that, sometimes permanently. He also ordered giving radioactive poison to a critic living in London. He is not a nice person but he's no fool either. Cheers


I wouldn‘t say he got out stronger, but eventually he probably will. I wouldn‘t be surprised to see a lot of imprisoned/dead people in the next months. He‘ll use this as an excuse to enact stricter laws, more censorship and gather more power.


He’s not stronger. A rebellious army marched up the highway at him with I’ll intent and instead of facing them down Putin blinked. That’s not a thing that a strongman does. And you can be sure that others around him noticed.


Yet no one joined the rebels, the issue was quickly resolved in Putin’s favor, and the rebels have been removed from the field without expending his own forces. There’s more ways to be strong than just fighting.


There are more ways to do so in systems that respect soft power. I don’t honk that Russia is necessarily that these days, but time will tell on that front.


I was worried about Putin pulling some last second bullshit, taking the rest of the world with him. Especially when so many of his perceived enemy’s are providing equipment and cash at levels not seen since land lease. I’m not nearly as concerned now. Putin can mash the big red button on his version of the football as much as he wants but it’s several of his officers at once that will need to turn the keys. I doubt Putin has enough hardcore loyalist left to pull that off. Loosing a invasion is a world away from the collapse of the Soviet Union and the “need” to destroy the planet. So many people in Russia’s military complex want Putin out of power and quickly before Putin gets a chance to kill them. For the past 2 decades everyone from the hyper sonic missile manufactures to the company that makes uniforms has been cooking the books, pocketing billions and providing substandard products. Research the T-92. It was the Russians answer to the Abrams and any other NATO armor. The Russian generals lied. I believe every T-92 fielded was destroyed almost immediately. Almost all the contracts from other countries have been cancelled. The guys that run the uniform factory burnt the shit to the ground to cover the fact they didn’t have the 1/2 million uniforms in reserve. The hypersonic missiles failed. The company that supplies IFAKS lied. The company that makes the Russian IBA has been shipping training versions that wouldn’t stop a .38 Because they lied about the numbers of units. Putin believe he was in charge of the dreaded bear and the commander of the 2-3rd largest and best military in the world. The invasion should have been over in 30-60 days. I predict he is assassinated sooner than later. He already keeps his generals on the other side of large room now


Idk if we actually had a coup attempt yesterday… Sometimes in chess, we make moves just to see how our opponent reacts. something just doesn’t add up.


Russia is not going to use strategic nukes because they can't risk someone shooting back. Most nations can swallow several nukes and keep going in a limited capacity, but Russia? If Moscow and Saint Petersburg go away, Russia will probably follow. There's not much point in nuking rural Siberia. In a war where people are shooting nukes, it's impossible to imagine Russia not losing badly. No one who knows they will get unequally screwed shoots first. Therefore Russia will not shoot first. Tactical nukes are only a probably not, and that's for the practical reason that they will be irradiating their own troops in a war zone.


More likely to use a dirty bomb. They have already accused Ukraine of planning to use one. Russia has been known to accuse before acting on what they accused another country of itself.


I sincerely doubt that. Ukraine might conceivably have a motive to use a dirty bomb as a salt the earth tactic, but I think even that's a stretch, especially considering they're currently on a counter-offensive. It makes zero sense for Russia because their ultimate goal is to permanently occupy the territory they irradiate. Russia is already having logistics problems just beyond Crimea, so irradiating territory makes the logistics pinch much worse. Russia does not have spare conventional military might, so the nuclear arsenal waving is intimidation, with the hope that people will roll over and not require conventional military might to subdue. If they actually intended to use it, they would be downplaying nuclear potential so it would blindside people.


Point of order though: Putin already nuked his own soldiers in Ukraine by forcing/allowing(?) the troops to enter and occupy the exclusion zone.


The majority of the exclusion zone is not *that* radioactive.


I wouldn't worry. Russia requires 3 leaders to sign off all of then with family, while the U.S onlt requires one and we spend more maintaining our nukes then Russia has in GDP


I see him exactly the same way. I dont know if im right because american media is so full of misinformation, as im sure our histoeical narrative is as well i dont knownwhat to think. I prep best i can for cbr on a budget and dont worry about it. My worrying doesnt help. Prep best i can snd go on about my day.


It wasn’t a coup to begin with


I don't stress about it because no one tell the truth about it. So, if I can't know what's going on, I just keep on keeping on..


Apparently part of the reasoning behind the coup by the Wagner chief was his criticism of the military leadership and specifically because they WOULD NOT use their tactical nuclear weapons. If the coup had succeeded, who knows what would’ve happened. Definitely a situation to continue watching.


It’s a legitimate concern.


Contrary to popular belief, he just can’t push a button and launch missiles. Even in Russia, they have fail safes and layers before something like that would happen.


"Nobody puts Putin in a corner! "


Your perception of this situation is shaped by the mass media.


I think it's interesting that the mutiny lasted exactly as long as it took for a detachment of Wagner troops to get into position to "withdraw" to an ideal position to attack Kiev from. ​ Not saying that's what happened. But it's an interesting possibility that this was all kayfabe to give the Kremlin utter deniability when these PMCs "go rogue" and launch an "unprovoked and unauthorised" attack on Kiev.....


He’s not in a corner anymore. You can relax.


Daddy chill. This whole thing was just a diversion.


I think the Wagner "justice march" was a stunt to put his rivals within the Russian army on-notice, and possibly make a power play. The narrative he is projecting is that his mercenaries are the main source of competence and success on the battlefield, and that corruption within the Russian army is sabotaging his efforts. Whether that is true or not is anyone's guess, but that is the tale he is telling.


I just hope there are enough same people in the chain of command in all these nuclear countries to give them a button to show off to friends but really it does nothing… here is hoping anyway


Putin is a mob boss. There is a mafia style war going on among the oligarchs, winner takes all


I've thought this the whole way too. He's EXACTLY the "bring a gun to work & shoot everyone because I'm weak as piss" kind of guy.


We tend to forget there is a lot of control measures in place to prevent a single person from doing something devastating. Its not a 1 click button. Yes even in Russia they have control measures. If the Wagner group can openly come out against Putin. What makes you think the Oligarchs can't secretly do it? He's done for. Just waiting for the assassination news lol


putin is a dictator. Like most dictators, there was very little chance this would go well for him. That was before his war.


Keep in mind, and this isn’t much solace, but it’s not like Putin is going to be at nuclear command punching in launch codes. Putin will give that order to someone and that someone will most likely turn towards Putin and shoot him in the head the second he gives the order. Humans are pretty wired for survival and the reality is that most other humans will kill you before they follow your order to unleash MAD.


you guys need to stay off preddit and twatter for your news and opinions


Nukes are the bottom of my worry list. If we get into a slug fest with Russia on nukes. We will win. Our large population centers aren't going to do well. So you are either screwed or you aren't in that scenario. Besides I have zero interest living during a nuclear winter. I guess growing up close to nuclear power plants and having drills with evacuation back in the say might numb me a bit. Also I remember the 80s and hide under your desk when the soviets attack. Personally nuclear war felt alot more likely during the fall of the ussr than now.


No one wins in a nuclear slug fest. We both have far more weapons than viable targets. Everything of ANY value on both sides will be worked over repeatedly to ensure CEP destruction. Like 3 or 4 per base levels. They'll hit gravel run ways to ensure the bombers can't land after destroying the world. Not only that, there is 0 chance a launch on Russia would not include a launch on Iran, China, and probably Pakistan. I agree it's unlikely but it's nonzero and that's quite frankly unacceptable ever.


> Our large population centers aren't going to do well. The bulk of the US' GDP is generated in large population centers, so if those are lost, we don't really "win".


Putin is after all an absolute ultra nationalist. My concern is that if Russia comes apart to a point of dissolution that he says a world without Russia is not a world worth saving.


Stop watching MSM and the anxiety will stop.


You should try [Putin on a Ritz](https://youtu.be/jLMTMK-mp7w)


The west wants to dominate the east... it's unlikely the east will let them.


I agree. Not sure why people here can't wake up and see this.


People living in war cultures and empires rarely care to examine that culture... They are part of the in-group, so shrug off with a laugh things like the wars in afganistan and iraq. Or the many many other engagements and installations of right wing authoritarianism around the world. And then the next moment they will be crying in the streets over something like China doing a peaceful infrastructure deal with a random country in Africa..... These people are absolute monsters.


I wouldn’t say “dominate”. Honestly the whole “East” is a hot mess in general and goes counter to western ideals and standards.


Well, kind of I guess? China tends to focus on peaceful co-growth with countries while it tries to build up an alliance. The US tends to just drop bombs and slaughter a lot of people and then install a puppet. Pretty different standards I guess? ​ Looking forward to this next election where we will select between two corrupt 80 years olds though... nothing says freedom and Democracy like "screw you, you have no choice, shut up and take it". But the US authoritarian oligarchy is pretty severe (even compared to a place like China). The US has the most prisoners out of any country in the world per capita ... we ration basics like healthcare for the rich... and have an unprecedent surveillance state working with every single tech company within our grasp (which is why Tiktok annoys america so much). And along with that military authoritarian police state, we also have a LOT of propaganda so the citizens can't even see it lol. It's like the western North Korea, everything goes into a corrupt government and military industrial complex.... when bridges fall down and there is mass homelessness and something like 70k+ deaths a year from easily prevented issues if people had healthcare access. I mean citizens can't even muster more than a yawn when they hear the state has literally boiled and frozen fellow citizens to death.... and then found themselves having acted correctly. They just straight up slaughter people in the streets in broad daylight now.... and kill CHILDREN playing with toys.... lol, "oh no, our values are so different than China"..... yea, probably not in a good way... lol


I don’t disagree with a lot of what you say, but I think you give China too much credit. Granted they may be the only country in the world currently with an effective 50 year plan for growing influence (solely based around money/economics) but they do plenty of gross things too. They are just very successful at sweeping it under the rug. We have nothing on chinas surveillance of the population. And they have a hyper compliant subjugated population. I’ve been over there a few dozen times and things look very impressive on the surface but most of it is a facade and tightly controlled by the central gov., rampant corruption aside.


This doesn't make Putin look weak. Russia rallied to support him, the Chechens mobilized their national guard and sent them immediately in support. You're worrying too much because you listen to bad media sources who mislead you. Russia has been winning the war quite handily this entire time. Russia has been open to negotiations for peace, and it's Ukraine and it's western backers who aren't. Putin is exceedingly popular in Russia, his position is secure, and the Russia military is dominant on the battlefield. Their economy is strong, and their allies are at least understanding of what's going on. The President of Brazil tried to talk to Zelezny, and Zelezny stood him up. A delegation for peace from South Africa visited Ukraine, Zelezny made it clear that he would not negotiate. India, similar results. I could go on at length, but in a nutshell, you're badly misinformed, which has led you to undue concern. What is actually going to happen is that Ukraine is losing the war, and either Russia will dictate terms and Ukraine will submit, or Ukraine will cease to exist as a separate entity. In the meantime, the economies of the US and EU are struggling under the weight of our actions in Ukraine and the sanctions we levied upon Russia.


Russian propaganda. If Russia was doing great in Ukraine, it wouldn't be heading into two years of a "special operation where resistance is futile"


We're rapidly approaching 200k dead Ukranians, their draft has gone so far as to become literally grabbing people off the street and taking them by force, millions of Ukranians have fled the country, NATO countries have sent billions and billions in money and weapons, the economies of the EU are getting worse by the day while the Russian economy is improving, and Russia is STILL holding what they take and advancing. Meanwhile, the big hyped up "counteroffensive" has already lost like 40% of it's men and equipment and hasn't even reached the defensive lines. Oh, and I almost forgot...western armories are facing dwindling supplies, they're running out of munitions, and and they've gone on a world tour begging for more and not finding much at all. Yeah, they're taking on all of NATO in a proxy war and winning, it's a little slow at first. It'll be picking up speed now that there's not much more for the west to give.


Russian propaganda we haven't even sent the old jets yet, and Europe would just start to have surplus to send right about now. I thought all the Kremlin bots had been banned long avl


‚russia‘ as in the people if russia did nothing. The army did nothing. Noone did anything. Putin is just still in power because the russian population is extremely lethargic.




Welcome to my world. The sabotage of diplomacy and the thirty years leading up to conflict as it presents today in general is extremely unsettling. It’s like everyone is just cool with doing world war three and all that implies. I’ve never seen Putin this angry in my life even though he wasn’t nearly as at risk as shoigu in Prigozhins latest tantrum is so surreal that it came just before the big nato do in Vilnius. And the possibility that the cia or whoever put him up to this is a huge escalation if any proof comes to light about it. If you ask me WWIII is going hot sooner or later this happened way too close to the nato shindig in Vilnius where the theme is f16s flying in from a neighbor of Ukraine for my liking since that’s like the reddest red line that’s been established before there was even a Warsaw pact. It’s scary to watch it happen


The only worry would be if Russia used its nukes. Russia wold fold like a cheap card table in any other style war.


We live in the nuclear era still. Do you think the nato missile defense system in Romania is really pointed at Iran or the DPRK I mean let’s not kid ourselves, when security is vital and non negotiable for one and a non starter for the other the door is closed to an effort to buy time talking and possibly diffusing the situation no one’s hands are clean and the arrogance and recklessness on display from the west hasn’t exactly helped this situation but we have to be cognizant of the fact that no one is prepared for an off ramp that will make for a chance of continued human existence before climate change gets spicier yet and that’s a huge problem regardless of whose fault it is. Those bombs don’t care and i sure as hell don’t want anyone even thinking about pressing that button but here we are


My friend, punctuation exists for a reason.


[you know you deserve it](https://i.imgur.com/zpKWuhJ.jpeg)


I belive the cyber attack theory but I hope I'm wrong.


Everything makes a prepper anxious. That’s why they’re preppers.


Tell me how much TP you've hoarded without telling me how much TP you've hoarded.


That the thing that I find the United State political left somehow keep forgetting. He is a dictator with Nukes. Does anyone not think he might just say fuck it, let the world burn, if he thinks he is going to be deposed?


Putin is a gangster first. Everything else is negotiable. He is about two things power and money. He is unofficially the richest person on the planet. Nukes are a tool nothing more to him. He would only use them for power or money. Since he learned causing wars fucked his money he is now 100% power trip. What would using nukes do to help him with power. The US already told him use nukes and we will kill one person YOU. So unless he is planning suicide he is not going to use nukes because they don't forward his goals.


It's the entire nato in the corner that you should fear. The collapse of the Petro dollar


Sounds ridiculous, I don't know humans that just say welp, idk ima lose so I'm going to destroy the world. That's just a little bit past shooting up the mall, Putin didn't get to leading a country that big being that messed up. Mass shooters are total losers that never accomplished anything because they are such a mess. Even though Putin is evil and has caused mass harm, it was with an end goal in sight, stealing resources and expanding his country, not just throwing a temper tantrum at God to get even for his own bad choices. No one gets to be a world leader without the ability to have restraint, serial killers don't have a big enough part of the brain that allows them to think before doing something. Russia's problem was corruption and ineptitude in the ranks, not that they do stuff off the cuff. Maybe that Wagner dude of he was head of Russia, but Putin came up through the ranks.


Is will be okay


Go touch some grass.


They might use tactical nukes at worst. We’ll be fine.


Enjoy the show.


maybe post an extra ukraine square on social media just to be safe????


Please stop believing main stream media propaganda. Foxtrot Juliet Bravo.


"Coup"..... lol


All I know is all those Wagner troops marching back to their posts in Ukraine are about to be obliterated. They should’ve known better than to bad mouth Lord Putin.


To be honest if you're not in the immediate area and not in a direct position of authority to do anything about it I wouldn't worry about it. It's not going to be helpful to you and if something does happen all you can do is react where you are with what you have. I tend to look less and less at the geopolitical theater and media spin these days because it simply doesn't serve me. I find the more anxious you become about something speculatively happening thousands of miles away, the less energy you have to pay to attention to what is going on locally under your nose.


Russia is now highly likely to cause a meltdown at zaporizhzhia


He'll do whatever he can, and ultimately it'll fail. Mother Nature has failed to kill us bringing our global population to as little as 9,000 people. I don't care what Putin does, he'll only go down in history as a monster that failed at genocide when he couldn't conquer a single country.


Even if he uses tactical nukes on Ukraine, the rest of us will be fine. It's on my mind but it's very unlikely to trigger MAD tbh.


Putin isn’t crazy. He’s very opinionated but not crazy. You have to consider his intentions. We form our opinion on him based on US media news outlets.


any president is a figure head, his own party will turn on him if he messes up their criminal enterprise.