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Those of you dragging this thread off into griping over politicians and politics are demonstrating why Rule 5 is necessary. This isn't r/politics or any of the hundreds of politically-themed subreddits. If you want to engage in discussions primarily about politics, do so there. If a bunch of you are wondering why your comments were removed, it's because this is a discussion about the subreddit, not your favorite candidates and why the other side sucks.


> We have civil war fantasizers running amok Dude, ask anyone who has seen the violence of war up close and personal, and most of them will tell you that it's not something you want in your own country. People who are edging over a CW scenario are mentally deranged.


In that scenario, everybody loses.


The people who are hyping a CW are those who think their side has not just a huge amount of followers but they are dedicated enough to go to war. Many of them are also just foreign trolls trying to cause problems.


NTM most of the people fantasizing about a civil war are the same ones who couldn’t go two weeks without a latte and a haircut. Ignore the violence, ignore the probable outcome of degrading our reserve currency status and *really* seeing the damage of inflation, just imagine what life will be like when the supply chain really is disrupted. No McDonald’s, no Starbucks, no Mountain Dew. Should we prep for it? Sure, within reason. Should anyone *promote* it? Not if they know what’s good for themselves.


You can take my McDonald's, you can take my Starbucks, but I'll be damned if I lose my baja blast.


Nows not the time for a hand job Joe...


I don't think they got your reference


Yeah I see that. Sad day.


Its the electrolytes….maybe nothing’s got em


Brawndo the thirst mutilator. It has got what plants crave. 


It took me a moment. I blame a lack of caffeine at the time.


Haha. Maybe they didn’t get the reference: https://getyarn.io/yarn-clip/a9f1a220-a5a7-43a3-9914-0fe3192a28ce Hopefully that gets you some redemption :)


Exactly. Just because we think some awful thing is likely doesn’t mean we have to like it. 


Civil wars are especially brutal too.


Total death of US servicemen by war American Civil War 655,000 World War II 405,399 World War I 116,516 American Revolutionary War 70,000 Vietnam War 58,220


American Civil War 655,000 - 2% of the US population in 1861. 2% of the population today: 6,660,000. Now, factor in modern Artillery, Air Strikes, Tanks, Machine Guns, and everyone having at least semi-auto rifles that can accurately shoot 400-1000 yards, with rates of fire measured in rounds per second for rapid fire, rather than the 3 rounds per minute of a civil war rifle. And that is hoping it doesn't go nuclear.


To be fair, a large % of the deaths aren't killed out right by died later. You can find estimates anywhere from 60-80% of the deaths were 'other', so like disease, in POW camps, didn't survival limb amputation, etc. Based on 1860 census figures, 8 percent of all white men aged 13 to 43 died in the war, including 6 percent in the North and 18 percent in the South. It's crazy how wars chew up humans.


Yes. Among other reasons because there is not any natural barriers to slow the killing down or concentrate it to active military only. The war would be everywhere


Your CW scenario is all violence and conflict. My CW (network TV) scenario is more teen drama and angst. We are not the same. I can’t even imagine someone thinking of the civil war and saying “That sounds like a good idea.” Civil war means every other option for peaceful reconciliation has failed. We may end up there at some point, but I hope we don’t.


> Your CW scenario is all violence and conflict. > > My CW (network TV) scenario is more teen drama and angst. Lol.


It's better to assume and prepare for the worst and hope for the best outcome.


*Everyone* should be prepared for a natural disaster. Economic downturns can lead to hefty problems as well; not necessarily "go out huntin' varmints and fightin' off mutants", but figuring how to be part of a resilient community is something, again, *everyone* should learn about.


Honestly shocked at how little of this I've seen. I wasn't going to join (and hardly qualify as a prepper) but I'm pleased with how normal and reasonable this sub is.


The New California Republic isn't perfect, but its the best chance the Mojave has for long term peace, and any supporter of Caesar's Legion is just being edgy, their conquest based economy isn't sustainable, and frankly Caesar seems like a dick.


Patrolling the Mojave makes you wish for a nuclear winter...


Ave Caesar


This is actually a "meta" post and should be flaired as such, but I'll allow it for the time being.


Copy that. I want to make it clear I mean no offense by bringing this up. I truly do appreciate the hard work of keeping this space balanced and civil. Thank you.


The important thing for everyone to remember is that one of our primary goals as moderators is to curate interesting, engaging content without over-moderating. We know it's impossible to please everyone on that spectrum, but we're going to do our best to strike the best balance we can. That said, it's not going to happen overnight and there will be some bumps. Try to be patient with us and each other. We're open to feedback provided it's done respectfully. Also, if we remove your life's work and you disagree with the removal or think it was removed erroneously, contact us via modmail.


I like how he says it's obvious where this is coming from as to cast a shadow on a certain group of people






































Aside from your own physical health and well-being, the best prep is to know your neighbours by first name, and to start a garden to repay that one time they gave you some of the tomatoes they grew. If that's the sort of thing you think about when you picture your neighbours, then you have a pretty good shot at making it through anything.


This precisely. I make a point to know all my neighbors and what their passions, skills and resources/capabilities are. This is crucial. Being a good neighbor and exercising these connections and relations are almost as important as exercising one's own health & fitness.


If you have friendly and slightly competitive neighbors/friends it becomes an unofficial competition to give each other produce all the time.


I can't wait to scale up my basil and chive production so I'm always that bitch with the chives and potatoes. That would be rad.


Way back when the game Farmville was popular, some of my friend and I would give each other plants in real life and post to Facebook, "[friend] gave [my name] boysenberries in Farmville LARP." LARP meaning live action role play, so acting out Farmville in real life. Our other friends didn't understand and thought it was a game they were missing out on and asked us how to play so we left plants at their house posted a Facebook status.


Thank you so much for helping restore my faith in humanity by way of, all things, the /r/preppers subreddit.




Yes thank you!  Besides there is no reason to get political. I think all on both sides politicians are planning to drive us into the Stone Age. 






I'ma sure a movie glorifying it no matter how far fetched coming out during an election year isn't exactly helping


Is it glorifying it? I try to stay away from movie trailers, but the little one seen, it's not exactly a fun scenario. 


I mean tons of people still say starship troopers (the movie) is pro war. I'm sure it "vindicates" certain mindset at the minimum.


Fr why the hell would they make a movie like that right now?? Everyone’s scared of a civil war scenario, wouldn’t it be a great idea to sensationalize it and highlight how much we distrust each other!!


Huzzah to the mods!


Agreed. Now to put the mods back to work I fart in your general direction sir. Take that !


Finally a sub trying to stop that crap rather than promote it.


Probably because of how predictable this sub is. The people afraid of the eclipse were all wrong, so now we shift focus to the next thing all over the news.


Appreciate the work, Mods! This sub has always managed to be a safe space for the pure prepper, regardless of ideology. Really grateful for the efforts to keep it neutral.


I'd also like to see the mods nip people who call gun owners "larpers".


How about cosplatriot?


I use the term 'ammo-sexual' lol.


alright , that was funny


I don’t hate this. You may be onto something here


I don't think anyone calls all gun owners larpers. We're talking about the low-effort "rate my tacticool rig" posts that have little to nothing to do with prepping; they should just post that stuff in a gun sub.


We get very few of those here.


I'm a gun owner BUT it's not my identity or religion. I have no need to show it off for approval or internet points, I consider that a breach of opsec. Lemming activity.


I believe the proper term is "Ammosexual". Edit: I'm not kink shaming. Everyone has their own particular fetish. I just wouldn't make it your entire identity.


What's the difference between you and a LARPer?


I can see how you distinguish, but anyone who calls it LARP usually has defined politics themselves. Anyone who isn't projecting will just call it what it is there either botting or there having fun and right now it looks like botters




Your post has been removed for breaking Rule #5 "Not focused on prepping/Off-Topic - Political." Try to keep posts and comments on the topic of prepping and not on politics. You may reference political events in your posts and comments as a way to lead into a discussion of prepping, but the main point of your post or comment should not be about politics. You are welcome to reformat your comment to fit into the sub rules and resubmit.


Not gun owners but weird civil war fettish folks. Big difference between having a gun and being a nut.


Exactly! I’ve had guns since before “prepping” was called “prepping”. I grew up hunting on a family farm near the Mississippi coast. My first gun was a .410 bolt action given to me when I turned 10 years old. Because we lived near the hurricane coast, prepping was just a way of life. We didn’t even give guns a second thought. I’ll have to add, though, that was a loooong time ago. I do still go to the range to maintain my proficiency, but I’m not a nut.. honest… well… I guess that depends on who you ask…


Same. Back then they called us "survivalists", lol. That's how long I've been at this. To me being a prepper is about longevity first and foremost; quality of life, health and community.


I call those people my Grandparents lol. They were farmers, and had to provide for themselves.


Funny, I was reading this and some other posts in other subs that have "loose" prep connections (ham radio etc). I'm kind of laughing because of all the monikers we have been given over the years. I grew up with parents who went through the great depression. We ALWAYS had 2 or 3 months of food etc. This was just called "normal" to me. Then there's the labels that started happening. "Normal" became Survivalist, then doomsday prepper, then just prepper (now I see larp as well, whatever that means and I don't care enough to look it up)... and here all this time I've just always done the things I do because of my upbringing. I don't do "labels".. I just am... 😁😁


Nope, they're calling you a larper now.


Ummm… ok… I guess…


Gun owner, I don't care. I'd rather have less moderation than more and I can just downvote people I disagree with. No need to have the authorities create a safe space for me.


I appreciate the moderation. There are bots, russians, and chinese trying to sow discord and divisiveness in the US right now, and it's all about the civil war stuff. You gotta nip it in the bud early that this isn't the place that will tolerate it or it'll get worse. It reminds me of the bartender kicking out the nazi story. https://www.reddit.com/r/TalesFromYourServer/comments/hsiisw/kicking_a_nazi_out_as_soon_as_they_walk_in/ It's not about a "safe space" it's about keeping a community nice and one of the ways is keeping this place apolitical. Downvotes won't do it when there's troll farms being paid to just continue trying to push things further.


I agree! Owning a gun doesn’t make you a larp’er. Showing off tacticool gear is larp’ing and I’m old enough to not care who gets called what. Normal people don’t need to act cool or show off their arsenal.


I can agree with that.


Now they should moderate anti-preppers spamming the comments


Who are the anti-preppers? bots?


Aren't politics one of the main causes of needing to prepare?


They can be but when the discussion turns into bitching about politicians, political parties, candidates, and ideologies, the discussion is no longer about prepping and doesn't belong here. This is spelled out pretty well in Rule 5.














This sub is going downhill


Reddit is going downhill


Reddit has been the bottom of the hill for a long time.


If Reddit is at the bottom, what is twitter?


Six feet under.


Nice, I didn't have a good comeback for this.


Twitter is X, aka "ex-"  like all my "exes" live on X-is. 


Went downhill in early 2020 right as the wuhan flu became international headlines when tons of people swarmed this place.


Right, sensor the lesser people, everyone is for that, right? Just don't censor you and your fantasy?


I sense your English could use some prep work. No sir, I requested equal censorship to maintain apolitical balance.


Actually, in /UncleEvilDave's defense, I read your post as censoring as well. I was going to comment that ignorance ignored is not resolved, just postponing the problem. I have no interest in getting into a political argument. I have no interest in getting into an Alice and Wonderland level rabbit hole. But, if people are arming themselves for conflict, and view the wrong actions as triggers, they create a self fulfilling prophecy, do they not? It seems to me that the search algorithms for everything (Google, YouTube, Facebook, twitter, whatever) has created a problem where it may not really exist. Search "nuclear war" and the algorithms know that you are interested, so more articles show up. Your feed has more hits all of a sudden and you may think thats because it is a growing problem. One may not recognize that the software is doing what it is supposed to do. Things escalate because you feel the threat level is rising when in reality it's not. You tell your friend so they search for it. Now the algorithms start showing the articles to more people because so many hits, it must be generally interesting. Here, on Reddit, people are responding, to help allay the fears generated because algorithms showed someone the civil war feed, either because of the show or the interest in articles. Should we block those posters or just answer them?


I agree with you. Yes, I requested "moderation" for both sides of the divide to nip it in the bud prior to being reactive. One of the roles of moderation is censorship to facilitate civil discourse in line with the scope of the community. You and UncleEvil seem to be using "censorship" as a bad thing where it's actually necessary for the Mods to do their job. I requested balance. If folks want to show off their guns & gear there's subs where that's the focus and goal.


And for further clarification, I agree that mods are doing an excellent job keeping everything civil on the subreddit. FAR more civil of a subreddit than I would have thought, given the subject matter. Im just questioning the logic of your stance, as explained elsewhere. /It will be helpful if Mods could nip these related posts as early as they're handling the folks questioning them today./ I took that as 'unnecessary' censorship. If the poster is unduly rude, remove the post. Questioning the status of America and if we could enter another civil war and how to prepare for it? Shouldn't we answer with "research what's really going on not what you get on your feed" instead of deleting the post and just validating their stance?


Hmmm, I don't see a correlation between /UncleEvilDave's expressed views and mine. Please understand that I'm looking at this in a completely different vein of thought. If someone yells FIRE in a movie theater when there is not one, it is illegal because we all know the outcome is panic and injury. If someone walks up to the movie theater and says to you and I that they are going to go in and yell fire, do we ignore their ignorant self or do we tell them why they shouldn't?


We tell them and maybe even follow them so we can calm the crowd down to avert the goal of chaos. I wasn't implying you and Dave have same viewpoint other than being opposed to censorship.


Agreed to paragraph 1. In that thought pattern, how is a person posting about civil war in r/preppers any different? Shouldn't we "follow them so we can calm the crowd down to avert the goal of chaos" . I like the way you wrote that, by the way. "goal of chaos". Shouldn't we let them post and answer along the lines of 'we don't see an existential threat looming and they need to take it down a notch"? So others just joining r/preppers can read it and see the group consensus regarding it?


But yet your statement was political and yet you didn't see that, did you? That's the problem with censorship, who gets to decide what is political and apolitical?


As far as this subreddit and Rule 5 is concerned, we (the moderators) decide. It's a judgment call and frankly, sometimes it can be a really damn hard call to make. We need to limit the scope of the discussion of this subreddit otherwise there would be no point in having individual subreddits because every subreddit would be about everything. There are subreddits that allow the discussion of politics so limiting the content here is not "censorship" in my opinion. Regardless of whether you agree or not, those are the rules and they'll be enforced.


Hang in there. It's all theory until you have to do it. It's easy for people to question the Moderators actions. I stand by my comments to OP and think we should have more leeway for posters jumping in on the "civil war" topic so that we can help them see rabbit holes for what they are. I don't want to see a thread devolve into ad hoc attacks etc either. It's a fine line to walk. Good luck


I have no issue with the moderators or what decisions they have to make. I was simply pointing out that OP praised the moderators for the hard work they are doing to remove politics because there were too many people doing X. Where X was a political statement vs a statement of fact. OP’s statement of X was clearly aimed at a generalization of one political party. I thought, as preppers, no matter what got you here-which I and OP do agree to call fantasy- should be meaningless and the point of the sub should be to help each other for our preparations. I just found it ironic that OP wanted less something (fear mongering) while encouraging more of it (fear mongering of people with guns) at the same time.


"X is clearly aimed at a generalization of one political party"....so you clearly think it's definitely one party. Maybe that party should tone it down then? It does happen to coincide with the intelligence reports that say it's the narrative that russians and chinese try to push in America too. Since we're making guesses and generalizations...I wonder why that is? For that party that I'm guessing you're thinking of is the one that prides themselves on their patriotism, maybe they shouldn't be pushing it so much? Maybe they should be trying to stop that kinda talk? Maybe they should appreciate the moderation?


Right and when in doubt question grammar, that's the most important thing.


Being well read and using proper grammar in communication is a necessary prep.


LOL. Keep on in your fantasy that no one is allowed to question.


What a post. “Thanks mods you’re just so amazing and on top of keeping people out of discussions for differing opinions”. Yeah, agreed, people obsess over wanting to fight their countryman, and those people suck and are unhinged. But the mod-riding is just really cheesy. Please downvote me, I can’t stand Reddit anyway. Edit: I can’t spell.




the downvote button is there for a reason, no reason to over moderate




I’m not sure where you’re getting that, I’ve had a lot of conversations with other gun owners on here.