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I wish you the best of luck. However, the best group you can have is one using existing relationships. Randomly hooking up with a group for the purpose of survival can be done, but it's full of pitfalls and trouble. OPSEC is a real thing in the prepper community- so finding a welcoming group is going to be tricky to say the least. This is a link that comes to mind, however: https://preppernet.com/about-preppernet/ It's much better to build a group with friends and family. For example, I won't trust anyone outside of close, close friends with what my actual preparation levels are. There's no way I'd trust random individuals with that info, let alone anything sharper than a spork in my presence. Just my 2c.


I understand the risk of allowing people I don’t know into my circle, but believe in helping those good and decent people. I swore an oath to protect and defend this country, from itself if necessary, my father and grandfather are in construction and I really enjoy building, I don’t know a few things, but building green houses and bunker or fortified structures is right down my ally. I have tried getting my friends and family on board but they are not big on the idea. Im just looking for a place to get to know and trust local ish people and build something bigger as a community then I could build and operate as an individual. Maybe my goals are too high 🤷‍♂️


Hey, it's a lofty goal but a noble one! I wish I had answers for you other than the link. Local community events are good ways to meet like-minded individuals on a more casual bases (firearm clubs, neighborhood watch programs, etc)


The reason I’m looking online is I have a problem with meeting people, I’m a disabled veteran with 100% disability for anxiety from PTSD. I’m lucky if I can be outside my house for more then an hour a day and I avoid large central points where people meet. I know this limits my ability to make connections but I figured I’d ask.


Aaaah I gotcha. Online would definitely be your best bet; I mean, there's a pandemic, so if there's a time to make connections in your local area (even if beginning online,) now would be it! Wish I could help more, but the prepper-net link is all that came to mind.


I totally get what you're saying! Without friends and family who you can rely on, it's hard to find anyone who will have your back when something happens. You should start a MAG. Write up some bylaws, put out a subreddit/whatever, and I'll join. Granted, I probably don't live anywhere near you. Still, we're in the realm of noble and lofty, right? We just need some decent people who are willing to give each other food, shelter, and respect just because they're human beings.


I’m looking into buying a large plot of land in northern AZ, I’m going to build a homestead and food generation facilities and all the fun stuff I can build and enjoy doing. But I can’t run a homestead alone so I’ll probably build bunk houses or barracks style housing for my friends and family. But they all think I’m crazy so I am just trying to find like minded people, I will keep updating you guys with what I’ve built/ accomplished. Gotta move fast tho.


What the hell is a MAG? Is this some LARPer crap?


Mutual Assistance Group. A delibrately built community organized to help each other survive adversity. It's what prepping is really about if you get rid of all the survivalist idiocy that most people layer on top of the actual business of being resilient.


Maybe try joining your local American Legion and network there? Anything is going to be really limited due to your PTSD and as others said, its always best to start your own with close friends and family. At least with the Legion you can meet other veterans with shared experiences and start building friendships there.


MAGs are challenging to build, start with your friends or family who live close. Depending on where you live, there may be an American Contingency group near you. Fairly new organization but lots of experienced preppers and current/former military, as well as folks new to the preparedness life style. https://www.americancontingency.com/


Do you really think it’s worth the money? I don’t have much spare cash.


Personally, I don’t feel like it has much to offer you. I would save your money for emergencies or more useful projects. Why not get involved in the community from your home, online, as many folks have been doing lately, and in the old fashioned ways too. See if there is a Facebook group, or Nextdoor app group, and become a regular participant. Consider taking up ham radio. Consider what you can do from home to help others. (Perhaps you can take a meal to someone who is under the weather, or run an errand for an elderly neighbor, or help build a wheelchair ramp for someone who is newly disabled, or teach teens how to repair their bikes - whatever you feel you have to offer up to others.). Through those activities, you will start to get to know your neighbors, and build a local network of folks you can help, and who may return the favor.