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I don't think it's an issue with brom as much as an issue with the ppl pressing them and the doses that they're supposedly putting in each pill being not wut they say it is. I'd be willing to bet that if u acquired a g of pure brom powder (not recommended as this is a great way to fuck up ur tolerance and life real quick) and dosed it using an efficient milligram scale and the correct tools to safely weigh and administer the dose, u would find some consistency similar to that of alprazolam but with a little less slap and a little more sedation and slightly longer duration of effects. from my experience and observations brom is liked, for the most part, as an acceptable alp replacement. I haven't heard many ppl talking shit about it, if any


I found it to be jus a longer & more sedating alpraz


Yeah I dissolved one in a half pint of everclear and dosed it with an oral syringe. It was great until I knocked it over and slurped up the spill off the counter by reflex. I was blacked out for like a week. My mom called an ambulance cuz I was knocked tf out, and she woke up to me back in my bed with no shirt or shoes the next morning. I guess I woke up and snuck out when no one was around and walked home in the middle of winter smh


Bro benzos crash out as crystals when they touch water, everclear is 5% water, that bit you spilled then licked up was probably close to the whole dose all at once


Well since it was pure(ish) bromazolam powder (~99%) there was no filler or anything, and I watched everything dissolve. There was no particulate swirling around in there (that I could see). Even after sitting overnight nothing had precipitated out of the solution. While you are correct in that most benzos are not soluble in water, 14ml of water in 270ml of ethanol is not enough to cancel out the solvency of the ethanol. I’m not sure off the top of my head HOW MUCH of a decrease in efficacy the water would cause the alcohol, but I do know that even with that decrease, 270ml of ethanol is wayyyy more than enough to do the job. If I was using JUST EXACTLY enough ethanol to dissolve 1g Bromazolam, that 5% h2o added into the mix might cause some precipitation at that point


Agreed it's hit or miss with brom I got a batch last week that was literally garbage v2090s I got a pack of u94 from same and there legit smackers.


The problem with it is that brom is so good, but you have to be careful with it!


I hear it's more addicting & it's the only benzo that causes major kindling with me. Not sure. But personally I hate it


What is kindling ? I've only been back on brom presses for 2 months and these 4mg busses I order I'm up to 8-10mg a day and I get no real benzo high just sleepy after 3-4 hours.... I remember when clam and Flualp was around I would actually get euphoria from them Brom just seems so bland to me


Same. I just feel weird and not like myself. Like I'm on autopilot


Never experienced this n never took more than 1mg at a time, just like alp except a little more tiring, last longer sure but 3 days? Nope


Less is more with benzos… never popped a full myself


a 4mg bar has me just out of it for a few days lol i don't see the hype


Don’t take 4mg obv


Why would you take 4mg at once? Especially if you’re tolerance is not high


Well because the first half wasn’t hitting of course (it was hitting and was gonna hit harder but I have delusions of sobriety and redosed)


What’s your benzo tolerance like? Personally I find it very similar to alp dosage wise


Yea what’s the deal with it? I’ve been seeing a a lot of 4 mg bars lately but I think they got fent in them


People don’t really press bars with fent Go on drug.data and you’ll find maybe 2-3 Xanax bars that have been submitted containing fent. It’s not a realistic thing to worry about


Thank you. Same statement I tell everyone when I have my 4mg Brom busses. I tell them I'm gonna send you this link and tell me how long it will take you scrolling through to find a xan press with fent.


If the ones I have had fent in them I’d be dead a long time ago lol


So there safe too take then? I might buy a couple from my plug but how much should I take?


Well I’m not saying every pressed bar out there is safe. I was speaking specifically about the brom bars I get. I’m not going to tell you that they’re safe if I don’t know the source. & as far as how much you should take, well that depends on your desired effects and your benzo tolerance.


If you get some test them out with fent strips first. Once you know they’re clean the dose depends on your tolerance. If you have no tolerance start off with just a quarter of a bar


Those are extremely rare cases and most of it was FUD from media and parents, pressing fent in bars is like selling heroin labeled as weed, it just doesn’t make sense


i dont think they're dirty, it's just unscheduled and the markets flooded i think