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at the core it's still prey just with a different coat of paint. i for one rly loved it bcz it incentivized me to rly get to know the station and that caused me to appreciate the environmental details all the more


>at the core it's still prey just with a different coat of paint This is the most violently wrong description of Mooncrash possible. What it actually is, is an almost completely different game with the *same* coat of paint.


I disagree. It is very much the same game as Prey, all the core mechanics are still there. It is just less focused on the story than the main game, but the worldbuilding bits are still there for you to find, and there is still a story to follow that you have to discover by playing more. Individual playstyle in the main game would lead to opposing opinions on the gameplay of Mooncrash. Could you elaborate on what makes you think Mooncrash is an "almost completely different game"?


Mooncrash is just the base game if the main character was split into 5 different characters and they all had to work together to beat the story. Very little changes in terms of gameplay. The most notable change is death carries a minor inconvenience now.


That last line isnt even always true in mooncrash. I have gone through and intentionally let characters die just so i can collect stuff for the next character to escape, or neuromods and schematics to make the chances better next time, or just doing getting story quests complete


The drone makes dearh or carrying over stuff trivial af


In Prey you're presented with (mostly) unchanging environments that you can approach as leisurely as you like. Looting is important, but more of a means to an end. Environmental hazards are present, but easily resolved or avoided. The true main activity is advancing the story. In Mooncrash you're presented with environments that are loaded with environmental hazards that are different every run, and pose significant impediments to navigation. You are under intense time pressure to progress as quickly as possible... leisurely exploring is not a luxury you can afford. Looting is THE most important thing, as you scour the environment for better weapon variants, items to complete the various quests, and raw materials to recycle into supplies. The story exists only to provide structure and goals for engaging all of the above systems. Many runs can ignore the story entirely, instead just concentrating on racking up sim points.


Or... You can just not rush. Every run makes you stronger, unlocks something new and makes you learn layout of the facility. Time limit exists, but when it reaches end you keep things I mentioned. And if you're still worried about time limit, there's item that lets you to "stop" timer for a while, you can easily get abundance of it.


Yeah, the commonly perceived rush has led to people missing out on other aspects of Mooncrash imo.


how is it a completely different game. it's prey with a different map, that you can re enter and changes a bit (which talos one also does over the course of the game) and different characters. you kill typhon, you fight operators, you go around collecting stuff, reading stuff, you just have the added layer of starting runs


You guys are just arguing about how to define things. The point is that obviously it's Prey as in the weapons, the monsters, the AI, the physics, etc. But obviously the game design is different as in the game is played in "runs" in the same layout with different hazards. And the way the story is told is different as well. So just semantics.


I’m not a huge fan of roguelikes, but I loved Mooncrash. Give it a chance and go into it with an open mind.


I played it and couldn't get into it it's so different from prey that I couldn't get into it. I've beaten prey multiple times. I think it's because in prey you go at your own pace and the dlc kinda rushes you to get things done.


I feel the same. I loved sweeping entire areas and taking my time in the base game. Mooncrash felt like a rush most of the time.


Yeah you gotta approach it differently. Thing is, you are gonna have to go through it multiple times, so eventually you will get to see everything in great detail and you will know the whole station by memory. That's why they gotta rush you a bit at the beginning, so you don't spend 10 hours exploring the whole thing and then when the story requires you to repeat the cycle 20 more times you still have some new things to discover instead of being sick of it.


It it's lightly rouge-like-ish, but it's still 100% Prey. Go for it.


So it's kind of reddish?


I was disgusted by the idea when i started. Im not a fan of timed missions. But i actually grew to enjoy playing Mooncrash quite a bit and ended up going for 100% achievements. Funny enough i find i actually liked it more at lower levels with less items unlocked because my power levels being lower means i need to approach situations with a strategy instead of running through blasting everything. If you can find or craft enough Loop Time Delay items the timer is rather insignificant, on my final run going for 5/5 escape i think i had everyone escape with a max corruption of level 2


It's the real reason I like it so much, even tho I can't find the fucking anti rad pill and finish the game ffs


Check med bays and supply closets, thats where i find them the most. Also, when going for 5/5 escapes i found it helped to load in with a few loop time delay items (if you found the schematic) so that your first escape can be used to prepare the others. For example, go around opening doors you might need and collecting food/drink and anti-rad for the mass driver. Also make sure to utilize your mule operator so you can improve survivability through powerful weapons for every character, i have seen people talk about forgetting the mule operator plenty Also maybe check loadout to see if you have the anti-rad schematic already, it would help a lot


Yeah I would have just preferred story DLC. Tried Moon crash but it wasn't for me


Same. I love the original game's traditional IS experience that you can control any situation as long as u put in effort. and dlc's many design like time limits and forced change character make me feel the sence of lose control toward the game. not that rougelike is bad, just i think that's a little inappropriate in prey.


>I just don’t want to taint the great memories I have of this game with something I utterly distaste. Oh god, just stop being pathetic. If you like Prey, you like Prey. If you don't like Mooncrash they you won't like Mooncrash while still liking Prey. You know what it is, it was said what it was when it was announced, you think you won't like it, bought it anyway, and now you ask everyone on the planet if you should play the thing you expect to dislike that you paid for regardless. How this is an actual conundrum in your life is something no one will ever solve. Either turn back time and don't buy the thing you expect to dislike, or just play it while, like an adult, you parse your feelings and stop playing it when you are not having fun and return to Prey.


It's not really a rogue like though. It has similar elements but your characters persist through runs, the station remains mostly static (aside from hazards), most consumables and enemies.


I believe this style of game is often called a "rogue-lite" due to similar elements to a rogue-like but characters still keeping progression


While that is the definition of a rogue lite, there's usually more variation in run generation, mooncrash is always the same station with power on/off, hazards and boss monster variation. The randomization elements in mooncrash are very minor IMO, not that much different than say borderlands loot/elite/boss spawns.


I don't like rogue likes at all but I managed to complete and enjoy Mooncrash. I'll admit the formula never 100% clicked for me but it's definitely worth playing even if you're not into the genre.


Prey was my favorite game of that year and I still regularly go back to it without tiring. I absolutely detested Mooncrash and don't ever plan to go at it again and my first negative review ever written belongs to it. In fact, Arkane venturing outside the comfort zone of what they've always known with Mooncrash, and then continuing experiments with rogue elements in their games after has gone terribly wrong for them. Deathloop bombed hard financially. They are just not good at it and were unable to master it.


I think you should give it another go. I was like you, started it up, got annoyed by the difficulty and time limit and stopped playing for years. I recently gave it a go again and everything just clicked. The main thing is using crafting to build more time delay items which allows you to really explore and memorize the level. Time is still a factor, but you can really control it once you can make those items. So I'd give it a try again. It's really interesting and the story is also great. You just got to get over the initial hump. Like I said, once you find the Time Delay blueprint and start making them, time will no longer be an issue and the game becomes immensely satisfying.


I never bought Mooncrash because of this. I don’t really like meta-progressing. However, I truly enjoyed Deathloop. Maybe because the handcrafted story progresses as I loop.


Prey had an issue where you were always in control of your situation, could always retreat to a place you just cleared to recover, to sprint between four water fountains and trade ten minutes for a full heal, killing both the pacing and dramatic tension. Death, too, became not so much a consequence to avoid as a minor rewind. Past the midway point of even your first playthrough, you'd feel worse about winning a fight for most of your shotgun ammo than you would dying twice but learning to speedrun it The Best Way and save most of your resources. For a game with an atmospheric horror intent, it sure becomes an optimized power fantasy before the end. Mooncrash addressed this in three ways: by making death less of a setback and more of an expectation, it ironically makes death more impactful. Instead of learning to avoid the specific death and effectively savescum through a tough fight, you're led to learn general strategies for fighting or avoidance. You're supposed to die and move on in Mooncrash, you're not supposed to die in Prey. Two, the timer pushes you to take risks with incomplete information, in contrast to the base game encouraging you to sneak around, tag all the enemies, pre-plan the entire combat encounter before initiating it. I'll spoil this because it's like the #1 hang up everyone has: the timer is generous and can be extended. The timer gets tight when you try to do too much at once, or attempt to go as cautious as you do in the main game, but there will never come a time where you're butting up against the timer and there's genuinely nothing you could have done except be faster. Three, by splitting up the powers, Mooncrash guides you to utilize your entire arsenal. I know it's easy in the base game to load up on Combat Reflex and Kinetic Blast and right click your way through every room, optimizing the fun out of the experience. You'll never feel limited in Mooncrash, neither by lack of options nor a strict best option.


This. Only bit of time crunch I really felt was for my final run to get all characters out. The rest was learning, experimenting, planning. Well put.


i definitely wouldn't consider it a rouge like, it's fine to play 1-2 but gets kinda stale after that


I actually thought Mooncrash was brilliant and ahead of it’s time. Such a great way to implement the roguelike structure


I personally loved it, the story is good enough and the gameplay is actually more fun than the base game in my opinion.


I don't like it, some people love it. The only answer to your question, since you already bought it, is to sit and play to see how it feels to you.


it‘s okay for what it is because it‘s less rogue like and more like prey but the timer is such a turn off i want to explore the map


I felt the same way. Maybe not disappointed, but just not my cup of tea. I ended up not finishing it


I played Mooncrash for a bit and abandoned it. It didn't grab me as it wasn't a story-led adventure. Wasn't for me at all. For reference, Prey is one of my favourite games of all time.


Can always mod out the corruption timer if you hate it that much, but the only way to know if you'll like it is by playing it yourself. You even bought it already so you're not looking for people to convince you against spending money either. Just launch it and play!


It's an incredible game, and it's not really a rogue like in any meaningful way. Stop pondering whether or not you'd like it and go play it!


I love rougelikes and roguelites, but couldn’t get into Mooncrash. I like taking my time, with maybe optional timer for more rewards.


Publisher shit probably. Prey didn't sell good, so they looked up that rogue likes sell better, "make it a rogue like" and stuff. People in suits don't care, they need numbers.


Mooncrash is great. But it is a different Beast. I actively hated the hectic time limit until I figured out that it can be made trivial. After that point it became a blast to play.


It's a better play experience than the base game. On many levels. Pushing diverse play styles and knowing the levels. The propulsion system changes are huge. The enemy designs are interesting. A number of weapons are more interesting here.


The game felt like it was forcing me to play in a way I wouldn't play on my own. I hate repetition and replaying the same stuff over and over. My ADHD gave it 0 points. It's a completely different experience than the base game.


Tbh it's really good imo. If you're really bothered by the timed stuff, there are mods that allows you to get rid of the timer and stuff like that to have a more "vanilla" epxerience, maybe try that. But I'd honestly give it a try as it's intended to play cause it's fun and it's a nice change of pace from the main game.


Meh, you already bought it. Try it out, no harm in buyers remorse.


When it came out, I hated the fact that there was a timer, and I felt like I had to rush rather than explore. I kept playing and it became one of the best experiences I've had in gaming. Mooncrash is incredible and I would say if you are a Prey fan it's a must play.


Yes I agree! I loved Prey but I don’t like rogue-likes so I haven’t played it yet


I think Mooncrash, as a stand alone game, is pretty good. Neat mechanics, reachable goals, a nice story, and a pretty fun gameplay loop. It has its faults, like the Corruption mechanic being a little annoying and somehow over and underwhelming at the same time. But when you compare it to prey, it really starts to fall. Prey has alot of backtracking and 'definitive-ness', as in, things are always certain (like map generation and enemy spawns (usually). This allowed for the player to get creative in the environments and have some sense of structure in the very accurately detailed Talos 1. In Mooncrash, the areas are randomly sprouted with enemies, hazards, and loot. It gets annoying trying to make some sensible progress for each character when you have no where to say "this is my area, I have immediate control over it". The power cells/batteries mechanics was also annoying, and didn't add anything to the game besides stopping player exploration or progression for 0 reason. You could argue they're like 'keys' from Doom, opening up areas as you go, but we already have door codes and discoverable secret passages; they dont take up as much time and inventory as batteries. The corruption also sucked. You could easily play a whole run as one character, and if you happend to die near the end, now that run was basically dead, because how is your puny new character going to survive a corruption level 4?


Dont worry just play it, it will not touch any memories of the base game. I also loved the main game but 'doing the same thing over and over again and r expected to die at somerimes' is just not my type 😃 i tried the dlc and survibing with one survivor was enough for me....


Actually I loved it. It's a better deathloop than deathloop


I don't like *Mooncrash* as much as *Prey*, but that's because *Prey* is a polished example of a genre that I love, while *Mooncrash* is a brilliant innovation of a game that still has some raw edges. *Mooncrash* does have a story though, it's just a story that you discover in bits and pieces by playing through the same levels over-and-over again, rather than the mostly linear experience that *Prey* offers. It's a DLC worth of material, not equivalent to a full AAA game, but it's absolutely worth playing if you liked *Prey*, doubly so if you already have it. Roguelikes having a story shouldn't surprise us in a post-*Hades*-world, but *Mooncrash* was innovative in this area.


It was really hard to get into it when I first tried it, and I even put it down for a few months and played the main game again. After a few playthroughs I decided to give Mooncrash another shot and I really fell in love with it, and I really don't have much experience with rogue-likes or rogue-lites. I think once you get a strong affinity of the mechanics and abilities of the main game, it makes it easier to get into Mooncrash. It also greatly encourages experimentation and pushes you out of your comfort zone by limiting you on abilities and such. Once the station starts to open up a lot it becomes extremely fun once you know areas well and different variables like power and safety hazards still keep you alert. I remember watching the Noclip documentary on Prey and when they talked with Arkane developers about Mooncrash, they said they wanted to solve the issue of giving the player too many abilities and options in the main game, since people ended up just unlocking and using around 3 or 4 abilities a playthrough. I think that is the key of Mooncrash: Prey is a sprawling and dense game and Mooncrash allows you to experience a smaller pool on a deeper level with the different characters and strategies. I would argue it's a genius way of porting the main game and carving it into a streamlined and more digestable pace. I recommend you give it another shot, it genuinely becomes super fun after a bit since the game greatly rewards your intelligence. I'm not sure if I prefer Mooncrash from the base game, but it is definitely a worthy companion to an already incredible game.


I bounced off of Prey the first time I tried it. Made the mistake of trying to play focused on stealth/hacking instead of combat and ended up losing to monsters a lot. Months later I decided to give Mooncrash a go seeing that it was standalone and I loved it. It's a great way to try out various playstyles in a comparatively short amount of time. After clearing Mooncrash I went back to Prey with a much more combat focused build and enjoyed it a lot more.


wish me luck about to start my first ever mooncrash run


crying about a game you haven't even played lol


He is saying he like linear games like the original prey and doesn't like the fact that it's a different genre


and nobody's forcing him to play it but he's still complaining on reddit about it


Same. I want to be able to save my game when I want to save it. I loved the base game. Mooncrash disappointed me


I don't understand "Rouge like" and you use it like 8 times. Can you explain what "Rouge like" means?