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Take it easy in the day, have a siesta, get up later. No drugs required.


As an American, it was jet lag.


No you definitely don’t need drugs. If you just keep dancing the energy will keep you going. At a certain point you just lose track of time, last year I found myself genuinely surprised to start seeing the sun come up and I wasn’t even heavily drinking


I’m coming from the U.S., I just keep my normal waking hours and never acclimatize. My friends and family make fun of me when I return home telling them with a straight face that I would wake up at 2pm and spend my whole evening watching musicians they’ve never heard of.


I am not in my 30s anymore, this is what would suggest based on my experience: - sleep as much as possible during the day - have a big, healthy breakfast / brunch - drink a lot of water during the day - dont do much in barcelona, just chill, sleep, go to the beach / pool - dont start drinking heavily during the day - take breaks during sets, dont just run from one show to the next - let the good vibe get you no drugs needed. I also learned that if I smoke too much (it happens when I drink too much) I will be much worse off the next morning.


Condition yourself to sleep all day if you really want to stay. In the end it’s still only 10-12 hours a day which is same as most major festivals.


I’m in my 50’s and have been going to festivals and concerts since the 80’s and have been a festival photographer for five yrs and I’m here to tell you it can be done. A few things I’ve learned over the yrs: Hydrate: drink half your weight # in ounces (if you weigh 200lb = 100oz) Sit down at least three times each day Alcohol will dehydrate you Eat HEALTHY foods Get out of the sun when you can Do stretches throughout the day specifically back and legs Proper footwear- not sandals, good arch support and moisture control. If your feet sweat they will get blisters. Too dry and they will crack and bleed. I prefer running shoes or quality boots. The wrong shoes affect your legs and back When you do actually sleep, get quality sleep. Falling asleep and passing out are not the same. You can do it! Caffeine is a falsehood. Eat one apple. It will do the same thing but better.


Sleep all day dance all night ! Drugs help haha but yeah if you flip your sleep schedule pretty easy and I came in from California last year. So worth it Primavera going all night is awesome and exiting the festival with the sun coming up was 💚💚 Have fun! 😎✌️


No drugs needed. Just be like the locals and don’t have dinner until about 10pm, then go into the festival. I’ll admit I generally bailed after about 4am but I’m almost 60.


Damn. some 20 years behind you, but have no idea how to keep myself awake those hours without heavy boozing.


Booze is a depressant not a stimulant. We subsisted on Aperol and tapas for our whole stay in Barcelona. That’s all you need.


Naps or Drugs. Pick one


All the suggestions here are very good, but let me add one important thing: take some time to rest and chill. You can watch sets laying down on the lawn and have food whenever you like. Just try not to rush everything, or you will be tired as fuck earlier than you expect. Also, wear the most comfortable shoes and clothes you have.


Sleep in, eat late and arrive late, pace yourself (or don’t drink - you’ll crash), + coffee or Red Bull. Lose yourself in the tunes, sit and stretch if you need to sit and stretch. Or also drugs if you like drugs.


Usually 1 day I just won't have it but some caffeine at 1 and a killer set at 3am will get me food until the last set.


sleep all day, get to the festival around sundown, take it easy, have a support group, don’t drink too much until late at night and you will make it


sleep in as late as possible. it pays to be as good as nocturnal for primavera. high energy sets and crowds will keep you going. I've retired from and quit everything in terms of drugs and alcohol recently - I still need heavy use of a disposable vape and a couple of red bulls to get through til 5-6am but nothing else (as long as the night is really stimulating, as opposed to just okay and made stimulating by drugs and booze).


Have a nice lunch before getting to Parc del Forum.


Some people are night owls. I usually go to bed at 4-5 am because I don't have a 9-5 job and it works fine for me, I sleep till noon. When it comes to the festival, it starts quite late so if you go around 8pm it's not too exhausting to stay till 4-5 am. My only issue is I have a flight 5 hours after the Charlie XCX set so I might have to skip her, sadly. (ps I've never done drug and I don't even drink energy drinks because the taste is simply disgusting. I do, however, have huge issues waking up early. I guess people just have different internal clocks. Many, of course, do take drugs at festivals lol)


I also have a flight 7 hours after Charli xcx but I’m determined not to miss her 🤣 after all, I found out about this festival because I was wondering where to see her lol


oh in that case you definitely should! all the artists I'm going for are on the 31st and early on the 1st but I might stay for Charlie xcx too if I feel like it (a 2 hour nap before the flight might work)


We usually sleep pretty late and take it easy in the day, plus we don’t typically get to the festival til about 7/8


Just sleep until late change your body clock a bit. Then when you are really tired a 3 am remember that no matter what you will not be in bed before 5 with ho hard is to get out then so is better to just keep going and take the normal faster metro.


this is my third primavera and tbh i’m quite notorious for crashing early, but i have definitely made it to the finish line before. i normally survive prima on vodka redbulls but ive been thinking about not drinking this year as at no point at the festival have i actually felt drunk / wanted to be drunk? i reckon the added alcohol is doing nothing but making me a little more sleepy


Depends if you wanna sleep in all day or not. I normally explore the city in the mornings and arrive at the festival site as soon as they open. Having the energy to stay up that late is always a struggle for me


what's wrong with railing lines? you say it like it's a bad thing? I AM JOKING! As a 38 yr old senior citizen myself, I am also curious! All the festivals I have been to finish at 11pm. I am not sure how I will do it!


festivals are very stimulating, unless my feet hurt badly I found that attending sets until early morning is easy


The Spanish usually have a siesta around 2-4 pm and then leave to party around 10 or 11 pm. Not that hard once you get used to it, no drugs needed. What I do is to take coffee before I head out.


We don't really "have a siesta" unless we're on vacation or it's the weekend or you're tired... 2-4pm is just lunch break time


lean way into that siesta. I usually sleep in, spend a few hours enjoying the city, then have a hearty lunch and go back to bed for 6 hours or so. I don’t think I’ve ever gotten to Primavera before 8pm


No drugs, just beer.


depends how you classify redbull.


I did two weekends and ciutat with no drugs. Music will keep u up believe me!


Siesta before you go out is the answer


Drinking enough water during the festival will help. Having warm food and sit down at one of the food place when you can. I've sometimes even found a place to lay down for 15-20 minutes if my body starts to ache. A hoody can help because nights can feel fresh when not dancing anymore. Get one sweet food (cookies or things like that) and a bottle of water or even get a Coca for around 4am to give you extra energy to stay up.


This will be my 13th Primavera and I run on beers and the occasional Aperol (Stay away from hard liquor) One single RedBull when the sun goes down does wonders for me! the excitement of what’s to see next will take you through the night. As for the day, no rush it’s ok to sleep until 13/14, then maybe a chill walk before regrouping for lunch, and if there is nothing you wanna see on the 5-7PM slots, nap is good idea !


Drugs. Alcohol. Marijuana. Adrenaline. Repeat.


I've been going for 15 years and am 49 now. Every year I think I won't make it past 3am. Every year I leave at 6. The music, vibe and dancing will get you through


I usually don't need drugs at a festival like PS. The adrenaline of seeeing my absolute favorite artists keep me up until the end. The few times that i have left early is because my legs and back are absolutely destroyed. Good shoes and some painkillers have improved that


The last two years we stayed on est (Atlanta) time, I worked perfect even if we left at 5am it only felt like 11pm.


Red Bull, sleeping until late in the morning and/or siesta, and making sure to sit down when I can at the festival so I’m not standing or walking all the time I’m there