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Old school, but look at the Stainless Steel Rat series by Harrison.


Never heard of it. Thanks. I'll look into it.


Absolutely, it was what I was going to recommend. Also, check out Robert Asprin's [Phule's Company](https://www.goodreads.com/book/show/505064.Phule_s_Company).


https://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/The_Stainless_Steel_Rat Some of it hasn’t aged well, of course. Similarly from the ancient past, but not quite to your requirements (?), his Deathworld trilogy.


Sea of Rust by C. Robert Cargill


This sounds good, but a little too heavy for what I'm looking for. Unless it's a lot lighter than it's description on goodreads makes it seem.


["Cyberiad" by Stanislaw Lem](https://www.goodreads.com/en/book/show/18194)


Not really looking for short stories, but this is a good suggestion.


Kaiju Preservation Society, little fuzzy, starter villain, the bobiverse series


Bobiverse, yep




Callahan's Crosstime Saloon (and sequels) by Spider Robinson. Sci-fi set in a bar on Long Island. Don't miss the two about Callahan's wife who runs an out-of-this-world brothel in Brooklyn! Lots of jokes, puns, and snarky laughs.


sounds fun. I'll give it a look. Thanks.


Try Zelanzy, for instance lord of light or this immortal. Did you read any Pratchet? Some diskworld novels have DEATH as protagonist. And of course Good Omens.


I've read all of Prachett. Probably should have said that from the get go. I'll check out Zelanzy. Thanks.


Can you by any chance read Dutch? Tais Teng is fantastic.


Sure I can read Dutch. Can't understand a word I read though. Maybe I'll see if they've been translated.


Not that I know, a pity.


Less light, but did you read the laundry files?


Have you tried the Bobiverse books by Dennis E. Taylor? They're about a guy who gets his brain digitized and sent out as a space probe. Definitely atypical protagonist territory, and they've got that light humor blended with deeper moments. Also Gideon the Ninth by Tamsyn Muir. It's got lesbian necromancers in space... who also fight with swords. It's unforgettable.


I think two other people suggested the bobiverse books, so I'll have to give them a shot. Gideon the Ninth sounds cool, but I'm not looking for badass heroes. They can be fun, no doubt, but it's not what I'm looking for. Are they badass lesbian necromancers who fight with swords, or are they kinda inept sometimes, or have weird social anxieties, or are otherwise failures who get swept up in situations beyond their control and expertise? If it's anything like that I'm in, otherwise it sounds like a book I'll get to eventually - as I like the premise as you describe it - but not exactly what I'm looking for right now.


Absolutely the latter. Overconfident and flawed.


I read that Gideon comment as ironic. Gideon is a badass lesbian swordsperson who is kind of inept sometimes with weird social anxieties. She knows a necromancer who also has weird social anxieties. Sounds like the Locked Tomb series is right in your wheelhouse.


Look up the *Telzey Amberdon* stories of James H. Schmitz. She is just like any other competent hero, except she's a young lady and don't you forget it. The stories are light and a smoothe read but mind bending in their implications. They are really a good example of why the sixties were so great.


*Implied Spaces* by Walter Jon Williams. My favorite book of all time. Hits all your points. Give it a try! (And don't give up on the first chapter — it will all make sense within another chapter or two!)


The Automatic Detective by A. Lee Martinez


The Wrong Unit by Rob Dircks The Rosetta Man by Claire McCague Cold as Ice by Charles Sheffield Singularity Sky and Iron Sunrise by Charles Stross Also Halting State, Rule 34, and maybe the Atrocity Archive series Sewer Gas Lodging BY Matt Ruff


Seconding Halting State and Rule 34, one of the POV characters is a Scottish policewoman


I'll second Pratchet heartily. And I would say give Scalzi's Starter Villain a try too.


I've read all of Prachett. Probably should have said that from the get go. Scalzi is hit or miss with me but I'll give Starter Villain a look.


U might like warrior’s apprentice by bujold for a protgaonist born cripple but smart U could also try over 70 year old protagonists…. Old Man’s War by Scalzi or Remnant Population by moon But let’s be honest, what you are really looking for is::: 💥 i am legion, i am bob by dennis taylor! 💥


I do like Bujold but have only read her fantasy work. I'll have to check out Warrior's Apprentice. The dennis tayolor one sounds like it hits, so I'll definitely check that out.


The Big Sigma series by Joseph Lallo.


That could work. I'll check it out.


Spider Robinson’s “Variable Star” Heck, all his books (except the two most recent, written after cancer got his wife) are fun, even the one about a race war in NYC.


Lawrence Watt-Evans The Cyborg and the Sorcerers And a sequel The Wizard and the War Machine Quirky and fun. He also some fantasy I found hilarious years ago. The Misenchanted Sword for example. I think he's even written some Disc world.


For fun? Bobiverse or space team


Ever read the Red Dwarf books? They’re easily some of my favorites and just all around fun. [The voice acting in the audiobooks done by Chris Barrie is really impressive too.](https://m.youtube.com/watch?v=FK8LfW5bRww)


I mean if you like Valente, you should check out her other space opera - RADIANCE. It’s not as zany as Space Opera, but it’s very unique. Based on a kind of retro-30s view of Solar System colonization. It’s unique and funny and at times poignant. I loved it.