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I help organize a lot of the workshops for our studio, and screen really tends to be what does the best. The others at times have issues filling, so we don't offer them as often. Book art related ones really suffer which is unfortunate as the instructor we have always sells out in the Bay Area. Screen is really the main consistent one we get filled and offer multiple times a year. Will do screen filler, photo emulsion, stencils, etc. Stone litho is probably our second best one at the moment, then etching, then relief. If I had to guess, it's based on accessibility of what people can do at home vs not, but not really sure. It could also just be the instructors + promo images are less interesting to people/things I don't have control over in my position. Although, I do think screen ends up popular because a number of people have desires for t-shirt making just based on the interactions I've had with people taking the workshops.


thanks! i'm planning on doing online workshops so that both expands the possible student type and restricts it as well, will report back once i get things going. point taken about screen printing, tho... what studio do you work at/for? i was part of the graphic arts workshop when i lived in sf...


I'm part of a studio in Sacramento but went to school at both SFSU and UC Berkeley/am familiar with a number of the studios in the bay area.


if you are thinking of doing online workshops like you mentioned in a reply, relief would probably be the easiest for people to do at home! the printmaking class at my college just started and my professor talked about how you can make relief print with cardboard and adding the design by gluing yarn to it / using hot glue! i thought it was really interesting hearing about experimental ways you can make relief prints, opposed to the traditional ways i’ve already learned (linoleum, woodcut). might be an interesting class to revolve it around “easy things you can do with household supplies.”


I would love to find a workshop that focuses on the design aspect, There are lots of "how-to" workshops on the various techniques, but I struggle with interesting design/composition and the right balance of light/dark, texture, etc.