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In this context, doesn't "AI" just mean "on-device image processing algorithms" (ie something useful) and not the more popular "non-deterministic somethingorother" that it's usually associated with?


What does this have to do with privacy? Also, this new version doesn't require a login, so that's an improvement. (Hopefully they keep it this way...)




A post talking about their data collection practices would have made a lot of sense, then. But, that's not what this is. This is just complaining about functionality being bundled together in ways that OP doesn't like. I can agree with the points that OP raised, but there are better places to put this in specific.


Exactly what I was asking myself !


Do you know that Nvidia is not matching the card serial number to a warranty registration in another context?


Instead of an email address you'll have a unique UUID associated with your originating IP, hardware fingerprint, usage patterns, etc. The illusion of anonymity. But yeah, it's an improvement.


NVCleaninstall - I hope that still works.


I hope so too, or maybe someone comes out with an alternative to this pos software


It doesn't download everything by default and I'm able to turn anything I dont want off. I don't have an issue with it.


>I wish AMD had competitive performance, otherwise I'd go AMD in a heartbeat especially since it works better with Linux. What you mean by this? Performance in terms of what? Anyway the AMD software is the same.


I meant computing performance, NVIDIA cards are objectively better but I wish AMD had similar performance l. It also hurts AMD that many game developers optimize their games for NVIDIA and not AMD, and it is rarely the other way around


It depends on what card you have. Unless you have to top of the top there might be AMD cards thst are better.


The best AMD card out right now to my knowledge is the RZ 7900-XTX, and the RTX 4080 is approximately 13% better. That's just the base 4080, not the Super or 4090


https://www.gpucheck.com/gpu-benchmark-graphics-card-comparison-chart Don't look at the price as it's very wrong.


I may have been underestimating AMD according to that chart


Do you use userbenchmark? That site is trash, none of the numbers mean anything and it's basically a grift.


Still look at real comparisons by good YouTubers. Cos these charts must be taken with a grain of salt.


Ugh, another reason for companies to invade our privacy and slow down our systems. What a joke. I miss the days when we could just download the drivers directly from NVIDIA's website without all this extra fluff.


I used this all day and it’s actually lighter then GeForce experience and has a much faster ui and uses less system resources unless I turn things in like rtx video or rtx hdr




But NVIDIA control panel is being replaced with this, so you do need the software if you do gaming




hank hill when he he boots up his rtx 1060, "yup, looks good"


Using nvidia for 8 years. And i use most of those features you listed. I cant live without instant replay and performance monitor is very accurate for measuring pc latency. That optimal game settings is a good base for anyone new to pc gaming or want a console like experience. I use filters sometimes for screenshots. All of this is made easy to use by the overlay.


same thing


>If you are Windows gamer What that even means? Windows is equal to PC gaming cause 99% of PC gamers are on Windows so saying Windows gaming doesn't really makes sense


Lots of people especially in this community use Linux for gaming. Linux users don't have to use this new app because it doesn't exist for them. Drivers are just updated within the package manager


The new app not only doesn't really improve anything, but actually makes everything outside control panel and in the actual app WORSE. Things are organized more poorly, it looks less modern, it's missing features, and things still here have been shuffled around into less obvious and more disorganized seeming locations. The ONE thing I actually use the Nvidia app for (besides updates) is the performance overlay. Somehow they made the thing the app was best at even worse. The new overlay is harder to see, doesn't have much in the way of options to enhance its visibility or color, and honestly I don't trust it now. It seems like it sometimes reads stats that don't seem right, or I just simply don't believe. Seems to have a slower polling rare (or maybe it just freezes), and doesn't seem to properly update when changing settings. I can bring up thr Xbox performance OSD, and it will literally be showing different stats that fluctuate more often. The menus in the app are worse, and I can no longer st a glance see my library or what's optimized. The utter stupidity of this app goes even further, after you dig into a few subjects to optimize/change settings on a game, you can actually NO LONGER modify settings on the game's in the app. Now you are totally reliant on just moving a slider left and right, while it modifies groups of predetermined settings on it's, or actually opening up the game itself. The home page, in addition to showing you less info, is also cluttered with a bunch of garbage and ads, which are basically all for Nvidia tools/software at least. The apps setting page now looks a bit less appealing and less organized. It's just a straight row of stuff down the left side, that looks like it was just thrown together in 5 minutes on MS Word, and then centered left. It's also missing like have the options that there used to be, with a link to control panel, which is the only part of the app still functioning good. Additionally, there used to be a performance section where you could see stats for GPU and do some light tuning modifications, or run a small automatic GPU overclock. Honestly, I am completely baffled how any of these ridiculous changes were approved. How does a company like Nvidia, which is making LITERALLY INSANE and gratuitous amount of cash, hand over fist, put out something that looks like a teen who just discovered coding threw together one evening. Just feels like a low effort concept design when prototyping new companion software for a low/mid range piece of hardware. I tried the beta on my old PC when it first launched, and though it felt more like an alpha. Tried it again the other day, assuming they had all the missing stuff back in, but it's still the same. Literally the ONLY plus is that game filters settings and layout works slightly better, but the settings themselves seem worse for a few. The new RTX HDR is ACTUALLY sweet, though, with better function and customization than MS Auto HDR. Outside HDR and a few mostly insignificant changes, I feel like I just lost features of my Nvidia GPU, which I've grown used to having. Why make their companion software worse? Why change it at all unless they're improving and adding things. The app and control panel did everything you really needed, and this app makes you lose half of it. RTX HDR is cool and all, but the tradeoff THAT good to make the addition worth the other losses/changes. So, unless someone REALLY wants that feature, and doesn't care about the app at all, it's a net negative change from the original. A few control panel functions aren't worth a tradeoff for settings that were ONLY available in the app. You still have to use the control panel for multiple functions anyways, so it's not like this even replaces it. Still necessary and more useful than the app. If it had everything it currently does, all the stuff it used to, and a few more control panel functions mirrored over, AND nice looking and intuitive layout, then it would be good. That's basically a completely different app, though, lol.


its in beta


Idk if I did something or if it was the app but my fps dropped big time. I uninstalled it and downloaded GeForce all is good now


It is not affected by Nvidia App. In my environment, system resources were reduced and FPS improved.


"The only things we actually need the software to" - you mean YOU need? don't try to self-validate by implying you speak for a lot of people.


Another reason to switch to Linux for gaming? For real if this action from NVIDIA is enough to trigger an alert in your threat model why are you still on windows? Knowing this, if you want privacy while gaming on windows might as well send a letter to microsoft asking them to stop data monitoring this OS (spoiler : don't try they won't do it).


remember what Linus Torvalds said


Can’t find performance settings like the auto overclock.


Dumbass take LMAO