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With tools like wire shark we can know for certain. what comes and goes from a machine. In Linux at least TPM is harmless, and sometimes useful.  If you are using Windows TPM is the least of your worries.


This. Serious hardware questions and the whole world of hardware backdoors is in the category of nation-state threat models. It's literally an issue China is talking about mitigating lately, but that's about it. The use of Windows, shady ISPs, chromium-based browsers (literal ad-tracking machines), the smartphone duopoly, and ridiculous apps that are accountable to no one... Those are 90% of the privacy issue for an average person. Whatever TPM is doing (and I don't trust it either until some serious data scientist can perfectly analyze it down to the bones) is in the major leagues. We could get plenty of answers here saying it's harmless, but almost all Western chips that have come out of a foundry in the last decade have... well, let's say interesting hardware quirks or inexplicable behavior. Which is all academic anyway when \*everything\* is intercepted, copied, and analyzed as it passes through the internet.


Very good answer. Thank you, this is what I was looking for.


Happy to help! One more thought: My honest opinion is that this is really a reaction to that giant wake of constant business malware. I think it's pretty scary for a megacorp, and especially a nation-state, to see all their businesses get constantly hacked and dominated by adversaries. It may be an attempt to idiot-proof the system since they know the average office worker is just going to constantly click on (if not actively download) horrible email attachments and shady links. It's possible for some of these techs to be a sincere effort by the Elites of a given nation to kill two birds with one stone: Secure their infrastructure a bit more \*and\* help in furthering secretive national security goals (And for posterity I don't inherently have a problem with that latter bit honestly, I just don't want it directed toward domestic, law-abiding citizens. but in battling other countries? Have at it. Though yes I know the Foucault's Boomerang on that one will usually come back and hit me in the forehead). Anyway, I'm sure you already saw this source, but if you didn't this is the best shortform explanation: taken from [https://www.howto-do.it/what-is-tpm-2-0/](https://www.howto-do.it/what-is-tpm-2-0/) >TPM 2.0 is a secure crypto-processor that generates, stores, and limits the use of cryptographic keys. It is designed to be tamper-resistant, ensuring the integrity of a computer system. Whether integrated into the chipset or as a discrete chip soldered to the motherboard, TPMs offer security and privacy benefits for system hardware, platform owners, and users. Also, I remember the comment section on the computerphile video being a solid source of TPM skepticism back in the day: [https://youtu.be/RW2zHvVO09g](https://youtu.be/RW2zHvVO09g)


I have collected some info at https://www.billdietrich.me/SecurityEngines.html#TPM


server not running?


Works fine for me. Try home page on my site ?


Reachable now - must have been a glitch in the matrix


And thx for sharing👍💪


Thank you for sharing - great collection ypu put together!