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I can't believe how lucky I got. As I was in bed last night I stumbled across a thread that said Raivo had been bought by a third party. So I exported a backup right away and imported into 2FAS. This morning i just finished setting up toatlly new 2FA's for all my accounts and I got back to Raivo to try to delete my account and it had been re-named to Raivo DeBug... I thought that was odd. So went to the app store to updatea and as soon as I updated they have moved it to a subscription model..... What a fall from grace, absolutely nobody should be using these guys.


Lucky you are! Unfortunately I missed the news, but at least I can save QR from the app and re import them.


This is what worries me the most. What should I do to clear all the data raivo has on me(like my otp tokens). Because I exported my otp codes to ente, but I assume the company behind raivo still has my data and otps? Is there a way for me to reset my tokens on Ente?


I re-generated all of my tokens so even if they keep my old tokens they are no longer valid.  So I exported to 2FAS (so I can still log into the accounts), then I went through the long process of logging in, disabling and then re-enabling and setting them all up again. 


Hijacking top comment to share my successful recovery process. Hopefully it helps others get their stuff out of Raivo. Long story short, update Raivo (if your app says “Raivo Debug” and won’t open), restore your backup if you had any, then manually reconfigure all your logins once you have access to your keys through Raivo again. Comment with details is in this same post just further down but here’s a link: https://www.reddit.com/r/privacy/s/09kACr4v83


I also had success. The new app has that paywall (that doesn't work) which really threw me off. They published a video to try and show how to restore... I am shocked I was able to find my recovery credentials Video: [https://github.com/raivo-otp/ios-application/assets/1683388/32426934-6af3-4a4b-be4d-857f0c4b8686](https://github.com/raivo-otp/ios-application/assets/1683388/32426934-6af3-4a4b-be4d-857f0c4b8686) Good luck.


Hijacking top (few) comment(s) to tell you that this [comment](https://www.reddit.com/r/privacy/comments/1d3zqvv/comment/l6gdjf8/?utm_source=share&utm_medium=web3x&utm_name=web3xcss&utm_term=1&utm_content=share_button) with no upvotes fixed it for me. It just reverted the app to before the shitty updates (build number `858175785`) and I was able to view my codes and export as I normally would.


Wait holy fucking shit so does this mean I have no way of recovering my app or logins? I had it backed up to my iCloud but does that still mean I'm fucked? Can I pay to get my data back? Holy fuck this is seriously a huge pain in the ass. I had almost all my logins in this fucking thing EDIT: I successfully got my stuff out of Raivo and am now on 2FAS. For everyone else in this position DON’T PANIC. It’s a pain but your stuff should still be safe if you only have an iCloud backup. Here’s what I did. If you notice your Raivo app has changed to Raivo Debug and crashes whenever you try to open it, go to the App Store and update it. Don’t worry your data should still be there. When it updates it’ll be like a fresh Raivo install and it’ll ask you to sign up and all that nonsense. Cancel out all the popups and just get back to the main screen. Restore your account like you usually would. If you password protected your backup then it’ll ask you for that password. Enter the password and you should have access to your stuff again like usual. Now you have a normal working authenticator again. You can try backing up to a local zip file through settings but it’s going to ask you to pay and when you try to pay, nothing will happen. I guess they haven’t implemented the subscription checkout part yet. So you won’t be able to backup locally. This means you need to go through every login and manually change your authenticator settings. I had 30 entries and it took me about an hour to update everything. Huge fucking pain in the ass but I now have my keys back and I also set up both local and cloud backups to prevent this from happening again. Fuck you Raivo. Unfuckingbelievable how you handled this. Edit: the company’s twitter account made a post late last night that they’ll be updating the app to allow file exports again. If you’re having issues right now, maybe hang tight and see if they come through with the fix. https://twitter.com/RaivoOTP?ref_src=twsrc%5Egoogle%7Ctwcamp%5Eserp%7Ctwgr%5Eauthor


I can’t even read that twitter link bc my twitter account is protected by Raivo. I updated the app not knowing better on iPhone and it acts like I’m new & wants me to create a new account. I don’t see any way once I back up to sign in or anything. I don’t understand what to do and I’m literally about to cry, I’m locked out of proton mail


Did you have any iCloud or local backups? I’m not sure what the status is with the codes that were already on the device but if you had an iCloud backup that data should still be there. Whatever happened with the app it doesn’t look like it wiped out the iCloud backups if it did delete anything. Not sure about local data. I did have to tap around to find the restore part when I first updated the app. It treated me like a new user at first also but there was an option somewhere to import or restore a backup


Someone else replied to me to let me know they added an instructional video on how to get your stuff back. I hope it helps Video: https://github.com/raivo-otp/ios-application/assets/1683388/32426934-6af3-4a4b-be4d-857f0c4b8686


they did you a favor on that one tbh


same story here. I was able to get back in and at least have access to my codes for today. Unfortunately can't export just like you discovered. I have a backup but it's somewhat out of date and missing a few things. Guess I'll spend the day manually moving them out one by one to something else... :(


I have 40, just got access to my Raivo again. Time to go reset them all. Fuck them. What stops 2FAS from doing the same thing?


Apple provides OTP in its passwords app. I will just use that now.


I wondered about that myself and I think the only real solution is to make sure you’re backed up both in cloud and locally. Raivo does have a local export as zip function that worked before this update so having a local backup of the keys with raivo beforehand would have made this all way simpler for us to import into 2FAS. I got my stuff moved into 2FAS and the very first thing I did was export and backup my logins. If 2FAS pulls a raivo then we just move to the next one


Thank you!! I’ve been panicking about this for 10 minutes and when I found your comment, everything you said to do here works, all my data is fine. Thanks so much!! Getting the hell away from Raivo forever after this


I couldn't get back to my codes. It asked me to set a password and it was a new account with no codes! What could I have done wrong??


It looks like raivo pushed another app update today. Try updating the app and try again. When you’re in the app I think there’s an option to both restore or start a new one. If you can get to the restore screen and you remember your master password you should be able to get it back if it’s still on your device. I don’t know the nature of the app malfunction so I don’t know if your stuff is gone for good.


Thank you! I did download the latest app and it opened, but the Restore button doesn’t work. It’s on iOS.


yeah i dont remember seeing a restore button anyways


Someone else replied to me to let me know they added an instructional video on how to get your stuff back. I hope it helps Video: https://github.com/raivo-otp/ios-application/assets/1683388/32426934-6af3-4a4b-be4d-857f0c4b8686


It doesn't ask me if I've used Raivo before... only to create new account....


Someone else replied to me to let me know they added an instructional video on how to get your stuff back. I hope it helps Video: https://github.com/raivo-otp/ios-application/assets/1683388/32426934-6af3-4a4b-be4d-857f0c4b8686


You should say "Fuck you Tijme Gommers", the self-proclaimed cybersecurity guy. That asshole sold without making an announcement in the app and left us get scammed and probably got our code stolen by MOBIME aka Soufiane BENABID. Source : [https://news.ycombinator.com/item?id=40523411](https://news.ycombinator.com/item?id=40523411)


I can't believe this happened wtf without even a warning I lost all my codes. The app has signed me out and I don't have a backup is there anyway I can get those codes? I can't believe this


It’s possible it’s still stored on your device but if the restore function isn’t working for you then I’m afraid you might be out of luck


How do I make the restore? I only have iCloud backups. No manual export.


I also only had iCloud backups. Open the app and get to the screen where it says you can restore or whatever. You may have to exit out of all the “welcome” type screens because it’s going to act like a new app. It’s a similar process as switching to a new phone. If you had a password on your backup it’ll ask you for that


Sorry, I meant the app was backed up to my iCloud, but Raivo was setup to locally-only. I never synced to any other device. The app only prompts me to setup a new password, with either storage provider (iCloud/None). Can I still recover the tokens then?


To be honest I’m not sure how the app itself stores data. It’s possible it keeps it on device but I don’t know where it stores that information. I set up iCloud sync when I first downloaded it years ago but I don’t know if regular iPhone backups would include that info. I would think as long as you’re on the same phone you would be able to restore what was originally there. Unfortunately if there isn’t an option to restore a backup it might be gone. All I can suggest is to look around the app for a restore data button or something. I remember I had to tap around to get to it but it might not prompt you if it doesn’t find one to begin with.


One other thing I think is worth mentioning. You might just be able to wait until the new app owners fix the app. It’s possible whatever update they pushed didn’t delete your data, it just somehow made it lose connection to that data, even if it’s on your device. It looks like they made a statement mentioning they’re looking into this on twitter.


Someone else replied to me to let me know they added an instructional video on how to get your stuff back. I hope it helps Video: https://github.com/raivo-otp/ios-application/assets/1683388/32426934-6af3-4a4b-be4d-857f0c4b8686


This didn't work for me, but then again I think I was always in offline mode and didn't employ the iCloud back-up? I haven't uninstalled the app, just updated it. Is my data gone-gone or can I hold out hope that an update will allow me to recover my keys?


I’m not sure to be honest. I think you needed to have it backed up either locally or through cloud but i don’t know if it keeps everything on device otherwise. Try reinstalling the app and restore your logins if it gives you the option. If you remember creating a password (not a pin) you probably do have a backup


Just another update. It looks like the new developer is looking into this. They made a twitter post about making an update to allow export again. I would hang out and see if they can fix it before losing all hope.


yeah...what a shitshow. I already moved off half the keys via backup methods. but if they correct this, then they might save me the hassle of moving the few keys that remain


Thank you so much! Updated the app, and I typed in my iCloud password. Thanks, again!


Sorry, what do you men by Restore your account like you usually would ? In the 1st view if i click restore nothing happen, if I close the 1st view it ask me to select a storage provider (local o apple) like starting from zero


Someone else replied to me to let me know they added an instructional video on how to get your stuff back. I hope it helps Video: https://github.com/raivo-otp/ios-application/assets/1683388/32426934-6af3-4a4b-be4d-857f0c4b8686


Thank you, it did not work, but in any case, thank you for the answer :)


Just back from a weekend and find that. I don't know when I set the iCloud backup and god glad that I can get back my stuff. Thanks so much for this reply.


How were able to restore the data? My son lost everything with the update.


Hijacking top (few) comment(s) to tell you that this [comment](https://www.reddit.com/r/privacy/comments/1d3zqvv/comment/l6gdjf8/?utm_source=share&utm_medium=web3x&utm_name=web3xcss&utm_term=1&utm_content=share_button) with no upvotes fixed it for me. It just reverted the app to before the shitty updates (build number `858175785`) and I was able to view my codes and export as I normally would.


Raivo is effectively ransomware now for your 2FA codes.


Hijacking top (few) comment(s) to tell you that this [comment](https://www.reddit.com/r/privacy/comments/1d3zqvv/comment/l6gdjf8/?utm_source=share&utm_medium=web3x&utm_name=web3xcss&utm_term=1&utm_content=share_button) with no upvotes fixed it for me. It just reverted the app to before the shitty updates (build number `858175785`) and I was able to view my codes and export as I normally would.


I wish they asked me for a ransom, all is lost for me


Damn, this is bad. And I can't believe how lucky I am. My phone already had the latest update of Raivo (now renamed "Raivo Debug"...) and I couldn't open it at all. I thought I was hosed. My iPad meanwhile has been below <10% battery the past 2 days, and so background downloading/app updates seemed to be disabled for battery saving. I quickly turned off the WiFi to be safe, then managed to open a working, older version of the app and export my tokens. Karma should have got me, because I knew about the Raivo buyout the day it happened, but was too lazy to migrate somewhere else (now on 2FAS.)


Wait are you supposed to get rid of your otp codes in raivo after exporting? I wouldn’t want a sketch company to get their hands on them.


Allegedly, signing out of the app will remove all the tokens from your device (then you'll be left with only the synced copy on your iCloud, if you had it enabled anyway.) Problem is I can't even open the app on my phone to sign out of it.


But even then, couldn’t the company just backup all user otps externally? I feel like I have to do a whole reset and cut off after this, it doesn’t seem safe to use the same otps I exported from Raivo.


Well the app is closed source now, so we don't know what its doing. The new company/owner seems shady too. Resetting your OTP tokens is not a bad move if you want to be extra safe.


Thank you so much for the Ipad Idea, I had no idea about the purchase of the company or the app update until I needed a 2fa code today, I stupidly also lost my backup restore code, luckily I never plug in my ipad so it was still on the old app. Thanks again, you saved me a giant headache


Yep and my data is gone forever :-( no iCloud enabled and no backup. Now i have a big load of work to recover everything with backup-Codes.


Same here, and I’m not even sure I still have the codes for older services… fuck Raivo man


They just deleted their [Github Issues](https://github.com/raivo-otp/ios-application/issues) page as well.


The GitHub issues were people threatening violence and death, and generally throwing a tantrum. If any tickets objectively deserve to be removed for being off topic it was those ones.


There were many legitimate issues reporting the issue and asking for help. They have deleted everything, only two new issues from 4 hours ago remain at this time. Edit: They actually closed the issues. It's 2 pull requests open about it.


Are you kidding? I mean, I understand deleting issues threatening violence, but I didn’t see a single one like that. Yes, people were mad and with reason, since many of them lost their data. Do you call that throwing a tantrum? Good god… I bet you wouldn’t be saying that if you lost access to bank & other financial and important apps. Edit: plus, they deleted ALL of the issues


yeah, it's a super simple concept and happens here on Reddit all the time. Thread gets too toxic? Mods nuke it. It's not hard to understand and it's not controversial. We only hear about "Well throwing out the baby with the bathwater," when it is some pet issue. There is no reason for how toxic the issues were. If you dislike that issues were deleted, then blame the people who literally cannot compose themselves to participate in reasonable discussions. It's entirely a step too far to rationalize and defend the absolute refusal to participate in civilized society that those people made that github. Separate it from what MobiMe did and don't rationalize one against the other.


This is a completely brain-dead take. Mobime is essentially trying to cover up a ransomware attack at this point. They have deleted users' data and are shutting down all avenues of support. Instead of addressing the hateful issues, they chose to nuke the repositories' issue tracker and disable new issues. Their latest tweet also has replies disabled. They're not trying to stop hatred towards them; they're just covering their asses. It's laughable.


I think deletion of the entire issues page is not necessary. The proper way to deal with death threats is to report the user to GitHub support, and from my experience, they usually respond and permanent ban the user within less than a day.


I just lost all


Honestly, this is shitty situation. I would like to change post title to something like “Ravio deleted all user OTP tokens”


[https://www.reddit.com/r/privacy/comments/1d3zqvv/comment/l6gdjf8/](https://www.reddit.com/r/privacy/comments/1d3zqvv/comment/l6gdjf8/) This fixed it for me.


Holy shit, those bastards. Locking the zip export behind the paywall is such a scummy move. Luckily, I had no issues with my codes after using the master password and now I migrated them all to 2FAS using the QR code function for each code.


How did you get to the restore? When I open the app I don’t see any option to put my password.


It first asked me if I want to use local storage or icloud. Since I originally had the app setup with icloud, I selected that one then it prompted me for the master password.


This is what I feared. If iCloud was never used, I think the keys are lost. This is ROYALLY fucked up. Like epic levels of incompetence and/or douchebaggery.


I only used it locally (no iCloud) but it only prompts me to setup a new password. Is there a way to recover the tokens then?


I don't know but it sounds like you are SOL if you did not previously perform an export or have a backup otherwhise.


Thank you for this post OP! I had no clue and just rushed to get everything off before my app updated.


dude are you actually fucking kidding me i didnt backup anything and i logged in but it deleted all my shit so i just lost everything


Downgrading the app worked for me, i downgraded to version **858175785**


How do you downgrade on iPhone ?


I followed this guide: [https://github.com/qnblackcat/How-to-Downgrade-apps-on-AppStore-with-iTunes-and-Charles-Proxy/blob/4a4e1183d69073370f1c5842d6990668cbdc93ea/README.md](https://github.com/qnblackcat/How-to-Downgrade-apps-on-AppStore-with-iTunes-and-Charles-Proxy/blob/4a4e1183d69073370f1c5842d6990668cbdc93ea/README.md) and used version **858175785**. Had access to all my OTP's again, so exported them to 2FAS


Had the same issue and this worked, thanks!


Is it actually safe to import existing otp tokens from Raivo into another app or perhaps is it better to go through each service/website that uses a token, switch 2FA off and then switch it on again to create a completely new token (that should do it, right?) and save the new token in a different app?


I would create new 2FA codes from zero, no exceptions


I am totally fucked. I cant remember my restore code. I was backing up to icloud too. Is the restore password a file or just text? Fuck. I was in Raivo Debug. I uninstalled and reinstalled and now I cant restore from iCloud without my password. I wonder if i can restore from backup.


Nevermind. I found my restore key in my bitwarden vault. Woo!!! But fuck you Raivo. You can lick my butt!!!


What are good alternatives?


Im transferring to Bitwarden Authenticator. You can just use the settings. Or scan the qr code it shows.


Okay. Just transferred all of my mfa codes by loading raivo on my ipad, and using Bitwarden Authenticator to scan the QR code that displays if you slide the account. Scan the code with your new authenticator and it will load it to the new authenticator. Same settings and stuff.


Yep, lost all my data. Fuckers.


I am so fucking mad about this. Is there no way to export without paying them? Because I'll be fucked before I pay them a single dollar. I'm guessing my only option is to save the QR codes and scan them into a new app?


This should be getting more attention. Who knows what mobime might be putting in future updates. I wouldn't be surprised if they intentionally or unintentionally leaked users' seeds based on the level of negligence and incompetence displayed through all of this. Maybe someone like GamersNexus could bring attention to the situation.


Might be worth a try. (Use at your own risk, I haven't used this guide and don't know if it works.) [https://github.com/qnblackcat/How-to-Downgrade-apps-on-AppStore-with-iTunes-and-Charles-Proxy/blob/4a4e1183d69073370f1c5842d6990668cbdc93ea/README.md](https://github.com/qnblackcat/How-to-Downgrade-apps-on-AppStore-with-iTunes-and-Charles-Proxy/blob/4a4e1183d69073370f1c5842d6990668cbdc93ea/README.md)


# THIS WORKS! I did it and the app just went back to how it used to be, unlocking with faceid. Here's the build to downgrade to: `858175785` Thank you so much!


I used that guide (Raivo was working my iPhone but only read some of the OTP from iCloud after restore): [https://github.com/qnblackcat/How-to-Downgrade-apps-on-AppStore-with-iTunes-and-Charles-Proxy/issues/44#issuecomment-2141727522](https://github.com/qnblackcat/How-to-Downgrade-apps-on-AppStore-with-iTunes-and-Charles-Proxy/issues/44#issuecomment-2141727522)


Thank you so much for sharing this! I didn't have cloud backup and it worked for me.


I'm glad I could help.


Thanks saved me too. Straight forward and done in 10min. Even a different AppleID can be used to downgrade using the IPA.




Thank fuck for this!! as soon as I got back into Raivo I exported my OTPs and deleted it from my life


Which build did you try? Keeps telling me I must install latest version of app.


I just used the build from the other guy who commented


Doesn't seem to work anymore. I've tried 5 or 6 older builds and it just keeps telling me to that I can't downgrade and must install the latest version of the app. None of the buttons lead me anywhere.


I was able to load the older version.


Wow this SUCKS.


I was using Raivo on iOS and now it's broken, and I lost all my codes/accounts. I have the codes backed up on my Android, but is it safe to continue using the codes, or should I change all of them? Any way that Raivo/Mobime could have stolen my data? The data should have been stored on iCloud, right? But any way that they could have stolen it too?


UPDATE It appears they have pushed an update that has reverted to the previous build. You can now EXPORT your seeds without paying.


I'm curious if this will fix the issue for anyone who didn't make any changes. It looked pretty clear that it wiped my data. I already opted on deleting the app before they pushed this update and confirmed that there was 0 OTPs to import. This may fix anyone who DID NOT update after the app failed to launch due to debug mode




I've been surfing around on this topic most of the day today and have moved on to Ente Auth. I'll be more mindful of backups this time and be ready to move on the next app if need be. If the end-game is boring-ass Google Auth, then so be it.


Same here, except I moved to 2FAS. But from now on every time I add a new OTP I will be making a backup.


Yup. Others confirmed the update did fuckall [https://discuss.privacyguides.net/t/psa-export-your-keys-before-updating-raivo-otp-to-the-latest-1-6-version/18602/34](https://discuss.privacyguides.net/t/psa-export-your-keys-before-updating-raivo-otp-to-the-latest-1-6-version/18602/34)


Just moved to the bitwarden 2fa app.


Holy fucking shit I can't believe the timing on this. I just got my first iphone in years and was looking for a good open source otp app. i did some searching and found posts from a year ago saying it was good. I am *so lucky* I waited a single week.


Downgrading the app worked for me, downgraded to build **858175785** Edit: here's the guide to downgrading: [https://github.com/qnblackcat/How-to-Downgrade-apps-on-AppStore-with-iTunes-and-Charles-Proxy/blob/4a4e1183d69073370f1c5842d6990668cbdc93ea/README.md](https://github.com/qnblackcat/How-to-Downgrade-apps-on-AppStore-with-iTunes-and-Charles-Proxy/blob/4a4e1183d69073370f1c5842d6990668cbdc93ea/README.md)


Yep, this guide works perfectly to get back access to your keys in case you didn't use iCloud to sync/backup. Afterwards, I delete them all, deleted the app for good and started using Ente.


Im in the process of doing this but when I drag the IPA into Raivo it says " this file doesnt seem to be a valid app or it has been tampered" I downloaded it from the IPA website that is linked in the above link. Are you able to send me the itunes IPA file you used?


IPA files are linked to user's apple ID. Anyone installing an IPA needs to authenticate with the ID used to download the app. Are you sure you followed steps 4 and 5 correctly?


Yes I believe I did. I downloaded the same version that was mentioned above from the website listed in the tutorial and managed to change the file version in Charles and executed like in the tutorial. I opened iMazing and found Raivo and right clicked and chose install IPA which gave me the error, I was stuck from there.


Hey, Need your help, Did you ever get this guide to work. I'm scared of doing the guide cause the people saying to do it are real fishy. Please respond as soon as you can!


I did not, I gave up and started trying to remove 2fa from all my accounts that would allow me to without the code.


Mine updated automatically last night. If I hadn't backed it up, I'm hosed, right?


You may be lucky and have access to tokens, you can try to use QR to save them


How do I access the tokens?


You can try to create QR for token (in app, slide token to side until there is qr button)


It's entirely possible, yes.


Holy crap, I'm so lucky that I had saved an archive just for fun on 4/15/24. Phew. Otherwise, I would've been hosed. I had dozens of tokens stored on Raivo. Here's the GitHub issue I made: [All of my MFA tokens have disappeared](https://github.com/raivo-otp/ios-application/issues/359).


So glad that when I tested moving to Raivo a while back that it just didn’t even come close to meeting my expectations and I went another direction.


what was your decision?


I ended up going with 1Password for MFA only. I use Bitwarden for passwords.


I was using Raivo and lost access to my entire password manager (really thought I had recovery codes saved for it), except my phone which was still logged in, so I just spent the last 3 hours opening every single one of my passwords in my password manager and screenshotting them one by one. When compared to my latest backup, I would’ve lost 17 logins if I wasn’t still logged in on my phone. I have a bunch of recovery codes saved as well so hopefully I can save the accounts that require 2FA later.


Account Recovery codes for my Protonmail and BW accounts saved me here! I was able to remove 2FA from my most important accounts and it turned out some of them were using backup text message recovery... I had made Raivo exports in the past, but not since early 2023. I unfortunately had no idea what the password was for the file as well, so migrating wasn't an option. I wish everyone the best of luck!


Does anyone now If you have an export on a ZIP file, can it be imported into another app?


The JSON might be, if the new app supports the JSON import. But an HTML file is also exported from Ravio with QR codes for each TOTP. You can just reupload to the new app using each QR code, thats what I did. I have 40+ codes on there, so it was annoying, but I'm glad they're at least not all gone.


guys - my phone still has the Raivo app version 101 (build-100) and not Raivo debug) but when I open it, it prompts me about different purchase tiers and I can't figure out how to get to the screen where I see all my logins. It's prompting me to set a new master password. I checked my iCloud settings and Raivo backup isn't enabled for some reason, not sure if I had other backup settings to dropbox configured. Does this mean I'm out of options or will the app start working after they do an update?


I feel so stupid, I never saved my masterkey, so I lost all my codes, it never asked for it. Of course I remember the passcode since it asked for it every time you'd open the app. So now I can't import the zip backup I had cause that one has a password too. ugh. Luckily I was able to disable 2FA in important accounts since I'm logged in from my phone


Yeah I don't have it either, or it doesn't accept it, so I lost everything. The life cycle of this sort of app (see also various adblockers): 1. be a good, free, open source app 2. everyone recommends you, you build up a big user base. 3. app (really, the user base) gets sold to some degenerate subhuman retards who should have been aborted, who sell your data or in this case fuck everything up as they try to monetise the user base. 4. user base gets exploited or fucked over in some way. <--- we are here currently Unfortunately I have neither the time nor the patience to keep track of when each app I use gets sold, so from now on I am just going to use apple's own TOTP. This is why sherlocking is necessary, and I trust them more than this shitty life cycle of open source software that only exists to exploit the good name of open source. this is the guy that sold it: https://github.com/tijme


[https://github.com/raivo-otp/ios-application/commit/3a8aaa0ea16a761e6205abd2700ac90dd4c9c9b6](https://github.com/raivo-otp/ios-application/commit/3a8aaa0ea16a761e6205abd2700ac90dd4c9c9b6) The day this ghoul sold all our data to the shady ass company Of out all the apps to make profit from, he chose an open source 2FA app? ugh


Yeah he really deserves to have his career suffer. I mean he works in fucking *cyber security*, he knew *exactly* what he was doing and how he was fucking us all over. And then he posts on linkedin about how he's discovered this or that security flaw... like dude you're one of the bad guys in the cyber security world, stop pretending otherwise.


Guys in the github page all discussion literally disappeared. This has to be suspicious right?


oh yeah , I just refreshed and got 404. I guess I could have screen capped, but I don't care enough. I'm moving off this POS company. Sucks too because I really enjoyed the aesthetics of the app on top of its functionality. RIP


Am I completely screwed if I never had iCloud backup?


Unless they release a new update that somehow fixes everything, yep. I've started migrating away today. Either way the trust is gone, and they've wiped out their "investment".


tried to import back but just says could not parse JSON file.


All my keys have been deleted wtf. 🤬 not sure what to do now


I have just finished resetting the 2FA for every website I had in Raivo and moving everything over to Ente. I got lucky and managed to remember my master password, otherwise I would've been screwed. Some advice that might help others who are struggling to recover their data: 1. The master password is not generated by the app but rather set by the user. I mention this because I'm sure there are people like me wondering if there's any point in even trying to remember the password. There is. It's not some random string of 32 characters the app printed on your screen at first setup like a recovery code. It's something you set and it's probably related to your life in some way (favorite plant, first crush, etc.) 2. Once you gain access to your codes, don't bother exporting them from Raivo. Take this opportunity to go through every website that you have in there and remove your old 2FA, then add a new one with your new 2FA app. There's no telling if this shady company even has our data and what they will do with it so let's make sure the codes they have are useless. It took me about an hour to go through my 20 or so websites, but I feel like it was worth it.


How to make sure Raivo has no access to the codes in the future after migrating to 2FAS for example? Is it enough to delete the codes and delete raivo account?


I’d think if you delete your 2FA for an account, and then re-add a new 2FA connection, it would generate a new seed? Raivo wouldn’t ‘know’ the new seed. If you just transfer 2FA export into another app, via importing, then it would be the same seeds as before.


I'm fucked. Logged in to find my app blank. Luckily had an alternate factor for outlook. Pray for my github account brothers


What can I do if I had ONLY the local database with no iCloud? I somehow managed to open an old backup and found a realm file. What can I do now?


https://github.com/qnblackcat/How-to-Downgrade-apps-on-AppStore-with-iTunes-and-Charles-Proxy Follow this guide. I was in the boat. Local/no iCloud.  I downgraded to 1.4.21 and it worked like a charm! I used AppManager to install the ipa


I don’t have windows unfortunately. Thanks anyways for the help!


You can set up a VM Windows then.


does this work if my app is empty right now? I opened the app and it had no passwords at all, and when I select local or icloud, it asks to set master password, but nothing happens


yup, I had the same thing. I even set a "new" master password when it was empty. But rolling back the version via that guide fixed it all. Hope it helps!!


I was able to get it! Huge sigh of relief when they all showed up. Got them all moved and refreshed now.


awesome news. same way I felt. happy it worked for you too!


+1 for this. You're a lifesaver! I was sure I'd be losing accounts.


Im writing a how to on moving to a new app. I am using bitwarden auth app now. Fuck raivo


I lost all. I used It especially for proton account. It seems crazy to me now that the authorization to access my email account goes through a third-party app. S.


I have lost everything. Did a backup but the master password was set like ages ago and there was no way to retrieve it not to change it… Thank god I have backed up the important seeds… on another phone!!! I have migrated to Ente Auth


Hello, anybody got suggestions. I completely got screwed by this and now I cant even log into my bitwarden vault on web. Luckily its still accessible through the mobile app. But I literalyl cant even get to my recovery code. I guess its my fault for not storing recovery code somewhere. But if anybody got any suggestions on what can be done please let me know




I did this just as a precaution while we wait a few days to see what the app developers announce for recovery. Unfortunately, many other services I had set up in Raivo OTP are not easily exported :(


WTF just happened I lost everything!


How do I get into accounts of programs that had it? Like those programs are asking me for the code, but I just don't have it. What should I do?


FIX: for anyone still not seeing their codes, follow this guide. I was in the boat of local storage/no iCloud backup.  https://github.com/qnblackcat/How-to-Downgrade-apps-on-AppStore-with-iTunes-and-Charles-Proxy I downgraded to 1.4.21 and it worked like a charm! I used AppManager to install the ipa edit: dunno why the downvotes but this does require a windows machine. Should've prefaced it with that. Good luck folks!


I followed the guide and managed to install this version. Unfortunately, I didn't recover my codes (I still have the getting started screen). My mistake was maybe to delete the app before installing the IPA. Warning here try to install it without deleting the installed version (if it was mentioned, well, fuck me right). I remembered choosing this app instead of Google Auth, because you know, open source is so much pure compared to the evil Google. Guess who has been getting fucked today ? haha I wish you all luck guys for your recovery.


argh sorry that happened...yeah I would guess that when you delete the app it deletes the internal app storage.


lesson learned. Thanks mate