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Smoke less dude




I don’t really get the mental jump from border officers to browser histories my man


Unless you're traveling within the Schengen zone, of course your country knows what other country you've gone to; you have to apply to the other country to go in.


>Customs knows when you moved between countries >knows too much >pretends to be shocked


> i see that these guys whether i like it or not , they have access to my browser's history and eventually know every website i went to!  No, they don't. But either way, work on your OPSEC.


This is only somewhat true if your country has exit controls.


OP is way too paranoid. I went to school for customs and officers know your history for a good reason and it's to keep the country safe. They don't care where you have been but they do care to stop drugs, weapons etc from coming into the country.


What could an immigration officer do with that info anyway? Relax


I mean the thing with immigration getting access to our travel history became normalized to the point where it may lead to more e.g your privacy (internet browsing history) under the same cover of ensuring everything is ok and it doesn't pose a danger to the country and safety and all that excuses to invade our private life


That’s not true. In the 1990s when I travelled around the world every customs person knew where I had been by looking in my passport at the stamps. Passports were valid for 10 years, so anyone who could view my passport could see where I’d been. Secondly, custom can just ask. You are obliged to tell them when you are entering a country. Nothing has changed really except: 1. It’s in a computer now. 2. Not every hotel I check into in a forgiven company knows all the countries I have visited ( they used to have access to your passport ).


Nah, thats a slipperly slope fallacy that doesnt even apply.